Example #1
    def restartGalaxy(self, tran, obj, galaxyID,
                      imperatorMessage):  #client-initiated restart
        log.debug("Restarting Galaxy", galaxyID)
        galaxy = tran.db[galaxyID]
        if galaxy.imperator == 0 or galaxy.imperator != tran.cid:
            raise GameException('Only galaxy imperator can restart galaxy')

        imperator = tran.db[tran.cid]
        if imperator.imperator < 3:
            raise GameException(
                'Only imperator elected three times and more can restart galaxy'

        log.debug("Sending message", imperatorMessage)
        message = {
            "data": (galaxyID, MSG_GNC_GALAXY_RESTARTED, galaxyID,
                     tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE].turn, (imperator.name, galaxy.name,
        self.cmd(obj).sendMsg(tran, obj, message)

        fh, galaxyFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
        log.debug("Generating new galaxy to temporary file", galaxyFileName)
        strGalaxyID = 'Circle42P'
        GenerateGalaxy(strGalaxyID, os.fdopen(fh, "w+b"))
        oldX = galaxy.x
        oldY = galaxy.y
        oldName = galaxy.name
        log.debug("Deleting galaxy", galaxyID)
        self.cmd(galaxy).delete(tran, galaxy)
        log.debug("Creating new galaxy")
        newGalaxyID = self.createGalaxy(tran, obj)
        log.debug("Created new galaxy", newGalaxyID)
        newGalaxy = tran.db[newGalaxyID]
        log.debug("Loading new ", newGalaxyID)
        self.cmd(newGalaxy).loadFromXML(tran, newGalaxy, galaxyFileName,
                                        strGalaxyID, oldX, oldY, oldName)
        log.debug("Setup Enviroment", newGalaxyID)
        self.cmd(newGalaxy).setupEnvironment(tran, newGalaxy)
        log.debug("Sending Announcement Message", newGalaxyID)
        log.debug("Removing temp file", galaxyFileName)
        # TODO: find you what's this code about
        #message = {
        #    "sender": 'Galaxy %s' % oldName,
        #    "senderID": obj.oid,
        #    "forum": "NEWS",
        #    "data": (obj.oid, MSG_GNC_GALAXY_GENERATOR, obj.oid, tran.db[OID_UNIVERSE].turn, (oldName, newGalaxy.description)),
        #    "topic": "EVENT",
        log.debug("Galaxy Restarting END")
Example #2
def _checkValidity(ship, tech, installations, equipCounter, raiseExs):
    if not raiseExs:
    # check min hull req
    elif tech.minHull > ship.combatClass:
        log.warning("Cannot add tech", tech.id, tech.name)
        raise GameException("Minimum hull requirement not satisfied.")
    # check max hull req
    elif tech.maxHull < ship.combatClass:
        log.warning("Cannot add tech", tech.id, tech.name)
        raise GameException("Maximum hull requirement not satisfied.")
    # check maximum installations
    elif tech.maxInstallations and installations[
            tech.id] > tech.maxInstallations:
        raise GameException(
            "Maximum number of equipment installations exceeded.")
    #check maximum type installations
    elif tech.subtype == "seq_mod" and tech.equipType in Rules.maxEquipType:
            equipCounter[tech.equipType] += 1
        except KeyError:
            equipCounter[tech.equipType] = 1
        if equipCounter[tech.equipType] > Rules.maxEquipType[tech.equipType]:
            raise GameException(
                "Maximum number of restricted type equipment installations exceeded: %s."
                % tech.equipType)
Example #3
	def setActionIndex(self, tran, obj, index):
		if index >= len(obj.actions) or index < 0:
			raise GameException('Index out of bounds.')
		if obj.orbiting == OID_NONE:
			raise GameException('Move command in progress cannot be changed.')
		obj.actionIndex = index
		return obj.actionIndex
Example #4
    def finishGalaxyImperator(self, tran, obj, galaxyID, imperatorMessage):
        log.debug("Finishing Galaxy", galaxyID)
        galaxy = tran.db[galaxyID]
        if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_OUTERSPACE:
            if galaxy.imperator == 0 or galaxy.imperator != tran.cid:
                raise GameException('Only galaxy imperator can finish galaxy')

            imperator = tran.db[tran.cid]
            if imperator.imperator < 3:
                raise GameException('Only imperator elected three times and more can finish galaxy')

            log.debug("Sending message", imperatorMessage)
            message = {
                "sender": imperator.name,
                "senderID": tran.cid,
                "forum": "NEWS",
                "data": (galaxyID, Const.MSG_GNC_GALAXY_FINISHED, galaxyID, obj.turn, (imperator.name, galaxy.name, imperatorMessage)),
                "topic": "EVENT",
            self.cmd(obj).sendMsg(tran, obj, message)
            raise GameException('Galaxy finish not permitted.')

        log.debug("Deleting galaxy", galaxyID)
        self.cmd(galaxy).delete(tran, galaxy)
Example #5
    def _createNewPlayer(self, session, galaxyID):
        universe = self.db[Const.OID_UNIVERSE]
        galaxy = self.db[galaxyID]
        if not galaxy.startingPos:
            raise GameException('No such starting position.')
        if galaxyID in self.accountGalaxies(session.login):
            raise GameException('Account already owns player in this galaxy.')

        log.debug('Creating new player with CID', session.cid)
        player = self.cmdPool[Const.T_PLAYER].new(Const.T_PLAYER)
        player.name = session.nick
        player.login = session.login
        player.timeEnabled = galaxy.timeEnabled
        player.galaxy = galaxy.oid
        log.debug('Selecting starting point')
        planetID = IGalaxy.IGalaxy.getFreeStartingPosition(self.db, galaxy)

        log.debug('Creating transaction')
        tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
        # register player
        log.debug('Registering player for login {0}'.format(session.login))
        playerID = self.registerPlayer(session.login, player)
        log.debug('Player ID =', playerID)
        # singleplayer galaxy needs owner recorded so player can log back there
        # also provides access rights to control it
        if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE:
            galaxy.owner = playerID
        planet = self.db[planetID]
        planet.owner = playerID
        system = tran.db[planet.compOf]
        IPlayer.IPlayer.setStartingPlanet(tran, playerID, planet)
        IPlayer.IPlayer.setStartingFleet(tran, playerID, system)
        # add player to universe
        log.debug('Adding player to universe')
        # initial scan
        system = self.db[planet.compOf]
        log.debug('Processing scan phase')
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PLANET].processPRODPhase(tran, planet, None)
        # this only works for one planet starting scenarios, it might be imprecise, as it's
        # calculated here
        # TODO: make proper difference between getting stats, and acting on them, and utilize that
        player.effSciPoints = planet.prodSci * (1 + (
            (Rules.baseGovPwr - planet.storPop) / float(Rules.baseGovPwr)) /
            playerID] = planet.scannerPwr = Rules.startingScannerPwr
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, True)
        # check if galaxy can be "started" (for purpose of single player games)
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_GALAXY].enableTime(tran, galaxy)
        # save game info
        return playerID, None
Example #6
	def renameFleet(self, tran, obj, name):
		if not Utils.isCorrectName(name):
			raise GameException('Invalid name. Only characters, digits, space, dot and dash permitted, max. length is 30 characters.')
