Example #1
def albumoverview(request, albumid):
    user = Helpers.getUser(request)
    album = get_object_or_404(Album, id=albumid, owner=user);
    context = {"album": album}

    # Fetch pages.
    pages = AlbumPage.objects.filter(album=albumid)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Add new page?
        if request.POST["action"] == 'addpage':
            if "layout" in request.POST:
                layoutno = request.POST["layout"];
                if not pages:
                    pageno = 1
                    pageno = pages.count() + 1
                albumpage = AlbumPage(album=album, layout=layoutno, pageno=pageno)
            # a sluggish way of handling false submission. Should be implemented with Django Forms
                return redirect('/albums/%s?edit=true' % albumid)

    pages = AlbumPage.objects.filter(album=albumid)
    # construct 'photos' dictionaries for each page, like the albumpage view does
    for albumpage in pages:
        albumpage.photodict = Helpers.createPhotoDictionary(albumpage)
        albumpage.layouttemplate = 'albumpage-layout-%d.html' % albumpage.layout
    context["pages"] = pages
    # for convenience, editmode is passed to the template as a string that can
    # be appended to URLs
    if ("edit" in request.GET):
        context["editmode"] = "?edit=true"

    return render_to_response('albumoverview.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #2
def albumpage(request, albumid, pageno):
    pageno = int(pageno)

    user = Helpers.getUser(request)
    album = get_object_or_404(Album, id=albumid, owner=user)
    context = {"album": album}

    # Fetch information about the requested page
    context["pageno"] = pageno

    albumpage = get_object_or_404(AlbumPage, album=albumid, pageno=pageno)
    context["albumpage"] = albumpage

    if pageno > 1:
        context["prevpageno"] = int(pageno) - 1

    if pageno < album.pages.count():
        context["nextpageno"] = int(pageno) + 1
    photosdict = Helpers.createPhotoDictionary(albumpage)
    context["photos"] = photosdict

    # If we returned from the search/basket page, there's a caption in the URL. Extract that
    # There is a maximum of 4 photos per page in any layout
    if request.method == 'GET':
        if "search-result-url" in request.GET:
            photono = request.GET["photono"] if "photono" in request.GET else None 
            if photono in photosdict:
                photo = photosdict[photono]
                photo = Photo(albumpage_id=albumpage.id, photono=photono)
                photosdict[photono] = photo
            photo.url = request.GET["search-result-url"]
            photo.unsaved = True
            context["unsaved"] = True
    # If this was an edit, update the objects with the new values
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # There is a maximum of 4 photos per page in any layout
        for photono in range(1, 5):
            newcaption = request.POST.get("photo-%d-caption" % photono, None)
            newurl = request.POST.get("photo-%d-url" % photono, None)
            if newcaption or newurl:
                if photono in photosdict:
                    photo = photosdict[photono]
                    photo = Photo(albumpage_id=albumpage.id, photono=photono)
                    photosdict[photono] = photo
                photo.caption = newcaption
                photo.url = newurl
                album.cover = photo

    # Render response.
    # First choose the template to use for this page's layout.
    context["layouttemplate"] = 'albumpage-layout-%d.html' % albumpage.layout

    # for convenience, editmode is passed to the template as a string that can
    # be appended to URLs
    if "edit" in request.GET:
        context["editmode"] = "?edit=true"

    return render_to_response('albumpage.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))