def josh(colors, target):
    print "josh", colors, target

    #     all_colors = [(name, float(X), float(Y), float(Z))
    #                   for name, X, Y, Z in csv.reader(open(colorcsv))]
    all_colors = [(name, float(X), float(Y), float(Z))
                  for name, X, Y, Z in colors]

    # background is marked SUPPORT
    support_i = [
        i for i, color in enumerate(all_colors) if color[0] == 'SUPPORT'
    if len(support_i) > 0:
        support = np.array(all_colors[support_i[0]][1:])
        del all_colors[support_i[0]]
        support = None

    tg, hull_i = geometry.tetgen_of_hull(
        [(X, Y, Z) for name, X, Y, Z in all_colors])
    colors = [all_colors[i] for i in hull_i]

    print("thrown out: " + ", ".join(

    #     targets = [(name, float(X), float(Y), float(Z), float(BG))
    #                for name, X, Y, Z, BG in csv.reader(open(targetcsv))]

    #     for target in targets:
    name, X, Y, Z, BG = target

    target_point = support + (np.array([X, Y, Z]) - support) / (1 - BG)

    tet_i, bcoords = geometry.containing_tet(tg, target_point)

    if tet_i == None:
        print "%s: Not in gamut" % target[0]
        # not in gamut

        names = [colors[i][0] for i in tg.tets[tet_i]]
        print "%s:" % target[0], names, bcoords
Example #2
from traits.api import HasTraits, Range, Instance, \
from traitsui.api import View, Item, HGroup
from tvtk.pyface.scene_editor import SceneEditor
from import \
from mayavi.core.ui.mayavi_scene import MayaviScene

import tetgen, geometry
from pprint import pprint
import random,csv

all_colors = [(name, float(X), float(Y), float(Z))
              for name, X, Y, Z in csv.reader(open('data/XYZcolorlist.csv'))]
tg, hull_i = geometry.tetgen_of_hull([(X,Y,Z) for name, X, Y, Z in all_colors])
colors = [all_colors[i] for i in hull_i]

print ("thrown out: "
       + ", ".join(set(zip(*all_colors)[0]).difference(zip(*colors)[0])))

class Visualization(HasTraits):
    scene = Instance(MlabSceneModel, ())
    X = Range(0., 100., 0.)
    Y = Range(0.01, 100., 1.)
    Z = Range(0., 100., 0.)
    x = Range(0., 1., 0.)
    y = Range(0.01, 1., 1)
    selected_tet = -1
    def __init__(self):
        # Do not forget to call the parent's __init__