		if re.match("/^Fleet \d+$/",name):
			raise GameException('Invalid name. You cannot use the format "Fleet ##" for a custom name.')
		names = {}
		for fleetID in tran.db[obj.owner].fleets:
			names[tran.db[fleetID].customname] = None
		if name in names and name != obj.customname:
			raise GameException('Name already in use.')
		obj.customname = name
		return obj.customname
Example #7
def _checkValidityWhole(ship, hull, counter, raiseExs):
    if not raiseExs:
    elif counter.get("seq_ctrl", 0) != 1:
        raise GameException(
            "Exactly one control module needs to be in the ship.")
    elif ship.slots > hull.slots:
        raise GameException(
            "Hull does not have enough slots to hold specified equipment.")
    elif ship.weight > hull.maxWeight:
        raise GameException("Ship is too heavy.")
    elif len(ship.improvements) > Rules.shipMaxImprovements:
        raise GameException("Too many improvements.")
Example #8
	def joinFleet(self, tran, obj, fleetID, force=False):
		if obj.orbiting == OID_NONE:
			# we are in space
		if obj.allowmerge != 1:
			# owner has turned off auto-joins (join self with other)
		if fleetID == OID_NONE:
			raiseExps = False
			# find suitable fleet
			system = tran.db[obj.orbiting]
			player = tran.db[obj.owner]
			for tmpID in system.fleets:
				if tmpID == obj.oid:
				fleet = tran.db[tmpID]
				if fleet.allowmerge == 0 and not force:
					# owner has turned off auto-joins (join other with self)
				rel = self.cmd(player).getRelationTo(tran, player, fleet.owner)
				if rel == REL_UNITY and Utils.isIdleFleet(fleet):
					fleetID = tmpID
			raiseExps = True
		if fleetID == OID_NONE:
		# join to selected fleet
		fleet = tran.db[fleetID]
		# if the fleet was specified from a client call, validate it:
		if not fleet.owner == obj.owner:
			if raiseExps:
				raise GameException("Fleets do not have the same owner.")
		if not fleet.orbiting == obj.orbiting:
			if raiseExps:
				raise GameException("Fleets are not in the same system.")
		if fleet.allowmerge == 0 and not force:
			# owner has turned off auto-joins (join other with self)
		# transfer resources
		fleet.storEn += obj.storEn
		# update fleet's data
		self.cmd(fleet).update(tran, fleet)
		# disband this fleet
		log.debug('IFleet joinFleet, removing old fleet: source fleet',obj.oid,'; target fleet',fleet.oid)
		self.cmd(obj).disbandFleet(tran, obj)
Example #9
	def moveAction(self, tran, fleet, index, rel):
		if index >= len(fleet.actions):
			raise GameException('No such item in the command list.')
		if index + rel < 0 or index + rel >= len(fleet.actions):
			raise GameException('Cannot move.')
		if index == fleet.actionIndex:
			raise GameException('Cannot move active command.')
		if index < fleet.actionIndex:
			raise GameException('Cannot move processed command.')
		if index + rel <= fleet.actionIndex:
			raise GameException('Cannot move before active command.')
		action = fleet.actions[index]
		del fleet.actions[index]
		fleet.actions.insert(index + rel, action)
		return fleet.actions
Example #10
 def sendAdminMsg(self, tran, obj, message):
     # check attributes
     if "forum" not in message:
         raise GameException("Forum not specified.")
     if message["forum"] not in self.forums:
         raise GameException("No such forum.")
     if "topic" not in message:
         raise GameException("Topic not specified.")
     if "data" not in message and "text" not in message:
         raise GameException("Text or structured data not specified.")
     message["recipient"] = obj.name
     message["recipientID"] = obj.oid
     # send message
     return tran.gameMngr.msgMngr.send(tran.gameMngr.gameID, obj.oid, message)
Example #11
    def takeOverPirate(self, sid, playerID, vipPassword):
        # limit this now only to the qark
        session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
        player = self.db[playerID]
        if vipPassword != self.config.vip.password:
            raise SecurityException('Wrong VIP password.')
        if player.galaxy in self.accountGalaxies(session.login):
            raise GameException('Account already owns player in this galaxy.')
        if player.galaxy:
            galaxy = self.db[player.galaxy]
            if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE:
                raise GameException(
                    'AI in single scenario cannot be taken over.')

        log.debug('Creating pirate in session {0} with CID {1}'.format(
            sid, session.cid))
        universe = self.db[Const.OID_UNIVERSE]
        log.debug('Creating transaction')
        tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
        # create player
        #log.debug("Morphing Pirate player", playerID)
        log.debug("Player type", player.type)
        if player.type != Const.T_AIPIRPLAYER:
            raise GameException('No such starting position.')
        player.type = Const.T_PIRPLAYER
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PIRPLAYER].upgrade(tran, player)
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PIRPLAYER].update(tran, player)
        # reregister player
        player.fullName = "Pirate %s" % session.nick
        player.name = session.nick
        player.login = session.login
        self.registerPlayer(player.login, player, player.oid)
        # add player to the universe
        # initial scan
        scannerPwr = Rules.techs[9002].scannerPwr
        for planetID in player.planets:
            planet = self.db[planetID]
            system = self.db[planet.compOf]
            system.scannerPwrs[player.oid] = scannerPwr
        log.debug('Processing scan phase')
        galaxy = tran.db[player.galaxy]
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, True)
        # save game info
        return player.oid, None
Example #12
	def deleteAction(self, tran, obj, index):
		if index >= len(obj.actions) or index < 0:
			raise GameException('Index out of bounds.')
		if index == obj.actionIndex and obj.orbiting == OID_NONE:
			if obj.actions[index][0] == FLACTION_MOVE:
				raise GameException('Move command in progress cannot be deleted.')
