Example #1
def upwind_example2(**kwargs):
    # Simple 2d upwind problem with explicit Euler scheme in time coupled with
    # a Darcy problem
    T = 2
    Nx, Ny = 10, 10
    g = structured.CartGrid([Nx, Ny], [1, 1])

    kxx = np.ones(g.num_cells)
    perm = second_order_tensor.SecondOrderTensor(g.dim, kxx)

    def funp_ex(pt):
        return -np.sin(pt[0]) * np.sin(pt[1]) - pt[0]

    f = np.zeros(g.num_cells)

    b_faces = g.get_boundary_faces()
    bnd = bc.BoundaryCondition(g, b_faces, ['dir'] * b_faces.size)
    bnd_val = {'dir': funp_ex(g.face_centers[:, b_faces])}

    solver = dual.DualVEM()
    data = {'k': perm, 'f': f, 'bc': bnd, 'bc_val': bnd_val}
    D, rhs = solver.matrix_rhs(g, data)

    up = sps.linalg.spsolve(D, rhs)
    beta_n = solver.extractU(g, up)

    u, p = solver.extractU(g, up), solver.extractP(g, up)
    P0u = solver.projectU(g, u, data)
    export_vtk(g, "darcy", {"p": p, "P0u": P0u})

    advect = upwind.Upwind()

    bnd_val = {'dir': np.hstack(([1], np.zeros(b_faces.size - 1)))}
    data = {'beta_n': beta_n, 'bc': bnd, 'bc_val': bnd_val}

    U, rhs = advect.matrix_rhs(g, data)

    data = {'deltaT': advect.cfl(g, data)}
    M, _ = mass_matrix.Mass().matrix_rhs(g, data)

    conc = np.zeros(g.num_cells)
    M_minus_U = M - U
    invM, _ = mass_matrix.InvMass().matrix_rhs(g, data)

    # Loop over the time
    Nt = int(T / data['deltaT'])
    time = np.empty(Nt)
    for i in np.arange(Nt):

        # Update the solution
        conc = invM.dot((M_minus_U).dot(conc) + rhs)
        time[i] = data['deltaT'] * i
        export_vtk(g, "conc_darcy", {"conc": conc}, time_step=i)

    export_pvd(g, "conc_darcy", time)
Example #2
    def test_upwind_1d_beta_negative(self):
        g = structured.CartGrid(3, 1)

        solver = upwind.Upwind()
        data = {'beta_n': solver.beta_n(g, [-1, 0, 0])}
        M = solver.matrix_rhs(g, data)[0].todense()
        deltaT = solver.cfl(g, data)

        M_known = np.array([[1, -1, 0], [0, 1, -1], [0, 0, 0]])
        deltaT_known = 1 / 3

        rtol = 1e-15
        atol = rtol
        assert np.allclose(M, M_known, rtol, atol)
        assert np.allclose(deltaT, deltaT_known, rtol, atol)
Example #3
    def test_upwind_2d_simplex_beta_positive(self):
        g = simplex.StructuredTriangleGrid([2, 1], [1, 1])

        solver = upwind.Upwind()
        data = {'beta_n': solver.beta_n(g, [1, 0, 0])}
        M = solver.matrix_rhs(g, data)[0].todense()
        deltaT = solver.cfl(g, data)

        M_known = np.array([[1, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -1],
                            [-1, 0, 0, 1]])
        deltaT_known = 1 / 8

        rtol = 1e-15
        atol = rtol
        assert np.allclose(M, M_known, rtol, atol)
        assert np.allclose(deltaT, deltaT_known, rtol, atol)
Example #4
    def test_upwind_2d_cart_beta_positive(self):
        g = structured.CartGrid([3, 2], [1, 1])

        solver = upwind.Upwind()
        data = {'beta_n': solver.beta_n(g, [1, 0, 0])}
        M = solver.matrix_rhs(g, data)[0].todense()
        deltaT = solver.cfl(g, data)

