Example #1
def produce_resources(the_world, the_team):
	"""Produces resources for the coming turn"""
	# Get production
	upkeep_cost = get_upkeep(the_team, the_world)
		log_f.new_log("team_f.get_upkeep", "Upkeep: %s" % upkeep_cost, "", team = the_team.id)
	produced_resources, new_resources = rules.team_rules.produce_resources(
		the_world.cursor, the_team, the_world=the_world
	# Log production
		log_f.new_log("team_f.produce_resources", "Produced: %s\nNew: %s" % (str(produced_resources), str(new_resources)), "", team = the_team.id)
	# Apply upkeep
	new_resources -= "Materials:%s" % upkeep_cost
	queries = new_resources.make_set_queries(the_team.id)
	from functions import queries_f
	for q in queries:
			queries_f.log_query(the_world.cursor, q, subject="Pre orders resources")
		except Exception as e:
			print("Query: %s\n" % q)
			raise e
	return queries
Example #2
def record_resources(the_world, the_team):
	"""Records the end of turn resources for the team"""
	the_team.get_resources(the_world.cursor, force_requery=True)
	strings = []
	for res_id, r in enumerate(resource_list.data_list):
		if res_id not in the_team.resources.value: continue
		if the_team.resources.value[res_id] == 0: continue
		if r.reset: continue
		res_value = the_team.resources.value[res_id]
		# Typecast if we can
		if res_value == int(res_value):
			res_value = int(res_value)
		strings.append("%s:%s" % (r.name, res_value))
	# Log previous resources
		log_f.new_log("team_f.record_resources", ",".join(strings), "", team = the_team.id)
	query = """UPDATE teams SET previous_resources = '%s' WHERE id = %d;""" % (database.escape(",".join(strings)), the_team.id)
	try: the_world.cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
Example #3
	def test_new_log(self):
		vals = (
			(("a, b, c", "abc", "", -1, -1, 40), "INSERT INTO logs (tags, content, cost, player, team, turn)\n\t\tvalues\n\t\t('a, b, c', 'abc', '', -1, -1, 40)"),
		for args, expected in vals:
			r = log_f.new_log(*args)
			self.assertEqual(expected, r)
Example #4
def record_favour(the_world, the_team):
	from rules import deity_rules
	deity_dict = the_world.deities()
	for d in the_team.deities.keys():
		new_favour, favour_desc = deity_rules.calculate_favour(the_world, the_team, d)
		query = """UPDATE team_deities SET favour = %d
			WHERE team = %d AND deity = %d;""" % (int(new_favour), int(the_team.id), int(d))
		try: the_world.cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
		# Log favour
			log_f.new_log("team_f.record_favour", "Deity: %d, Favour: %d, Desc: %s" % (int(d), int(new_favour), favour_desc), "", team = the_team.id)
		# Update team item too
		the_team.deities[d] = new_favour
Example #5
def grow_cities(the_world, the_team):
	# return grow_cities_old(the_world, the_team)
	from pages import common
	from functions import path_f
	from functions import queries_f
	queries = []
	"""Grows all the cities for the team"""
	city_dict = the_world.cities_from_team(the_team.id)
	team_rules.Food(the_world.cursor, the_team, the_world=the_world)
	modifier = team_rules._food_needed_modifier(the_world, the_team)
	# First work out how much food they have
	for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
		if the_city.dead > 0: continue
		the_city.surplus_food = ((the_city.surplus_food/1000) - (the_city.size * modifier))*1000
	# Now we go and try to redistribute the food a bit
	logs = []
	for city_id, the_city in city_dict.items():
		if the_city.dead > 0: continue
		if the_city.surplus_food < 0:
			for city_id2, city2 in city_dict.items():
				if the_city.surplus_food >= 0: continue
				if city2.surplus_food <= 0: continue
				# if path_f.pythagoras(the_city, city2) > 1000: continue# More than 1k map units
				if city2.surplus_food > abs(the_city.surplus_food):
					# 2nd city has more than enough food
					city2.surplus_food += the_city.surplus_food
					the_city.surplus_food = 0
					# 2nd city can get us some of the way
					the_city.surplus_food += city2.surplus_food
					city2.surplus_food = 0
		growth_rate, growth_constant = rules.city_rules.city_growth_rate(the_world.cursor, the_team, the_city, the_world)
		new_population = int((the_city.population * growth_rate) + growth_constant)
		if new_population < 1:
			logs.append("Kill %s (id: %d) as pop = %d" % (the_city.name, city_id, new_population))
			queries.append("""UPDATE cities SET dead = %d WHERE id = %d;""" % (common.current_turn(), city_id))
			logs.append("Grow %s (id: %d) to %s, old pop: %d, old slave: %d, rate: %d, constant: %d" % (
				the_city.name, city_id, new_population, the_city.population, the_city.slaves, growth_rate, growth_constant)
				"-- Growing city %d, old pop: %d, old slave: %d, new pop, %d, rate: %d, constant: %d" % (
					city_id, the_city.population, the_city.slaves, new_population, growth_rate, growth_constant,
				"""UPDATE cities SET population = %d WHERE id = %d;""" % (new_population, city_id),
		log_f.new_log("team_f.grow_cities", "\n".join(logs), "", team = the_team.id)
	# for q in queries:
	# 	try:
	# 		queries_f.log_query(the_world.cursor, q, subject="Growing cities")
	# 		the_world.cursor.execute(q)
	# 	except Exception as e:
	# 		print("Query: %s\n" % q)
	# 		raise e
			the_world.cursor, queries
	except Exception as e:
		print("Queries: %s\n" % "\n".join(queries))
		raise e
	return queries