				# convert action to the move command
				action, targetID, aData = obj.actions[index]
				obj.actions[index] = (FLACTION_MOVE, targetID, aData)
				return obj.actions, obj.actionIndex
		if index == obj.actionIndex and obj.actions[index][0] == FLACTION_WAIT:
			# reset wait counters
			obj.actionWaitCounter = 1
		del obj.actions[index]
		if index <= obj.actionIndex and obj.actionIndex > 0:
			obj.actionIndex -= 1
		return obj.actions, obj.actionIndex
Example #13
	def splitFleet(self, tran, obj, ships, mEn):
		if not len(ships):
			raise GameException('No ships in the new fleet.')
		if len(ships) == len(obj.ships):
			raise GameException('No ships in the original fleet.')
		# check ships
		tmpShips = obj.ships[:]
		for ship in ships:
			if ship not in tmpShips:
				raise GameException("No such ship(s) in the original fleet.")
		# create new fleet
		fleet = self.new(T_FLEET)
		log.debug(obj.oid, "FLEET -- split fleet, new fleet is", fleet.oid)
		if obj.orbiting != OID_NONE:
			refObj = tran.db[obj.orbiting]
			refObj = obj
		self.cmd(fleet).create(tran, fleet, refObj, obj.owner)
		# move ships
		for ship in ships:
			# use server data
			idx = obj.ships.index(ship)
			ship = obj.ships.pop(idx)
		# update fleet
		self.cmd(fleet).update(tran, fleet)
		# move en
		move = max(min(mEn, fleet.maxEn, obj.storEn), 0)
		fleet.storEn += move
		obj.storEn -= move
		# share speed boost
		fleet.speedBoost = obj.speedBoost
		# update fleets
		self.cmd(obj).update(tran, obj)
		self.cmd(fleet).update(tran, fleet)
		# return new fleet, old fleet and player's fleets
		return fleet, obj, tran.db[obj.owner].fleets
Example #14
 def sendMsg(self, tran, obj, message):
     if tran.session.cid != Const.OID_ADMIN:
         message["sender"] = tran.session.nick
         message["senderID"] = tran.session.cid
     # check attributes
     if "forum" not in message:
         raise GameException("Forum not specified.")
     if message["forum"] not in self.forums:
         raise GameException("No such forum.")
     if "topic" not in message:
         raise GameException("Topic not specified.")
     if "data" not in message and "text" not in message:
         raise GameException("Text or structured data not specified.")
     # check permissions
     if tran.session.cid != Const.OID_ADMIN and \
         not self.canSendMsg(tran, obj, message["senderID"], message["forum"]):
         raise SecurityException("You cannot send message to this entity.")
     message["recipient"] = obj.name
     message["recipientID"] = obj.oid
     # send message
     return tran.gameMngr.msgMngr.send(tran.gameMngr.gameID, obj.oid, message)
Example #15
	def takeOverAIPlayer(self, sid, playerID):
		log.debug('Creating new player in session', sid)
		session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
		log.debug('Creating new player with CID', session.cid)
		universe = self.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		log.debug('Creating transaction')
		tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
		# create player
		log.debug("Morphing AI player", playerID)
		player = self.db[playerID]
		if not (player.type == T_AIPLAYER and player.planets):
			raise GameException('No such starting position.')
		player.type = T_PLAYER
		self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].upgrade(tran, player)
		self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].update(tran, player)
		# reregister player
		player.name = session.nick
		player.login = session.login
		self.registerPlayer(player.login, player, player.oid)
		# reset relations
		# add player to the universe
		# make sure, there is something useable on the home planet
		planet = self.db[player.planets[0]]
		hasOutpost = False
		for struct in planet.slots:
			if struct[STRUCT_IDX_TECHID] == Tech.OUTPOST1:
				hasOutpost = True
		if not hasOutpost:
			# find something to replace
			finished = False
			for property in ("prodSci", "prodProd", "prodBio"):
				for struct in planet.slots:
					tech = Rules.techs[struct[STRUCT_IDX_TECHID]]
					if getattr(tech, property) > 0:
						struct[STRUCT_IDX_TECHID] = Tech.OUTPOST1
						struct[STRUCT_IDX_HP] = tech.maxHP
						finished = True
				if finished:
			if not finished:
				# replace last structure
				struct = planet.slots[-1]
				struct[STRUCT_IDX_HP] = tech.maxHP
		# save game info
		return player.oid, None
Example #16
 def processACTIONPhase(self, tran, obj, data):
     # ACTIONS
     if Utils.isIdleFleet(obj):
         #@log.debug('IAsteroid', obj.oid, 'idle')
         obj.impactDelay += 1
     action, target, actionData = obj.actions[obj.actionIndex]
     #@log.debug('IAsteroid', obj.oid, 'processing action', action)
     if action == Const.FLACTION_MOVE:
         if self.cmd(obj).moveToTarget(tran, obj, target):
             # we are there
             obj.actionIndex += 1
         raise GameException('Unsupported action %d' % action)
Example #17
    def takeOverAIPlayer(self, sid, playerID):
        log.debug('Creating new player in session', sid)
        session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
        log.debug('Creating new player with CID', session.cid)
        universe = self.db[Const.OID_UNIVERSE]
        log.debug('Creating transaction')
        tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
        player = self.db[playerID]
        if not (player.type == Const.T_AIPLAYER and player.planets):
            raise GameException('No such starting position.')
        if player.galaxy in self.accountGalaxies(session.login):
            raise GameException('Account already owns player in this galaxy.')
        galaxy = self.db[player.galaxy]
        if galaxy.scenario == Const.SCENARIO_SINGLE:
            raise GameException('AI in single scenario cannot be taken over.')

        # create player
        log.debug("Morphing AI player", playerID)
        player.type = Const.T_PLAYER
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PLAYER].upgrade(tran, player)
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_PLAYER].update(tran, player)
        # reregister player
        player.name = session.nick
        player.login = session.login
        self.registerPlayer(player.login, player, player.oid)
        # reset relations
        # add player to the universe
        log.debug('Processing scan phase')
        galaxy = tran.db[player.galaxy]
        self.cmdPool[Const.T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, True)
        # save game info
        return player.oid, None
Example #18
 def loadDOMAttrs(self, obj, elem):
     for index in xrange(0, elem.attributes.length):
         attr = elem.attributes.item(index)
         if hasattr(obj, attr.nodeName):
             attrType = type(getattr(obj, attr.nodeName))
             if attrType == types.IntType:
                 value = int(attr.nodeValue)
             elif attrType == types.FloatType:
                 value = float(attr.nodeValue)
             elif attrType == types.UnicodeType:
                 value = attr.nodeValue
             elif attrType == types.StringType:
                 value = attr.nodeValue
                 raise 'Unsupported attribute type %s' % attrType
             setattr(obj, attr.nodeName, value)
             raise GameException('Unsupported attribute %s' % attr.nodeName)
Example #19
	def takeOverPirate(self, sid, playerID, vipPassword):
		# limit this now only to the qark
		session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
		if vipPassword != self.config.vip.password:
			raise SecurityException('You cannot issue this command.')
