def test_pass_cards():
  iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
  args = [7, True, True, False, players]
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_deal_cards', args)
  hands = get_hands(iid)

  # Player 2 passes four cards to player 1
  passing_player = check_playerid(players[1])
  initial_hand = hands[passing_player]
  args = [firstpid, initial_hand[3:]]
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_pass_cards', args,
                                            pid = passing_player)
  assert response['contents'] == initial_hand[:3]
  hands = get_hands(iid)
  assert len(hands[firstpid]) == 11
  assert hands[firstpid][7:] == initial_hand[3:]

  # Player 1 passes all cards to player 3
  receiving_player = check_playerid(players[2])
  args = [receiving_player, hands[firstpid]]
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_pass_cards', args)
  assert response['contents'] == []
  hands = get_hands(iid)
  assert len(hands[firstpid]) == 0
  assert len(hands[receiving_player]) == 18
def test_pass_cards():
    iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
    args = [7, True, True, False, players]
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_deal_cards', args)
    hands = get_hands(iid)

    # Player 2 passes four cards to player 1
    passing_player = check_playerid(players[1])
    initial_hand = hands[passing_player]
    args = [firstpid, initial_hand[3:]]
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid,
    assert response['contents'] == initial_hand[:3]
    hands = get_hands(iid)
    assert len(hands[firstpid]) == 11
    assert hands[firstpid][7:] == initial_hand[3:]

    # Player 1 passes all cards to player 3
    receiving_player = check_playerid(players[2])
    args = [receiving_player, hands[firstpid]]
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_pass_cards', args)
    assert response['contents'] == []
    hands = get_hands(iid)
    assert len(hands[firstpid]) == 0
    assert len(hands[receiving_player]) == 18
def test_set_score():
    iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
    response = set_score(iid, firstpid, 100)
    assert [100, firstpid] == response['contents'][0]
    set_score(iid, firstpid, 200)
    response = set_score(iid, players[1], 400)
    assert [400, check_playerid(players[1])] == response['contents'][0]
    assert [200, firstpid] == response['contents'][1]
def test_set_score():
  iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
  response = set_score(iid, firstpid, 100)
  assert [100, firstpid] == response['contents'][0]
  set_score(iid, firstpid, 200)
  response = set_score(iid, players[1], 400)
  assert [400, check_playerid(players[1])] == response['contents'][0]
  assert [200, firstpid] == response['contents'][1]
  def check_leader(self, pid):
    """ Confirm that a player is the leader of the instance.

      pid: A string containing the player's email address.

      The email address of the leader if pid contains it.

      ValueError if the player is not the leader of this instance.
    player = utils.check_playerid(pid)
    if player == self.leader:
      return player
    raise ValueError("You must be the leader to perform this operation.")
  def check_player(self, pid):
    """ Confirm that a player is currently in the instance.

      pid: A string containing the player's email address.

      The email address of the player.

      ValueError if the player is not in this instance.
    player = utils.check_playerid(pid)
    if player in self.players:
      return player
    raise ValueError("%s is not in instance %s" % (pid, self.key().name()))
def test_add_to_score():
    iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
    score = 100

    # Add the first player to the scoreboard
    change_response = add_to_score(iid, firstpid, score)
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'scb_get_scoreboard', [])
    assert response['contents'] == change_response['contents']
    assert [score, firstpid] in response['contents']

    # Increment first players score and add another player
    add_to_score(iid, firstpid, score)
    add_to_score(iid, players[1], score)
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'scb_get_scoreboard', [])
    assert [score * 2, players[0]] in response['contents']
    assert [score, check_playerid(players[1])] in response['contents']
def test_add_to_score():
  iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
  score = 100

  # Add the first player to the scoreboard
  change_response = add_to_score(iid, firstpid, score)
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'scb_get_scoreboard', [])
  assert response['contents']==change_response['contents']
  assert [score, firstpid] in response['contents']

  # Increment first players score and add another player
  add_to_score(iid, firstpid, score)
  add_to_score(iid, players[1], score)
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'scb_get_scoreboard', [])
  assert [score * 2, players[0]] in response['contents']
  assert [score, check_playerid(players[1])] in response['contents']
def test_pass_cards_not_present():
  iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
  args = [7, True, True, False, players]
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_deal_cards', args)
  hands = get_hands(iid)

  # Player 2 passes four cards to player 1 that she has and two cards that
  # she doesn't have.
  passing_player = check_playerid(players[1])
  initial_hand = hands[passing_player]
  args = [firstpid,
          ['fake_card_1'] + initial_hand[3:] + ['fake_card_2']]
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_pass_cards', args,
                                            pid = passing_player)
  assert response['contents'] == initial_hand[:3]
  hands = get_hands(iid)
  assert len(hands[firstpid]) == 11
  assert hands[firstpid][7:] == initial_hand[3:]
def test_pass_cards_not_present():
    iid = test_utils.make_instance_with_players()
    args = [7, True, True, False, players]
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'crd_deal_cards', args)
    hands = get_hands(iid)

    # Player 2 passes four cards to player 1 that she has and two cards that
    # she doesn't have.
    passing_player = check_playerid(players[1])
    initial_hand = hands[passing_player]
    args = [firstpid, ['fake_card_1'] + initial_hand[3:] + ['fake_card_2']]
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid,
    assert response['contents'] == initial_hand[:3]
    hands = get_hands(iid)
    assert len(hands[firstpid]) == 11
    assert hands[firstpid][7:] == initial_hand[3:]

__authors__ = ['"Bill Magnuson" <*****@*****.**>']

from game_server import utils
from game_server.extensions import scoreboard
from game_server.extensions import card_game
from custom_modules.androids_to_androids import decks
from tests import test_utils

gid = test_utils.gid
firstpid = test_utils.firstpid
app =
init_players = [firstpid, '"Bob Jones" <*****@*****.**>', '<*****@*****.**>',
players = [utils.check_playerid(pid) for pid in init_players]
player_cards = {}

def setUp():

def test_wrong_round():
  iid = test_utils.make_instance()
  for player in init_players:
    test_utils.add_player(iid, player)
  current_round = 1
  response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'ata_new_game', [])
  char_card = response['contents'][0]
  contents = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'ata_submit_card', [2, ''],
                                            pid = firstpid)['contents']
  assert isinstance(contents[0], basestring)
Example #12
__authors__ = ['"Bill Magnuson" <*****@*****.**>']

from game_server import utils
from game_server.extensions import scoreboard
from game_server.extensions import card_game
from custom_modules.androids_to_androids import decks
from tests import test_utils

gid = test_utils.gid
firstpid = test_utils.firstpid
app =
init_players = [
    firstpid, '"Bob Jones" <*****@*****.**>', '<*****@*****.**>',
players = [utils.check_playerid(pid) for pid in init_players]
player_cards = {}

def setUp():

def test_wrong_round():
    iid = test_utils.make_instance()
    for player in init_players:
        test_utils.add_player(iid, player)
    current_round = 1
    response = test_utils.post_server_command(iid, 'ata_new_game', [])
    char_card = response['contents'][0]
    contents = test_utils.post_server_command(iid,
Example #13
def test_check_playerid():
    assert utils.check_playerid(players[0]) == '*****@*****.**'
    assert utils.check_playerid(players[1]) == '*****@*****.**'
    assert utils.check_playerid(players[2]) == '*****@*****.**'
def test_check_playerid():
  assert utils.check_playerid(players[0]) == '*****@*****.**'
  assert utils.check_playerid(players[1]) == '*****@*****.**'
  assert utils.check_playerid(players[2]) == '*****@*****.**'