Example #1
    def _generate_atomic_grid(rgrid, degs, rotate=False):
        """Generate atomic grid for each radial point with angular degree L.

        rgrid : Grid, radial grid of given atomic grid.
        degs : np.ndarray(N,), an array of magic number for each radial point.
        rotate : boolean or int, whether a rotation will be applied to grid

        tuple(np.ndarray(M,), np.ndarray(M,), np.ndarray(N,)),
            grid points, grid weights, and indices for each shell.
        if len(degs) != rgrid.size:
            raise ValueError(
                "The shape of radial grid does not match given degs.")
        all_points, all_weights = [], []
        # Preload spherical information in case of repeated IO
        unique_degs = np.unique(degs)
        sphere_grids = {
            i: generate_lebedev_grid(degree=i)
            for i in unique_degs

        shell_pt_indices = np.zeros(len(degs) + 1,
                                    dtype=int)  # set index to int
        for i, deg_i in enumerate(degs):  # TODO: proper tests
            sphere_grid = sphere_grids[deg_i]
            if rotate is False:
            # if rotate is True, rotate each shell
            elif rotate is True:
                rot_mt = R.random().as_matrix()
                new_points = sphere_grid.points @ rot_mt
                sphere_grid = AngularGrid(new_points, sphere_grid.weights)
            # if rotate is a seed
                assert isinstance(rotate, int)  # check seed proper value
                rot_mt = R.random(random_state=rotate + i).as_matrix()
                new_points = sphere_grid.points @ rot_mt
                sphere_grid = AngularGrid(new_points, sphere_grid.weights)
            # construct atomic grid with each radial point and each spherical shell
            # compute points
            points = sphere_grid.points * rgrid[i].points
            # compute weights
            weights = sphere_grid.weights * rgrid[i].weights * rgrid[
            # locate separators
            shell_pt_indices[i + 1] = shell_pt_indices[i] + len(points)
        indices = shell_pt_indices
        points = np.vstack(all_points)
        weights = np.hstack(all_weights)
        return points, weights, indices
Example #2
 def test_get_shell_grid(self):
     """Test angular grid get from get_shell_grid function."""
     rad_pts = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1])
     rad_wts = np.array([0.3, 0.4, 0.3])
     rad_grid = OneDGrid(rad_pts, rad_wts)
     degs = [3, 5, 7]
     atgrid = AtomGrid(rad_grid, degs=degs)
     assert atgrid.n_shells == 3
     # grep shell with r^2
     for i in range(atgrid.n_shells):
         sh_grid = atgrid.get_shell_grid(i)
         assert isinstance(sh_grid, AngularGrid)
         ref_grid = generate_lebedev_grid(degree=degs[i])
         assert np.allclose(sh_grid.points, ref_grid.points * rad_pts[i])
         assert np.allclose(sh_grid.weights,
                            ref_grid.weights * rad_wts[i] * rad_pts[i]**2)
     # grep shell without r^2
     for i in range(atgrid.n_shells):
         sh_grid = atgrid.get_shell_grid(i, r_sq=False)
         assert isinstance(sh_grid, AngularGrid)
         ref_grid = generate_lebedev_grid(degree=degs[i])
         assert np.allclose(sh_grid.points, ref_grid.points * rad_pts[i])
         assert np.allclose(sh_grid.weights, ref_grid.weights * rad_wts[i])
Example #3
    def _preload_unit_sphere_grid(degs):
        """Preload spherical information incase repeated IO.

        degs : np.ndarray(N,), an array of preferred magic number degrees.

        dict{degree: AngularGrid}
        # if non-magic number will bring redundancy. But it only link by ref,
        # so the efficiency would be fine.
        unique_degs = np.unique(degs)
        return {i: generate_lebedev_grid(degree=i) for i in unique_degs}
Example #4
 def test_lebedev_laikov_sphere(self):
     """Levedev grid tests from old grid."""
     previous_npoint = 0
     for i in range(1, 132):
         npoint = _select_grid_type(degree=i)[1]
         if npoint > previous_npoint:
             grid = generate_lebedev_grid(size=npoint)
             assert isinstance(grid, AngularGrid)
             assert_allclose(grid.weights.sum(), 1.0 * 4 * np.pi)
             assert_allclose(grid.points[:, 0].sum(), 0, atol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(grid.points[:, 1].sum(), 0, atol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(grid.points[:, 2].sum(), 0, atol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(np.dot(grid.points[:, 0], grid.weights), 0, atol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(np.dot(grid.points[:, 1], grid.weights), 0, atol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(np.dot(grid.points[:, 2], grid.weights), 0, atol=1e-10)
         previous_npoint = npoint
Example #5
 def test_generate_atomic_grid(self):
     """Test for generating atomic grid."""
     # setup testing class
     rad_pts = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1])
     rad_wts = np.array([0.3, 0.4, 0.3])
     rad_grid = OneDGrid(rad_pts, rad_wts)
     degs = np.array([3, 5, 7])
     pts, wts, ind = AtomGrid._generate_atomic_grid(rad_grid, degs)
     assert len(pts) == 46
     assert_equal(ind, [0, 6, 20, 46])
     # set tests for slicing grid from atomic grid
     for i in range(3):
         # set each layer of points
         ref_grid = generate_lebedev_grid(degree=degs[i])
         # check for each point
         assert_allclose(pts[ind[i]:ind[i + 1]],
                         ref_grid.points * rad_pts[i])
         # check for each weight
             wts[ind[i]:ind[i + 1]],
             ref_grid.weights * rad_wts[i] * rad_pts[i]**2,
Example #6
 def setUp(self):
     """Generate atomic grid for constant test call."""
     self.ang_grid = generate_lebedev_grid(degree=7)
Example #7
 def test_errors_and_warnings(self):
     """Tests for errors and warning."""
     # low level function tests
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):
         _select_grid_type(degree=5, size=10)
     # high level function tests
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     with self.assertWarns(RuntimeWarning):
         generate_lebedev_grid(degree=5, size=10)