Example #1
class RunningAverage(Environment):
    Defines a running average time series for a wind or tide

    _schema = RunningAverageSchema

    def __init__(self,
        Initializes a running average object from a wind and past hours
        to average

        If no wind is given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)
            units = 'mps'
        (note: probably should be an error)

        All other keywords are optional. Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param past_hours_to_average: default is 3

        self.units = 'mps'
        self.format = 'uv'
        self._past_hours_to_average = past_hours_to_average
        self.wind = wind

        if (wind is None and timeseries is None):
            mvg_timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
            moving_ts = self._convert_to_time_value_pair(mvg_timeseries)
        elif wind is not None:
            moving_ts = (wind.ossm.create_running_average(
            self.wind = Wind(timeseries, units='mps', format='uv')
            moving_ts = (self.wind.ossm.create_running_average(

        self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=moving_ts)

        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        self_ts = self.timeseries.__repr__()
        return ('{0.__class__.__module__}.{0.__class__.__name__}('
                'timeseries={1})'.format(self, self_ts))

    def __str__(self):
        return ("Running Average ( "
                "timeseries=RunningAverage.get_timeseries('uv'), "

    def past_hours_to_average(self):
        return self._past_hours_to_average

    def past_hours_to_average(self, value):
        How many hours for running average
        # may want a check on value
        self._past_hours_to_average = value

    def timeseries(self):
        return self.get_timeseries()

    def _convert_to_time_value_pair(self, datetime_value_2d):
        fmt datetime_value_2d so it is a numpy array with
        dtype=basic_types.time_value_pair as the C++ code expects
        # following fails for 0-d objects so make sure we have a 1-D array
        # to work with
        datetime_value_2d = np.asarray(datetime_value_2d,
        if datetime_value_2d.shape == ():
            datetime_value_2d = np.asarray([datetime_value_2d],

        timeval = to_time_value_pair(datetime_value_2d, "uv")
        return timeval

    def get_timeseries(self, datetime=None):
        Returns the timeseries in the requested format. If datetime=None,
        then the original timeseries that was entered is returned.
        If datetime is a list containing datetime objects, then the wind value
        for each of those date times is determined by the underlying
        CyOSSMTime object and the timeseries is returned.

        The output format is defined by the strings 'r-theta', 'uv'

        :param datetime: [optional] datetime object or list of datetime
                         objects for which the value is desired
        :type datetime: datetime object

        :returns: numpy array containing dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d.
                  Contains user specified datetime and the corresponding
                  values in 'm/s' and 'uv' format
        if datetime is None:
            datetimeval = to_datetime_value_2d(self.ossm.timeseries, 'uv')
            datetime = np.asarray(datetime, dtype='datetime64[s]').reshape(-1)

            timeval = np.zeros((len(datetime), ),
            timeval['time'] = date_to_sec(datetime)
            timeval['value'] = self.ossm.get_time_value(timeval['time'])

            datetimeval = to_datetime_value_2d(timeval, 'uv')

        return datetimeval

    def prepare_for_model_run(self, model_time):
        Make sure we are up to date with the referenced time series
        if self.wind is None:
            msg = "wind object not defined for WindMover"
            raise ReferencedObjectNotSet(msg)

        model_time = date_to_sec(model_time)


    def prepare_for_model_step(self, model_time):
        Make sure we are up to date with the referenced time series
        model_time = date_to_sec(model_time)

        if self.ossm.check_time_in_range(model_time):


    def create_running_average_timeseries(self,
        Creates the timeseries of the RunningAverage object

        :param past_hours_to_average: amount of data to use in the averaging
        # first get the time series from the C++ function
        # self.timeseries = wind.ossm.create_running_average(past_hours)
        # do we need to dispose of old one here?
        moving_timeseries = (self.wind.ossm.create_running_average(
            past_hours_to_average, model_time))

        # here should set the timeseries since the CyOSSMTime
        # should already exist
        self.ossm.timeseries = moving_timeseries

    def get_value(self, time):
        Return the value at specified time and location. Timeseries are
        independent of location; however, a gridded datafile may require
        location so this interface may get refactored if it needs to support
        different types of data.
        It assumes the data in SI units (m/s) and 'uv' format

        .. note:: It invokes get_timeseries(..) function
        if self.ossm.timeseries is None:

        # if check on time range here:
        #     self.create_running_average_timeseries(self.past_hours,
        #                                            'm/s', 'uv')
        data = self.get_timeseries(time)

        return tuple(data[0]['value'])
Example #2
class RunningAverage(Environment, Serializable):
    Defines a running average time series for a wind or tide

    _update = []

    # used to create new obj or as readonly parameter
    _create = []

    _state = copy.deepcopy(Environment._state)
    _state += [Field('wind', save=True, update=True, save_reference=True)]
    _state.add(save=_create, update=_update)
    _schema = RunningAverageSchema

    # _state.add_field([serializable.Field('timeseries', save=True,
    #                                      update=True)
    #                   ])
    # _state['name'].test_for_eq = False

