def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename = filename.strip() defaults = { 'here': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)), '__file__': os.path.abspath(filename) } self.parser = NicerConfigParser(filename, defaults=defaults) self.parser.optionxform = str # Don't lower-case keys with open(filename) as f: self.parser.read_file(f)
class ConfigLoader(_Loader): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename = filename.strip() defaults = { 'here': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)), '__file__': os.path.abspath(filename) } self.parser = NicerConfigParser(filename, defaults=defaults) self.parser.optionxform = str # Don't lower-case keys with open(filename) as f: self.parser.read_file(f) def update_defaults(self, new_defaults, overwrite=True): for key, value in new_defaults.items(): if not overwrite and key in self.parser._defaults: continue self.parser._defaults[key] = value def get_context(self, object_type, name=None, global_conf=None): if self.absolute_name(name): return loadcontext(object_type, name, relative_to=os.path.dirname(self.filename), global_conf=global_conf) section = self.find_config_section( object_type, name=name) if global_conf is None: global_conf = {} else: global_conf = global_conf.copy() defaults = self.parser.defaults() global_conf.update(defaults) local_conf = {} global_additions = {} get_from_globals = {} for option in self.parser.options(section): if option.startswith('set '): name = option[4:].strip() global_additions[name] = global_conf[name] = ( self.parser.get(section, option)) elif option.startswith('get '): name = option[4:].strip() get_from_globals[name] = self.parser.get(section, option) else: if option in defaults: # @@: It's a global option (?), so skip it continue local_conf[option] = self.parser.get(section, option) for local_var, glob_var in get_from_globals.items(): local_conf[local_var] = global_conf[glob_var] if object_type in (APP, FILTER) and 'filter-with' in local_conf: filter_with = local_conf.pop('filter-with') else: filter_with = None if 'require' in local_conf: for spec in local_conf['require'].split(): pkg_resources.require(spec) del local_conf['require'] if section.startswith('filter-app:'): context = self._filter_app_context( object_type, section, name=name, global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf, global_additions=global_additions) elif section.startswith('pipeline:'): context = self._pipeline_app_context( object_type, section, name=name, global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf, global_additions=global_additions) elif 'use' in local_conf: context = self._context_from_use( object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) else: context = self._context_from_explicit( object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) if filter_with is not None: filter_with_context = LoaderContext( obj=None, object_type=FILTER_WITH, protocol=None, global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf, loader=self) filter_with_context.filter_context = self.filter_context( name=filter_with, global_conf=global_conf) filter_with_context.next_context = context return filter_with_context return context def _context_from_use(self, object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section): use = local_conf.pop('use') context = self.get_context( object_type, name=use, global_conf=global_conf) context.global_conf.update(global_additions) context.local_conf.update(local_conf) if '__file__' in global_conf: # use sections shouldn't overwrite the original __file__ context.global_conf['__file__'] = global_conf['__file__'] # @@: Should loader be overwritten? context.loader = self if context.protocol is None: # Determine protocol from section type section_protocol = section.split(':', 1)[0] if section_protocol in ('application', 'app'): context.protocol = 'paste.app_factory' elif section_protocol in ('composit', 'composite'): context.protocol = 'paste.composit_factory' else: # This will work with 'server' and 'filter', otherwise it # could fail but there is an error message already for # bad protocols context.protocol = f'paste.{section_protocol}_factory' return context def _context_from_explicit(self, object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_addition, section): possible = [] for protocol_options in object_type.egg_protocols: for protocol in protocol_options: if protocol in local_conf: possible.append((protocol, local_conf[protocol])) break if len(possible) > 1: raise LookupError( f"Multiple protocols given in section {section!r}: {possible}") if not possible: raise LookupError( f"No loader given in section {section!r}") found_protocol, found_expr = possible[0] del local_conf[found_protocol] value = import_string(found_expr) context = LoaderContext( value, object_type, found_protocol, global_conf, local_conf, self) return context def _filter_app_context(self, object_type, section, name, global_conf, local_conf, global_additions): if 'next' not in local_conf: raise LookupError( "The [%s] section in %s is missing a 'next' setting" % (section, self.filename)) next_name = local_conf.pop('next') context = LoaderContext(None, FILTER_APP, None, global_conf, local_conf, self) context.next_context = self.get_context( APP, next_name, global_conf) if 'use' in local_conf: context.filter_context = self._context_from_use( FILTER, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) else: context.filter_context = self._context_from_explicit( FILTER, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) return context def _pipeline_app_context(self, object_type, section, name, global_conf, local_conf, global_additions): if 'pipeline' not in local_conf: raise LookupError( "The [%s] section in %s is missing a 'pipeline' setting" % (section, self.filename)) pipeline = local_conf.pop('pipeline').split() if local_conf: raise LookupError( "The [%s] pipeline section in %s has extra " "(disallowed) settings: %s" % (', '.join(local_conf.keys()))) context = LoaderContext(None, PIPELINE, None, global_conf, local_conf, self) context.app_context = self.get_context( APP, pipeline[-1], global_conf) context.filter_contexts = [ self.get_context(FILTER, pname, global_conf) for pname in pipeline[:-1]] return context def find_config_section(self, object_type, name=None): """ Return the section name with the given name prefix (following the same pattern as ``protocol_desc`` in ``config``. It must have the given name, or for ``'main'`` an empty name is allowed. The prefix must be followed by a ``:``. Case is *not* ignored. """ possible = [] for name_options in object_type.config_prefixes: for name_prefix in name_options: found = self._find_sections( self.parser.sections(), name_prefix, name) if found: possible.extend(found) break if not possible: raise LookupError( "No section %r (prefixed by %s) found in config %s" % (name, ' or '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.config_prefixes))), self.filename)) if len(possible) > 1: raise LookupError( "Ambiguous section names %r for section %r (prefixed by %s) " "found in config %s" % (possible, name, ' or '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.config_prefixes))), self.filename)) return possible[0] def _find_sections(self, sections, name_prefix, name): found = [] if name is None: if name_prefix in sections: found.append(name_prefix) name = 'main' for section in sections: if section.startswith(f"{name_prefix}:"): if section[len(name_prefix) + 1:].strip() == name: found.append(section) return found
class ConfigLoader(_Loader): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename = filename.strip() defaults = { 'here': os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)), '__file__': os.path.abspath(filename) } self.parser = NicerConfigParser(filename, defaults=defaults) self.parser.optionxform = str # Don't lower-case keys with open(filename) as f: self.parser.read_file(f) def update_defaults(self, new_defaults, overwrite=True): for key, value in iteritems(new_defaults): if not overwrite and key in self.parser._defaults: continue self.parser._defaults[key] = value def get_context(self, object_type, name=None, global_conf=None): if self.absolute_name(name): return loadcontext(object_type, name, relative_to=os.path.dirname(self.filename), global_conf=global_conf) section = self.find_config_section( object_type, name=name) if global_conf is None: global_conf = {} else: global_conf = global_conf.copy() defaults = self.parser.defaults() global_conf.update(defaults) local_conf = {} global_additions = {} get_from_globals = {} for option in self.parser.options(section): if option.startswith('set '): name = option[4:].strip() global_additions[name] = global_conf[name] = ( self.parser.get(section, option)) elif option.startswith('get '): name = option[4:].strip() get_from_globals[name] = self.parser.get(section, option) else: if option in defaults: # @@: It's a global option (?), so skip it continue local_conf[option] = self.parser.get(section, option) for local_var, glob_var in get_from_globals.items(): local_conf[local_var] = global_conf[glob_var] if object_type in (APP, FILTER) and 'filter-with' in local_conf: filter_with = local_conf.pop('filter-with') else: filter_with = None if 'require' in local_conf: for spec in local_conf['require'].split(): pkg_resources.require(spec) del local_conf['require'] if section.startswith('filter-app:'): context = self._filter_app_context( object_type, section, name=name, global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf, global_additions=global_additions) elif section.startswith('pipeline:'): context = self._pipeline_app_context( object_type, section, name=name, global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf, global_additions=global_additions) elif 