def metric_dist(a, b): pA = fromLatLong(a[0], a[1], a[2]).toPoint() pB = fromLatLong(b[0], b[1], b[2]).toPoint() dx2 = (pA.x - pB.x) * (pA.x - pB.x) dy2 = (pA.y - pB.y) * (pA.y - pB.y) dz2 = (pA.z - pB.z) * (pA.z - pB.z) return sqrt(dx2 + dy2 + dz2)
def execute(self, userdata): move_base_client = SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) move_base_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5)) goal_pose = MoveBaseGoal() goal_pose.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'utm' goal_pose.target_pose.header.stamp = # First point specified is latitude, second is longitude utm_waypoint = utm.fromLatLong(userdata.waypoint_in.position.x, userdata.waypoint_in.position.y, 250) goal_pose.target_pose.pose.position.x = utm_waypoint.easting goal_pose.target_pose.pose.position.y = utm_waypoint.northing goal_pose.target_pose.pose.position.z = 246 goal_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0 goal_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 goal_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 goal_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 rospy.loginfo(goal_pose) move_base_client.send_goal(goal_pose) rospy.loginfo("Sent goal") move_base_client.wait_for_result() result = move_base_client.get_state() if (result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): return 'succeeded' else: return 'failed'
def _parseFromNavSatFix(randomBag, eastingShift=0.0, northingShift=0.0, heightShift=0.0, startTime=_startTime0, stopTime=_stopTime_1): assert (randomBag.type() == 'sensor_msgs/NavSatFix') timestamps = [] i = 0 msgSamples = GeographicTrajectory._createTimeRange( randomBag, startTime, stopTime) parsedCoordinates = np.zeros((len(msgSamples), 7), dtype=np.float) for s in tqdm(msgSamples): rawmsg = randomBag[s] coord = utm.fromLatLong(rawmsg.latitude, rawmsg.longitude, rawmsg.altitude) parsedCoordinates[i, 0:3] = [ coord.easting + eastingShift, coord.northing + northingShift, coord.altitude + heightShift ] if i >= 1: quat = GeographicTrajectory.orientationFromPositionOnlyYaw( parsedCoordinates[i], parsedCoordinates[i - 1]) parsedCoordinates[i, 3:7] = quat if i == 1: parsedCoordinates[0, 3:7] = quat timestamps.append(rawmsg.header.stamp) i += 1 return timestamps, parsedCoordinates
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.pose = Pose() self.prior_pose = Pose() self.prior_roll = 0 self.prior_pitch = 0 self.prior_yaw = 0 self.start = False self.covariance = np.zeros((36, ), dtype=float) self.odometry = Odometry() = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # param self.imu_offset = 0 self.lat_orig = rospy.get_param('~latitude', 0.0) self.long_orig = rospy.get_param('~longitude', 0.0) self.yaw_offset = rospy.get_param("~yaw_offset", 0.0) self.visual = rospy.get_param("~visual", False) self.utm_orig = fromLatLong(self.lat_orig, self.long_orig) # Publisher self.pub_odm = rospy.Publisher("~odometry", Odometry, queue_size=1) # Subscriber sub_imu = message_filters.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu) sub_gps = message_filters.Subscriber("fix", NavSatFix) ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer((sub_imu, sub_gps), queue_size=1, slop=0.1) ats.registerCallback(self.cb_gps_imu)
def gps_callback(self, gps_msg): if gps_msg.status == -1: self.positions = self.positions[1:] return utm_point = utm.fromLatLong(gps_msg.latitude, gps_msg.longitude) easting = utm_point.easting northing = utm_point.northing print "Easting, northing: ", easting, northing if len(self.positions) >= self.window: self.positions = self.positions[1:] + [[northing, easting]] else: self.positions = self.positions + [[northing, easting]] pos = np.array(self.positions) if pos.shape[0] < 2: return diffs = pos[1:, :] - pos[:-1, :] mean_diff = np.mean(diffs, axis=0) print diffs print mean_diff print self.positions yaw = math.atan2(mean_diff[0], mean_diff[1]) print yaw roll = 0. pitch = 0. self.imu_msg.orientation = Quaternion(*tf_conversions.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(self.roll, self.pitch, yaw)) print self.imu_msg.orientation self.imu_msg.header.stamp =
