Example #1
class Predict:

    def __init__(self, model, version=0, output_format=None, label=None):
        LOG.debug('Starting predict...')
        self.model = model
        self.version = version
        self.param = Parameters()
        self.conveyor = Conveyor()

        # identify the workflow type

        # load modelID
        success, result = utils.getModelID(model, version, 'model')
        if not success:
            LOG.critical(f'{result}. Aborting...')

        self.conveyor.addMeta('modelID', result)
        LOG.debug (f'Loaded model with modelID: {result}')

        # assign prediction label
        self.conveyor.addVal(label, 'prediction_label', 'prediction label',
                    'method', 'single',
                    'Label used to identify the prediction')

        success, results = self.param.loadYaml(model, version)
        if not success:
            LOG.critical(f'Unable to load model parameters. {results}. Aborting...')

        # add additional output formats included in the constructor 
        # this is requiered to add JSON format as output when the object is
        # instantiated from a web service call, requiring this output   
        if output_format != None:
            if output_format not in self.param.getVal('output_format'):
            if 'ghost' in output_format:
                self.param.setVal('output_similar', False)


    def get_ensemble(self):
        ''' Returns a Boolean indicating if the model uses external input
            sources and a list with these sources '''
        return self.param.getEnsemble()

    def set_single_CPU(self) -> None:
        ''' Forces the use of a single CPU '''
        LOG.debug('parameter "numCPUs" forced to be 1')

    def run(self, input_source):
        ''' Executes a default predicton workflow '''

        # path to endpoint
        endpoint = utils.model_path(self.model, self.version)
        # if not os.path.isdir(endpoint):
        #     self.conveyor.setError(f'Unable to find model {self.model}, version {self.version}')
        #     #LOG.error(f'Unable to find model {self.model}')

        # if not self.conveyor.getError():
        # uses the child classes within the 'model' folder,
        # to allow customization of
        # the processing applied to each model
        modpath = utils.module_path(self.model, self.version)

        idata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".idata_child")
        apply_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".apply_child")
        odata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".odata_child")

        # run idata object, in charge of generate model data from input
            idata = idata_child.IdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor, input_source)
            LOG.warning ('Idata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Idata parent')
            idata = Idata(self.param, self.conveyor, input_source)

        LOG.debug(f'idata child {type(idata).__name__} completed `run()`')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            success, results = idata.preprocess_apply()
            if not success:

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # make sure there is X data
            if not self.conveyor.isKey('xmatrix'):
                LOG.debug(f'Failed to compute MDs')
                self.conveyor.setError(f'Failed to compute MDs')

        # for secret models avoid searching similar compounds
        space_pkl = os.path.join(endpoint,'space.pkl')
        if not os.path.isfile(space_pkl):
            self.param.setVal('output_similar', False)

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            if self.param.getVal('output_similar') is True:

                from flame.sapply import Sapply

                metric = self.param.getVal('similarity_metric')
                numsel = self.param.getVal('similarity_cutoff_num')
                cutoff = self.param.getVal('similarity_cutoff_distance')
                # sapply = Sapply(self.param, self.conveyor)

                sapply_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".sapply_child")

                # run apply object, in charge of generate a prediction from idata
                    sapply = sapply_child.SapplyChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                    LOG.warning ('Sapply child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Sapply parent')
                    sapply = Sapply(self.param, self.conveyor)

                sapply.run(cutoff, numsel, metric)
                LOG.debug(f'sapply child {type(sapply).__name__} completed `run()`')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # run apply object, in charge of generate a prediction from idata
                apply = apply_child.ApplyChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                LOG.warning ('Apply child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Apply parent')
                apply = Apply(self.param, self.conveyor)

            LOG.debug(f'apply child {type(apply).__name__} completed `run()`')

        # run odata object, in charge of formatting the prediction results
        # note that if any of the above steps failed, an error has been inserted in the
        # conveyor and odata will take case of showing an error message
            odata = odata_child.OdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
            LOG.warning ('Odata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Odata parent')
            odata = Odata(self.param, self.conveyor)

        return odata.run()
Example #2
class Predict:
    def __init__(self, model, version=0, output_format=None, label=None):
        LOG.debug('Starting predict...')
        self.model = model
        self.version = version
        self.param = Parameters()
        self.conveyor = Conveyor()

        self.conveyor.addVal(label, 'prediction_label', 'prediction label',
                             'method', 'single',
                             'Label used to identify the prediction')

        if not self.param.loadYaml(model, version):
            LOG.critical('Unable to load model parameters. Aborting...')