		log.debug('Creating pirate in session', sid)
		session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
		log.debug('Creating pirate with CID', session.cid)
		universe = self.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		log.debug('Creating transaction')
		tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
		# create player
		#log.debug("Morphing Pirate player", playerID)
		player = self.db[playerID]
		log.debug("Player type", player.type)
		if player.type != T_AIPIRPLAYER:
			raise GameException('No such starting position.')
		player.type = T_PIRPLAYER
		self.cmdPool[T_PIRPLAYER].upgrade(tran, player)
		self.cmdPool[T_PIRPLAYER].update(tran, player)
		# reregister player
		player.fullName = "Pirate %s" % session.nick
		player.name = session.nick
		player.login = session.login
		self.registerPlayer(player.login, player, player.oid)
		# add player to the universe
		# initial scan
		scannerPwr = Rules.techs[9002].scannerPwr
		for planetID in player.planets:
			planet = self.db[planetID]
			system = self.db[planet.compOf]
			system.scannerPwrs[player.oid] = scannerPwr
		log.debug('Processing scan phase')
		galaxy = tran.db[player.galaxies[0]]
		self.cmdPool[T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, None)
		# save game info
		return player.oid, None
Example #20
	def createNewPlayer(self, sid, galaxyID):
		log.debug('Creating new player in session', sid)
		session = self.clientMngr.getSession(sid)
		log.debug('Creating new player with CID', session.cid)
		universe = self.db[OID_UNIVERSE]
		galaxy = self.db[galaxyID]
		if not galaxy.startingPos:
			raise GameException('No such starting position.')
		# create player
		player = self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].new(T_PLAYER)
		player.name = session.nick
		player.login = session.login
		player.timeEnabled = galaxy.timeEnabled
		# select starting point randomly
		log.debug('Selecting starting point')
		while 1:
			planetID = random.choice(galaxy.startingPos)
			log.debug('Starting point', planetID)
			log.debug('Starting point - owner', self.db[planetID].owner)
			if self.db[planetID].owner == OID_NONE:
			if not galaxy.startingPos:
				raise GameException('No free starting point in the galaxy.')
		# TODO tweak more player's attrs
		log.debug('Creating transaction')
		tran = Transaction(self, session.cid, session)
		# Grant starting technologies (at medium improvement)
		for techID in Rules.techs.keys():
			if Rules.techs[techID].isStarting:
				player.techs[techID] = (Rules.techBaseImprovement + Rules.techMaxImprovement) / 2
			# grant all techs (TODO remove)
			# player.techs[techID] = Rules.techMaxImprovement
		# register player
		log.debug('Registering player')
		playerID = self.registerPlayer(session.login, player)
		log.debug('Player ID =', playerID)
		# TODO tweak more planet's attrs
		planet = self.db[planetID]
		planet.slots = [
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.PWRPLANTNUK1, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.FARM1, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.FARM1, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.FARM1, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.ANCFACTORY, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.ANCFACTORY, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.ANCRESLAB, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
			Utils.newStructure(tran, Tech.REPAIR1, playerID, STRUCT_STATUS_ON),
		planet.storPop = Rules.startingPopulation
		planet.storBio = Rules.startingBio
		planet.storEn = Rules.startingEn
		planet.scannerPwr = Rules.startingScannerPwr
		planet.owner = playerID
		planet.morale = Rules.maxMorale
		# fleet
		# add basic ships designs
		tempTechs = [Tech.FTLENG1, Tech.SCOCKPIT1, Tech.SCANNERMOD1, Tech.CANNON1,
		for techID in tempTechs:
			player.techs[techID] = 1
		dummy, scoutID = self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].addShipDesign(tran, player, "Scout", Tech.SMALLHULL1,
			{Tech.FTLENG1:3, Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Tech.SCANNERMOD1:1})
		dummy, fighterID = self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].addShipDesign(tran, player, "Fighter", Tech.SMALLHULL1,
			{Tech.FTLENG1:3, Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Tech.CANNON1:1})
		self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].addShipDesign(tran, player, "Bomber", Tech.SMALLHULL1,
			{Tech.FTLENG1:3, Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Tech.CONBOMB1:1})
		dummy, colonyID = self.cmdPool[T_PLAYER].addShipDesign(tran, player, "Colony Ship", Tech.MEDIUMHULL2,
			{Tech.FTLENG1:4, Tech.SCOCKPIT1:1, Tech.COLONYMOD2:1})
		for techID in tempTechs:
			del player.techs[techID]
		# add small fleet
		log.debug('Creating fleet')
		system = self.db[planet.compOf]
		fleet = self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].new(T_FLEET)
		log.debug('Creating fleet - created', fleet.oid)
		self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].create(tran, fleet, system, playerID)
		log.debug('Creating fleet - addShips')
		self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].addNewShip(tran, fleet, scoutID)
		self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].addNewShip(tran, fleet, scoutID)
		self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].addNewShip(tran, fleet, fighterID)
		self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].addNewShip(tran, fleet, fighterID)
		self.cmdPool[T_FLEET].addNewShip(tran, fleet, colonyID)
		# add player to universe
		log.debug('Adding player to universe')
		# initial scan
		system = self.db[planet.compOf]
		log.debug('Processing scan phase')
		system.scannerPwrs[playerID] = Rules.startingScannerPwr
		self.cmdPool[T_GALAXY].processSCAN2Phase(tran, galaxy, None)
		# check if galaxy can be "started"
		self.cmdPool[T_GALAXY].enableTime(tran, galaxy)
		# save game info
		return playerID, None
Example #21
	def processACTIONPhase(self, tran, obj, data):
		#@log.debug("Fleet", obj.oid, "ACTION")
		# update fleet data
		self.cmd(obj).update(tran, obj)
		# consume support
		if obj.storEn >= obj.operEn:
			obj.storEn -= obj.operEn
			# refuel