def _save_plan_lat_long_cb(self, feedback): #This is the object that we are pressing (feedback) so #that we can get the marker name etc.. pre, ext = os.path.splitext(self.mission_file) lat_lon_file = pre + ".lolo" rospy.loginfo("Saving the plan to file: %s", lat_lon_file) gps_msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/gps/fix', NavSatFix) lon = gps_msg.longitude lat = gps_msg.latitude utm_obj = utm.fromLatLong(lat, lon) with open(lat_lon_file, 'w') as csvfile: csvfile.write("ts\n") spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for waypoint_index, pose in enumerate(self.waypoints): new_obj = copy.deepcopy(utm_obj) new_obj.northing += pose.position.y new_obj.easting += pose.position.x geo_obj = new_obj.toMsg() lat_rounded = round(geo_obj.latitude, 5) lon_rounded = round(geo_obj.longitude, 5) spamwriter.writerow([ "ADD", "GOTOWP", lat_rounded, lon_rounded, self.goal_tolerance, self.default_rpm ]) csvfile.write("start\n..\n")
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.pose = Pose() self.prior_pose = Pose() self.prior_roll = 0 self.prior_pitch = 0 self.prior_yaw = 0 self.start = False self.covariance = np.zeros((36, ), dtype=float) self.odometry = Odometry() = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # param self.imu_offset = 0 self.lat_orig = rospy.get_param('~latitude', 0.0) self.long_orig = rospy.get_param('~longitude', 0.0) self.utm_orig = fromLatLong(self.lat_orig, self.long_orig) # Service self.srv_imu_offset = rospy.Service('~imu_offset', SetValue, self.cb_srv_imu_offest) # Publisher self.pub_odm = rospy.Publisher("~odometry", Odometry, queue_size=1) # Subscriber sub_imu = rospy.Subscriber("~imu/data", Imu, self.cb_imu, queue_size=1) sub_gps = rospy.Subscriber("~fix", NavSatFix, self.cb_gps, queue_size=1)
def estimate_position(self, fixes, covars): try: now = rospy.Time(0) (world_trans, world_rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform( "world_utm", "world_local", now) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException): self._feedback.status = "Could not get transform between %s and %s" % ( "world_utm", "world_local") rospy.loginfo("Could not get transform between %s and %s" % ("world_utm", "world_local")) self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback) # easting, northing is in world_utm coordinate system, # we need to transform it to world or world_local pos = np.zeros((len(fixes), 3)) for i, fix in enumerate(fixes): utm_point = utm.fromLatLong(fix[0], fix[1]) easting = utm_point.easting northing = utm_point.northing utm_zone = pos[i, :] = np.array( [easting - world_trans[0], northing - world_trans[1], 0.]) # use the cov to weight the means in the future estimate = np.mean(pos, axis=0) return estimate
def __init__(self): # Initialize class variables. self.pose_estimate = None self.move_goal_status = 'None' self.utm_origin = utm.fromLatLong(*rospy.get_param('/MISSION_CTRL/arena_params/GPS_origin')[0:3]) # TODO: make it parametric self.pick_success_rate = 1 self.place_success_rate = 1 # Create subscribers. rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odometry_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, self.move_base_cb, queue_size=1) # Create publishers. self.goal_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.hardware_pub = rospy.Publisher('hardware_status', HWStatusUGV, queue_size=1) # Create services. rospy.Service('go_to_gps', GoGPSPosition, self.go_to_GPS_position_srv) rospy.Service('go_to_position', GoPosition, self.go_to_local_position_srv) rospy.Service('brick_pickup', PickupUGV, self.pick_srv) rospy.Service('brick_place', PlaceUGV, self.place_srv) self.hardware_pub.publish(HWStatusUGV.READY, '') rospy.spin()
