Example #1
 def sensorPowerGroupB(self, state):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | switches power of sensor group B.
     | Sensor group B contains either the sensors of axis 4-6 or 3 dependent on hardware of controller.
Example #2
 def quadratureOutputPeriod(self, quadratureno, period):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | selects the position difference which causes a step on the output AB-signal.
     | quadratureno: number of addressed quadrature unit (0-2). period: period in unit of actor * 1000.
     ANC350lib.positionerQuadratureOutputPeriod(self.handle, quadratureno,
Example #3
 def singleCircleMode(self, axis, state):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | switches single circle mode.
     | In case of activated single circle mode the number of rotations are ignored and the shortest way to target position is used. Only relevant for rotary actors.
     ANC350lib.positionerSingleCircleMode(self.handle, axis,
Example #4
 def trigger(self, triggerno, lowlevel, highlevel):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | sets the trigger thresholds for the external trigger.
     | triggerno is 0-5, lowlevel/highlevel in units of actor * 1000.
     ANC350lib.positionerTrigger(self.handle, triggerno, lowlevel,
Example #5
    def load(self, axis):
        """| Loads a parameter file for actor configuration.
        | *note: this requires a pointer to a char datatype.*
        | the actor files are in this controller folder, their names are hard coded in the init.
        | *note: Attocube called the up-down actor file ANPz, I called that axis YPiezo.*

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers and 3 to 5 for scanners
        :type axis: integer
        if axis < 3:
            filename = self.actor_name[axis]

            complete_filename = os.path.join(root_dir, 'controller',
                                             'attocube', filename)

                'loading actor file: {}'.format(complete_filename))
            filestring = complete_filename.encode(
                'utf8')  # convert python string to bytes
            filestring_pointer = ctypes.c_char_p(
                filestring)  # create c pointer to variable length char array
            ANC350lib.positionerLoad(self.handle, ctypes.c_int(axis),

                'Loading actor file for attocube piezo appears to have succeeded'
                'you are trying to load an actor file for a Scanner, that doesnt need any'
Example #6
 def quadratureInputPeriod(self, quadratureno, period):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | selects the stepsize the controller executes when detecting a step on its input AB-signal.
     | quadratureno: number of addressed quadrature unit (0-2). period: stepsize in unit of actor * 1000.
     ANC350lib.positionerQuadratureInputPeriod(self.handle, quadratureno,
Example #7
    def stopMoving(self, axis):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | stops any positioning, DC level of affected axis is set to zero after stopping.

        :param axis:
        ANC350lib.positionerStopMoving(self.handle, axis)
Example #8
 def triggerModeOut(self, mode):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | selects the mode of the output trigger signals.
     | state: 0 disabled - inputs trigger nothing,
     | 1 position - the trigger outputs reacts to the defined position ranges with the selected polarity,
     | 2 quadrature - three pairs of trigger out signals are used to signal relative movement as AB-signals, 3 IcHaus - the trigger out signals are used to output the internal position signal of num-sensors.
     ANC350lib.positionerTriggerModeOut(self.handle, mode)
Example #9
    def externalStepBkwInput(self, axis, input_trigger):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | configures external step trigger input for selected axis. a trigger on this input results in a backwards single step.
        | input_trigger: 0 disabled, 1-6 input trigger.

        ANC350lib.positionerExternalStepBkwInput(self.handle, axis,
Example #10
 def getBandwidthLimitEnable(self, axis):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | determines status of bandwidth limiter of addressed axis. only applicable for scanner axes.
     self.status = ctypes.c_bool(None)
     ANC350lib.positionerGetBandwidthLimitEnable(self.handle, axis,
     return self.status.value
Example #11
 def getReferenceRotCount(self, axis):
     determines actual position of addressed axis.
     self.rotcount = ANC350lib.Int32(0)
     ANC350lib.positionerGetReferenceRotCount(self.handle, axis,
     return self.rotcount.value
Example #12
 def triggerModeIn(self, mode):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | selects the mode of the input trigger signals.
     | state: 0 disabled - inputs trigger nothing,
     | 1 quadrature - three pairs of trigger in signals are used to accept AB-signals for relative positioning,
     | 2 coarse - trigger in signals are used to generate coarse steps.
     ANC350lib.positionerTriggerModeIn(self.handle, mode)
Example #13
 def getRotCount(self, axis):
     determines actual number of rotations in case of rotary actuator.
     self.rotcount = ANC350lib.Int32(0)
     ANC350lib.positionerGetRotCount(self.handle, axis,
     return self.rotcount.value
Example #14
    def resetPosition(self, axis):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | sets the origin to the actual position.

