Example #1
def create(name, fidl, filterf, nod=True):
    """Use a fild file to create a metadata label table, using the json
    filter file to convert, rename, and reorganize labels as needed.

    name : str
        The name of the csv file (inculde extension)
    fidl : str
        The name of the .fidl file
    filterf : str
        The name of the filer json file (see Note for format details)
    nod : Boolean
        Write SPM compatile NOD (Names, Onsets, Durations) .mat files

    Overall filterf has two goals. 1. Configure create() for the 
    current exp.  2. Remap/join labels/conditions from the fidl file
    before using them in the csv.  Fidl names are often rather
    confusing and noisy.

    The filterf should be valid json file, where the top level
    is a list.  The first element in that list must be the exp parameters
    in a dict.  The next and remaining elements are dicts whose keys 
    will become a colname in the csv.  The values are the 
    fuzzy_label : label pairs.

    Nothing is done to validate the filterf.  Use with care and
    double check the results.

    For example (delete comments (#) before use/validation):
        # The parameters
                "triallen" : 5, 
                "condcol" : 2,
                "trialcol" : 4,
                "final_ncol" : 8
        # The first filteration, col with be trial
        # and each fidl match on the right gets 
        # coded as 'trial'
                "trial": {
                    "1FaceCor1" : "trial",
                    "2FaceCor2" :  "trial",
                    "3FaceCor3" :  "trial",
                    "4FaceCor4" : "trial",
                    "5FaceCor5" : "trial",
                    "6HouseCor1" : "trial",
                    "7HouseCor2" : "trial",
                    "8HouseCor3" :  "trial",
                    "9HouseCor4" :  "trial",
                    "10HouseCor5" :  "trial",
                    "11NoiseResp1" : "trial",
                    "12NoiseResp2" : "trial",
                    "13NoiseResp3" : "trial",
                    "14NoiseResp4" : "trial",
                    "15NoiseResp5" : "trial",
                    "16NoiseResp5" : "trial",
                    "16MultiResp" :  "trial",
                    "17NoResp" : "trial"
        # Col is rt, and both Cor1 and Resp1
        # get remapped to rt1 (and repeat for 2, 3 ...)
                "rt": {
                    "Cor1" : "rt1",
                    "Cor2" : "rt2",
                    "Cor3" : "rt3",
                    "Cor4" : "rt4",
                    "Resp1" : "rt1",
                    "Resp2" : "rt2",
                    "Resp3" : "rt3",
                    "Resp4" : "rt4"
        # And so on....
                "exp": {
                    "Face" : "face",
                    "House" : "house",
                    "Noise" : "noise"

    fidl_to_csv(fidlfile, name, 0)
    ## Write a csv to disk

    filterdata = load(open(filterf, 'r'))
    expdata = filterdata.pop(0)
    condcol = expdata["condcol"]
    trialcol = expdata["trialcol"]
    triallen = expdata["triallen"]

    for fd in filterdata:
        fuzzy_label(name, condcol, _get_filt(fd), _get_name(fd), header=True)

    # Add the name of the fidl file as a factor
    dname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fidl))[0]
    if len(dname) < 3:
        dname += "__"

    sublab = {"trial": dname}
    fuzzy_label(name, trialcol, sublab, "scode", header=True)

    # Fill in TR time
    tdur = {"trial": triallen}
    tr_time(name, trialcol, tdur, drop=True, header=True)
    ncol = expdata["final_ncol"]
                              "trtime_" + os.path.basename(name)),

    # Be SPM compatible?
    if nod:
        csvdata = pd.read_csv(name)
        names = csvdata["rt"]
        trials = csvdata["trial"]
        onsets = csvdata["TR"]

        durations = np.array([
        ] * len(trials))
            names, onsets, durations,
                "nod_" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] + ".mat"))
if len(sys.argv[1:]) > 1:
    raise ValueError("Too many arguments.")
fidlfile = sys.argv[1]
basename = os.path.splitext(fidlfile)[0]
    ## drop the fidl extension

# ----
# 0. "Globals"
triallen = 5    ## The length (in TR) of each trial
condcol = 2     ## The location in csv_f of the cond names
trialcol = 4    ## The location in csv_f of the trial desginator

# and convert the fidl to csv, 
# and write that csv to disk.
csv_f = basename + ".csv"
fidl_to_csv(fidlfile, csv_f, 0)

# ----
# 2. Separate trials from events we want to ignore
triallab = {
        "1Right" : "trial",
        "2Left" : "trial",
        "0fix" : "trial",
        "4NoResp" : "trial"}
fuzzy_label(csv_f, condcol, triallab, "trial", header=True)

# ----
# 4. Add labels for rt independent of stim type
resplab = {
    "Right" : "right",
    "Left" : "left"}
if len(sys.argv[1:]) > 1:
    raise ValueError("Too many arguments.")
fidlfile = sys.argv[1]
basename = os.path.splitext(fidlfile)[0]
## drop the fidl extension