			refuelled = self.cmd(obj).refuelAndRepairAndRecharge(tran, obj)
			# try to refuel fleet
			refuelled = self.cmd(obj).refuelAndRepairAndRecharge(tran, obj)
			# there is not enought support -> damage ships
			log.debug('IFleet', 'No support - damaging ships in fleet', obj.oid)
			index = 0
			player = tran.db[obj.owner]
			destroyed = []
			for designID, hp, shield, exp in obj.ships:
				spec = player.shipDesigns[designID]
				operEn = spec.operEn
				if obj.storEn >= spec.operEn:
					#@log.debug('IFleet', 'Ship SUPPORT OK', shipTechID)
					obj.storEn -= spec.operEn
				elif obj.storEn > 0:
					# consume remaining fuel
					obj.storEn = 0
					# apply damage
					dmg = max(int(spec.maxHP * Rules.shipDecayRatio), 1)
					if dmg >= hp:
						obj.ships[index][SHIP_IDX_HP] -= dmg
				index += 1
			self.cmd(obj).removeShips(tran, obj, destroyed)
			# if fleet has been destroyed -> abort action processing
			if not tran.db.has_key(obj.oid):
				log.debug('IFleet', obj.oid, 'fleet destroyed')
		# upgrade ships
		if obj.orbiting != OID_NONE:
			# autoRepair is part of serviceShips
			self.cmd(obj).serviceShips(tran, obj)
			# record scanner into system scanner overview
			system = tran.db[obj.orbiting]
			system.scannerPwrs[obj.owner] = max(obj.scannerPwr, system.scannerPwrs.get(obj.owner, 0))
		if Utils.isIdleFleet(obj):
			#@log.debug('IFleet', obj.oid, 'fleet idle')
			# reset retreat counter
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			# reset last position to current position
			obj.oldX = obj.x
			obj.oldY = obj.y
			# there is nothing to do - try to join other fleets
			self.cmd(obj).joinFleet(tran, obj, OID_NONE)
		#@log.debug('IFleet', obj.oid, 'processing action', action)
		while not Utils.isIdleFleet(obj):
			action, target, actionData = obj.actions[obj.actionIndex]
			if action == FLACTION_NONE:
				obj.actionIndex += 1
			elif action == FLACTION_DEPLOY:
				if self.cmd(obj).actionDeploy(tran, obj):
					obj.actionIndex += 1
			elif action == FLACTION_WAIT:
				if obj.actionWaitCounter >= actionData:
					obj.actionWaitCounter = 1
					obj.actionIndex += 1
					obj.actionWaitCounter += 1
				break #wait should wait, not let move; deindented this to act for completed waits also --RC
			elif action == FLACTION_MOVE:
				if self.cmd(obj).moveToTarget(tran, obj, target):
					# we are there
					obj.actionIndex += 1
				if self.cmd(obj).moveToWormhole(tran, obj, target):
					# we are there
					obj.actionIndex += 1
			elif action == FLACTION_DECLAREWAR:
				# switch off pact allow military ships
				player = tran.db[obj.owner]
				self.cmd(player).changePactCond(tran, player, actionData,
				# next action
				obj.actionIndex +=1
			elif action == FLACTION_REFUEL:
				# check current refuel level
				if self.cmd(obj).moveToTarget(tran, obj, target) and refuelled:
					# next action
					obj.actionIndex += 1
			elif action == FLACTION_REDIRECT:
				# ok, let's do some magic
				if self.cmd(obj).actionRedirect(tran, obj, refuelled):
					obj.actionIndex += 1
			elif action == FLACTION_REPEATFROM:
				log.debug(obj.oid, "Setting action index to", data)
				if actionData != None:
					obj.actionIndex = actionData
					obj.actionIndex += 1
				break # TODO fix me
				raise GameException('Unsupported action %d' % action)
		# it there is nothing to do -> join other idle fleets
		# the fleet could joined with another fleet
		if tran.db.has_key(obj.oid) and Utils.isIdleFleet(obj):
			# reset retreat counter
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			# try to join some fleet
			self.cmd(obj).joinFleet(tran, obj, OID_NONE)
Example #22
	def addAction(self, tran, obj, index, action, targetID, aData):
		# check if target is valid
		if action == FLACTION_REDIRECT:
			if targetID != OID_NONE:
				raise GameException("This command has no target.")
		elif action == FLACTION_WAIT or action == FLACTION_REPEATFROM:
			if targetID != OID_NONE:
				raise GameException("This command has no target.")
			aData = int(aData)
			if aData < 0:
				raise GameException("Number equal or larger than 1 must be specified.")
		elif action == FLACTION_DECLAREWAR:
			if targetID != OID_NONE:
				raise GameException("This command has no target.")
			if aData == OID_NONE or aData == obj.owner:
				raise GameException("Invalid commander.")
			target = tran.db[targetID]
			if target.type not in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE, T_PLANET):
				raise GameException('Can target wormholes, systems or planets only.')
			if action == FLACTION_ENTERWORMHOLE and target.type != T_WORMHOLE:
                                raise GameException('Can only traverse wormholes.')
			if action == FLACTION_DEPLOY and target.type != T_PLANET:
				raise GameException('Can build on/colonize planets only.')
			if len(obj.actions) + 1 > Rules.maxCmdQueueLen:
				raise GameException('Too many commands in the queue.')
			#validate that the target is in the fleet owner's galaxy
			if target.type == T_PLANET:
				systemID = target.compOf
				systemID = targetID
			owner = tran.db[obj.owner]
			# validate that the player has actually scanned this system
			if systemID not in owner.validSystems:
				raise GameException('You cannot find this system (never scanned).')
			if not owner.galaxies:
				raise GameException('The fleet owner is not in a galaxy.')
			galaxy = tran.db[owner.galaxies[0]]
			if systemID not in galaxy.systems:
				raise GameException('The target system is not in your galaxy.')
		obj.actions.insert(index, (action, targetID, aData))
		if index <= obj.actionIndex:
			obj.actionIndex += 1
		if obj.actionIndex >= len(obj.actions) or obj.actionIndex < 0:
			obj.actionIndex = min(index, len(obj.actions) - 1)
		return obj.actions, obj.actionIndex
Example #23
 def set(self, tran, obj, attr, value):
     if hasattr(obj, attr):
         setattr(obj, attr, value)
         return 1
     raise GameException('No such attribute.')
def makeShipFullSpec(player, name, hullID, eqIDs, improvements, raiseExs = True):
	if not hullID:
		raise GameException("Ship's hull must be specified.")
	hull = Rules.techs[hullID]
	if not hull.isShipHull:
		raise GameException("Ship's hull must be specified.")
