def ungrab_pm(self, *ignored, **kwignored): if self.cachedir: with lockfile(j(self.cachedir, "ifz-lockfile")): while self.cachemounts: while ismount(self.cachemounts[-1]): logger.debug("Unmounting %s", self.cachemounts[-1]) umount(self.cachemounts[-1]) os.rmdir(self.cachemounts[-1]) self.cachemounts.pop() if self.pkgmgr_config: self.pkgmgr_config.close() self.pkgmgr_config = None
def undo(self): for n, (typ, o) in reversed(list(enumerate(self.actions[:]))): if typ == "unmount": umount(o) if typ == "rmrf": shutil.rmtree(o) if typ == "rmdir": os.rmdir(o) if typ == "export": check_call(["sync"]) check_call(["zpool", "export", o]) if typ == "luks_close": check_call(["sync"]) check_call(["cryptsetup", "luksClose", o]) if typ == "un_losetup": check_call(["sync"]) if get_associated_lodev(o): check_call(["losetup", "-d", o]) if get_associated_lodev(o): logging.error("losetup -d failed with device %s", o) self.actions.pop(n)
def grab_pm(self, method): if self.cachemounts or self.pkgmgr_config: assert 0, "programming error, invalid state, cannot enter without exiting first" if method == "in_chroot": dirforconfig = self.chroot if os.path.isfile(j(self.chroot, "etc", "dnf", "dnf.conf")): sourceconf = j(self.chroot, "etc", "dnf", "dnf.conf") pkgmgr = "dnf" elif os.path.isfile(j(self.chroot, "etc", "yum.conf")): sourceconf = j(self.chroot, "etc", "yum.conf") pkgmgr = "yum" else: raise Exception("Cannot use in_chroot method without a working yum or DNF inside the chroot") ver = self.releasever elif method == "out_of_chroot": dirforconfig = os.getenv("TMPDIR") or "/tmp" if os.path.exists("/etc/dnf/dnf.conf"): sourceconf = "/etc/dnf/dnf.conf" pkgmgr = "dnf" elif os.path.exists("/etc/yum.conf"): sourceconf = "/etc/yum.conf" pkgmgr = "yum" else: raise Exception("Cannot use out_of_chroot method without a working yum or DNF installed on your system") ver = self.myreleasever else: assert 0, "method unknown: %r" % method parms = dict( source=sourceconf, directory=dirforconfig, logfile="/dev/null", debuglevel=2, reposdir="/nonexistent", include=None, keepcache=1 if pkgmgr == "yum" else True, ) # /yumcache if self.cachedir: makedirs([self.cachedir]) with lockfile(j(self.cachedir, "ifz-lockfile")): # /yumcache/(dnf|yum)/(ver)/(lib|cache) persistdir = j(self.cachedir, pkgmgr, str(ver), "lib") cachedir = j(self.cachedir, pkgmgr, str(ver), "cache") makedirs([persistdir, cachedir]) # /yumcache/(dnf|yum)/(ver)/lock # /chroot/var/(lib|cache)/(dnf|yum) persistin, cachein = makedirs([ j(self.chroot, "tmp-%s-%s" % (pkgmgr, x)) for x in ["lib", "cache"] ]) maybemounted = [persistin, cachein] while maybemounted: while ismount(maybemounted[-1]): logger.debug("Preemptively unmounting %s", maybemounted[-1]) umount(maybemounted[-1]) maybemounted.pop() for x, y in ([persistdir, persistin], [cachedir, cachein]): logger.debug("Mounting %s to %s", x, y) self.cachemounts.append(bindmount(x, y)) # /var/(lib|cache)/(dnf|yum) parms["persistdir"] = persistin[len(self.chroot):] parms["cachedir"] = cachein[len(self.chroot):] lock = lockfile(j(self.cachedir, pkgmgr, str(ver), "lock")) else: lock = dummylock() self.pkgmgr_config = make_temp_yum_config(**parms) return pkgmgr, self.pkgmgr_config, lock
def grab_pm(self, method): if self.cachemounts or self.pkgmgr_config: assert 0, "programming error, invalid state, cannot enter without exiting first" if method == "in_chroot": dirforconfig = self.chroot if os.path.isfile(j(self.chroot, "etc", "dnf", "dnf.conf")): sourceconf = j(self.chroot, "etc", "dnf", "dnf.conf") pkgmgr = "dnf" elif os.path.isfile(j(self.chroot, "etc", "yum.conf")): sourceconf = j(self.chroot, "etc", "yum.conf") pkgmgr = "yum" else: raise Exception("Cannot use in_chroot method without a working yum or DNF inside the chroot") ver = self.releasever elif method == "out_of_chroot": dirforconfig = os.getenv("TMPDIR") or "/tmp" if os.path.exists("/etc/dnf/dnf.conf"): sourceconf = "/etc/dnf/dnf.conf" pkgmgr = "dnf" elif os.path.exists("/etc/yum.conf"): sourceconf = "/etc/yum.conf" pkgmgr = "yum" else: raise Exception("Cannot use out_of_chroot method without a working yum or DNF installed on your system") ver = self.myreleasever else: assert 0, "method unknown: %r" % method parms = dict( source=sourceconf, directory=dirforconfig, logfile="/dev/null", debuglevel=2, reposdir="/nonexistent", include=None, keepcache=1 if pkgmgr == "yum" else True, ) # /yumcache if self.cachedir: makedirs([self.cachedir]) with lockfile(j(self.cachedir, "ifz-lockfile")): # /yumcache/(dnf|yum)/(ver)/(lib|cache) persistdir = j(self.cachedir, pkgmgr, str(ver), "lib") cachedir = j(self.cachedir, pkgmgr, str(ver), "cache") makedirs([persistdir, cachedir]) # /yumcache/(dnf|yum)/(ver)/lock lock = lockfile(j(self.cachedir, pkgmgr, str(ver), "lock")) # /chroot/var/(lib|cache)/(dnf|yum) persistin, cachein = makedirs([ j(self.chroot, "tmp-%s-%s" % (pkgmgr, x)) for x in ["lib", "cache"] ]) maybemounted = [persistin, cachein] while maybemounted: while ismount(maybemounted[-1]): logger.debug("Preemptively unmounting %s", maybemounted[-1]) umount(maybemounted[-1]) maybemounted.pop() for x, y in ([persistdir, persistin], [cachedir, cachein]): logger.debug("Mounting %s to %s", x, y) self.cachemounts.append(bindmount(x, y)) # /var/(lib|cache)/(dnf|yum) parms["persistdir"] = persistin[len(self.chroot):] parms["cachedir"] = cachein[len(self.chroot):] else: lock = dummylock() self.pkgmgr_config = make_temp_yum_config(**parms) return pkgmgr, self.pkgmgr_config, lock
def deploy_zfs_in_machine(p, in_chroot, pkgmgr, branch, prebuilt_rpms_path, break_before, to_unmount, to_rmdir): arch = platform.machine() stringtoexclude = "debuginfo" # check for stage stop if break_before == "install_prebuilt_rpms": raise BreakingBefore(break_before) if prebuilt_rpms_path: target_rpms_path = p(j("tmp","zfs-fedora-installer-prebuilt-rpms")) if not os.path.isdir(target_rpms_path): os.mkdir(target_rpms_path) if ismount(target_rpms_path): if os.stat(prebuilt_rpms_path).st_ino != os.stat(target_rpms_path): umount(target_rpms_path) bindmount(os.path.abspath(prebuilt_rpms_path), target_rpms_path) else: bindmount(os.path.abspath(prebuilt_rpms_path), target_rpms_path) if os.path.isdir(target_rpms_path): to_rmdir.append(target_rpms_path) if ismount(target_rpms_path): to_unmount.append(target_rpms_path) prebuilt_rpms_to_install = glob.glob(j(prebuilt_rpms_path,"*%s.rpm"%(arch,))) + glob.glob(j(prebuilt_rpms_path,"*%s.rpm"%("noarch",))) prebuilt_rpms_to_install = set([ os.path.basename(s) for s in prebuilt_rpms_to_install if stringtoexclude not in os.path.basename(s) ]) else: target_rpms_path = None prebuilt_rpms_to_install = set() if prebuilt_rpms_to_install: "Installing available prebuilt RPMs: %s", prebuilt_rpms_to_install ) files_to_install = [ j(target_rpms_path, s) for s in prebuilt_rpms_to_install ] pkgmgr.install_local_packages(files_to_install) if target_rpms_path: umount(target_rpms_path) to_unmount.remove(target_rpms_path) check_call(["rmdir", target_rpms_path]) to_rmdir.remove(target_rpms_path) # check for stage stop if break_before == "install_grub_zfs_fixer": raise BreakingBefore(break_before) for project, patterns in ( ( "grub-zfs-fixer", ( "RPMS/%s/*.%s.rpm" % ("noarch", "noarch"), "RPMS/*.%s.rpm" % ("noarch",), ), ), ): grubzfsfixerpath = j(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir, "grub-zfs-fixer") class FixerNotInstalledYet(Exception): pass try:"Checking if %s has the GRUB ZFS fixer installed", project) try: fixerlines = file(j(grubzfsfixerpath, "grub-zfs-fixer.spec")).readlines() fixerversion = [ x.split()[1] for x in fixerlines if x.startswith("Version:") ][0] fixerrelease = [ x.split()[1] for x in fixerlines if x.startswith("Release:") ][0] check_output(in_chroot([ "rpm", "-q", "grub-zfs-fixer-%s-%s" % (fixerversion, fixerrelease) ])) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise