Example #1
def send_an_email(subject: str, message: str, recipients: list) -> bool:
    Using the imported Gmail module, this function sends an email to the provided
    recipients with the provided subject and message.
    :param subject: Subject of the email.
    :param message: HTML string containing the message of the email.
    :param recipients: List of email addresses.
    :return: Boolean where True means the email was sent successfully, and False
        means the email failed to send.
    # Attempt to configure the gmail object.
    except Exception as email_config_exception:
            f"Error configuring the gmail object: {email_config_exception}")
        return False
    # Attempt to send the email.
        LOGGER.info("Email successfully sent.")
    except Exception as email_exception:
        LOGGER.error(f"Error sending the email: {email_exception}")
        return False
    return True
Example #2
class Steem_node():
    def __init__(self):
        self.stm = Steem()
        self.blockchain = Blockchain(steem_instance=self.stm, mode="head")
        self.mailserver = Gmail(60)

    def run(self):
        # Fetch full blocks, then inspect each operation.
        for block in self.blockchain.blocks():
            block_num = block.block_num
            created_at = block.time()
            print(f'Block: {block_num}')

            for op in block.operations:
                # Extract op data
                if op['type'] == 'transfer_operation':
                    type = 'transfer'
                    subject = 'New transfer'
                    to = op['value']['to']
                    FROM = op['value']['from']
                    amount = op['value']['amount']
                    memo = op['value']['memo']

                    # Check if account matches, sent mail on True
                    if to == 'steempytutorials':
                        print('Incoming transfer')
                        message = (
                            f'{created_at}\nBlock: {block_num}\nFrom: {FROM}' +
                            f'\nTo: {to}\nAmount: {amount}\nMemo: {memo}\n')
                            self.mailserver.send_email(subject, message, type)
                            print('Mail sent')
                        except Exception as e:
                            print('Failed to sent mail', e)
Example #3
from account import Account
from gmail import Gmail

gmail = Gmail()

while True:
    choice = input('1. Sign up\n2. Login\n')
    if choice == '1':
        new_account = Account()
    elif choice == '2':
        user_account = Account.login()
        if user_account != None:
            while True:
                choice2 = input('1. Inbox\n2.Send Email\n')
                if choice2 == '1':
                    inbx = gmail.inbox(user_account)
                    choice3 = input(
                        'Enter the index of message to view (max {}) / -1 to go back: '
                        .format(len(inbx) - 1))
                    if int(choice3) == -1:
                        print(gmail.view_message(int(choice3), inbx))
                elif choice2 == '2':
                    #to_email, msg, subject, user
                    t = input('To: ')
                    s = input('Subject: ')
                    m = input('Message: ')
                    gmail.send_email(t, m, s, user_account)
companyName = []
exchange = []


    # Get the latest articles

    for i in symbols:

        summary.append(info.get_summary(i, stockURL))
        articles.append(info.get_articles(i, stockURL))
        companyName.append(info.get_company_name(i, stockURL))
        exchange.append(info.get_exchange(i, stockURL))

    # Build jinja2 template

    email_body = template.build_template(symbols, summary, articles,
                                         companyName, exchange)

    # Send email


    print('Email sent!')

except Exception as e:

    # Print the thrown error

    print("Error in the app.py file: " + str(e))
Example #5
from template_builder import Builder

info = Info()
mail = Gmail()
template = Builder()

stockURL = 'https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/'
symbols = ['AAPL', 'GOOGL', 'AMZN']
# symbols = ['AAPL']

summary = []
articles = []
companyName = []
exchange = []

    for i in symbols:
        summary.append(info.get_summary(i, stockURL))
        # articles.append(info.get_articles(i,stockURL))
        companyName.append(info.get_company_name(i, stockURL))

