Example #1
    def __init__(self, parameters, cross_experiment_key, **kwargs):
        """A KeyMaker class dedicated to creating hyperparameter keys, which determine when
        experiments were executed using identical hyperparameters. Two separate instances of
        :class:`experiments.CVExperiment` should produce identical `hyperparameter_key` s if their
        hyperparameters are the same (or close enough)

        parameters: Dict
            All the parameters to be included when creating the key hash. Keys should correspond to
            parameter names, and values should be the values of the corresponding keys
        cross_experiment_key: Str
            The key produced by the active Environment via
            :class:`key_handler.CrossExperimentKeyMaker`, used for determining when a
            hyperparameter key has already been tested under the same cross-experiment parameters
        **kwargs: Dict
            Additional arguments supplied to :meth:`key_handler.KeyMaker.__init__`"""
        self.cross_experiment_key = cross_experiment_key
        self.is_task_keras = (
            hasattr(G.Env, "current_task")
            and G.Env.current_task
            and G.Env.current_task.module_name == "keras"

        if self.is_task_keras:
            parameters = deepcopy(parameters)

            #################### Initialize and Parameterize Dummy Model ####################
            temp_model = initialize_dummy_model(

            temp_layers, temp_compile_params = parameterize_compiled_keras_model(temp_model)

            #################### Process Parameters ####################
            # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
            def _visit(path, key, value):
                """If `key` not in ('input_shape', 'input_dim'), return True. Else, return False"""
                return key not in ("input_shape", "input_dim")

            temp_layers = remap(temp_layers, visit=_visit)

            parameters["model_init_params"]["layers"] = temp_layers
            parameters["model_init_params"]["compile_params"] = temp_compile_params

            if "params" in parameters["model_extra_params"]:
                parameters["model_extra_params"] = {
                    _k: _v for _k, _v in parameters["model_extra_params"].items() if _k != "params"

        KeyMaker.__init__(self, parameters, **kwargs)
def test_parameterize_compiled_keras_model(model, layers, compile_params):
    if get_distribution("keras").version < "2.2.0":
                "class_name": "InputLayer",
                "__hh_default_args": None,
                "__hh_default_kwargs": None,
                "__hh_used_args": None,
                "__hh_used_kwargs": None,
    assert parameterize_compiled_keras_model(model()) == (layers,
def keras_prep_workflow(model_initializer, build_fn, extra_params,
    """Conduct preparation steps necessary before hyperparameter optimization on a `Keras` model.
    Such steps include parsing and modifying `build_fn` to be of the form used by
    :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.optimization_core.BaseOptimizationProtocol`, compiling a dummy
    model to identify universal locations of given hyperparameter choices, and creating a simplified
    characterization of the models to be built during optimization in order to enable collection of
    similar Experiments

    model_initializer: :class:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.<KerasClassifier; KerasRegressor>`
        A descendant of :class:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.BaseWrapper` used to build a Keras model
    build_fn: Callable
        The `build_fn` value provided to :meth:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.BaseWrapper.__init__`.
        Expected to return a compiled Keras model. May contain hyperparameter space choices
    extra_params: Dict
        The parameters expected to be passed to the extra methods of the compiled Keras model. Such
        methods include (but are not limited to) `fit`, `predict`, and `predict_proba`. Some of the
        common parameters given here include `epochs`, `batch_size`, and `callbacks`
    source_script: Str
        Absolute path to a Python file. Expected to end with one of the following extensions:
        '.py', '.ipynb'

    reusable_build_fn: Callable
        Modified `build_fn` in which hyperparameter space choices are replaced by dict lookups, and
        the signature is given a standard name, and additional input parameters necessary for reuse
    reusable_wrapper_params: Dict
        The parameters expected to be passed to the extra methods of the compiled Keras model. Such
        methods include (but are not limited to) `fit`, `predict`, and `predict_proba`. Some of the
        common parameters given here include `epochs`, `batch_size`, and `callbacks`
    dummy_layers: List
        The layers of a compiled dummy Keras model constructed according to the given
        hyperparameters, in which each layer is a dict containing at least the following: the name
        of the layer class, allowed and used args, and default and used kwargs
    dummy_compile_params: Dict
        The parameters used on the `compile` call for the dummy model. If a parameter is accepted
        by the `compile` method, but is not explicitly given, its default value is included in
    #################### Prepare Model-Builder String ####################
    temp_builder_name = "__temp_model_builder"
    reusable_build_fn, expected_params = rewrite_model_builder(
    temp_model_file_str = build_temp_model_file(reusable_build_fn,

