Example #1
def doScaleSubMask( targname, targfilter, targepoch, tempfilter, tempepoch,
                    tempfilter2=None, tempepoch2=None, scalefactor=1,
                    clean=True, verbose=True, clobber=False ):
    """ Primary function for making pseudo-filter diff images :
    * make a scaled template image, scaling the template filter to match the target filter
    * subtract scaled template from target filter+epoch
    * make a union badpix mask
    * apply the union badpix mask
    * make a composite weight mask
    import os
    import imarith
    import badpix
    from astropy.io import fits as pyfits

    targdir = '%s.e%02i'%(targname, targepoch)
    targsci = '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, targfilter, targepoch)
    targsci = os.path.join( targdir, targsci )
    if not os.path.isfile( targsci ) :
        targsci = targsci.replace('_drc','_drz')
    targwht = targsci.replace( '_sci.fits','_wht.fits')
    targbpx = targsci.replace( '_sci.fits','_bpx.fits')
    assert os.path.isfile( targsci )
    assert os.path.isfile( targwht )
    # assert os.path.isfile( targbpx )

    hdr = pyfits.getheader( targsci )
    if 'CAMERA' in hdr :
        instrument = hdr['CAMERA']
        detector = ''
    elif 'INSTRUME' in hdr :
        instrument = hdr['INSTRUME']
    if 'DETECTOR' in hdr :
        detector = hdr['DETECTOR']
    targetcamfilter = '-'.join([instrument,detector,targfilter.upper()]).rstrip('-')
    if targetcamfilter.endswith('L') :
        targetcamfilter += 'P'

    tempdir = '%s.e%02i'%(targname, tempepoch)
    tempfile = '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, tempfilter, tempepoch)
    tempfile = os.path.join( tempdir, tempfile )
    if not os.path.isfile( tempfile ) :
        tempfile = tempfile.replace('_drc','_drz')
    assert os.path.isfile( tempfile )

    if tempfilter2 is None :
        tempfile2 = None
    else :
        if tempepoch2 is None :
            tempepoch2 = tempepoch
        tempdir2 = '%s.e%02i'%(targname, tempepoch2)
        tempfile2 = '%s_%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, tempfilter2, tempepoch2)
        tempfile2 = os.path.join( tempdir2, tempfile2 )
        if not os.path.isfile( tempfile2 ) :
            tempfile2 = tempfile2.replace('_drc','_drz')
        assert os.path.isfile( tempfile2 )

    outfile = os.path.join( tempdir, '%s_~%s_e%02i_reg_drc_sci.fits'%(targname, targfilter, tempepoch) )

    if os.path.exists( outfile ) and not clobber :
        print("Template file %s already exists, not clobbering."%outfile)
        tempsci = outfile
        tempwht = tempsci.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
        tempbpx = tempsci.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')
    else :
        tempsci, tempwht, tempbpx = mkscaledtemplate(
            targetcamfilter, tempfile, imfile2=tempfile2, outfile=outfile,
            scalefactor=scalefactor, filtdir=filtdir, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber)

    subsci = '%s_%s_e%02i-e%02i_sub_sci.fits'%(targname, targfilter, targepoch, tempepoch)
    subsci = os.path.join( targdir, subsci )

    if verbose :  print( "Making pseudo diff image %s"%subsci )
    diffim = imarith.imsubtract( tempsci, targsci, outfile=subsci,
                                 clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
    diffwht = imarith.combine_ivm_maps( targwht, tempwht,
                                       clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )

    if os.path.exists(targbpx):
        diffbpx = badpix.unionmask( tempbpx, targbpx,
                                    clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
        diffim_masked = badpix.applymask( diffim, diffbpx,
                                          clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose)
        if clean:
            # delete the sub_sci.fits, b/c it is superseded
            os.remove( diffim )
        diffim_masked = diffim.replace('sub_sci.fits', 'sub_masked.fits')
        os.rename(diffim, diffim_masked)
        diffbpx = None
    if verbose :
        print("Created diff image %s, wht map %s, and bpx mask %s"%(
            diffim_masked, diffwht, diffbpx ) )
    return( diffim_masked, diffwht, diffbpx )
Example #2
def mkscaledtemplate( targetfilter, imfile1, imfile2=None, outfile=None,
                      scalefactor=1, filtdir='HSTFILTERS', verbose=True,
                      clobber=False ):
    """ Combine and/or scale imfile1 (and imfile2) to match the
    filter transmission function for targetfilter (e.g. for making a
    template image for F814W from two images in F775W and F850LP).

    If an outfile is specified and the wht and bpx files associated with the
    input image files are available, then they will also be combined and
    written to appropriately named output files

    The argument targetfilter must have the form 'INSTRUMENT-DETECTOR-FILTER'.
    For example:  'ACS-WFC-F606W'

    Returns the names of all files generated (sci, wht, bpx)
    from astropy.io import fits as pyfits
    import imarith
    import shutil
    import badpix

    sourcefilter1 = camfiltername( imfile1 )
    if imfile2 :
        sourcefilter2 = camfiltername( imfile2 )
        if verbose :
            print('Scaling %s + %s to match %s'%(sourcefilter1,sourcefilter2,targetfilter))
    else :
        sourcefilter2 = None
        if verbose :
            print('Scaling %s to match %s'%(sourcefilter1,targetfilter))

    scalefactor = scalefactor * computeFilterScaling(
        targetfilter, sourcefilter1, source2=sourcefilter2, filtdir=filtdir)

    if imfile2 :
        imdat = imarith.imsum( imfile1, imfile2 )
    else :
        imdat = pyfits.getdata( imfile1 )

    imdatscaled = imdat * scalefactor

    outhdr = pyfits.getheader( imfile1 )
    outhdr['FILTER'] = '~' + targetfilter.split('-')[-1]
    if 'FILTER1' in outhdr : outhdr.remove('FILTER1')
    if 'FILTER2' in outhdr : outhdr.remove('FILTER2')

    if outfile is None :
        return( imdatscaled )

    outdir = os.path.split( outfile )[0]
    if outdir :
        if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
            os.makedirs( outdir )
    pyfits.writeto( outfile, imdatscaled, header=outhdr, clobber=clobber )

    if not outfile.endswith('sci.fits') or not imfile1.endswith('sci.fits'):
        return( outfile )

    outwht = outfile.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
    outbpx = outfile.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')

    inwht1 = imfile1.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
    inbpx1 = imfile1.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')

    if imfile2 is None :
        if os.path.isfile( inwht1 ) and os.path.isfile( inbpx1 ) :
            shutil.copy( inwht1, outwht )
            shutil.copy( inbpx1, outbpx )
            return( outfile, outwht, outbpx)
        else :
            return( outfile )

    inwht2 = imfile2.replace('sci.fits','wht.fits')
    inbpx2 = imfile2.replace('sci.fits','bpx.fits')
    if os.path.isfile( inwht2 ) :
        outwht = imarith.combine_ivm_maps( inwht1, inwht2, outwht,
                                           clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
    if os.path.isfile( inbpx2 ) :
        outbpx = badpix.unionmask( inbpx1, inbpx2, outbpx,
                                   clobber=clobber, verbose=verbose )
        assert os.path.isfile( outbpx ), "Scaled badpix image %s not created."%outbpx
        outbpx = None

    assert os.path.isfile( outfile ), "Scaled template %s not created."%outfile
    assert os.path.isfile( outwht ), "Scaled weight image %s not created."%outwht

    return( outfile, outwht, outbpx)