FixerNotInstalledYet() except FixerNotInstalledYet:"%s does not have the GRUB ZFS fixer, building", project) project_dir = p(j("usr","src",project)) def getrpms(pats, directory): therpms = [ rpmfile for pat in pats for rpmfile in glob.glob(j(directory, pat)) if stringtoexclude not in os.path.basename(rpmfile) ] return therpms files_to_install = getrpms(patterns, project_dir) if not files_to_install: if not os.path.isdir(project_dir): os.mkdir(project_dir) pkgmgr.ensure_packages_installed( [ "rpm-build", "tar", "gzip", ], )"Tarring %s tarball", project) check_call(['tar', 'cvzf', j(project_dir, "%s.tar.gz" % project), project], cwd=j(grubzfsfixerpath, os.path.pardir))"Building project: %s", project) project_dir_in_chroot = project_dir[len(p(""))-1:] check_call(in_chroot(["rpmbuild", "--define", "_topdir %s"%(project_dir_in_chroot,), "-ta", j(project_dir_in_chroot,"%s.tar.gz" % project)])) files_to_install = getrpms(patterns, project_dir)"Installing built RPMs: %s", files_to_install) pkgmgr.install_local_packages(files_to_install) # Check we have a patched grub2-mkconfig. mkconfig_file = p(j("usr", "sbin", "grub2-mkconfig")) mkconfig_text = file(mkconfig_file).read() if "This program was patched by fix-grub-mkconfig" not in mkconfig_text: raise ZFSBuildFailure("expected to find patched %s but could not find it. Perhaps the grub-zfs-fixer RPM was never installed?" % mkconfig_file) for project, patterns, keystonepkgs, mindeps in ( ( "spl", ( "spl-*.%s.rpm" % arch, "spl-dkms-*.noarch.rpm", ), ('spl', 'spl-dkms'), [ "make", "autoconf", "automake", "gcc", "libtool", "git", "rpm-build", "dkms", ], ), ( "zfs", ( "zfs-dkms-*.noarch.rpm", "libnvpair*.%s.rpm" % arch, "libuutil*.%s.rpm" % arch, "libzfs?-[0123456789]*.%s.rpm" % arch, "libzfs?-devel-[0123456789]*.%s.rpm" % arch, "libzpool*.%s.rpm" % arch, "zfs-[0123456789]*.%s.rpm" % arch, "zfs-dracut-*.%s.rpm" % arch, ), ('zfs', 'zfs-dkms', 'zfs-dracut'), [ "zlib-devel", "libuuid-devel", "bc", "libblkid-devel", "libattr-devel", "lsscsi", "mdadm", "parted", "libudev-devel", ], ), ): # check for stage stop if break_before == "deploy_%s" % project: raise BreakingBefore(break_before) try:"Checking if keystone packages %s are installed", ", ".join(keystonepkgs)) check_call(in_chroot(["rpm", "-q"] + list(keystonepkgs)), stdout=file(os.devnull,"w"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError:"Package %s-dkms is not installed, building", project) project_dir = p(j("usr","src",project)) def getrpms(pats, directory): therpms = [ rpmfile for pat in pats for rpmfile in glob.glob(j(directory, pat)) if stringtoexclude not in os.path.basename(rpmfile) ] return therpms files_to_install = getrpms(patterns, project_dir) if not files_to_install: if not os.path.isdir(project_dir): repo = "" % project"Cloning git repository: %s", repo) cmd = ["git", "clone", repo, project_dir] check_call(cmd) cmd = ["git", "checkout", branch] check_call(cmd, cwd= project_dir) cmd = ["git", "--no-pager", "show"] check_call(cmd, cwd= project_dir) pkgmgr.ensure_packages_installed(mindeps)"Building project: %s", project) cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() cmd = in_chroot(["bash", "-c", ( "cd /usr/src/%s && " "./ && " "./configure --with-config=user && " "make -j%s rpm-utils && " "make -j%s rpm-dkms" % (project, cores, cores) ) ]) check_call(cmd) files_to_install = getrpms(patterns, project_dir)"Installing built RPMs: %s", files_to_install) pkgmgr.install_local_packages(files_to_install) # Check we have a ZFS.ko for at least one kernel. modules_dir = p(j("usr", "lib", "modules", "*", "*", "zfs.ko")) modules_files = glob.glob(modules_dir) if not modules_files: raise ZFSBuildFailure("expected to find but could not find module zfs.ko in %s. Perhaps the ZFS source you used is too old to work with the kernel this program installed?" % modules_dir)
def cleanup(): for fs in reversed(to_unmount): umount(fs) for filename in to_rmdir: os.rmdir(filename)