Example #1
 def pic_verify(self, get_pic_api, code, pic_verify_api, headers):
     picture = self.session.get(get_pic_api, verify=False)
     with open('code.png', 'wb') as fn:
     picture_index = input('请输入图片验证码序号,英文逗号隔开')
     temp = picture_index.split(',')
     raw_data = StringIO()
     for i in temp:
     raw_data = raw_data.getvalue()
     data = raw_data.rstrip(',')
     submit_data = {'answer': data, 'login_site': 'E', 'rand': 'sjrand'}
     pic_verify_result = self.session.post(pic_verify_api, data=submit_data, headers=headers, verify=False)  # 注意关掉SSL验证
     pic_verify_result_json = json.loads(pic_verify_result.text)
     if pic_verify_result_json['result_code'] == '4':
         return True
Example #2
def loadLimits(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        content = f.readlines()

    limitsRE = re.compile('^The limits are given for the period: ')
    quantRE = re.compile('^The uncertainty quantiles are:')
    csvRE = re.compile('^-?[0-9.e-]+(,-?[0-9.e-])+')

    values = []
    quantiles = []
    fechas = []
    foundDate = False
    startReading = False

    for idx, i in enumerate(content):
        if foundDate is False:
            if limitsRE.match(i):
                foundDate = True
                temp = limitsRE.sub('', i)
                temp = temp.rsplit()
                start = datetime.datetime.strptime(temp[0], '%Y/%m/%d')
                finish = datetime.datetime.strptime(temp[2], '%Y/%m/%d')
                step = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
                while start <= finish:
                    start += step
        if quantRE.match(i):
            #Quantile values will be found in the next line
            quantiles = content[idx+1]
            quantiles = StringIO(quantiles.rstrip())
            quantiles = np.loadtxt(quantiles, delimiter=',')
        if csvRE.match(i) is not None:
            if startReading is True:#Should skip the first line of numbers
                temp = StringIO(i.rstrip())
                temp = np.loadtxt(temp, delimiter=',')
            startReading = True

    values = np.asarray(values)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=values, index=fechas, columns=('quant:' + s for s in quantiles.astype(str) ))
Example #3
def get_eol(text):
    """Return the EOL character sequence used in the text."""
    line = StringIO(text).readline()
    return line[len(line.rstrip('\r\n')):]
Example #4
def convert(pascal: str, check_syntax=True, result_behaviour: Union[str, ResultBehaviour] = 'try', disclose=True,
            remove_inline_comments=True, pre_parts=('from talos import *',), post_parts=()):
    convert a pascal script to a python script
    :param pascal: the pascal script as a single string
    :param check_syntax: whether to check the python syntax of the output and issue a warning if any errors are found
    :param result_behaviour: how to handle the result variable
    :param disclose: whether to add a disclosure tot he output stating it was automatically generated
    :param remove_inline_comments: whether to remove inline comments in the source code. Setting this to false will
        raise an error if inline comments are found.
    :param pre_parts: any text to add before the output code should be entered here
    :param post_parts: any text to add after the output code should be entered here
    :return: the python script as a string
    result_behaviour = ResultBehaviour(result_behaviour)
    result_as_var = result_behaviour == ResultBehaviour.var
    pre_words, post_words, rules = get_rules(result_as_var, disclose=disclose,
                                             pre_raw_parts=pre_parts, post_raw_parts=post_parts)
    env = {}

    lines = list(
        filter_multiline_comments(pascal.splitlines(keepends=False), remove_inline_comments=remove_inline_comments))
    # just treat single-line scripts as though they have a begin and end around them
    if len(lines) in (0, 1):
        lines = ['begin', *('\t' + l for l in lines), 'end']
            var_index = lines.index('var')
        except ValueError:
            # if there is no var, then delete nothing (we want to keep anything before begin in case it's a comment)
            begin_index = lines.index('begin', var_index)
            del lines[var_index:begin_index]

    ret = StringIO()

    for line in lines:
        # note: we want to pass blank lines only if it was blank in the original!
        if isblank(line):

        indent = re.match('^\s*', line).group(0)
        comps = LineComponents(line)
        non_final = comps.non_final_part()
        while non_final:
            comp_ind, comp = non_final
            if not comp:
                comps[comp_ind] = Final(comp)
                env['last_component'] = comp_ind + 1 == len(comps)
                for rule in rules:
                        res = rule(comp, env)
                    except EarlyReturnDetected:
                        return convert(pascal, check_syntax, 'variable', disclose, remove_inline_comments, pre_parts,
                    if res is not None:
                        comp = comps[comp_ind] = res
                        if not isinstance(res, str):
                        if not comp:
                            comps[comp_ind] = Final(comp)

            non_final = comps.non_final_part()

        line = ''.join(comps)
        env['prev_indent'] = indent
        if not isblank(line):
            ret.write(line + '\n')

    ret = pre_words.join() + ret.getvalue() + post_words.join()
    ret = ret.rstrip() + '\n'  # add a single trailing newline as per PEP8
    if check_syntax:
        valid, error = is_valid_python(ret)
        if not valid:
                f'the python script did not pass syntax checking, the error was: {error}',
    return ret