Example #1
 def test_rotate(self):
     t = Transform()
     assert t.rotate(math.pi / 2) == Transform(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
     t = Transform()
     assert t.rotate(-math.pi / 2) == Transform(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
     t = Transform()
     assert tuple(t.rotate(math.radians(30))) == pytest.approx(
         tuple(Transform(0.866025, 0.5, -0.5, 0.866025, 0, 0)))
Example #2
 def test_rotate(self):
     t = Transform()
     assert t.rotate(math.pi / 2) == Transform(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)
     t = Transform()
     assert t.rotate(-math.pi / 2) == Transform(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
     t = Transform()
     assert tuple(t.rotate(math.radians(30))) == pytest.approx(
         tuple(Transform(0.866025, 0.5, -0.5, 0.866025, 0, 0)))
Example #3
    def distributeOnPath(self, path, offset=0, cc=None, notfound=None):
        if cc:
            cutter = cc
            cutter = CurveCutter(path)
        limit = len(self.pens)
        for idx, p in enumerate(self.pens):
            f = p.getFrame()
            bs = f.y
            ow = offset + f.x + f.w / 2
            #if ow < 0:
            #    if notfound:
            #        notfound(p)
            if ow > cutter.length:
                limit = min(idx, limit)
                _p, tangent = cutter.subsegmentPoint(end=ow)
                x_shift = bs * math.cos(math.radians(tangent))
                y_shift = bs * math.sin(math.radians(tangent))
                t = Transform()
                t = t.translate(_p[0] + x_shift - f.x, _p[1] + y_shift - f.y)
                t = t.translate(f.x, f.y)
                t = t.rotate(math.radians(tangent - 90))
                t = t.translate(-f.x, -f.y)
                t = t.translate(-f.w * 0.5)

        if limit < len(self.pens):
            self.pens = self.pens[0:limit]
        return self
Example #4
def getKernel(radius, amplitude=1, depth=50, angle=0):
    >>> a = getKernel(5)
    >>> a[(0,0)]
    >>> a[(2,0)]
    t = Transform()
    t = t.rotate(angle)
    lines = getCircle(0, 0, radius)
    sigma = (radius+1) / math.sqrt(2*math.log(depth))
    grid = {}
    total = 0
    for y, (xMin, xMax) in lines.items():
        for x in range(xMin, xMax+1, 1):
            g = xyGaussian(x,y, amplitude, 0, 0, sigma, sigma)
            grid[(x,y)]=grid.get((x,y), 0)+g
            total += g
    # scale the amplitude based on the total
    grid = {k: float(v)/total for k, v in grid.items()}
    # rotate the grid
    grid = grid
    new = {}
    for k, v in grid.items():
        k_ = t.transformPoint(k)
        new[k_] = v
    grid = new
    return grid
Example #5
 def rotate(self, degrees, point=None):
     t = Transform()
     if not point:
         point = self.point("C")
     t = t.translate(point.x, point.y)
     t = t.rotate(math.radians(degrees))
     t = t.translate(-point.x, -point.y)
     return self.transform(t)
def makeTransform(x, y, rotation, scalex, scaley, tcenterx, tcentery, scaleUsesCenter=True):
    rotation = math.radians(rotation)
    if not scaleUsesCenter:
        tcenterx *= scalex
        tcentery *= scaley
        t = Transform()
        t = t.translate(x + tcenterx, y + tcentery)
        t = t.rotate(rotation)
        t = t.translate(-tcenterx, -tcentery)
        t = t.scale(scalex, scaley)
        t = Transform()
        t = t.translate(x + tcenterx, y + tcentery)
        t = t.rotate(rotation)
        t = t.scale(scalex, scaley)
        t = t.translate(-tcenterx, -tcentery)
    return t
Example #7
def makeTransform(x, y, rotation, scalex, scaley, tcenterx, tcentery):
    rotation = math.radians(rotation)
    t = Transform()
    t = t.translate(x + tcenterx, y + tcentery)
    t = t.rotate(rotation)
    t = t.scale(scalex, scaley)
    t = t.translate(-tcenterx, -tcentery)
    return t
Example #8
 def rotate(self, degrees, point=None):
     """Rotate this shape by a degree (in 360-scale, counterclockwise)."""
     t = Transform()
     if not point:
         point = self.bounds().point("C")  # maybe should be getFrame()?
     t = t.translate(point.x, point.y)
     t = t.rotate(math.radians(degrees))
     t = t.translate(-point.x, -point.y)
     return self.transform(t, transformFrame=False)
Example #9
def makeTransformVarCo(x, y, rotation, scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy, tcenterx,
    t = Transform()
    t = t.translate(x + tcenterx, y + tcentery)
    t = t.rotate(math.radians(rotation))
    t = t.scale(scalex, scaley)
    t = t.skew(math.radians(skewx), math.radians(skewy))
    t = t.translate(-tcenterx, -tcentery)
    return t
Example #10
 def rotate(self, degrees, point=None):
     if Transform:
         t = Transform()
         if not point:
             point = self.mid
         t = t.translate(point.x, point.y)
         t = t.rotate(math.radians(degrees))
         t = t.translate(-point.x, -point.y)
         return self.transform(t)
         raise Exception("fontTools not installed")
Example #11
 def rotate(self, angle, center=(0, 0)):
     t = Transform()
     t = t.rotate(math.radians(angle))
     self.transform(t, center=center)
from fontTools.misc.transform import Transform

size(200, 200)

with savedState():
    rotate(15, center=(50, 50))
    rect(25, 25, 50, 50)

with savedState():
    scale(1.2, center=(150, 50))
    rect(125, 25, 50, 50)

with savedState():
    skew(15, 10, center=(50, 150))
    rect(25, 125, 50, 50)

with savedState():
    t = Transform()
    t = t.scale(0.9, 1.1)
    t = t.rotate(0.2)
    transform(t, center=(150, 150))
    rect(125, 125, 50, 50)