	ship = IDataHolder()
	ship.type = T_SHIP
	# initial values
	techEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(hullID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
	ship.name = name
	ship.hullID = hullID
	ship.eqIDs = eqIDs
	ship.level = hull.level
	ship.combatClass = hull.combatClass
	ship.improvements = improvements
	ship.buildProd = hull.buildProd
	ship.buildSRes = hull.buildSRes[:] # we need copy
	ship.operEn = hull.operEn
	ship.storEn = hull.storEn * techEff
	ship.weight = hull.weight
	ship.slots = 0
	ship.signature = hull.signature
	ship.negsignature = 0
	ship.minSignature = hull.minSignature
	ship.signatureCloak = 1.0                                                #NEW; 100% - this is the default rule
	ship.signatureDecloak = 1.0                                              #NEW; 100% - this is the default rule
	ship.combatAttBase = hull.combatAtt * techEff
	ship.combatAtt = 0
	ship.combatAttMultiplier = 1.0                                             #NEW; 100% - this is the default rule
	ship.combatDefBase = hull.combatDef * techEff
	ship.combatDef = 0
	ship.combatDefMultiplier = 1.0                                             #NEW; 100% - this is the default rule
	ship.missileDefBase = hull.missileDef * techEff
	ship.missileDef = 0
	ship.missileDefMultiplier = 1.0                                             #NEW; 100% - this is the default rule
	ship.scannerPwr = max(hull.scannerPwr * techEff, Rules.scannerMinPwr)
	ship.autoRepairFix = hull.autoRepairFix
	ship.autoRepairPerc = hull.autoRepairPerc
	ship.shieldRechargeFix = hull.shieldRechargeFix
	ship.shieldRechargePerc = hull.shieldRechargePerc
	ship.hardShield = 0.0
	ship.engPwr = 0
	ship.upgradeTo = 0
	ship.shieldHP = 0
	ship.maxHP = int(hull.maxHP * techEff)
	ship.weaponIDs = []
	ship.deployStructs = []
	ship.deployHandlers = []
	ship.isMilitary = 0
	ship.baseExp = 0
	ship.damageAbsorb = 0
	combatExtra = 0
	shieldPerc = 0.0
	unpactStruct = 0
	deployHandler = 0
	currentNegWeight = 0
	currentNegSlots = 0
	# add equipment
	#negslots = {}
	#negweight = {}
	counter = {}
	installations = {}
	equipCounter = {}
	for techID in eqIDs:
		tech = Rules.techs[techID]
		techEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(techID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
		# prevent count < 0; allow count == 0 for placeholders.
		if eqIDs[techID] < 0 and raiseExs:
			raise GameException("Invalid equipment count (less than 0).")
		for i in xrange(0, eqIDs[techID]):
			counter[tech.subtype] = 1 + counter.get(tech.subtype, 0)
			installations[techID] = 1 + installations.get(techID, 0)
			# check min hull req
			if tech.minHull > ship.combatClass and raiseExs:
				log.warning("Cannot add tech", techID, tech.name)
				raise GameException("Minimum hull requirement not satisfied.")
			# check max hull req                                                                        #NEW
			if tech.maxHull < ship.combatClass and raiseExs:
				log.warning("Cannot add tech", techID, tech.name)
				raise GameException("Maximum hull requirement not satisfied.")
			# check maximum installations
			if tech.maxInstallations and installations[tech.id] > tech.maxInstallations \
				and raiseExs:
				raise GameException("Maximum number of equipment installations exceeded.")
			#check maximum type installations
			if tech.subtype == "seq_mod" and tech.equipType in Rules.maxEquipType and raiseExs:
				if tech.equipType in equipCounter:
					equipCounter[tech.equipType] += 1
					equipCounter[tech.equipType] = 1
				if equipCounter[tech.equipType] > Rules.maxEquipType[tech.equipType]:
					raise GameException("Maximum number of restricted type equipment installations exceeded: %s." % tech.equipType)
			# add values
			ship.level = max(ship.level, tech.level)
			ship.buildProd += tech.buildProd
			ship.storEn += tech.storEn * techEff
			if (tech.weight > 0):
				ship.weight += tech.weight
				currentNegWeight += tech.weight
				#negweight[techID] = tech.weight + negweight.get(techID, 0) #this is complex for items with max installs...
			if (tech.slots > 0):
				ship.slots += tech.slots
				currentNegSlots += tech.slots
				#negslots[techID] = tech.slots + negslots.get(techID, 0) #this is complex for items with max installs...
			if tech.signature < 0 and tech.subtype == "seq_mod":
				ship.negsignature = min(tech.signature,ship.negsignature)
				ship.signature += tech.signature
			ship.minSignature = max(ship.minSignature, tech.minSignature)
			ship.signatureCloak = min(ship.signatureCloak, tech.signatureCloak)
			ship.signatureDecloak = min(ship.signatureDecloak, tech.signatureDecloak)
			if tech.subtype == "seq_mod": #not cumulative for equipment; pick best
				ship.combatAtt = max(ship.combatAtt, tech.combatAtt * techEff) 
				ship.combatDef = max(ship.combatDef, tech.combatDef * techEff)
				ship.missileDef = max(ship.missileDef, tech.missileDef * techEff)
			else :
				ship.combatDefBase += tech.combatDef * techEff
				ship.missileDefBase += tech.missileDef * techEff
				ship.combatAttBase += tech.combatAtt * techEff
			#not cumulative; pick best
			ship.combatAttMultiplier = max(ship.combatAttMultiplier, (tech.combatAttPerc-1.0) * techEff + 1.0)           #NEW
			ship.combatDefMultiplier = max(ship.combatDefMultiplier, (tech.combatDefPerc-1.0) * techEff + 1.0)           #NEW
			ship.missileDefMultiplier = max(ship.missileDefMultiplier, (tech.missileDefPerc-1.0) * techEff + 1.0)        #NEW
			ship.engPwr += tech.engPwr * techEff
			ship.maxHP += tech.maxHP * techEff
			shieldPerc = max(shieldPerc, tech.shieldPerc * techEff)
			ship.scannerPwr = max(ship.scannerPwr, tech.scannerPwr * techEff)
			ship.operEn += tech.operEn
			ship.autoRepairFix = max(ship.autoRepairFix, tech.autoRepairFix * techEff)
			ship.autoRepairPerc = max(ship.autoRepairPerc, tech.autoRepairPerc * techEff)
			ship.shieldRechargeFix = max(ship.shieldRechargeFix, tech.shieldRechargeFix * techEff)
			ship.shieldRechargePerc = max(ship.shieldRechargePerc, tech.shieldRechargePerc * techEff)
			ship.hardShield = max(ship.hardShield,tech.hardShield * techEff)
			ship.damageAbsorb = min(ship.damageAbsorb + tech.damageAbsorb,Rules.maxDamageAbsorb) #limit this by rule
			combatExtra += tech.addMP
			# if weapon - register only
			if tech.subtype == "seq_wpn":
				ship.isMilitary = 1
				weapon = Rules.techs[techID]
				ship.baseExp += (weapon.weaponDmgMin + weapon.weaponDmgMax) / 2 * weapon.weaponROF
			# deployables
			if tech.unpackStruct != OID_NONE:
				unpactStruct = 1
			if tech.deployHandlerID != OID_NONE: #this calls another tech at execute time, so only need the ID
				deployHandler = 1
	#fix limiter based attibs; round when needed
	#currentNegWeight = 0
	#for negtech in negweight:
	#    currentNegWeight = min(currentNegWeight,negweight[negtech])
	#currentNegSlots = 0
	#for negtech in negslots:
	#    currentNegSlots = min(currentNegSlots,negslots[negtech])
	ship.weight = max(ship.weight+currentNegWeight,int(hull.weight/2))
	ship.slots = max(ship.slots+currentNegSlots,1)
	ship.combatAtt += ship.combatAttBase
	ship.combatDef = int((ship.combatDef + ship.combatDefBase) * ship.combatDefMultiplier)
	ship.missileDef = int((ship.missileDef + ship.missileDefBase) * ship.missileDefMultiplier)
	ship.hardShield = min(1.0,ship.hardShield) #don't allow this to be more than 100% blocking!!