        M_known = 0.5 * np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                  [0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                                  [0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1]])
        deltaT_known = 1 / 6

        rtol = 1e-15
        atol = rtol
        assert np.allclose(M, M_known, rtol, atol)
        assert np.allclose(deltaT, deltaT_known, rtol, atol)
Example #5
    def test_upwind_1d_surf_beta_negative(self):
        g = structured.CartGrid(3, 1)
        R = cg.rot(-np.pi / 8., [-1, 1, -1])
        g.nodes = np.dot(R, g.nodes)

        solver = upwind.Upwind()
        data = {'beta_n': solver.beta_n(g, np.dot(R, [-1, 0, 0]))}
        M = solver.matrix_rhs(g, data)[0].todense()
        deltaT = solver.cfl(g, data)

        M_known = np.array([[1, -1, 0], [0, 1, -1], [0, 0, 0]])
        deltaT_known = 1 / 3

        rtol = 1e-15
        atol = rtol
        assert np.allclose(M, M_known, rtol, atol)
        assert np.allclose(deltaT, deltaT_known, rtol, atol)
Example #6
def upwind_example1(**kwargs):
    # Simple 2d upwind problem with implicit Euler scheme in time
    T = 1
    Nx, Ny = 10, 1
    g = structured.CartGrid([Nx, Ny], [1, 1])

    advect = upwind.Upwind()
    beta_n = advect.beta_n(g, [1, 0, 0])

    b_faces = g.get_boundary_faces()
    bnd = bc.BoundaryCondition(g, b_faces, ['dir'] * b_faces.size)
    bnd_val = {'dir': np.hstack(([1], np.zeros(b_faces.size - 1)))}
    data = {'beta_n': beta_n, 'bc': bnd, 'bc_val': bnd_val}

    U, rhs = advect.matrix_rhs(g, data)

    data = {'deltaT': 2 * advect.cfl(g, data)}
    M, _ = mass_matrix.Mass().matrix_rhs(g, data)

    conc = np.zeros(g.num_cells)

    # Perform an LU factorization to speedup the solver
    IE_solver = sps.linalg.factorized((M + U).tocsc())

    # Loop over the time
    Nt = int(T / data['deltaT'])
    time = np.empty(Nt)
    for i in np.arange(Nt):

        # Update the solution
        # Backward and forward substitution to solve the system
        conc = IE_solver(M.dot(conc) + rhs)
        time[i] = data['deltaT'] * i
        export_vtk(g, "conc_IE", {"conc": conc}, time_step=i)

    export_pvd(g, "conc_IE", time)
Example #7
def upwind_example0(**kwargs):
    # Simple 2d upwind problem with explicit Euler scheme in time
    T = 1
    Nx, Ny = 10, 1
    g = structured.CartGrid([Nx, Ny], [1, 1])

    advect = upwind.Upwind()
    beta_n = advect.beta_n(g, [1, 0, 0])

    b_faces = g.get_boundary_faces()
    bnd = bc.BoundaryCondition(g, b_faces, ['dir'] * b_faces.size)
    bnd_val = {'dir': np.hstack(([1], np.zeros(b_faces.size - 1)))}
    data = {'beta_n': beta_n, 'bc': bnd, 'bc_val': bnd_val}

    U, rhs = advect.matrix_rhs(g, data)

    data = {'deltaT': advect.cfl(g, data)}
    M, _ = mass_matrix.Mass().matrix_rhs(g, data)

    conc = np.zeros(g.num_cells)

    M_minus_U = M - U
    invM, _ = mass_matrix.InvMass().matrix_rhs(g, data)

    # Loop over the time
    Nt = int(T / data['deltaT'])
    time = np.empty(Nt)
    for i in np.arange(Nt):

        # Update the solution
        conc = invM.dot((M_minus_U).dot(conc) + rhs)
        time[i] = data['deltaT'] * i
        export_vtk(g, "conc_EE", {"conc": conc}, time_step=i)

    export_pvd(g, "conc_EE", time)