    # list of valid velocity units for timeseries
    # valid_vel_units = _valid_units('Velocity')

    def __init__(self, wind=None, timeseries=None, past_hours_to_average=3,
        Initializes a running average object from a wind and past hours
        to average

        If no wind is given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)
            units = 'mps'
        (note: probably should be an error)

        All other keywords are optional. Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param past_hours_to_average: default is 3

        self.units = 'mps'
        self.format = 'uv'
        self._past_hours_to_average = past_hours_to_average
        self.wind = wind

        if (wind is None and timeseries is None):
            mvg_timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
            moving_timeseries = self._convert_to_time_value_pair(mvg_timeseries)

            if wind is not None:
                moving_timeseries = wind.ossm.create_running_average(self._past_hours_to_average)
                self.wind = Wind(timeseries, units='mps', format='uv')
                moving_timeseries = self.wind.ossm.create_running_average(self._past_hours_to_average)

        # print "moving_timeseries"
        # print moving_timeseries

        self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=moving_timeseries)

        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        self_ts = self.timeseries.__repr__()
        return ('{0.__class__.__module__}.{0.__class__.__name__}('
                ')').format(self, self_ts)

    def __str__(self):
        return ("Running Average ( "
                "timeseries=RunningAverage.get_timeseries('uv'), "

    def past_hours_to_average(self):
        return self._past_hours_to_average

    def past_hours_to_average(self, value):
        How many hours for running average
        # may want a check on value
        self._past_hours_to_average = value

    def timeseries(self):
        return self.get_timeseries()

    def _convert_to_time_value_pair(self, datetime_value_2d):
        fmt datetime_value_2d so it is a numpy array with
        dtype=basic_types.time_value_pair as the C++ code expects
        # following fails for 0-d objects so make sure we have a 1-D array
        # to work with
        datetime_value_2d = np.asarray(datetime_value_2d,
        if datetime_value_2d.shape == ():
            datetime_value_2d = np.asarray([datetime_value_2d],

        # self._check_units(units)
        # self._check_timeseries(datetime_value_2d, units)
        # datetime_value_2d['value'] = \
        #     self._convert_units(datetime_value_2d['value'],
        #                         fmt, units, 'meter per second')

        timeval = to_time_value_pair(datetime_value_2d, "uv")
        return timeval

    def get_timeseries(self, datetime=None):
        Returns the timeseries in the requested format. If datetime=None,
        then the original timeseries that was entered is returned.
        If datetime is a list containing datetime objects, then the wind value
        for each of those date times is determined by the underlying
        CyOSSMTime object and the timeseries is returned.

        The output format is defined by the strings 'r-theta', 'uv'

        :param datetime: [optional] datetime object or list of datetime
                         objects for which the value is desired
        :type datetime: datetime object

        :returns: numpy array containing dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d.
                  Contains user specified datetime and the corresponding
                  values in 'm/s' and 'uv' format
        if datetime is None:
            datetimeval = to_datetime_value_2d(self.ossm.timeseries, 'uv')
            datetime = np.asarray(datetime, dtype='datetime64[s]').reshape(-1)
            timeval = np.zeros((len(datetime), ),
            timeval['time'] = date_to_sec(datetime)
            timeval['value'] = self.ossm.get_time_value(timeval['time'])
            datetimeval = to_datetime_value_2d(timeval, 'uv')

        return datetimeval

    def prepare_for_model_run(self, model_time):
        Make sure we are up to date with the referenced time series
        if self.wind is None:
            msg = "wind object not defined for WindMover"
            raise ReferencedObjectNotSet(msg)

        model_time = date_to_sec(model_time)


    def prepare_for_model_step(self, model_time):
        Make sure we are up to date with the referenced time series
        model_time = date_to_sec(model_time)
        if self.ossm.check_time_in_range(model_time):
            if self.wind.ossm.check_time_in_range(model_time):
                # there is wind data for this time so create
                # a new running average
                self.create_running_average_timeseries(self._past_hours_to_average, model_time)


    def create_running_average_timeseries(self, past_hours_to_average,
        Creates the timeseries of the RunningAverage object

        :param past_hours_to_average: amount of data to use in the averaging
        # first get the time series from the C++ function
        # self.timeseries = wind.ossm.create_running_average(past_hours)
        # do we need to dispose of old one here?
        moving_timeseries = self.wind.ossm.create_running_average(past_hours_to_average, model_time)

        # here should set the timeseries since the CyOSSMTime
        # should already exist
        self.ossm.timeseries = moving_timeseries
        # self.ossm = CyOSSMTime(timeseries=moving_timeseries)

    def get_value(self, time):
        Return the value at specified time and location. Timeseries are
        independent of location; however, a gridded datafile may require
        location so this interface may get refactored if it needs to support
        different types of data.
        It assumes the data in SI units (m/s) and 'uv' format

        .. note:: It invokes get_timeseries(..) function
        if self.ossm.timeseries is None:

