def __init__(self,
        Rational resampling polyphase FIR filter.

        Either taps or fractional_bw may be specified, but not both.
        If neither is specified, a reasonable default, 0.4, is used as
        the fractional_bw.

            interpolation: interpolation factor (integer > 0)
            decimation: decimation factor (integer > 0)
            taps: optional filter coefficients (sequence)
            fractional_bw: fractional bandwidth in (0, 0.5), measured at final freq (use 0.4) (float)

        if not isinstance(interpolation, int) or interpolation < 1:
            raise ValueError("interpolation must be an integer >= 1")

        if not isinstance(decimation, int) or decimation < 1:
            raise ValueError("decimation must be an integer >= 1")

        if taps is None and fractional_bw is None:
            fractional_bw = 0.4

        d = gru.gcd(interpolation, decimation)

        # If we have user-provided taps and the interp and decim
        # values have a common divisor, we don't reduce these values
        # by the GCD but issue a warning to the user that this might
        # increase the complexity of the filter.
        if taps and (d > 1):
                "Rational resampler has user-provided taps but interpolation ({0}) and decimation ({1}) have a GCD of {2}, which increases the complexity of the filterbank. Consider reducing these values by the GCD."
                .format(interpolation, decimation, d))

        # If we don't have user-provided taps, reduce the interp and
        # decim values by the GCD (if there is one) and then define
        # the taps from these new values.
        if taps is None:
            interpolation = interpolation // d
            decimation = decimation // d
            taps = design_filter(interpolation, decimation, fractional_bw)

        self.resampler = resampler_base(interpolation, decimation, taps)
            self, "rational_resampler",
                1, 1,
                1, 1,

        self.connect(self, self.resampler, self)
    def __init__(self,
        Rational resampling polyphase FIR filter.

        Either taps or fractional_bw may be specified, but not both.
        If neither is specified, a reasonable default, 0.4, is used as
        the fractional_bw.

        @param interpolation: interpolation factor
        @type  interpolation: integer > 0
        @param decimation: decimation factor
        @type  decimation: integer > 0
        @param taps: optional filter coefficients
        @type  taps: sequence
        @param fractional_bw: fractional bandwidth in (0, 0.5), measured at final freq (use 0.4)
        @type  fractional_bw: float

        if not isinstance(interpolation, int) or interpolation < 1:
            raise ValueError, "interpolation must be an integer >= 1"

        if not isinstance(decimation, int) or decimation < 1:
            raise ValueError, "decimation must be an integer >= 1"

        if taps is None and fractional_bw is None:
            fractional_bw = 0.4

        d = gru.gcd(interpolation, decimation)
        interpolation = interpolation // d
        decimation = decimation // d

        if taps is None:
            taps = design_filter(interpolation, decimation, fractional_bw)

        resampler = resampler_base(interpolation, decimation, taps)
            self, "rational_resampler",
            gr.io_signature(1, 1,
                1, 1,

        self.connect(self, resampler, self)
    def __init__(self, resampler_base,
                 interpolation, decimation, taps=None, fractional_bw=None):
        Rational resampling polyphase FIR filter.

        Either taps or fractional_bw may be specified, but not both.
        If neither is specified, a reasonable default, 0.4, is used as
        the fractional_bw.

            interpolation: interpolation factor (integer > 0)
            decimation: decimation factor (integer > 0)
            taps: optional filter coefficients (sequence)
            fractional_bw: fractional bandwidth in (0, 0.5), measured at final freq (use 0.4) (float)

        if not isinstance(interpolation, int) or interpolation < 1:
            raise ValueError, "interpolation must be an integer >= 1"

        if not isinstance(decimation, int) or decimation < 1:
            raise ValueError, "decimation must be an integer >= 1"

        if taps is None and fractional_bw is None:
            fractional_bw = 0.4

        d = gru.gcd(interpolation, decimation)

        # If we have user-provided taps and the interp and decim
        # values have a common divisor, we don't reduce these values
        # by the GCD but issue a warning to the user that this might
        # increase the complexity of the filter.
        if taps and (d > 1):
  "Rational resampler has user-provided taps but interpolation ({0}) and decimation ({1}) have a GCD of {2}, which increases the complexity of the filterbank. Consider reducing these values by the GCD.".format(interpolation, decimation, d))

        # If we don't have user-provided taps, reduce the interp and
        # decim values by the GCD (if there is one) and then define
        # the taps from these new values.
        if taps is None:
            interpolation = interpolation // d
            decimation = decimation // d
            taps = design_filter(interpolation, decimation, fractional_bw)

        self.resampler = resampler_base(interpolation, decimation, taps)
	gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "rational_resampler",
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, self.resampler.input_signature().sizeof_stream_item(0)),
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, self.resampler.output_signature().sizeof_stream_item(0)))

	self.connect(self, self.resampler, self)
    def __init__(self, resampler_base,
                 interpolation, decimation, taps=None, fractional_bw=None):
        Rational resampling polyphase FIR filter.

