def delete(self):
        """Delete this instance.

        Marks an instance and all of its tables for permanent deletion
        in 7 days.

        Immediately upon completion of the request:

        * Billing will cease for all of the instance's reserved resources.
        * The instance's ``delete_time`` field will be set 7 days in
          the future.

        Soon afterward:

        * All tables within the instance will become unavailable.

        At the instance's ``delete_time``:

        * The instance and **all of its tables** will immediately and
          irrevocably disappear from the API, and their data will be
          permanently deleted.
        request_pb = messages_v2_pb2.DeleteInstanceRequest(
        # We expect a `google.protobuf.empty_pb2.Empty`
Example #2
    def test_delete(self):
        from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
        from import (
            bigtable_instance_admin_pb2 as messages_v2_pb)
        from unit_tests._testing import _FakeStub

        client = _Client(self.PROJECT)
        instance = self._make_one(self.INSTANCE_ID, client, self.LOCATION_ID)

        # Create request_pb
        request_pb = messages_v2_pb.DeleteInstanceRequest(

        # Create response_pb
        response_pb = empty_pb2.Empty()

        # Patch the stub used by the API method.
        client._instance_stub = stub = _FakeStub(response_pb)

        # Create expected_result.
        expected_result = None  # delete() has no return value.

        # Perform the method and check the result.
        result = instance.delete()

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
        self.assertEqual(stub.method_calls, [(
            (request_pb, ),