        # add additional output formats included in the constructor
        # this is requiered to add JSON format as output when the object is
        # instantiated from a web service call, requiring this output
        if output_format != None:
            if output_format not in self.param.getVal('output_format'):
                self.param.appVal('output_format', output_format)


    def get_ensemble(self):
        ''' Returns a Boolean indicating if the model uses external input
            sources and a list with these sources '''
        return self.param.getEnsemble()

    def set_single_CPU(self) -> None:
        ''' Forces the use of a single CPU '''
        LOG.debug('parameter "numCPUs" forced to be 1')
        self.param.setVal('numCPUs', 1)

    def run(self, input_source):
        ''' Executes a default predicton workflow '''

        # path to endpoint
        # path to endpoint
        endpoint = utils.model_path(self.model, self.version)
        if not os.path.isdir(endpoint):
                f'Unable to find model {self.model}, version {self.version}')
            #LOG.error(f'Unable to find model {self.model}')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # uses the child classes within the 'model' folder,
            # to allow customization of
            # the processing applied to each model
            modpath = utils.module_path(self.model, self.version)

            idata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath + ".idata_child")
            apply_child = importlib.import_module(modpath + ".apply_child")
            odata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath + ".odata_child")

            # run idata object, in charge of generate model data from input
                idata = idata_child.IdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor,
                    'Idata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Idata parent'
                idata = Idata(self.param, self.conveyor, input_source)

            LOG.debug(f'idata child {type(idata).__name__} completed `run()`')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # make sure there is X data
            if not self.conveyor.isKey('xmatrix'):
                LOG.debug(f'Failed to compute MDs')
                self.conveyor.setError(f'Failed to compute MDs')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # run apply object, in charge of generate a prediction from idata
                apply = apply_child.ApplyChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                    'Apply child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Apply parent'
                apply = Apply(self.param, self.conveyor)

            LOG.debug(f'apply child {type(apply).__name__} completed `run()`')

        # run odata object, in charge of formatting the prediction results
        # note that if any of the above steps failed, an error has been inserted in the
        # conveyor and odata will take case of showing an error message
            odata = odata_child.OdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                'Odata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Odata parent'
            odata = Odata(self.param, self.conveyor)

        return odata.run()
Example #3
class Build:
    def __init__(self,
        LOG.debug('Starting build...')
        self.model = model
        self.param = Parameters()
        self.conveyor = Conveyor()

        # load parameters
        if param_file is not None:
            # use the param_file to update existing parameters at the model
            # directory and save changes to make them persistent
            success, message = self.param.delta(model,

        elif param_string is not None:
            success, message = self.param.delta(model,

            # load parameter file at the model directory
            success, message = self.param.loadYaml(model, 0)

        # being unable to load parameters is a critical error
        if not success:
                f'Unable to load model parameters. "{message}" Aborting...')

        # add additional output formats included in the constructor
        # this is requiered to add JSON format as output when the object is
        # instantiated from a web service call, requiring this output
        if output_format is not None:
            if output_format not in self.param.getVal('output_format'):
                self.param.appVal('output_format', output_format)

    def get_ensemble(self):
        ''' Returns a Boolean indicating if the model uses external input
            sources and a list with these sources '''
        return self.param.getEnsemble()

    def set_single_CPU(self) -> None:
        ''' Forces the use of a single CPU '''
        LOG.debug('parameter "numCPUs" forced to be 1')
        self.param.setVal('numCPUs', 1)

    def run(self, input_source):
        ''' Executes a default predicton workflow '''

        # path to endpoint
        epd = utils.model_path(self.model, 0)
        if not os.path.isdir(epd):
            self.conveyor.setError(f'Unable to find model {self.model}')
            #LOG.error(f'Unable to find model {self.model}')

        # import ichild classes
        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # uses the child classes within the 'model' folder,
            # to allow customization of  the processing applied to each model
            modpath = utils.module_path(self.model, 0)

            idata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath + ".idata_child")
            learn_child = importlib.import_module(modpath + ".learn_child")
            odata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath + ".odata_child")

            # run idata object, in charge of generate model data from input
                idata = idata_child.IdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor,
                    'Idata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Idata parent'
                idata = Idata(self.param, self.conveyor, input_source)
            LOG.debug(f'idata child {type(idata).__name__} completed `run()`')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # check there is a suitable X and Y
            if not self.conveyor.isKey('xmatrix'):
                self.conveyor.setError(f'Failed to compute MDs')

            if not self.conveyor.isKey('ymatrix'):
                    f'No activity data (Y) found in training series')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # instantiate learn (build a model from idata) and run it
            learn = learn_child.LearnChild(self.param, self.conveyor)

                learn = learn_child.LearnChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                    'Learn child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Learn parent'
                learn = Learn(self.param, self.conveyor)

            LOG.debug(f'learn child {type(learn).__name__} completed `run()`')

        # run odata object, in charge of formatting the prediction results
        # note that if any of the above steps failed, an error has been inserted in the
        # conveyor and odata will take case of showing an error message
            odata = odata_child.OdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                'Odata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Odata parent'
            odata = Odata(self.param, self.conveyor)

        return odata.run()
Example #4
class Build:

    def __init__(self, model, param_file=None, param_string=None, output_format=None):
        LOG.debug('Starting build...')
        self.model = model
        self.param = Parameters()
        self.conveyor = Conveyor()

        # identify the workflow type

        # generate a unique modelID
        LOG.debug(f'Generated new model with modelID: {self.conveyor.getMeta("modelID")}')

        # load parameters
        if param_file is not None:
            # use the param_file to update existing parameters at the model
            # directory and save changes to make them persistent
            success, message = self.param.delta(model, 0, param_file, iformat='YAML')

        elif param_string is not None:
            success, message = self.param.delta(model, 0, param_string, iformat='JSONS')

            # load parameter file at the model directory
            success, message = self.param.loadYaml(model, 0)

        # being unable to load parameters is a critical error
        if not success:
            LOG.critical(f'Unable to load model parameters. {message}. Aborting...')