'use' in local_conf: context = self._context_from_use( object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) else: context = self._context_from_explicit( object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) if filter_with is not None: filter_with_context = LoaderContext( obj=None, object_type=FILTER_WITH, protocol=None, global_conf=global_conf, local_conf=local_conf, loader=self) filter_with_context.filter_context = self.filter_context( name=filter_with, global_conf=global_conf) filter_with_context.next_context = context return filter_with_context return context def _context_from_use(self, object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section): use = local_conf.pop('use') context = self.get_context( object_type, name=use, global_conf=global_conf) context.global_conf.update(global_additions) context.local_conf.update(local_conf) if '__file__' in global_conf: # use sections shouldn't overwrite the original __file__ context.global_conf['__file__'] = global_conf['__file__'] # @@: Should loader be overwritten? context.loader = self if context.protocol is None: # Determine protocol from section type section_protocol = section.split(':', 1)[0] if section_protocol in ('application', 'app'): context.protocol = 'paste.app_factory' elif section_protocol in ('composit', 'composite'): context.protocol = 'paste.composit_factory' else: # This will work with 'server' and 'filter', otherwise it # could fail but there is an error message already for # bad protocols context.protocol = 'paste.%s_factory' % section_protocol return context def _context_from_explicit(self, object_type, local_conf, global_conf, global_addition, section): possible = [] for protocol_options in object_type.egg_protocols: for protocol in protocol_options: if protocol in local_conf: possible.append((protocol, local_conf[protocol])) break if len(possible) > 1: raise LookupError( "Multiple protocols given in section %r: %s" % (section, possible)) if not possible: raise LookupError( "No loader given in section %r" % section) found_protocol, found_expr = possible[0] del local_conf[found_protocol] value = import_string(found_expr) context = LoaderContext( value, object_type, found_protocol, global_conf, local_conf, self) return context def _filter_app_context(self, object_type, section, name, global_conf, local_conf, global_additions): if 'next' not in local_conf: raise LookupError( "The [%s] section in %s is missing a 'next' setting" % (section, self.filename)) next_name = local_conf.pop('next') context = LoaderContext(None, FILTER_APP, None, global_conf, local_conf, self) context.next_context = self.get_context( APP, next_name, global_conf) if 'use' in local_conf: context.filter_context = self._context_from_use( FILTER, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) else: context.filter_context = self._context_from_explicit( FILTER, local_conf, global_conf, global_additions, section) return context def _pipeline_app_context(self, object_type, section, name, global_conf, local_conf, global_additions): if 'pipeline' not in local_conf: raise LookupError( "The [%s] section in %s is missing a 'pipeline' setting" % (section, self.filename)) pipeline = local_conf.pop('pipeline').split() if local_conf: raise LookupError( "The [%s] pipeline section in %s has extra " "(disallowed) settings: %s" % (', '.join(local_conf.keys()))) context = LoaderContext(None, PIPELINE, None, global_conf, local_conf, self) context.app_context = self.get_context( APP, pipeline[-1], global_conf) context.filter_contexts = [ self.get_context(FILTER, pname, global_conf) for pname in pipeline[:-1]] return context def find_config_section(self, object_type, name=None): """ Return the section name with the given name prefix (following the same pattern as ``protocol_desc`` in ``config``. It must have the given name, or for ``'main'`` an empty name is allowed. The prefix must be followed by a ``:``. Case is *not* ignored. """ possible = [] for name_options in object_type.config_prefixes: for name_prefix in name_options: found = self._find_sections( self.parser.sections(), name_prefix, name) if found: possible.extend(found) break if not possible: raise LookupError( "No section %r (prefixed by %s) found in config %s" % (name, ' or '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.config_prefixes))), self.filename)) if len(possible) > 1: raise LookupError( "Ambiguous section names %r for section %r (prefixed by %s) " "found in config %s" % (possible, name, ' or '.join(map(repr, _flatten(object_type.config_prefixes))), self.filename)) return possible[0] def _find_sections(self, sections, name_prefix, name): found = [] if name is None: if name_prefix in sections: found.append(name_prefix) name = 'main' for section in sections: if section.startswith(name_prefix + ':'): if section[len(name_prefix) + 1:].strip() == name: found.append(section) return found