# ----
# 0. "Globals"
triallen = 5  ## The length (in TR) of each trial
condcol = 2  ## The location in csv_f of the cond names
trialcol = 4  ## The location in csv_f of the trial desginator

# and convert the fidl to csv,
# and write that csv to disk.
csv_f = basename + ".csv"
fidl_to_csv(fidlfile, csv_f, 0)

# ----
# 2. Separate trials from events we want to ignore
triallab = {
    "1FaceCor1": "trial",
    "2FaceCor2": "trial",
    "3FaceCor3": "trial",
    "4FaceCor4": "trial",
    "5FaceCor5": "trial",
    "6HouseCor1": "trial",
    "7HouseCor2": "trial",
    "8HouseCor3": "trial",
    "9HouseCor4": "trial",
    "10HouseCor5": "trial",
    "11NoiseResp1": "trial",
Example #4
def create(name, fidl, filterf, nod=True):
    """Use a fild file to create a metadata label table, using the json
    filter file to convert, rename, and reorganize labels as needed.

    name : str
        The name of the csv file (inculde extension)
    fidl : str
        The name of the .fidl file
    filterf : str
        The name of the filer json file (see Note for format details)
    nod : Boolean
        Write SPM compatile NOD (Names, Onsets, Durations) .mat files

    Overall filterf has two goals. 1. Configure create() for the 
    current exp.  2. Remap/join labels/conditions from the fidl file
    before using them in the csv.  Fidl names are often rather
    confusing and noisy.

    The filterf should be valid json file, where the top level
    is a list.  The first element in that list must be the exp parameters
    in a dict.  The next and remaining elements are dicts whose keys 
    will become a colname in the csv.  The values are the 
    fuzzy_label : label pairs.

    Nothing is done to validate the filterf.  Use with care and
    double check the results.

    For example (delete comments (#) before use/validation):
        # The parameters
                "triallen" : 5, 
                "condcol" : 2,
                "trialcol" : 4,
                "final_ncol" : 8
        # The first filteration, col with be trial
        # and each fidl match on the right gets 
        # coded as 'trial'
                "trial": {
                    "1FaceCor1" : "trial",
                    "2FaceCor2" :  "trial",
                    "3FaceCor3" :  "trial",
                    "4FaceCor4" : "trial",
                    "5FaceCor5" : "trial",
                    "6HouseCor1" : "trial",
                    "7HouseCor2" : "trial",
                    "8HouseCor3" :  "trial",
                    "9HouseCor4" :  "trial",
                    "10HouseCor5" :  "trial",
                    "11NoiseResp1" : "trial",
                    "12NoiseResp2" : "trial",
                    "13NoiseResp3" : "trial",
                    "14NoiseResp4" : "trial",
                    "15NoiseResp5" : "trial",
                    "16NoiseResp5" : "trial",
                    "16MultiResp" :  "trial",
                    "17NoResp" : "trial"
        # Col is rt, and both Cor1 and Resp1
        # get remapped to rt1 (and repeat for 2, 3 ...)
                "rt": {
                    "Cor1" : "rt1",
                    "Cor2" : "rt2",
                    "Cor3" : "rt3",
                    "Cor4" : "rt4",
                    "Resp1" : "rt1",
                    "Resp2" : "rt2",
                    "Resp3" : "rt3",
                    "Resp4" : "rt4"
        # And so on....
                "exp": {
                    "Face" : "face",
                    "House" : "house",
                    "Noise" : "noise"

    fidl_to_csv(fidlfile, name, 0)
    ## Write a csv to disk

    filterdata = load(open(filterf, "r"))
    expdata = filterdata.pop(0)
    condcol = expdata["condcol"]
    trialcol = expdata["trialcol"]
    triallen = expdata["triallen"]

    for fd in filterdata:
        fuzzy_label(name, condcol, _get_filt(fd), _get_name(fd), header=True)

    # Add the name of the fidl file as a factor
    dname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fidl))[0]
    if len(dname) < 3:
        dname += "__"

    sublab = {"trial": dname}
    fuzzy_label(name, trialcol, sublab, "scode", header=True)

    # Fill in TR time
    tdur = {"trial": triallen}
    tr_time(name, trialcol, tdur, drop=True, header=True)
    ncol = expdata["final_ncol"]
    fill_tr_gaps(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(name), "trtime_" + os.path.basename(name)), ncol, fill="nan")

    # Be SPM compatible?
    if nod:
        csvdata = pd.read_csv(name)
        names = csvdata["rt"]
        trials = csvdata["trial"]
        onsets = csvdata["TR"]

        durations = np.array([triallen] * len(trials))
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(name), "nod_" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] + ".mat"),