    #################### Save and Import Temporary Model Builder ####################
        "{}/{}.py".format(os.path.split(__file__)[0], temp_builder_name))

    if temp_builder_name in sys.modules:
        del sys.modules[temp_builder_name]

        from .__temp_model_builder import build_fn as temp_build_fn

    #################### Translate Hyperparameter Names to Universal Paths ####################
    wrapper_params = dict(
        params={_k: eval(_v)
                for _k, _v in expected_params.items()},
    wrapper_params, dummified_params = check_dummy_params(wrapper_params)

    if ("optimizer_params" in dummified_params) and ("optimizer"
                                                     in dummified_params):
        raise ValueError(
            "Unable to optimize both `optimizer` and `optimizer_params`. Please try optimizing them separately"

    compiled_dummy = initialize_dummy_model(model_initializer, temp_build_fn,
    dummy_layers, dummy_compile_params = parameterize_compiled_keras_model(
    merged_compile_params = merge_compile_params(dummy_compile_params,
    # FLAG: Will need to deal with capitalization conflicts when comparing similar experiments: `optimizer`='Adam' vs 'adam'

    consolidated_layers = consolidate_layers(dummy_layers,
    wrapper_params = deep_restricted_update(wrapper_params, dummified_params)

    return (temp_build_fn, wrapper_params, consolidated_layers,
def test_parameterize_compiled_keras_model(model, layers, compile_params):
    assert parameterize_compiled_keras_model(model()) == (layers, compile_params)
Example #5
def keras_prep_workflow(model_initializer, build_fn, extra_params,
    """Conduct preparation steps necessary before hyperparameter optimization on a `Keras` model.
    Such steps include parsing and modifying `build_fn` to be of the form used by
    :class:`hyperparameter_hunter.optimization_core.BaseOptimizationProtocol`, compiling a dummy
    model to identify universal locations of given hyperparameter choices, and creating a simplified
    characterization of the models to be built during optimization in order to enable collection of
    similar Experiments

    model_initializer: :class:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.<KerasClassifier; KerasRegressor>`
        A descendant of :class:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.BaseWrapper` used to build a Keras model
    build_fn: Callable
        The `build_fn` value provided to :meth:`keras.wrappers.scikit_learn.BaseWrapper.__init__`.
        Expected to return a compiled Keras model. May contain hyperparameter space choices
    extra_params: Dict
        The parameters expected to be passed to the extra methods of the compiled Keras model. Such
        methods include (but are not limited to) `fit`, `predict`, and `predict_proba`. Some of the
        common parameters given here include `epochs`, `batch_size`, and `callbacks`
    source_script: Str
        Absolute path to a Python file. Should end with one of following extensions: ".py", ".ipynb"

    reusable_build_fn: Callable
        Modified `build_fn` in which hyperparameter space choices are replaced by dict lookups, and
        the signature is given a standard name, and additional input parameters necessary for reuse
    reusable_wrapper_params: Dict
        The parameters expected to be passed to the extra methods of the compiled Keras model. Such
        methods include (but are not limited to) `fit`, `predict`, and `predict_proba`. Some of the
        common parameters given here include `epochs`, `batch_size`, and `callbacks`
    dummy_layers: List
        The layers of a compiled dummy Keras model constructed according to the given
        hyperparameters, in which each layer is a dict containing at least the following: the name
        of the layer class, allowed and used args, and default and used kwargs
    dummy_compile_params: Dict
        The parameters used on the `compile` call for the dummy model. If a parameter is accepted
        by the `compile` method, but is not explicitly given, its default value is included in
    #################### Set Temporary Model-Builder Module Location ####################
    temp_module_name = f"__temp_model_builder_{datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f')}"
    temp_module_dot_path = f"{TEMP_MODULES_DOT_PATH}.{temp_module_name}"
    temp_module_filepath = f"{TEMP_MODULES_DIR_PATH}/{temp_module_name}.py"

    #################### Prepare Model-Builder String ####################
    reusable_build_fn, expected_params = rewrite_model_builder(
    temp_module_str = build_temp_model_file(reusable_build_fn, source_script)

    #################### Save and Import Temporary Model Builder ####################
    write_python(temp_module_str, temp_module_filepath)

    if temp_module_name in sys.modules:
        del sys.modules[temp_module_name]

    temp_module_spec = spec_from_file_location(temp_module_dot_path,
    temp_module = module_from_spec(temp_module_spec)
    temp_build_fn = temp_module.build_fn

    #################### Translate Hyperparameter Names to Universal Paths ####################
    wrapper_params = dict(
        params={k: eval(v)
                for k, v in expected_params.items()},
    # TODO: Intercept space choices that use callables (like `Categorical([glorot_normal(), orthogonal()])`)
    # TODO: Can't deal with them yet, due to imports unavailable in this context. Raise exception
    wrapper_params, dummified_params = check_dummy_params(wrapper_params)

    if ("optimizer_params" in dummified_params) and ("optimizer"
                                                     in dummified_params):
        raise ValueError(
            "Can't optimize `optimizer` with `optimizer_params`. Try them separately"

    compiled_dummy = initialize_dummy_model(model_initializer, temp_build_fn,
    dummy_layers, dummy_compile_params = parameterize_compiled_keras_model(
    merged_compile_params = merge_compile_params(dummy_compile_params,
    # FLAG: Will need to deal with capitalization conflicts when comparing similar experiments: `optimizer`="Adam" vs "adam"

    consolidated_layers = consolidate_layers(dummy_layers,
    wrapper_params = deep_restricted_update(wrapper_params, dummified_params)

    return (temp_build_fn, wrapper_params, consolidated_layers,