def waypoint_pub(self, lat, lon): utm_conversion = utm.fromLatLong(lat, lon) print(utm_conversion) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "utm" goal.target_pose.header.stamp = goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = utm_conversion.easting goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = utm_conversion.northing goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 try: transform = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( "map", goal.target_pose.header.frame_id, #source frame rospy.Time(0), #get the tf at first available time rospy.Duration(2.0)) #wait for 1 second goal.target_pose = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose( goal.target_pose, transform) #goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = -goal.target_pose.pose.position.x goal.target_pose.header.stamp = print "goal transformed\n", goal self.mb_client.send_goal(goal) wait = self.mb_client.wait_for_result() return wait except: print "Couldnt find transform from utm to map" return False
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("utm_odom") self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) datum = rospy.get_param("~datum", False) mag_dec = rospy.get_param('~magnetic_declination_radians', 0.0) yaw_offset = rospy.get_param('~yaw_offset', 0.0) self.do_tf = rospy.get_param('~broadcast_odom_base', False) pub_gps = rospy.get_param('~pub_gps', False) rotation_offset = yaw_offset + mag_dec rospy.loginfo( "Magnetic Declination is {}\n IMU Reference Offset is:{}\nTotal Yaw Offset for UTM->Odom is {}" .format(mag_dec, yaw_offset, rotation_offset)) self.odom_tf = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster() # Transform odom into UTM frame if datum: rospy.loginfo( "Setting datum to Latitude: {}, Longitude: {}".format( datum[0], datum[1])) datumPoint = utm.fromLatLong(datum[0], datum[1], 0.0) # get the (zone, band) = datumPoint.gridZone() rospy.loginfo("UTM Zone: {}{}".format(zone, band)) self.datum = datumPoint.toPoint() rospy.loginfo("UTM Translation is: (X,Y,Z)=({},{},{})".format( self.datum.x, self.datum.y, self.datum.z)) else: self.datum = utm.UTMPoint(easting=0.0, northing=0.0, altitude=0.0, zone=zone, band=band).toPoint() rospy.logwarn( "Setting datum to current zone origin. odom frame will have large values!" ) T = TransformStamped() T.header.frame_id = "utm" T.header.stamp = T.child_frame_id = "odom" quat = tf.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, rotation_offset, axes='sxyz') T.transform.rotation.x = quat[0] T.transform.rotation.y = quat[1] T.transform.rotation.z = quat[2] T.transform.rotation.w = quat[3] T.transform.translation.x = self.datum.x # Northing T.transform.translation.y = self.datum.y # Easting T.transform.translation.z = self.datum.z # Altitude br = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() br.sendTransform(T) = rospy.Publisher("odometry/gps", Odometry, queue_size=10) imu_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('imu/data', Imu) nav_sub = message_filters.Subscriber("gps/fix", NavSatFix) ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([imu_sub, nav_sub], 10, 0.25) ts.registerCallback(self.publish) if pub_gps: filt_sub = rospy.Subscriber("odometry/filtered", Odometry, self.filt_cb) rospy.spin()
def nextMessageCallback(self, msg): if hasattr(msg, 'latitude') and hasattr(msg, 'longitude'): xycoord = utm.fromLatLong(msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude) elif hasattr(msg, 'sentence'): try: mgeo = pynmea2.parse(msg.sentence) xycoord = utm.fromLatLong(float(mgeo.latitude), float(mgeo.longitude), float(mgeo.altitude)) except: return pxy = PointStamped() pxy.header = msg.header pxy.point.x = xycoord.easting pxy.point.y = xycoord.northing pxy.point.z = xycoord.altitude publisher.publish(pxy)
def utm_transform(self): self.rcv_goals = [] for data in self.path_list: p = Pose() utm_data = fromLatLong(data[0], data[1]) x = utm_data.easting - self.robot_orig[0] y = utm_data.northing - self.robot_orig[1] p.position.x, p.position.y = x, y self.rcv_goals.append(p)
