Example #1
def udb_init_ifdbfiles_1day(day_in, fdbtype='IFDB'):
    '''Reads in the available IFDB files, for the given day, formatted YYYYMMDD'''
    # check for what type of filedb you're looking for
    # currently FDB, IFDB
    if fdbtype == 'IFDB':
        xdir = ifdbdir
    elif fdbtype == 'FDB':
        xdir = fdbdir
    elif fdbtype == 'UFDB':
        xdir = ufdbdir
        xdir = fdbdir
    ppp = day_in
    if fdbtype == 'FDB':
        fdbfile = xdir + fdbtype + ppp + '.txt'
        yyyy = day_in[0:4] + '/'
        fdbfile = xdir + yyyy + fdbtype + ppp + '.txt'

    #Now read in the ifdb entries from the file
    ifb = fdb.pfdb_read(fdbfile)
    return ifb
Example #2
def udb_reprocess_days(start_day, end_day):
    '''Reprocess UDB data from the start to end day. Reads in the IFDB files 
    for the time interval, and the previous and next days, sets status flags 
    to zero for all of the IFDB entries for the given day, and reprocesses 
    until the files are finished. Start and end days are passed in as time 
    strings YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 (or %Y-%m-%d HH:MM:SS). Days are inclusive, 
    so that if start_day = end_day, then that 1 day is processed.'''

    tform = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    time0 = time.mktime(time.strptime(start_day, tform))
    time1 = time.mktime(time.strptime(end_day, tform))
    #number of days to load
    ndays0 = int((time1 - time0) / one_day) + 1

    #get ifdb files for this time range, set status to 0 for all and rewrite
    ifdb_files = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays0, fdbtype='IFDB', day0=end_day)
    if len(ifdb_files) == 0:
        print "UDB_REPROCESS_DAYS: No files to process"
        print "Start_day = ", start_day
        print "End_day = ", end_day
        return []
    ifb = []
    for j in range(len(ifdb_files)):
        ifbj = fdb.pfdb_read(ifdb_files[j])
        if len(ifbj) > 0:
            ifb = ifb + ifbj
    if len(ifb) == 0:
        print "UDB_REPROCESS_DAYS: No files to process ???"
        print "Start_day = ", start_day
        print "End_day = ", end_day
        return []
    #set status to zero
    for j in range(len(ifb)):
        ifb[j].pstatus = 0
        print "Reset Pstatus: ", ifb[j].fileid
    #And rewrite the IFDB files
    ifdbfilesout = update_ifdb(ifb)
    #Now reprocess the ifdbs, adding days insures that we get scans
    #that overlap day boundaries
    ndays2 = 2 + ndays0
    #day02 will be day0 input
    day02 = time.strftime(tform, time.localtime(time1 + one_day))

    ufb_out = ['dummy']
    while len(ufb_out) > 0:
        ufb_out = udb_process(ndays=ndays2, day0=day02, reprocess=True)
        if len(ufb_out) > 0:
            print "UDB_REPROCESS_DAYS: Processed ", ufb_out
            print "UDB_REPROCESS_DAYS: No Processing "

    print "UDB_REPROCESS_DAYS: Finished Processing "
    print "Start_day = ", start_day
    print "End_day = ", end_day
    return ['OK']
Example #3
def update_ufdb(ufb, ndays=5, day0=None):
    '''Updates ufdb files, need to read the last ndays files, check to
    see if you're overwriting an entry, if not then append the new
    scan to the list and output. If so, replace the old entry, then
    output. Note that ufb is a 1-element list'''

    if len(ufb) == 0:
        print 'UPDATE_UFDB ERROR: No UFB input'

    files_out = []
    #get filenames
    ufdb_files = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays, fdbtype='UFDB', day0=day0)

