Example #1
    def acceleration(self,
                     ego_vehicle: ControlledVehicle,
                     front_vehicle: Vehicle = None,
                     rear_vehicle: Vehicle = None) -> float:
        Compute an acceleration command with the Intelligent Driver Model.

        The acceleration is chosen so as to:
        - reach a target speed;
        - maintain a minimum safety distance (and safety time) w.r.t the front vehicle.

        :param ego_vehicle: the vehicle whose desired acceleration is to be computed. It does not have to be an
                            IDM vehicle, which is why this method is a class method. This allows an IDM vehicle to
                            reason about other vehicles behaviors even though they may not IDMs.
        :param front_vehicle: the vehicle preceding the ego-vehicle
        :param rear_vehicle: the vehicle following the ego-vehicle
        :return: the acceleration command for the ego-vehicle [m/s2]
        if not ego_vehicle or not isinstance(ego_vehicle, Vehicle):
            return 0
        ego_target_speed = utils.not_zero(
            getattr(ego_vehicle, "target_speed", 0))
        acceleration = self.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * (1 - np.power(
            max(ego_vehicle.speed, 0) / ego_target_speed, self.DELTA))

        if front_vehicle:
            d = ego_vehicle.lane_distance_to(front_vehicle)
            acceleration -= self.COMFORT_ACC_MAX * \
                np.power(self.desired_gap(ego_vehicle, front_vehicle) / utils.not_zero(d), 2)
        return acceleration
Example #2
 def acceleration_features(self, ego_vehicle: ControlledVehicle,
                           front_vehicle: Vehicle = None,
                           rear_vehicle: Vehicle = None) -> np.ndarray:
     vt, dv, dp = 0, 0, 0
     if ego_vehicle:
         vt = ego_vehicle.target_speed - ego_vehicle.speed
         d_safe = self.DISTANCE_WANTED + np.maximum(ego_vehicle.speed, 0) * self.TIME_WANTED
         if front_vehicle:
             d = ego_vehicle.lane_distance_to(front_vehicle)
             dv = min(front_vehicle.speed - ego_vehicle.speed, 0)
             dp = min(d - d_safe, 0)
     return np.array([vt, dv, dp])