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.debug = False self.pose = Pose() self.prior_pose = Pose() self.prior_roll = 0 self.prior_pitch = 0 self.prior_yaw = 0 self.flush_count = 0 self.start = False self.robot_origin = Point() self.covariance = np.zeros((36, ), dtype=float) self.odometry = Odometry() = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.IMU_MSG = None self.GPS_MSG = None # param self.imu_offset = 0 self.lat_orig = rospy.get_param('~latitude', 0.0) self.long_orig = rospy.get_param('~longitude', 0.0) self.utm_orig = fromLatLong(self.lat_orig, self.long_orig) self.imu_rotate = rospy.get_param('~imu_rotate', np.pi / 2) rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.imu_param_path = os.path.join(rospack.get_path('asv_config'), "calibration/imu.yaml") self.imu_param = None with open(self.imu_param_path, 'r') as file: self.imu_param = yaml.safe_load(file) # Service self.srv_imu_offset = rospy.Service('~imu_offset', SetValue, self.cb_srv_imu_offest) # Publisher self.pub_odm = rospy.Publisher("odometry", Odometry, queue_size=1) self.pub_orig = rospy.Publisher("robot_origin", Point, queue_size=1) # Subscriber sub_imu_only = rospy.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu, self.cb_imu, queue_size=1) sub_gps_only = rospy.Subscriber("fix", NavSatFix, self.cb_gps, queue_size=1) # sub_imu = message_filters.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu) # sub_gps = message_filters.Subscriber("fix", NavSatFix) # ats = ApproximateTimeSynchronizer((sub_imu, sub_gps), queue_size = 1, slop = 0.1) # ats.registerCallback(self.cb_gps_imu) self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.2), self.cb_timer)
def vehgps_cb(msg): global vehUTMx, vehUTMy, cb_flag #NavSatFix #temp = utm.from_latlon(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) #from utm module temp = utm.fromLatLong(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) #from geodesy.utm vehUTMx = temp.easting #temp[0] vehUTMy = temp.northing #temp[1] cb_flag[3] += 1 cb_flag[3] = clamp(cb_flag[3], 5, 0)
def _recv_map_origin(self, data): map_origin_utm = utm.fromLatLong(data.pose.position.y, data.pose.position.x, data.pose.position.z) self.map_origin_point = np.array( (map_origin_utm.toPoint().x, map_origin_utm.toPoint().y)) self.subscribers['map_origin'].unregister()
def mtigps_cb(msg): global mtiUTMx, mtiUTMy, cb_flag #positionEstimate #temp = utm.from_latlon(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) #using utm module temp = utm.fromLatLong(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) #using geodesy.utm mtiUTMx = temp.easting #temp[0] mtiUTMy = temp.northing #temp[1] cb_flag[4] += 1 cb_flag[4] = clamp(cb_flag[4], 5, 0)
def capture_calibration_pose(self): utm_pose = utm.fromLatLong(self.global_position.latitude, self.global_position.longitude, self.global_position.altitude) pose = ((self.local_pose.pose.position.x, self.local_pose.pose.position.y), (utm_pose.toPoint().x, utm_pose.toPoint().y)) rospy.loginfo(pose) self.calibration_poses.append(pose)
def read_plan(self): """ read .plan file from QGroundControl and build W member """ with open(PLAN_FILE, 'r') as f: d = json.load(f) if 'mission' in d: d = d['mission'] if 'plannedHomePosition' in d: home_lat = d['plannedHomePosition'][0] home_lon = d['plannedHomePosition'][1] utm_home = fromLatLong(home_lat, home_lon, 0) geo_home = utm_home.toPoint() else: raise KeyError("No home position in .plan file") if 'items' in d: for wp in d['items']: lat = float(wp['params'][4]) lon = float(wp['params'][5]) alt = float(wp['params'][6]) utm_wp = fromLatLong(lat, lon, alt) geo_wp = utm_wp.toPoint() # make local by subtracting home position N = geo_wp.y - geo_home.y E = geo_wp.x - geo_home.x D = -(geo_wp.z - geo_home.z) if self.W is None: self.W = mat([N, E, D]).T else: self.W = mat(np.hstack((self.W, mat([N, E, D]).T))) else: raise KeyError("No waypoints in .plan file") self.waypoints.header.stamp = self.waypoints.x = Int32MultiArray(data=self.W[0]) self.waypoints.y = Int32MultiArray(data=self.W[1]) self.waypoints.z = Int32MultiArray(data=self.W[2]) waypoint_rate = rospy.Rate(0.5) for i in range(0, 3): self.waypoint_pub.publish(self.waypoints) waypoint_rate.sleep()
def gps_callback(self, gps_msg): if gps_msg.status == -1: return try: utm_point = utm.fromLatLong(gps_msg.latitude, gps_msg.longitude) except ValueError: return print utm_point.gridZone() easting = utm_point.easting northing = utm_point.northing self.process(easting, northing)