    ufb_in = []
    if len(ufdb_files) == 0:
        #maybe there are none
        print 'UPDATE_UFDB: No UFDB files in range:'
        for j in range(len(ufdb_files)):
            ufbj = fdb.pfdb_read(ufdb_files[j])
            if len(ufbj) > 0:
                ufb_in = ufb_in + ufbj
    # If there is no ufb_in, then it's easy
    if len(ufb_in) == 0:
        ufb_out = ufb
        # Check to see if there is an entry for the current ufb
        uflist_in = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ufb_in)
        ufarray = array(uflist_in)
        # return the subscript
        ss_ufb_in = extract(ufarray == ufb[0].fileid,
        #I think ss_ufb_in should be a scalar..
        if len(ss_ufb_in) == 0:
            ufb_out = ufb_in + ufb
            # Get all of the entries that don't have this fileid
            ss_ufb_not = extract(ufarray != ufb[0].fileid,
            if len(ss_ufb_not) == 0:
                ufb_out = ufb
                ufb_out = []
                for j in range(len(ss_ufb_not)):
                    ufb_out = ufb_out + [ufb_in[ss_ufb_not[j]]]
                ufb_out = ufb_out + ufb
    #Here, now output the ufb_out entries
    files_out = []
    #Get days for each ufb entry
    ufdays = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ufb_out)
    for j in range(len(ufdays)):
        y = str.find(ufdays[j], 'DB')
        x0 = y + 2
        x1 = y + 10
        ufdays[j] = ufdays[j][x0:x1]

    #Get the filenames for the files,
    days_out = fdb.fdb_uniq_day(ufb_out)
    #Adjustment due to lack
    ndays_out = len(days_out)
    if ndays_out == 0:
        print 'UPDATE_UFDB Error: No days to process'
        #need an array of days for extract commands
        udyarr = array(ufdays)
        for j in range(ndays_out):
            #Find files with dates matching each day here, build a
            #list to output
            ufbj = extract(udyarr == days_out[j], ufb_out)
            ufbj_out = ufbj.tolist()
            if len(ufbj_out) == 0:
                print 'UPDATE_UFDB Error: No output for: ' + days[j]
                yyyy = days_out[j]
                yyyy = yyyy[:4]
                filenamej = ufdbdir + '/' + yyyy + '/' + 'UFDB' + days_out[
                    j] + '.txt'
                #check for yyyy
                if os.path.isdir(ufdbdir + yyyy) != True:
                    os.mkdir(ufdbdir + yyyy)
                fdb.pfdb_write(ufbj_out, filenamej)
                print 'Wrote: ' + filenamej
                files_out = files_out + [filenamej]

    return files_out
Example #4
def udb_fb2process(ndays=5, day0=None):
    '''Reads in the last N days of FDB files, and IFDB files, finds
    the IDB files that need processing, and returns the fdb ifdb
    classes for those files'''

    #get FDB, IFDB filenames
    fdbfiles = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays, day0=day0)
    if len(fdbfiles) == 0:
        print 'UDB_FB2PROCESS Error: No FDB files:'
        ifboops = []
        fboops = []
        return fboops, ifboops
    ifdbfiles = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays, fdbtype='IFDB', day0=day0)
    if len(ifdbfiles) == 0:
        # Not necessarily an error
        print 'UDB_FB2PROCESS: No IFDB files:'

    #read in the files
    fb = []
    for j in range(len(fdbfiles)):
        fbj = fdb.fdb_read(fdbfiles[j])
        if len(fbj) > 0:
            fb = fb + fbj
    ifb = []
    if len(ifdbfiles) > 0:
        for j in range(len(ifdbfiles)):
            ifbj = fdb.pfdb_read(ifdbfiles[j])
            if len(ifbj) > 0:
                ifb = ifb + ifbj

    #check for non-empty fb's first
    if len(fb) == 0:
        print "no data to process"
        otp = []
        return fb, otp

    #if I am here, I have IDB files from the FDB. Do I have PFDB entries?
    if len(ifb) == 0:
        print "no IFDB entries, process all FDB entries"
        #For each FDB entry, create a IFDB entry, with pstatus = 0
        for j in range(len(fb)):
            ifbj = fdb.pfiledb(fb[j].fileid, fb[j].scanid, fb[j].sourceid,
                               fb[j].projectid, fb[j].st_ts, fb[j].en_ts, 0)
        return fb, ifb

    #if I am here, I have both FDB and IFDB entries, for each FDB,
    #check to see if there is a corresponding IFDB. If not, create one
    #with pstatus = 0
    iflist = fdb.fdb_list_fileid(ifb)
    iidarray = array(iflist)
    ifb_out = []
    for j in range(len(fb)):
        fileidj = fb[j].fileid
        ifbtemp = extract(iidarray == fileidj, ifb)
        if (len(ifbtemp) > 0):
            ifb_outj = ifbtemp[0]
            ifb_outj = fdb.pfiledb(fb[j].fileid, fb[j].scanid, fb[j].sourceid,
                                   fb[j].projectid, fb[j].st_ts, fb[j].en_ts,
    return fb, ifb_out
Example #5
def udb_process_spec(ndays=3):
    '''This process reads the UDB filedb and creates spectral FITS
    files for each scan as necessary '''

    import subprocess
    #Read in UFDB files and check status.
    ufdbfiles = udb_init_fdbfiles(ndays=ndays, fdbtype='UFDB')
    if len(ufdbfiles) == 0:
        print 'UDB_PROCESS_SPEC Error: No UFDB files:'
        ufboops = []
        return ufboops

    ufb = []
    for j in range(len(ufdbfiles)):
        ufbj = fdb.pfdb_read(ufdbfiles[j])
        if len(ufbj) > 0:
            ufb = ufb + ufbj