	#add some MP for damage absorb:
	combatExtra += ship.damageAbsorb * 1500
	#calculate final signature
	ship.signature += ship.negsignature
	ship.signature *= ship.signatureCloak * ship.signatureDecloak
	# check various conditions
#	if unpactStruct and deployHandler and raiseExs: #we don't 'need' this, so I'm leaving it disabled for now; however, we might 'want' it to prevent abuse --RC
#                raise GameException("Cannot have both a deployable structure and a deployable project on the same ship") 
	if counter.get("seq_ctrl", 0) == 0 and raiseExs:
		raise GameException("No control module in the ship.")
	if counter.get("seq_ctrl", 0) > 1 and raiseExs:
		raise GameException("Only one control module in the ship allowed.")
	if ship.slots > hull.slots and raiseExs:
		raise GameException("Hull does not have enough slots to hold specified equipment.")
	if ship.weight > hull.maxWeight and raiseExs:
		raise GameException("Ship is too heavy.")
	# compute secondary paramaters
	ship.speed = float(ship.engPwr) / ship.weight
	ship.baseExp = int(ship.baseExp * Rules.shipBaseExpMod) + Rules.shipBaseExp[ship.combatClass]
	# compute base attack/defence
	ship.combatAtt += int(ship.speed)
	ship.combatDef += int(ship.speed)
	ship.missileDef += int(ship.speed / 2.0)
	# improvements
	if len(improvements) > Rules.shipMaxImprovements and raiseExs:
		raise GameException("Too many improvements.")
	for i in improvements:
		if i == SI_SPEED:
			ship.speed *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
		elif i == SI_TANKS:
			ship.storEn *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
		elif i == SI_ATT:
			ship.combatAtt *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
		elif i == SI_DEF:
			ship.combatDef *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
			ship.missileDef *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
		elif i == SI_HP:
			ship.maxHP *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
		elif i == SI_SHIELDS:
			ship.shieldHP *= Rules.shipImprovementMod
	# round values down
	ship.storEn = int(ship.storEn)
	ship.combatAtt = int(ship.combatAtt / (ship.combatClass + 1.0))
	ship.combatDef = int(ship.combatDef / (ship.combatClass + 1.0))
	ship.missileDef = int(ship.missileDef / (ship.combatClass + 1.0))
	ship.maxHP = int(ship.maxHP)
	ship.shieldHP = int(ship.maxHP * shieldPerc)
	ship.scannerPwr = int(ship.scannerPwr)
	ship.engPwr = int(ship.engPwr)
	ship.signature = int(ship.signature)
	ship.baseExp = int(ship.baseExp)
	# compute attack power
	attackPwr = 0.0
	refDefence = 10.0
	refAttack = 10.0
	refDmg = 10.0
	refSpeed = 5.0 #average speed of medium and large hulls
	for weaponID in ship.weaponIDs:
		weapon = Rules.techs[weaponID]
		dmg = (weapon.weaponDmgMin + weapon.weaponDmgMax) / 2 * weapon.weaponROF
		att = int((ship.combatAtt + weapon.weaponAtt) * ship.combatAttMultiplier) #added combat multiplier
#		attackPwr += (att / float(att + refDefence) * dmg)
		attackPwr += (att / float(att + refDefence) * dmg) / (max(1,weapon.weaponClass-1)) #9/11/06 - RC; reduce power of bombs and torps in calculation
	# defence
#	ship.combatPwr = int(attackPwr * (ship.maxHP + ship.shieldHP) / (refAttack / (refAttack + ship.combatDef) * refDmg)) 
	ship.combatPwr = int(attackPwr * (ship.maxHP + ship.shieldHP) / (refAttack / (refAttack + ship.combatDef) * refDmg) * min(1.33,max(0.5,(ship.speed / refSpeed))) + combatExtra)  #9/11/06 - RC; average speed ships get most weight)
	# fix signature
	ship.signature = max(hull.minSignature, ship.signature, ship.minSignature) #removed 1 as min signature; use hulls to control that from now on; change Fleet controls to make min signature for fleet rather than ship so that we can have human stealth craft! :)
	return ship
Example #25
	def setMergeState(self, tran, obj, state):
		if not state in [0,1,2]:
			raise GameException('Bad join fleet state.') #should we log this? Probably don't need to.
		obj.allowmerge = state
		return obj.allowmerge
Example #26
def makeShipFullSpec(player, name, hullID, eqIDs, improvements, raiseExs=True):
    if not hullID:
        raise GameException("Ship's hull must be specified.")
    hull = Rules.techs[hullID]
    if not hull.isShipHull:
        raise GameException("Ship's hull must be specified.")