def CreateBag(matfile, bagname, frame_id, navsat_topic="/fix"): '''Creates the actual bag file by successively adding images''' bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname, 'w', compression=rosbag.Compression.BZ2, chunk_threshold=32 * 1024 * 1024) data = loadmat(matfile)['rnv'] rnv = {} for i, col in enumerate(data.dtype.names): rnv[col] = data.item()[i] try: ref = None x, y = [], [] for i, t in enumerate(tqdm(rnv['t'])): # print("Adding %s" % image_name) stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(t) nav_msg = NavSatFix() nav_msg.header.stamp = stamp nav_msg.header.frame_id = "map" nav_msg.header.seq = i nav_msg.latitude = rnv['lat'][i][0] nav_msg.longitude = rnv['lon'][i][0] nav_msg.altitude = -rnv['depth'][i][0] nav_msg.position_covariance_type = nav_msg.COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN transform_msg = TransformStamped() transform_msg.header = copy(nav_msg.header) utm = fromLatLong(nav_msg.latitude, nav_msg.longitude, nav_msg.altitude) if ref is None: ref = utm.toPoint() x.append(utm.toPoint().x - ref.x) y.append(utm.toPoint().y - ref.y) dx = x[-1] - sum(x[-min(20, len(x)):]) / min(20, len(x)) dy = y[-1] - sum(y[-min(20, len(y)):]) / min(20, len(y)) transform_msg.transform.translation.x = x[-1] transform_msg.transform.translation.y = y[-1] transform_msg.transform.translation.z = nav_msg.altitude transform_msg.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*tf_conversions.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, math.atan2(dy, dx))) transform_msg.child_frame_id = frame_id tf_msg = tfMessage(transforms=[transform_msg]) odometry_msg = Odometry() odometry_msg.header = copy(transform_msg.header) odometry_msg.child_frame_id = frame_id odometry_msg.pose.pose.position = transform_msg.transform.translation odometry_msg.pose.pose.orientation = transform_msg.transform.rotation bag.write(navsat_topic, nav_msg, stamp) bag.write("/tf", tf_msg, stamp) bag.write("/transform", transform_msg, stamp) bag.write("/odom", odometry_msg, stamp) finally: bag.close()
def process(self, args, odometry_iter): with open(args.out, 'w') as f: fmt = '{0:.' + str(args.precision) + 'f}' # if the input is a geo pose it is UTM-projected, and we need to detect # (zone, band) changes from message to message previous_utm_zone_band = None for topic_name, msg, _ in odometry_iter: if isinstance(msg, Odometry): pos = msg.pose.pose.position ori = msg.pose.pose.orientation elif isinstance(msg, NavSatFix): utm_point = fromLatLong(msg.latitude, msg.longitude, msg.altitude) pos = Vector3() pos.x = utm_point.easting pos.y = utm_point.northing pos.z = utm_point.altitude utm_lattice_coordinate = (, if previous_utm_zone_band and previous_utm_zone_band != utm_lattice_coordinate: msg = f'UTM (zone, band) changes between messages in topic {topic_name}' raise ExporterError(msg) previous_utm_zone_band = utm_lattice_coordinate # orientation is unit for NavSatFix ori = Quaternion() else: exp_clz = self.__class__.__name__ msg_clz = msg.__class__.__name__ raise TypeError( f'{exp_clz} can not export messages of type {msg_clz}') t_ros = Time.from_msg(msg.header.stamp) t_sec = t_ros.nanoseconds / 1e9 f.write(str(t_sec)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(pos.x)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(pos.y)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(pos.z)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(ori.x)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(ori.y)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(ori.z)) f.write(' ') f.write(fmt.format(ori.w)) f.write('\n')
def cb_timer(self, event): if self.flush_count < 10: # rospy.loginfo("[%s] Flush Data" %self.node_name) if self.GPS_MSG is None or self.IMU_MSG is None: return self.flush_count = self.flush_count + 1 self.utm_orig = fromLatLong(self.GPS_MSG.latitude, self.GPS_MSG.longitude) self.robot_origin.x = self.utm_orig.easting self.robot_origin.y = self.utm_orig.northing return self.pub_orig.publish(self.robot_origin) self.process_gps(self.GPS_MSG) self.process_imu(self.IMU_MSG) self.kalman_filter()