    #check for non-empty ufb's
    if len(ufb) == 0:
        print "UDB_PROCESS_SPEC: no data to process"
        return ufb

    #If I am here, I have a valid ufb, but do I have status = 0, If
    #so, get the first one and process it.
    do_this_file = -1
    for j in range(len(ufb)):
        if do_this_file == -1:
            if ufb[j].pstatus == 0:
                do_this_file = j

    #the variable do_this_file now contains the first filename, unless
    #it's -1, then no processing happens
    if do_this_file == -1:
        print "UDB_PROCESS_SPEC: no data to process"
        print 'UDB_PROCESS_SPEC: finished successfully'
        ufb_out = []
        idlfile = "/home/user/workdir/udb_process_spec.pro"
        f = open(idlfile, 'w')
        s = "message, /info, 'No data to process'\n"
        s = "end\n"
        return ufb_out

    ufileid = ufb[do_this_file].fileid
    yyyy = ufileid[3:7]
    print 'Processing: ', ufileid
    ufilename = udbdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid
    # Write text files for xtsys, ytsys, sfreq  and header for this file
    xtsysfile = udbtxtdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid + '_xtsys.txt'
    ytsysfile = udbtxtdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid + '_ytsys.txt'
    sfreqfile = udbtxtdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid + '_sfreq.txt'
    TaskVarplt(vis=ufilename, xaxis='time', yaxis='xtsys', log=xtsysfile).run()
    TaskVarplt(vis=ufilename, xaxis='time', yaxis='ytsys', log=ytsysfile).run()
    TaskVarplt(vis=ufilename, xaxis='time', yaxis='sfreq', log=sfreqfile).run()
    hdrfile = udbtxtdir + yyyy + '/' + ufileid + '_hdr.txt'
    TaskPrintHead(in_=ufilename, log=hdrfile).run()

    # Here figure out how to call the IDL process from here, write a
    # batch file and run ssw_batch using the subprocess command
    # 2014-06-26. Instead, just create the batch file and we will run
    # ssw_batch directly from the shell script

    idlfile = "/home/user/workdir/udb_process_spec.pro"
    f = open(idlfile, 'w')
    s = "fileid = '" + ufileid + "'\n"
    s = "hdrfile = '" + hdrfile + "'\n"
    s = "sfreqfile = '" + sfreqfile + "'\n"
    s = "xtsysfile = '" + xtsysfile + "'\n"
    s = "ytsysfile = '" + ytsysfile + "'\n"
    s = "eovsa_write_pwrfits, fileid, hdrfile, sfreqfile, xtsysfile, ytsysfile\n"
    s = "end\n"

    #subprocess is not dealing correctly with ssw_batch arguments, so write a shell script to spawn
    #    shellfile = "/home/user/workdir/udb_process_specpro.csh"
    #    f = open(shellfile, 'w')
    #    f.write("#! /bin/csh\n")
    #    f.write(" \n")
    #    f.write("ssw_batch "+idlfile+"\n")
    #    f.close

    #hard coded, BECAUSE PYTHON SUCKS
    #    subprocess.call(["/bin/csh", "/home/user/workdir/udb_process_specpro.sh"])

    #    os.spawnl("ssw_batch udb_process_spec.pro")
    #    subprocess.call(["ssw_batch", "udb_process_spec.pro"])
    #    subprocess.call(["ssw_batch", "/home/user/workdir/udb_process_spec.pro"])

    #    subprocess.call(["rm", "-f", idlfile])

    ufb[do_this_file].pstatus = 1
    ufb_out = [ufb[do_this_file]]
    #Write out ufdb entry, ufb_out is a 1 element list
    ufb_files_out = update_ufdb(ufb_out, ndays=ndays)
    print 'UDB_PROCESS_SPEC: Processed Spectra for: ' + ufileid
    print 'UDB_PROCESS_SPEC: finished successfully'

    return ufb_out