        Either taps or fractional_bw may be specified, but not both.
        If neither is specified, a reasonable default, 0.4, is used as
        the fractional_bw.

        @param interpolation: interpolation factor
        @type  interpolation: integer > 0
        @param decimation: decimation factor
        @type  decimation: integer > 0
        @param taps: optional filter coefficients
        @type  taps: sequence
        @param fractional_bw: fractional bandwidth in (0, 0.5), measured at final freq (use 0.4)
        @type  fractional_bw: float

        if not isinstance(interpolation, int) or interpolation < 1:
            raise ValueError, "interpolation must be an integer >= 1"

        if not isinstance(decimation, int) or decimation < 1:
            raise ValueError, "decimation must be an integer >= 1"

        if taps is None and fractional_bw is None:
            fractional_bw = 0.4

        d = gru.gcd(interpolation, decimation)
        interpolation = interpolation // d
        decimation = decimation // d

        if taps is None:
            taps = design_filter(interpolation, decimation, fractional_bw)

        resampler = resampler_base(interpolation, decimation, taps)
	gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "rational_resampler",
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, resampler.input_signature().sizeof_stream_item(0)),
				gr.io_signature(1, 1, resampler.output_signature().sizeof_stream_item(0)))

	self.connect(self, resampler, self)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, num_streams, fs_in, delta_f_in):
            self, 'coh_stream_synth',
            gr.io_signature(num_streams, num_streams, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),
            gr.io_signature(2 * num_streams, 2 * num_streams,
        assert (num_streams >= 2 and num_streams <= 6)
        fsr = delta_f_in
        factor = gru.gcd(fsr, fs_in)
        interp = fsr / factor
        decim = fs_in / factor

        self._align_streams = align_streams(num_streams, True)
        self._rotators = rotator_proxy(num_streams, fs_in, delta_f_in)

        self._taps_resampler = taps_resampler = filter.firdes.low_pass_2(
            gain=2 * interp,
            cutoff_freq=0.5 / decim,
            transition_width=0.4 / decim,
        self._rational_resamplers = [
            filter.rational_resampler_ccc(interpolation=2 * interp,
            for _ in range(num_streams)
        self._taps_pfb = taps_pfb = filter.firdes.low_pass_2(
            sampling_freq=4 * fsr,
            cutoff_freq=0.5 * fsr,
            transition_width=0.2 * fsr,

        self._pfb_synthesizer = filter.pfb_synthesizer_ccf(numchans=6,
        channel_map = []
        if num_streams == 2:
            channel_map = [0, 1]
        if num_streams == 3:
            channel_map = [7, 0, 1]
        if num_streams == 4:
            channel_map = [7, 0, 1, 2]
        if num_streams == 5:
            channel_map = [10, 11, 0, 1, 2]
        if num_streams == 6:
            channel_map = [6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3]

        self._poc = [
            phase_offset_corrector(2 * delta_f_in)
            for _ in range(1, num_streams)

        for i in range(num_streams):
            self.connect((self, i), (self._align_streams, i),
                         (self._rotators, i), (self._rotators.get(i)),

        ## the phase offset corrector are cascading:
        ## #0 ---------------------- 0
                     (self._pfb_synthesizer, 0))
        ## (#0,#1) -> poc[0] ------- 1
        self.connect((self._rational_resamplers[0]), (self._poc[0], 0))
        self.connect((self._rational_resamplers[1]), (self._poc[0], 1))
        self.connect((self._poc[0], 0), (self._pfb_synthesizer, 1))
        ## (poc[0],#2) -> poc[1] --- 2
        ## (poc[1],#3) -> poc[2] --- 3
        ## ...
        for i in range(2, num_streams):
            self.connect((self._poc[i - 2], 0), (self._poc[i - 1], 0))
            self.connect((self._rational_resamplers[i]), (self._poc[i - 1], 1))
            self.connect((self._poc[i - 1], 0), (self._pfb_synthesizer, i))

        ## resampled coherent input streams + rel. phase offsets
        self.connect((self._rational_resamplers[0]), (self, 1))
        for i in range(1, num_streams):
            self.connect((self._poc[i - 1], 0), (self, 1 + i))
            self.connect((self._poc[i - 1], 1), (self, num_streams + i))

        ## combined IQ output stream
        ## out: 4*delta_f_in if num_streams <= 3 else 8*delta_f_in
        self._final_processing = final_processing(num_streams, delta_f_in)
        self.connect((self._pfb_synthesizer, 0), (self._final_processing),
                     (self, 0))

        ##self.msg_connect((self._align_streams.get_find_offsets(), 'fs'), (self._rotators, 'fs'))
        self.msg_connect((self._align_streams, 'fs'), (self._rotators, 'fs'))