def __init__(self): super(IRServer, self).__init__() self.numparams = 4 self._service = IRService() self._log = self._service.getLog() self._repoconf = self._service.getRepoConf() self.port = self._repoconf.getPort() self.proc_max = self._repoconf.getProcMax() self.refresh_status = self._repoconf.getRefreshStatus() self._authorizedUsers = self._repoconf.getAuthorizedUsers() self._nopasswdusers = self._repoconf.getNoPasswdUsers() self._ca_certs = self._repoconf.getCaCerts() self._certfile = self._repoconf.getCertFile() self._keyfile = self._repoconf.getKeyFile()
class IRServer(object): ############################################################ # __init__ ############################################################ def __init__(self): super(IRServer, self).__init__() self.numparams = 4 self._service = IRService() self._log = self._service.getLog() self._repoconf = self._service.getRepoConf() self.port = self._repoconf.getPort() self.proc_max = self._repoconf.getProcMax() self.refresh_status = self._repoconf.getRefreshStatus() self._authorizedUsers = self._repoconf.getAuthorizedUsers() self._nopasswdusers = self._repoconf.getNoPasswdUsers() self._ca_certs = self._repoconf.getCaCerts() self._certfile = self._repoconf.getCertFile() self._keyfile = self._repoconf.getKeyFile() def start(self): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(("", self.port)) sock.listen(1) # Maximum of system unaccepted connections. Maximum value depend of the system (usually 5)"Starting Server on port " + str(self.port)) proc_list = [] total_count = 0 while True: if len(proc_list) == self.proc_max: full = True while full: for i in range(len(proc_list) - 1, -1, -1): # self._log.debug(str(proc_list[i])) if not proc_list[i].is_alive(): # print "dead" proc_list.pop(i) # put here terminate?? just in case the process is not done but neither alive?? I have noticed that when IOError the process keep running full = False if full: time.sleep(self.refresh_status) total_count += 1 # channel, details = sock.accept() newsocket, fromaddr = sock.accept() connstream = None try: connstream = ssl.wrap_socket( newsocket, server_side=True, ca_certs=self._ca_certs, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, certfile=self._certfile, keyfile=self._keyfile, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, ) # print connstream proc_list.append(Process(target=self.repo, args=(connstream, fromaddr[0]))) proc_list[len(proc_list) - 1].start() except ssl.SSLError: self._log.error("Unsuccessful connection attempt from: " + repr(fromaddr) + " " + str(sys.exc_info())) except socket.error: self._log.error("Error with the socket connection") except: self._log.error("Uncontrolled Error: " + str(sys.exc_info())) if type(connstream) is ssl.SSLSocket: connstream.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) connstream.close() # def auth(self, userCred): # return FGAuth.auth(self.user, userCred) def checknopasswd(self, fromaddr): status = False if self.user in self._nopasswdusers: if fromaddr in self._nopasswdusers[self.user]: status = True return status def repo(self, channel, fromaddr): self._log = self._log.getLogger("Img Repo Server." + str(os.getpid())) self._service.setLog(self._log)"Processing request") # receive the message data = self._log.debug("received data: " + data) params = data.split("|") # params[0] is user that authenticates # params[1] is the user password # params[2] is the type of password # params[3] is the command # params[4] is the user that interact with the repo. Usually is the same that params[0] # params[5...] are the options if len(params) <= self.numparams: msg = "ERROR: Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) sys.exit(1) self.user = params[ 0 ].strip() # ONLY for authentication. To specify the user that call methods you need to use params[4] passwd = params[1].strip() passwdtype = params[2].strip() command = params[3].strip() for i in range(len(params)): params[i] = params[i].strip() if not self.user in self._authorizedUsers: if not (self.user == params[4]): msg = "ERROR: You are not authorized to act in behalf of other user" self.errormsg(channel, msg) sys.exit(1) retry = 0 maxretry = 3 endloop = False while not endloop: # userCred = FGCredential(passwd, passwdtype) if not self.checknopasswd(fromaddr): status = self._service.auth(self.user, passwd, passwdtype) if status == True: channel.write("OK") endloop = True elif status == False: # _authorizedUsers is not used currently. If we want to activate it, we need to make sure that the authizedUsers are in the Repository database if self.user in self._authorizedUsers: # because these users are services that cannot retry. msg = "ERROR: authentication failed" self.errormsg(channel, msg) sys.exit(1) else: msg = "ERROR: authentication failed. Try again" self._log.error(msg) retry += 1 if retry < maxretry: channel.write("TryAuthAgain") passwd = else: msg = "ERROR: authentication failed" self.errormsg(channel, msg) sys.exit(1) else: msg = status # this is NoActive or NoUser self.errormsg(channel, msg) sys.exit(1) else: channel.write("OK") endloop = True needtoclose = False if command == "list": if len(params) == self.numparams + 2: # user, query string # print params[5] output = self._service.query(params[4], params[5]) channel.write(str(output)) needtoclose = True else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "get": # user, img/uri, imgid if len(params) == self.numparams + 3: output = self._service.get(params[4], params[5], params[6]) channel.write(str(output)) if output != None: status = ##just to wait for client answer. if status != "OK": self._log.error("ERROR: Client did not receive the image") needtoclose = False else: needtoclose = True if self._service.getBackend() != "mysql": cmdrm = " rm -f " + output self._log.debug("Deleting Temporal file: " + cmdrm) os.system(cmdrm) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "put": # user, img_size, extension, attributeString if len(params) == self.numparams + 4: self._log.debug("Before uploadValidator ") output = self._service.uploadValidator(params[4], long(params[5])) self._log.debug("After uploadValidator " + str(output)) if str(output) == "True": self._log.debug("Before genImgId ") imgId = self._service.genImgId() self._log.debug("After genImgId " + str(imgId)) if imgId != None: self._log.debug( "sending to the client: " + str(self._service.getImgStore()) + " , " + str(imgId) ) channel.write(self._service.getImgStore() + "," + str(imgId)) self._log.debug("sent and waiting in the read") # waiting for client to upload image output = if output != "Fail": # user, imgId, imgFile(uri), attributeString, size, extension output = self._service.put(params[4], imgId, output, params[7], long(params[5]), params[6]) channel.write(str(output)) needtoclose = True else: os.system("rm -f " + self._service.getImgStore() + "/" + str(imgId)) self._log.debug("rm -f " + self._service.getImgStore() + "/" + str(imgId)) else: channel.write() msg = "ERROR: The imgId generation failed" self.errormsg(channel, msg) else: output = str(output) if output == "NoUser": status = "ERROR: The User does not exist" elif output == "NoActive": status = "ERROR: The User is not active" elif output == "False": status = "ERROR: The file exceed the quota" else: status = "ERROR: " + output msg = status self.errormsg(channel, msg) else: msg = "ERROR: Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) # send storage directory, temporal or not # receive the OK, meaning that the image is already there elif command == "modify": # userid, imgid, attributestring if len(params) == self.numparams + 3: output = self._service.updateItem(params[4], params[5], params[6]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "remove": # user, imgids list separated by spaces if len(params) == self.numparams + 2: output = self._service.remove(params[4], params[5]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "setPermission": # user, imgid, query if len(params) == self.numparams + 3: output = self._service.updateItem(params[4], params[5], "permission=" + params[6]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "histimg": # userId, imgId if len(params) == self.numparams + 2: output = self._service.histImg(params[4], params[5]) channel.write(str(output)) needtoclose = True else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "histuser": # userId, userId if len(params) == self.numparams + 2: output = self._service.histUser(params[4], params[5]) channel.write(str(output)) needtoclose = True else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) # elif (command == "uploadValidator"): # #user, size of the img to upload # if (len(optionlist) != 2): # output = self._service.uploadValidator(optionlist[0], long(optionlist[1])) # channel.write(str(output)) # else: # msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" # self.errormsg(channel, msg) # elif (command == "genImgId"): # if (len(optionlist) != 1): # output = self._service.genImgId() # channel.write(str(output)) # else: # msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" # self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "getBackend": if len(params) == self.numparams + 1: output = self._service.getBackend() output1 = self._service.getImgStore() channel.write(str(output) + str(output1)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "useradd": # userid, useridtoadd if len(params) == self.numparams + 2: output = self._service.userAdd(params[4], params[5]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "userdel": # userid, useridtodel if len(params) == self.numparams + 2: output = self._service.userDel(params[4], params[5]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "userlist": # userid if len(params) == self.numparams + 1: output = self._service.userList(params[4]) channel.write(str(output)) needtoclose = True else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "setUserQuota": # userid, useridtomodify, quota in bytes if len(params) == self.numparams + 3: output = self._service.setUserQuota(params[4], params[5], long(params[6])) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "setUserRole": # userid, useridtomodify, role if len(params) == self.numparams + 3: output = self._service.setUserRole(params[4], params[5], params[6]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "setUserStatus": if len(params) == self.numparams + 3: output = self._service.setUserStatus(params[4], params[5], params[6]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "getUserStatus": # userId if len(params) == self.numparams + 1: output = self._service.getUserStatus(params[4]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) elif command == "isUserAdmin": # userId if len(params) == self.numparams + 1: output = self._service.isUserAdmin(params[4]) channel.write(str(output)) else: msg = "Invalid Number of Parameters" self.errormsg(channel, msg) else: msg = "Invalid Command: " + command self.errormsg(channel, msg) needtoclose = False if needtoclose: channel.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) channel.close()"Image Repository Request DONE") else:"Image Repository Request DONE") def errormsg(self, channel, msg): self._log.error(msg) try: channel.write(msg) channel.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) channel.close() except: self._log.debug("In errormsg: " + str(sys.exc_info()))"Image Repository Request DONE")