def __SignalOnQueryEditSong(self, message = None):
        """ The song needs to be edited, we catch a signal from the view manager
            to allow other GUI elements to also issue this edit action 
            Subscribed to VIEWMGR """
        s = self._filter._selectedSong
        if s <> None:
            dlg = NewSongDlg.NewSongDlg(self)
            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                # we first remember the last dir if we have one, and then
                # see what the new dir will be. If we have a change, notify
                path_before = appcfg.GetAbsWorkPathFromSong(s)
                path_after = appcfg.GetAbsWorkPathFromSong(s)

                # if we  have a new attachments path, notify user
                if path_before.upper() != path_after.upper() and os.path.exists(path_before):
                    wx.MessageBox('The attachment path is changed!\n' + \
                                  'Make sure you manually copy all files to the new attachments directory',
                                  'Path is changed', wx.ICON_WARNING | wx.OK)
                # update the song in the database
                sp = db.songs_peer.SongPeer(db.engine.GetDb())
                sp.Update(s, all = True)  
                # signal everyone the song is updated

    def __OnEditCategories(self, event):
        """ Menu handler to edit the categories belonging to the song """
        s = self._filter._selectedSong
        if s <> None:    
            dlg = CategoriesDlg.CategoriesDlg(self)
            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:

                # update the song in the database
                sp = db.songs_peer.SongPeer(db.engine.GetDb())
                sp.Update(s, all = True)     
                # tell all views we updated