        # add additional output formats included in the constructor 
        # this is requiered to add JSON format as output when the object is
        # instantiated from a web service call, requiring this output   
        if output_format is not None:
            if output_format not in self.param.getVal('output_format'):

        if self.param.getVal('confidential'):
    def confidentialAuditParam (self):
        import yaml

        original_method = self.param.getVal('model')
        if self.param.getVal ('quantitative'):
            if original_method != 'PLSR':
                self.param.setVal('model', 'PLSR')
                LOG.info (f'CONFIDENTIALITY AUDIT: the model was set to PLSR, '
                f'the original method {original_method} was not suitable to build confidential models')
            if original_method != 'PLSDA':
                self.param.setVal('model', 'PLSDA')
                LOG.info (f'CONFIDENTIALITY AUDIT: the model was set to PLSDA, '
                f'the original method {original_method} was not suitable to build confidential models')
        # TODO: conformal support
        if self.param.getVal('conformal'):
            self.param.setVal('conformal', False)
            LOG.info ('CONFIDENTIALITY AUDIT: conformal was set to False. '
            'Conformal models are not supported for now in confidential models')

        parameters_file_path = utils.model_path(self.model, 0)
        parameters_file_name = os.path.join (parameters_file_path,
        with open(parameters_file_name, 'w') as pfile:
            yaml.dump (self.param.p, pfile)

    def get_ensemble(self):
        ''' Returns a Boolean indicating if the model uses external input
            sources and a list with these sources '''
        return self.param.getEnsemble()

    def extend_modelID (self, ensembleID):
        modelID = self.conveyor.getMeta('modelID')
        modelID = f'{modelID}-{ensembleID}'
        self.conveyor.addMeta('modelID', modelID)
        LOG.debug (f'modelID re-defined as {self.conveyor.getVal("modelID")}')

    def set_single_CPU(self) -> None:
        ''' Forces the use of a single CPU '''
        LOG.debug('parameter "numCPUs" forced to be 1')

    def run(self, input_source):
        ''' Executes a default predicton workflow '''

        # path to endpoint
        epd = utils.model_path(self.model, 0)
        # if not os.path.isdir(epd):
        #     self.conveyor.setError(f'Unable to find model {self.model}')
        #     #LOG.error(f'Unable to find model {self.model}')

        # import ichild classes
        # if not self.conveyor.getError():
        # uses the child classes within the 'model' folder,
        # to allow customization of  the processing applied to each model
        modpath = utils.module_path(self.model, 0)

        idata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".idata_child")
        learn_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".learn_child")
        odata_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".odata_child")

        # run idata object, in charge of generate model data from input
            idata = idata_child.IdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor, input_source)
            LOG.warning ('Idata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Idata parent')
            idata = Idata(self.param, self.conveyor, input_source)
        LOG.debug(f'idata child {type(idata).__name__} completed `run()`')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            success, results = idata.preprocess_create()
            if not success:

        if not self.conveyor.getError():
            # check there is a suitable X and Y
            if not self.conveyor.isKey ('xmatrix'):
                self.conveyor.setError(f'Failed to compute MDs')

            if not self.conveyor.isKey ('ymatrix'):
                self.conveyor.setError(f'No activity data (Y) found in training series')
            # run optional chemical space building for supporting "closest" training series object
            # if self.param.getVal('buildSimilarity'):
            if self.param.getVal('output_similar') is True:

                from flame.slearn import Slearn

                slearn_child = importlib.import_module(modpath+".slearn_child")
                if not self.conveyor.getError():
                    # instantiate learn (build a space from idata) and run it
                        slearn = slearn_child.SlearnChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                        LOG.warning ('Slearn child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Learn parent')
                        slearn = Slearn(self.param, self.conveyor)

                    LOG.debug(f'slearn child {type(slearn).__name__} completed `run()`')

        if not self.conveyor.getError():

            # instantiate learn (build a model from idata) and run it
                learn = learn_child.LearnChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
                LOG.warning ('Learn child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Learn parent')
                learn = Learn(self.param, self.conveyor)

            LOG.debug(f'learn child {type(learn).__name__} completed `run()`')

        # run odata object, in charge of formatting the prediction results
        # note that if any of the above steps failed, an error has been inserted in the
        # conveyor and odata will take case of showing an error message
            odata = odata_child.OdataChild(self.param, self.conveyor)
            LOG.warning ('Odata child architecture mismatch, defaulting to Odata parent')
            odata = Odata(self.param, self.conveyor)

        return odata.run()