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer
        ANC350lib.positionerResetPosition(self.handle, axis)
Example #15
 def getDcInEnable(self, axis):
     """| *UNUSED*
     | determines status of dc input of addressed axis. only applicable for scanner/dither axes.
     self.status = ctypes.c_bool(None)
     ANC350lib.positionerGetDcInEnable(self.handle, axis,
     return self.status.value
Example #16
    def setOutput(self, axis, state):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | activates/deactivates the addressed axis.
        | *no idea what that means, but sounds interesting.*

        :param axis:
        :param state:
        ANC350lib.positionerSetOutput(self.handle, axis, ctypes.c_bool(state))
Example #17
    def moveAbsoluteSync(self, bitmask_of_axes):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | Starts the synchronous approach to absolute target position for selected axis.
        | Previous movement will be stopped.
        | Target position for each axis defined by .setTargetPos() takes a *bitmask* of axes!
        | *Not clear what's the difference with moveAbsolute.*

        :param bitmask_of_axes:
        ANC350lib.positionerMoveAbsoluteSync(self.handle, bitmask_of_axes)
Example #18
    def updateAbsolute(self, axis, position):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | update s target position for a *running* approach.
        | function has lower performance impact on running approach compared to .moveAbsolute().
        | position units are in 'unit of actor multiplied by 1000' (generally nanometres).

        :param axis:
        :param position:
        ANC350lib.positionerUpdateAbsolute(self.handle, axis, position)
Example #19
    def moveReference(self, axis):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | Starts approach to reference position.
        | Previous movement will be stopped.
        | *No idea whats the difference with moveRelative*

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer
        ANC350lib.positionerMoveReference(self.handle, axis)
Example #20
 def getReference(self, axis):
     determines distance of reference mark to origin.
     self.pos = ANC350lib.Int32(0)
     self.validity = ctypes.c_bool(None)
     ANC350lib.positionerGetReference(self.handle, axis,
     return self.pos.value, self.validity.value
Example #21
 def check(self):
     """Determines number of connected attocube controller devices and their respective hardware IDs.
     self.posinf = ANC350lib.PositionerInfo()  #create PositionerInfo Struct
     self.numconnected = ANC350lib.positionerCheck(ctypes.byref(
         self.posinf))  #look for positioners!
     if self.numconnected > 0:
         self.logger.debug(str(self.numconnected) + 'ANC350 connected')
         self.logger.debug('ANC350 with id:' + str(self.posinf.id) +
                           'has locked state:' + str(self.posinf.locked))
Example #22
    def moveSingleStep(self, axis, direction):
        """| Starts a one-step positioning, where the stepwidht is determined by the amplitude and frequency.
        | Previous movement will be stopped.

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer

        :param direction: can be 0 (forward) or 1 (backward)
        ANC350lib.positionerMoveSingleStep(self.handle, axis, direction)
Example #23
    def intEnable(self, axis, state):
        """Activates/deactivates internal signal generation of addressed axis; only applicable for scanner/dither axes.

        :param axis: axis number from 3 to 5 for scanners
        :type axis: integer

        :param state: True is enabled, False is disabled
        :type state: bool
        ANC350lib.positionerIntEnable(self.handle, axis, ctypes.c_bool(state))
Example #24
    def moveContinuous(self, axis, direction):
        """Starts continuously positioning with set parameters for ampl and speed and amp control respectively.

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer

        :param direction: can be 0 (forward) or 1 (backward)
        :type direction: integer
        ANC350lib.positionerMoveContinuous(self.handle, axis, direction)
Example #25
    def setStopDetectionSticky(self, axis, state):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | when enabled, an active stop detection status remains active until cleared manually by .clearStopDetection().
        | *Is this what in Daisy is called hump detection? Than it might be useful.*

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer

        :param state:
        ANC350lib.positionerSetStopDetectionSticky(self.handle, axis, state)
Example #26
    def stopApproach(self, axis):
        | Stops approaching target/relative/reference position.
        | DC level of affected axis after stopping depends on setting by .setTargetGround().
        | *Dont know for sure whats the difference with stopMoving.*

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer
        self.logger.info('Stopping the Approach of Stepper')
        ANC350lib.positionerStopApproach(self.handle, axis)
Example #27
    def getFrequency(self, axis):
        """Determines the frequency on the stepper.

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer

        :return: measured frequency in Hz
        self.freq = ANC350lib.Int32(0)
        ANC350lib.positionerGetFrequency(self.handle, axis,
        return self.freq.value
Example #28
    def getIntEnable(self, axis):
        """Determines status of internal signal generation of addressed axis. only applicable for scanner/dither axes.

        :param axis: axis number from 3 to 5 for scanners
        :type axis: integer

        :return: True if the INT mode is selected, False if not
        self.status = ctypes.c_bool(None)
        ANC350lib.positionerGetIntEnable(self.handle, axis,
        return self.status.value
Example #29
    def stopDetection(self, axis, state):
        """| *UNUSED*
        | switches stop detection on/off.
        | *Is this what in Daisy is called hump detection? Than it might be useful.*

        :param axis: axis number from 0 to 2 for steppers
        :type axis: integer

        :param state:
        ANC350lib.positionerStopDetection(self.handle, axis,
Example #30
 def connect(self):
     """| Establishes connection to the first attocube device found.
     | **Pay attention: the 0 that you give to the ANC350lib.Int32 is the first attocube device; not the first of the 6 positioners.**
     self.handle = ANC350lib.Int32(0)
         ANC350lib.positionerConnect(0, ctypes.byref(
             self.handle))  #0 means "first device"
         self.logger.info('connected to first (and only) attocube device')
     except Exception as e:
         self.logger.error('unable to connect!')
         raise e