def cb_gps(self, msg_gps): if not self.isRecording: return self.gps = msg_gps if self.flush_count < 5: # rospy.loginfo("[%s] Flush Data" %self.node_name) self.flush_count = self.flush_count + 1 self.utm_orig = fromLatLong(msg_gps.latitude, msg_gps.longitude) return utm_point = fromLatLong(msg_gps.latitude, msg_gps.longitude) self.pose.position.x = utm_point.easting - self.utm_orig.easting self.pose.position.y = utm_point.northing - self.utm_orig.northing self.pose.position.z = 0 if self.first: self.first = False self.save_point() return if self.distance(self.pre_pose, self.pose) > self.dis_threshold: self.save_point() elif (rospy.get_time() - self.pre_time) > self.time_threshold: self.save_point()
def read_plandb(plandb, plan_frame, local_frame): """ planddb message is a bunch of nested objects, we want a list of waypoints in the local frame, """ tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() try: tf_listener.waitForTransform(plan_frame, local_frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) except: rospy.logerr_throttle(5, "Could not find tf from:"+plan_frame+" to:"+local_frame) waypoints = [] waypoint_man_ids = [] request_id = plandb.request_id plan_id = plandb.plan_id plan_spec = plandb.plan_spec for plan_man in plan_spec.maneuvers: man_id = plan_man.maneuver_id man_name = plan_man.maneuver.maneuver_name man_imc_id = plan_man.maneuver.maneuver_imc_id maneuver = plan_man.maneuver # probably every maneuver has lat lon z in them, but just in case... if man_imc_id == imc_enums.MANEUVER_GOTO: lat = lon = maneuver.lon depth = maneuver.z utm_point = fromLatLong(np.degrees(lat), np.degrees(lon)).toPoint() stamped_utm_point = PointStamped() stamped_utm_point.header.frame_id = plan_frame stamped_utm_point.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) stamped_utm_point.point.x = utm_point.x stamped_utm_point.point.y = utm_point.y stamped_utm_point.point.z = depth try: waypoint_local = tf_listener.transformPoint(local_frame, stamped_utm_point) # because the frame changes changes depth, we really want the original depth waypoint = (waypoint_local.point.x, waypoint_local.point.y, depth) waypoints.append(waypoint) waypoint_man_ids.append(man_id) except: rospy.logwarn_throttle_identical(10, "Can not transform plan point to local point!") else: rospy.logwarn("SKIPPING UNIMPLEMENTED MANEUVER:", man_imc_id, man_name) return waypoints, waypoint_man_ids
def update(self): data = if (data is None or data.latitude is None or data.latitude == 0.0 or data.longitude is None or data.latitude == 0.0 or data.status.status == -1): rospy.loginfo_throttle_identical( self._spam_period, "GPS lat/lon are 0s or Nones, cant set utm zone/band from these >:( " ) # shitty gps self._spam_period = min(self._spam_period * 2, self._max_spam_period) return pt.Status.SUCCESS self.gps_zone, self.gps_band = fromLatLong(data.latitude, data.longitude).gridZone() if self.gps_zone is None or self.gps_band is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle_identical( 10, "gps zone and band from fromLatLong was None") return pt.Status.SUCCESS # first read the UTMs given by ros params prev_band = prev_zone = if prev_zone != self.gps_zone or prev_band != self.gps_band: rospy.logwarn_once( "PREVIOUS UTM AND GPS_FIX UTM ARE DIFFERENT!\n Prev:" + str((prev_zone, prev_band)) + " gps:" + str((self.gps_zone, self.gps_band))) if common_globals.TRUST_GPS: rospy.logwarn_once("USING GPS UTM!"), self.gps_zone), self.gps_band) else: rospy.logwarn_once("USING PREVIOUS UTM!"), prev_zone), prev_band) return pt.Status.SUCCESS
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # file_name = "" # if len(sys.argv) != 2: # file_name = "path" # else: # file_name = sys.argv[1] # self.file = open(file_name + ".txt" , 'w') self.file = None self.flush_count = 0 self.pose = Pose() self.pre_pose = Pose() self.pre_time = rospy.get_time() self.time_threshold = 3.5 self.dis_threshold = 5. self.first = True self.gps = NavSatFix() self.isRecording = False self.record_srv = rospy.Service("/ASV/record_path", SetString, self.record_cb) self.save_srv = rospy.Service("/ASV/save_path", SetBool, self.save_cb) self.lat_orig = rospy.get_param('~latitude', 0.0) self.long_orig = rospy.get_param('~longitude', 0.0) self.utm_orig = fromLatLong(self.lat_orig, self.long_orig) self.gps_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/global_position/raw/fix", NavSatFix, self.cb_gps, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24)