    ship = IDataHolder()
    ship.type = Const.T_SHIP
    # initial values
    hullTechEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(
        hullID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
    ship.name = name
    ship.hullID = hullID
    ship.eqIDs = eqIDs
    ship.level = hull.level
    ship.combatClass = hull.combatClass
    ship.improvements = improvements
    ship.buildProd = hull.buildProd
    ship.buildSRes = copy.copy(hull.buildSRes)
    # stats grouped as "Base"
    ship.operEn = hull.operEn
    ship.storEn = hull.storEn * hullTechEff
    ship.weight = hull.weight
    ship.slots = 0
    ship.scannerPwr = max(hull.scannerPwr * hullTechEff, Rules.scannerMinPwr)
    ship.engPwr = 0
    ship.engStlPwr = 0
    ship.speed = 0.0
    ship.battleSpeed = 0.0
    # stats grouped as "Signature"
    ship.signature = hull.signature
    ship.negsignature = 0
    ship.minSignature = hull.minSignature
    ship.signatureCloak = 1.0
    ship.signatureDecloak = 1.0
    # stats grouped as "Combat"
    ship.combatAttBase = hull.combatAtt * hullTechEff
    ship.combatAtt = 0
    ship.combatAttMultiplier = 1.0
    ship.combatDefBase = hull.combatDef * hullTechEff
    ship.combatDef = 0
    ship.combatDefMultiplier = 1.0
    ship.missileDefBase = hull.missileDef * hullTechEff
    ship.missileDef = 0
    ship.missileDefMultiplier = 1.0
    ship.weaponIDs = []
    ship.isMilitary = 0
    ship.baseExp = 0
    combatExtra = 0
    # stats grouped as "Sturdiness"
    ship.autoRepairFix = hull.autoRepairFix
    ship.autoRepairPerc = hull.autoRepairPerc
    ship.shieldRechargeFix = hull.shieldRechargeFix
    ship.shieldRechargePerc = hull.shieldRechargePerc
    ship.hardShield = 0.0
    ship.shieldHP = 0
    ship.maxHP = int(hull.maxHP * hullTechEff)
    ship.damageAbsorb = 0
    shieldPerc = 0.0
    # stats grouped as "Deployables"
    ship.deployStructs = []
    ship.deployHandlers = []

    ship.upgradeTo = 0
    counter = {}
    installations = {}
    equipCounter = {}
    for techID in eqIDs:
        tech = Rules.techs[techID]
        techEff = Rules.techImprEff[player.techs.get(
            techID, Rules.techBaseImprovement)]
        if eqIDs[techID] < 0 and raiseExs:
            raise GameException("Invalid equipment count (less than 0).")
        for i in xrange(0, eqIDs[techID]):
            counter[tech.subtype] = 1 + counter.get(tech.subtype, 0)
            installations[techID] = 1 + installations.get(techID, 0)
            _checkValidity(ship, tech, installations, equipCounter, raiseExs)
            # add values

            _moduleBase(ship, tech, techEff)
            _moduleSignature(ship, tech)
            _moduleCombat(ship, tech, techEff, combatExtra)
            _moduleSturdiness(ship, tech, techEff, shieldPerc)
            _moduleDeployables(ship, tech)

    _checkValidityWhole(ship, hull, counter, raiseExs)
    _finalizeBase(ship, hull)
    _finalizeSignature(ship, hull)
    _finalizeSturdiness(ship, shieldPerc)
    _setCombatPower(ship, combatExtra)
    return ship
Example #27
	def moveToTarget(self, tran, obj, targetID): #added action passthrough for wormhole move...needed
		# DON'T move fleet with speed == 0
		if obj.speed <= 0:
			# they cannot arive (never)
			# reset retreat counter
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			return 1
		if targetID == OID_NONE:
			# reset retreat counter
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			return 1
		# reset/remember old values
		obj.oldX = obj.x
		obj.oldY = obj.y
		obj.eta = 0.0
		target = tran.db[targetID]
		# MOVE to target
		dx = target.x - obj.x
		dy = target.y - obj.y
		#if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
		#	return 1
		if obj.orbiting:
			system = tran.db[obj.orbiting]
			if system.combatCounter > 0:
				# well, there is a combat there -> wait a while and reduce ROF
				obj.combatRetreatWait += 1
				if obj.combatRetreatWait <= Rules.combatRetreatWait:
					return 0
				# ok, we suffered enough, move away
			# reset counter
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			# speed boost?
			obj.speedBoost = Utils.getSpeedBoost(tran, tran.db[obj.owner], (system, target))
			except ValueError:
				log.warning('IFleet', 'Problem with removing fleet from system.')
			obj.orbiting = OID_NONE
			# change close system to target one
			if obj.closeSystem != OID_NONE: # TODO remove condition in 0.6
				system = tran.db[obj.closeSystem]
				except ValueError:
					log.warning("IFleet", "Problem with changing the close system.")
			if target.type == T_PLANET:
				system = tran.db[target.compOf]
				obj.closeSystem = system.oid
			elif target.type in (T_SYSTEM, T_WORMHOLE):
				obj.closeSystem = target.oid
				raise GameException('Unsupported type of target %d for move command.' % target.type)
		dist = math.hypot(dx, dy)
		maxDelta = obj.speed / Rules.turnsPerDay * obj.speedBoost
		if not maxDelta:
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			return 0
		arrived = 0
		# 0.01 acceptable error
		if dist <= maxDelta + 0.01:
			# we are at destination
			obj.x = target.x
			obj.y = target.y
			if target.type == T_PLANET:
				obj.orbiting = target.compOf
				system = tran.db[obj.orbiting]
				arrived = 1
			elif target.type == T_SYSTEM or target.type == T_WORMHOLE:
				#@log.debug('IFleet', obj.oid, 'is aproaching orbit of', targetID)
				obj.orbiting = target.oid
				system = tran.db[obj.orbiting]
				#@log.debug('IFleet', system.oid, 'system fleets', system.fleets)
				arrived = 1
				raise GameException('Unsupported type of target %d for move command.' % target.type)
			# move
			obj.x += dx / dist * maxDelta
			obj.y += dy / dist * maxDelta
			# (already moved 1 x maxDelta) (0.01 is acceptable error)
			obj.eta = math.ceil(dist / maxDelta - 1 - 0.01)
		if arrived:
			# just make sure that this is reset
			obj.combatRetreatWait = 0
			# turn scanner on
			obj.scannerOn = True
			# check the speed boost
			speedBoost = Utils.getSpeedBoost(tran, tran.db[obj.owner], (system,))
			if speedBoost < obj.speedBoost:
				# damage all ships in the fleet
				# damage is based on percentual difference
				percHull = 1.0 - Rules.starGateDamage * (obj.speedBoost / speedBoost - 1.0)
				log.debug(obj.oid, "fleet speed boost too low - damaging ships", speedBoost, obj.speedBoost, percHull)
				Utils.sendMessage(tran, obj, MSG_DAMAGE_BY_SG, obj.orbiting, int((1.0 - percHull) * 100))
				for ship in obj.ships:
					ship[SHIP_IDX_HP] = max(1, int(ship[SHIP_IDX_HP] * percHull))
				# TODO: send message to player
			obj.speedBoost = 1.0
			# add ship to the scanner pwrs of the system
			system.scannerPwrs[obj.owner] = max(obj.scannerPwr, system.scannerPwrs.get(obj.owner, 0))
		return arrived