        # if check on time range here:
        #     self.create_running_average_timeseries(self.past_hours,
        #                                            'm/s', 'uv')
        data = self.get_timeseries(time)

        return tuple(data[0]['value'])

    def serialize(self, json_='webapi'):
        Since 'wind' property is saved as references in save file
        need to add appropriate node to WindMover schema for 'webapi'
        toserial = self.to_serialize(json_)
        schema = self.__class__._schema()
        if json_ == 'webapi':
            if self.wind:
                # add wind schema

        serial = schema.serialize(toserial)

        return serial

    def deserialize(cls, json_):
        append correct schema for wind object
        schema = cls._schema()
        if 'wind' in json_:

        _to_dict = schema.deserialize(json_)

        return _to_dict
Example #3
class RunningAverage(Environment):
    Defines a running average time series for a wind or tide

    _schema = RunningAverageSchema

    def __init__(self, wind=None, timeseries=None, past_hours_to_average=3,
        Initializes a running average object from a wind and past hours
        to average

        If no wind is given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)
            units = 'mps'
        (note: probably should be an error)

        All other keywords are optional. Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param past_hours_to_average: default is 3

        self.units = 'mps'
        self.format = 'uv'
        self._past_hours_to_average = past_hours_to_average
        self.wind = wind

        if (wind is None and timeseries is None):
            mvg_timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
            moving_ts = self._convert_to_time_value_pair(mvg_timeseries)
        elif wind is not None:
            moving_ts = (wind.ossm
            self.wind = Wind(timeseries, units='mps', coord_sys='uv')
            moving_ts = (self.wind.ossm

        self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=moving_ts)

        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        self_ts = self.timeseries.__repr__()
        return ('{0.__class__.__module__}.{0.__class__.__name__}('
                .format(self, self_ts))

    def __str__(self):
        return ("Running Average ( "
                "timeseries=RunningAverage.get_timeseries('uv'), "

    def past_hours_to_average(self):
        return self._past_hours_to_average

    def past_hours_to_average(self, value):
        How many hours for running average
        # may want a check on value
        self._past_hours_to_average = value

    def timeseries(self):
        return self.get_timeseries()

    def _convert_to_time_value_pair(self, datetime_value_2d):
        fmt datetime_value_2d so it is a numpy array with
        dtype=basic_types.time_value_pair as the C++ code expects
        # following fails for 0-d objects so make sure we have a 1-D array
        # to work with
        datetime_value_2d = np.asarray(datetime_value_2d,
        if datetime_value_2d.shape == ():
            datetime_value_2d = np.asarray([datetime_value_2d],

        timeval = to_time_value_pair(datetime_value_2d, "uv")
        return timeval

    def get_timeseries(self, datetime=None):
        Returns the timeseries in the requested format. If datetime=None,
        then the original timeseries that was entered is returned.
        If datetime is a list containing datetime objects, then the wind value
        for each of those date times is determined by the underlying
        CyOSSMTime object and the timeseries is returned.

        The output format is defined by the strings 'r-theta', 'uv'

        :param datetime: [optional] datetime object or list of datetime
                         objects for which the value is desired
        :type datetime: datetime object

        :returns: numpy array containing dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d.
                  Contains user specified datetime and the corresponding
                  values in 'm/s' and 'uv' format
        if datetime is None:
            datetimeval = to_datetime_value_2d(self.ossm.timeseries, 'uv')
            datetime = np.asarray(datetime, dtype='datetime64[s]').reshape(-1)

            timeval = np.zeros((len(datetime), ),
            timeval['time'] = date_to_sec(datetime)
            timeval['value'] = self.ossm.get_time_value(timeval['time'])

            datetimeval = to_datetime_value_2d(timeval, 'uv')

        return datetimeval

    def prepare_for_model_run(self, model_time):
        Make sure we are up to date with the referenced time series
        if self.wind is None:
            msg = "wind object not defined for WindMover"
            raise ReferencedObjectNotSet(msg)

        model_time = date_to_sec(model_time)


    def prepare_for_model_step(self, model_time):
        Make sure we are up to date with the referenced time series
        model_time = date_to_sec(model_time)

        if self.ossm.check_time_in_range(model_time):


    def create_running_average_timeseries(self, past_hours_to_average,
        Creates the timeseries of the RunningAverage object

        :param past_hours_to_average: amount of data to use in the averaging
        # first get the time series from the C++ function
        # self.timeseries = wind.ossm.create_running_average(past_hours)
        # do we need to dispose of old one here?
        moving_timeseries = (self.wind.ossm

        # here should set the timeseries since the CyOSSMTime
        # should already exist
        self.ossm.timeseries = moving_timeseries

    def get_value(self, time):
        Return the value at specified time and location. Timeseries are
        independent of location; however, a gridded datafile may require
        location so this interface may get refactored if it needs to support
        different types of data.
        It assumes the data in SI units (m/s) and 'uv' format

        .. note:: It invokes get_timeseries(..) function
        if self.ossm.timeseries is None:

        # if check on time range here:
        #     self.create_running_average_timeseries(self.past_hours,
        #                                            'm/s', 'uv')
        data = self.get_timeseries(time)

        return tuple(data[0]['value'])