Example #1
def source(args):
    conf = fetch_config(args)

    sconf = render_sconf(args.edition, 'html', args.language, conf)
    with BuildApp.context(conf) as app:
        with app.context(conf) as prep_app:
            source_tasks(conf, sconf, prep_app)

        build_content_generation_tasks(conf, app.add('app'))
        refresh_dependency_tasks(conf, app.add('app'))
Example #2
def sphinx_publication(c, args, app):
    build_prep_tasks(c, app)

    # this loop will produce an app for each language/edition/builder combination
    build_source_copies = set()
    sphinx_app = BuildApp(c)
    sphinx_app.pool = app.pool

    jobs = itertools.product(args.editions_to_build, args.languages_to_build, args.builder)
    for edition, language, builder in jobs:
        args.language = language
        args.edition = edition
        args.builder = builder
        build_config = fetch_config(args)

        prep_app = app.add('app')
        prep_app.conf = build_config

        primer_app = prep_app.add('app')
        primer_migration_tasks(build_config, primer_app)

        sconf = render_sconf(edition, builder, language, build_config)

        if build_config.paths.branch_source not in build_source_copies:
            source_tasks(build_config, sconf, prep_app)

            source_app = prep_app.add('app')
            build_content_generation_tasks(build_config, source_app)
            refresh_dependency_tasks(build_config, prep_app)

        sphinx_tasks(sconf, build_config, sphinx_app)
        logger.info("adding builder job for {0} ({1}, {2})".format(builder, language, edition))


    logger.info("sphinx build setup, running now.")
    logger.info("sphinx build complete.")

    logger.info('builds finalized. sphinx output and errors to follow')

    sphinx_output = '\n'.join([ o[1] for o in sphinx_app.results ])
    ret_code = sum([ o[0] for o in sphinx_app.results ])
    output_sphinx_stream(sphinx_output, c)

    ret_code = 0

    return ret_code
Example #3
def get_sphinx_build_configuration(edition, language, builder, args):
    Given an ``edition``, ``language`` and ``builder`` strings and the runtime
    arguments, return copies of the configuration (``conf``) and sphinx
    configuration (``sconf``) objects.

    args.language = language
    args.edition = edition
    args.builder = builder

    conf = fetch_config(args)
    sconf = render_sconf(edition, builder, language, conf)

    return conf, sconf
Example #4
def get_sphinx_build_configuration(edition, language, builder, args):
    Given an ``edition``, ``language`` and ``builder`` strings and the runtime
    arguments, return copies of the configuration (``conf``) and sphinx
    configuration (``sconf``) objects.
    args._conf = None
    args = copy.deepcopy(args)

    args.language = language
    args.edition = edition
    args.builder = builder

    conf = fetch_config(args)
    args.conf = conf
    sconf = render_sconf(edition, builder, language, conf)

    return conf, sconf