    # sys.exit()

    body = template.build_template(symbols, summary, companyName, exchange)

    print ("Email sent")

except Exception as e:
    print (str(e))
from account import Account
from gmail import Gmail

gmail = Gmail()

while True:
    choice = input('1. Sign up\n2. Login\n')
    if choice == '1':
        new_account = Account()
    elif choice == '2':
        user_account = Account.login()
        if user_account != None:
            while True:
                choice2 = input('1. Inbox\n2.Send Email\n')
                if choice2 == '1':
                    inbx = gmail.inbox(user_account)
                    choice3 = input('Enter the index of message to view (max {}) / -1 to go back: '.format(len(inbx)-1))
                    if int(choice3) == -1:
                elif choice2 == '2':
                    #to_email, msg, subject, user
                    t = input('To: ')
                    s = input('Subject: ')
                    m = input('Message: ')
                    gmail.send_email(t, m, s, user_account)

Example #7
class GmailFS(Operations):
    def __init__(self, root, lru_capacity):
        # self.lock = Lock()
        self.gmail_client = Gmail()
        self.metadata_dict, _, self.subject_by_id = self.gmail_client.get_email_list()
        self.root = root
        self.client = os.path.basename(root)
        self.eid_by_path = dict()
        self.lru = LRUCache(lru_capacity, self)
        self.lru_capacity = lru_capacity
        self.gmail_client.gmailfs = self
        self.parsed_index = {}

    def __enter__(self):
        self.inbox_cache_directory = self._full_path("/inbox/")
        send_directory = self._full_path("/send/")
        sent_directory = self._full_path("/sent/")

        for directory in [self.inbox_cache_directory, send_directory, sent_directory]:
            if not os.path.exists(directory):
        self.metadata_dict, subject_list, _ = self.gmail_client.get_email_list()

        cache_subject_list = subject_list[:self.lru_capacity] if self.lru_capacity < len(subject_list) else subject_list
        cache_subject_list.reverse()  # add to cache from old to new

        for old_email in os.listdir(self.inbox_cache_directory):
            if old_email not in cache_subject_list:
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.inbox_cache_directory, old_email))
        for email_subject_line in cache_subject_list:
            if len(self.lru) >= self.lru_capacity:
            email_id = self.metadata_dict[email_subject_line]["id"]
            cache_email_folder = os.path.join(self.inbox_cache_directory, email_subject_line)
            if os.path.exists(cache_email_folder):
                self.lru.add_new_email(email_id, email_subject_line)

            # mime = self.gmail_client.get_mime_message(email_id)
            # relative_folder_path = "/inbox/" + email_subject_line
            # folder_path = self._full_path(relative_folder_path)
            # if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
            #     os.makedirs(folder_path)
            # raw_path = self._full_path(relative_folder_path + "/raw")
            # with open(raw_path, "w+") as f:
            #     f.write(str(mime))
            # self.lru.add(folder_path)
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        # shutil.rmtree(self.inbox_cache_directory)
    # Helpers
    # =======

    # add / at the end
    def _full_path(self, partial):
        if partial.startswith("/"):
            partial = partial[1:]
        path = os.path.join(self.root, partial)
        return path

    # Filesystem methods
    # ==================

    def access(self, path, mode):
        # print("access")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        m = re.search(rf"^.*\/{self.client}\/inbox\/.*?([^\\]\/|$)", full_path)
        if m:
            # create the folder later in the open()
            return 0
        if not os.access(full_path, mode):
            raise FuseOSError(errno.EACCES)

    def chmod(self, path, mode):
        # print("chmod")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        return os.chmod(full_path, mode)

    def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
        # print("chown")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        return os.chown(full_path, uid, gid)

    class PATH_TYPE(Enum):
        EMAIL_FOLDER = 1
        EMAIL_CONTENT = 2

    def path_type(self, path):
        if '/inbox/' not in path:
            return False
        path_tuple = path.split('/')
        if len(path_tuple) == 3:
            return GmailFS.PATH_TYPE.EMAIL_FOLDER
        if len(path_tuple) == 4:
            return GmailFS.PATH_TYPE.EMAIL_CONTENT

