Example #1
def Send_SRV_Mail(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function sends an email to warn people a revision has been
    carried out.


       * notefile: name of the file in which the note can be found

       * emailfile: name of the file containing the submitter's email

       * addressesSRV: email addresses of the people who will receive
                       this email (comma separated list). this
                       parameter may contain the <CATEG> string. In
                       which case the variable computed from the
                       [categformatDAM] parameter replaces this
                       eg.:"<CATEG>[email protected]"

       * categformatDAM: contains a regular expression used to compute
                         the category of the document given the
                         reference of the document.

                         eg.: if [categformatAFP]="TEST-<CATEG>-.*"
                         and the reference of the document is
                         "TEST-CATEGORY1-2001-001", then the computed
                         category equals "CATEGORY1"
    global rn,doctype,sysno
    # variables declaration
    FROMADDR = '%s Submission Engine <%s>' % (CFG_SITE_NAME,CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
    addresses = parameters['addressesSRV']
    addresses = addresses.strip()
    if parameters['emailFile'] is not None and parameters['emailFile']!="" and os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['emailFile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['emailFile']), "r")
        SuE = fp.read()
        SuE = ""
    SuE = SuE.replace("\n",",")
    if parameters['noteFile'] is not None and parameters['noteFile']!= "" and os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['noteFile'])):
        fp = open("%s/%s" % (curdir,parameters['noteFile']), "r")
        note = fp.read()
        note = ""
    title = Get_Field("245__a",sysno)
    author = Get_Field('100__a',sysno)
    author += Get_Field('700__a',sysno)
    # create message
    message = "A revised version of document %s has been submitted.\n\nTitle: %s\nAuthor(s): %s\nURL: <%s/%s/%s>%s" % (rn,title,author,CFG_SITE_URL,CFG_SITE_RECORD,sysno,note)

    # send the email
    send_email(FROMADDR, SuE, "%s revised" % rn, message, copy_to_admin=CFG_WEBSUBMIT_COPY_MAILS_TO_ADMIN)
    return ""
Example #2
def Get_Info_In_DB(rn, parameters, curdir):
    global titlevalue, emailvalue, authorvalue, sysno
    if sysno != "":
        titlevalue = Get_Field('245__a', sysno)
        emailvalue = Get_Field('8560_f', sysno)
        authorvalue = Get_Field('100__a', sysno)
        authorvalue += "\n%s" % Get_Field('700__a', sysno)
        # save result
        fp = open("%s/SN" % curdir, "w")
        return 1
        return 0
def Is_Original_Submitter(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
    This function compares the current logged in user email with the
    email of the original submitter of the record. If it is the same
    (or if the current user has superuser rights), we go on. If it
    differs, an error message is issued.
    global uid_email,sysno,uid
    doctype = form['doctype']
    act = form['act']
    email = Get_Field("8560_f",sysno)
    email = re.sub("[\n\r ]+","",email)
    uid_email = re.sub("[\n\r ]+","",uid_email)
    (auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(user_info, "submit",verbose=0,doctype=doctype, act=act)
    if re.search(uid_email,email,re.IGNORECASE) is None and auth_code != 0:
        raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop("""
   document.forms[0].curpage.value = 1;
   document.forms[0].step.value = 0;
   user_must_confirm_before_leaving_page = false;
   alert('Only the submitter of this document has the right to do this action. \\nYour login (%s) is different from the one of the submitter (%s).');
</SCRIPT>""" % (uid_email,email))
    elif re.search(uid_email,email, re.IGNORECASE) is None and \
             auth_code == 0:
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, 'is_original_submitter_warning')):
            write_file(os.path.join(curdir, 'is_original_submitter_warning'), '')
            return ("""
alert('Only the submitter of this document has the right to do this action. \\nYour login (%s) is different from the one of the submitter (%s).\\n\\nAnyway, as you have a special authorization for this type of documents,\\nyou are allowed to proceed! Watch out your actions!');
</SCRIPT>""" % (uid_email,email))

    return ""
Example #4
def Create_Modify_Interface_getfieldval_fromDBrec(fieldcode, recid):
    """Read a field's value from the record stored in the DB.
       This function is called when the Create_Modify_Interface function is called for the first time
       when modifying a given record, and field values must be retrieved from the database.
    fld_val = ""
    if fieldcode != "":
        for next_field_code in [x.strip() for x in fieldcode.split(",")]:
            fld_val += "%s\n" % Get_Field(next_field_code, recid)
        fld_val = fld_val.rstrip('\n')
    return fld_val