Example #1
 def binarySearch(minimum, maximum):
   if minimum == maximum:
     return minimum
   mid = (maximum + minimum) / 2
   small = (max(mid - 1,minimum) + minimum) / 2
   large = (min(mid + 1,maximum) + maximum) / 2
   test = abs(image_y / fontImageSize(mid)[1] - aim)
   test_small = abs(image_y / fontImageSize(small)[0] - aim)
   test_large = abs(image_y / fontImageSize(large)[0] - aim)
   best = min(test, test_small, test_large)
   if best == test_small:
     return binarySearch(minimum, max(minimum,mid -1))
   elif best == test_large:
     return binarySearch(min(mid+1, maximum), maximum)
   else: #we might not be at the optimal
     return binarySearch(small, large)
Example #2
 def genart(self, raw_image):
   Interface function
   image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(raw_image)).convert('L')
   font_size = self.searchFontSize(image)
   font_image_size = fontImageSize(font_size)
   symbol_memo = self.fontSymbols(font_size)
   #we'll ignore the parts that don't fit a full size font for now
   maxGrid = [x / y for (x, y) in zip(image.size, font_image_size)] 
   if (len([True for x in maxGrid if x == 0]) > 0):
     return "This image is too small" #temporary way of handling small images
   #we distribute unused region to all sides
   startpos = [ (x - y * z) / 2 for (x, y, z) in zip(image.size, font_image_size, maxGrid)]
   ascii_map = ""
   #i is height, j is width
   for i in range(maxGrid[1]):
     row = "" 
     for j in range(maxGrid[0]):
       upper_left = (j * font_image_size[0] + startpos[0], i * font_image_size[1] + startpos[1])
       b = image.crop((upper_left[0], upper_left[1], upper_left[0] + font_image_size[0], upper_left[1] + font_image_size[1]))
       row = row + self.KNN(b, symbol_memo)
     ascii_map = ascii_map + row + '\n'
   return ascii_map