    def getattr(self, path, fh=None):
        st = dict()
        if path == '/' or path == '/inbox':
            st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o774
        # attr for each email folder e.g. 
        # ['', 'inbox', 'Basic Email Test ID 17519d916b1681af']
        elif self.path_type(path) == GmailFS.PATH_TYPE.EMAIL_FOLDER:
            subject = path.split('/inbox/')[1]
            if subject not in self.metadata_dict:
                return st
            st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFDIR | 0o774
            st['st_size'] = self.metadata_dict[subject]['size']
            st['st_ctime'] = st['st_mtime'] = st['st_atime'] = self.metadata_dict[subject]['date']
        # attr for raw, html, plainTxt in email folder
        elif self.path_type(path) == GmailFS.PATH_TYPE.EMAIL_CONTENT:
            path_tuple = path.split('/')
            subject = path_tuple[2]
            self.read_email_folder("/inbox/" + str(subject))
            st['st_mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | 0o444
            st['st_ctime'] = st['st_mtime'] = st['st_atime'] = self.metadata_dict[subject]['date']
            full_path = self._full_path(path)
            full_st = os.lstat(full_path)
            st['st_size'] = getattr(full_st, 'st_size')
        # if we want to see the normal files in the cache folder
            full_path = self._full_path(path)
            st = os.lstat(full_path)
            return dict((key, getattr(st, key)) for key in ('st_atime', 'st_ctime',
                                                            'st_gid', 'st_mode', 'st_mtime', 'st_nlink', 'st_size',
        return st

    def readdir(self, path, fh):
        # print("readdir")
        if path == '/inbox':
            # self.metadata_dict, subject_list, _ = self.gmail_client.get_email_list()
            return ['.', '..'] + list(self.metadata_dict.keys())
        elif self.path_type(path) == GmailFS.PATH_TYPE.EMAIL_FOLDER:
            entries = ['.', '..']
            # read the raw and attachment in the cache folder
            return entries
            dirents = ['.', '..']
            full_path = self._full_path(path)
            # if we want to see the normal files in the cache folder
            if os.path.isdir(full_path):
                existing_file_list = os.listdir(full_path)
                filter(lambda s: s == "inbox", existing_file_list)
            return dirents

    def read_email_folder(self, path):
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        inbox_folder_path = None
        m = re.search(rf"(^.*\/src\/inbox\/.*)", full_path)
        if m:
            inbox_folder_path = m.group(1)
        if inbox_folder_path:
            # if email folder exist
            if os.path.exists(inbox_folder_path):
                # update the entry order in lru
                # add to lru and delete the oldest entry
                path_tuple = full_path.split('/')
                email_folder_name = path_tuple[-1]
                email_id = self.metadata_dict[email_folder_name]["id"]
                # add new email will fetch raw content
                self.lru.add_new_email(email_id, email_folder_name)
            # At this point, we promise the raw and attachment must in cache folder

    def readlink(self, path):
        # print("readlink")
        pathname = os.readlink(self._full_path(path))
        if pathname.startswith("/"):
            # Path name is absolute, sanitize it.
            return os.path.relpath(pathname, self.root)
            return pathname

    def mknod(self, path, mode, dev):
        # print("mknod")
        return os.mknod(self._full_path(path), mode, dev)

    def rmdir(self, path):
        # print("rmdir")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        m = re.search(rf"^.*\/{self.client}\/inbox\/(.*)", full_path)
        if m:
            subject = m.group(1)
            message_metadata = self.metadata_dict[subject]
            del self.metadata_dict[subject]
        return 0