def _parseFromNmea(randomBag, eastingShift=0.0, northingShift=0.0, heightShift=0.0, startTime=_startTime0, stopTime=_stopTime_1): try: import pynmea2 except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "NMEA support is not available; install pynmea2") parsedCoordinates = [] timestamps = [] msgSamples = GeographicTrajectory._createTimeRange( randomBag, startTime, stopTime) i = 0 for s in tqdm(msgSamples): rawmsg = randomBag[s] i += 1 try: m = pynmea2.parse(rawmsg.sentence) coord = utm.fromLatLong(float(m.latitude), float(m.longitude), float(m.altitude)) gcoord = [ coord.easting, coord.northing, coord.altitude, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] if len(parsedCoordinates) > 1: quat = GeographicTrajectory.orientationFromPositionOnlyYaw( parsedCoordinates[-1], parsedCoordinates[-2]) gcoord[3:7] = quat parsedCoordinates.append(gcoord) timestamps.append(rawmsg.header.stamp) except (AttributeError, TypeError, pynmea2.SentenceTypeError): continue parsedCoordinates = np.array(parsedCoordinates) return timestamps, parsedCoordinates
def export(output_dir, bag_file): data = rosbag_pandas.bag_to_dataframe(bag_file) bag_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bag_file))[0] output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) #data = data.truncate(before="20150319 13:38:30", after="20150319 13:39:00") #data = data.truncate(before="20150319 14:53:30", after="20150319 14:54:30") # for c in data.columns: # print c for chart in CHARTS: # Filter series # Drop rows where all values are missing # Resample: # - reduces amount of data # - reduces gaps in data (gives a nicer chart) chart_df = data.filter(items=chart["series"]).dropna(axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name, chart["name"]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) print "Exporting chart %s to %s" % (chart["name"], path) os.chdir(path) vis = bearcart.Chart(chart_df) vis.create_chart(html_path=HTML_FILE, data_path=DATA_FILE, js_path=JS_FILE, css_path=CSS_FILE) # # KML export # base = utm.fromLatLong(47.388650, 8.033269, 368) chart_df = data.filter(items=KML_SERIES).dropna(axis=0, how="all").resample('100L', how="first") if chart_df.columns.size > 0: mavros = KML_SERIES[0] in chart_df.columns path = os.path.join(output_dir, bag_name + '.kml') print "Exporting KML to %s" % (path) fid = open(path, 'w') fid.write(kmlhead(bag_name)) for row_index, row in chart_df.iterrows(): x = base.easting y = base.northing a = base.altitude # if (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[0]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[1]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[2]])): # print "found nan" # print row if mavros and not (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[0]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[1]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[2]])): x = row[KML_SERIES[0]] y = row[KML_SERIES[1]] a = row[KML_SERIES[2]] elif not mavros and not (math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[3]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[4]]) or math.isnan(row[KML_SERIES[5]])): x = x + row[KML_SERIES[3]] y = y + row[KML_SERIES[4]] a = a - row[KML_SERIES[5]] else: continue p = utm.UTMPoint(x, y,, fid.write("%f,%f,%f " % (p.longitude, p.latitude, a)) fid.write(kmltail("absolute")) fid.close()
import math if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Usage: <bagfile>' exit() bag = rosbag.Bag(sys.argv[1], 'r') topics = ['/gps_data'] data = [] for topic, msg, t, in bag.read_messages(topics=topics): if topic == "/gps_data": if msg.fix_status: utm_point = utm.fromLatLong(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) data.append([utm_point.easting, utm_point.northing]) data = np.array(data) print data x1 = data[0][0] x2 = data[len(data)-1][0] y1 = data[0][1] y2 = data[len(data)-1][1] dist = math.sqrt( (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 ) print "Start to end distance: " + str(dist) + "\n"
def piksigps_cb(msg): global piksiUTMx, piksiUTMy temp = utm.fromLatLong(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) piksiUTMx = temp.easting piksiUTMy = temp.northing