    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
        # print("mkdir")
        return 0

    def statfs(self, path):
        # print("statfs")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        stv = os.statvfs(full_path)
        return dict((key, getattr(stv, key)) for key in ('f_bavail', 'f_bfree',
                                                         'f_blocks', 'f_bsize', 'f_favail', 'f_ffree', 'f_files',
                                                         'f_frsize', 'f_namemax'))

    def unlink(self, path):
        # print("unlink") # ignore all unlink
        return 0
        # return os.unlink(self._full_path(path))

    def symlink(self, name, target):
        return os.symlink(target, self._full_path(name))

    def rename(self, old, new):
        return os.rename(self._full_path(old), self._full_path(new))

    def link(self, target, name):
        return os.link(self._full_path(name), self._full_path(target))

    def utimens(self, path, times=None):
        # print("utimens")
        return os.utime(self._full_path(path), times)

    # File methods
    # ============

    def open(self, path, flags):
        # print("open")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)

        inbox_folder_path = None
        m = re.search(rf"(^.*\/{self.client}\/inbox\/.*?[^\\])\/", full_path)
        if m:
            inbox_folder_path = m.group(1)

        if inbox_folder_path:
            if os.path.exists(inbox_folder_path):
                # update the entry order in lru
                # add to lru and delete the oldest entry
                path_tuple = full_path.split('/')
                email_folder_name = path_tuple[-1]
                email_id = self.metadata_dict[email_folder_name]["id"]
                # add new email will fetch raw content
                self.lru.add_new_email(email_id, email_folder_name)

        fd = os.open(full_path, flags)
        return fd

    def create(self, path, mode, fi=None):
        # print("create")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        return os.open(full_path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, mode)
    #  If fake file, update the length and offset.
    def read(self, path, length, offset, fh):
        # print("read")
        # set offset as start and length is the length
        os.lseek(fh, offset, os.SEEK_SET)
        ret = os.read(fh, length)
        return ret

    def write(self, path, buf, offset, fh):
        os.lseek(fh, offset, os.SEEK_SET)
        return os.write(fh, buf)

    def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None):
        # print("truncate")
        full_path = self._full_path(path)
        with open(full_path, 'r+') as f:

    def flush(self, path, fh):
        # print("flush")
        return os.fsync(fh)

    def release(self, path, fh):
        # print("release")
            if path.startswith("/send"):
                send_path = self._full_path(path)
                sent_path = send_path.replace("/send", "/sent", 1)
                with open(send_path, "r") as f:
                    draft = f.read()
                os.rename(send_path, sent_path)
                print("Success: email sent")
        except Exception as send_err:
            send_directory = self._full_path("/send/")
            for f in os.listdir(send_directory):
                f_path = os.path.join(send_directory, f)
                    if os.path.isfile(f_path) or os.path.islink(f_path):
                    elif os.path.isdir(f_path):
                except Exception as delete_err:
                        "Error: could not empty send folder, reason: " + str(delete_err))
            print("Error: " + str(send_err))
        return os.close(fh)

    def fsync(self, path, fdatasync, fh):
        # print("fsync")
        return self.flush(path, fh)
Example #8
    print("Checking for emails" + " "*(print_length-(len("Checking for emails"))), end="\r")

    for received_email in gmail.get_unread():
        print("Email received" + " "*(print_length-(len("Email received"))))
        sender = received_email['From']
        subject = received_email['Subject']

        if any(email in sender for email in users):
            added_torrent = find_torrent.search_and_download(subject)

            print(" "*print_length)
            print(sender + " "*(print_length-(len(sender))))
            print(subject + " "*(print_length-(len(subject))))

            gmail.send_email(receivers=users, subject="Movie Received. Downloading.",
                             message="Added movie name: " + added_torrent[0] +
                                     "\nServer output: " + str(added_torrent[1]))

            print("Sent response email\n" + " "*(print_length-(len("Sent response email"))))


    new_downloaded = os.listdir(downloaded_movies_location)
    successful_torrents = list(set(new_downloaded) - set(old_downloaded))

    for torrent in successful_torrents:
        parse_movies.parse(new_movies_location + "/" + torrent, plex, filebot_location)

        print(" " * print_length)
        print(torrent + " has been downloaded")
        print(" " * print_length)