Example #1
In a production environment, the model will be trained and stored on object storage using a different approach.
This sample is considering a model already trained and serialized.
#model file is loaded in memory
rel_path = 'models/base_model_LSTM64_LSTM32_Dropout0.375240min_new'  #relative path for the model
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)  #absolute dir the script is in
abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
model_file = open(abs_file_path, 'rb')

#create bucket on COS to store the model
bucket_name = credentials['tennant_id'] + '-analytics-' + 'models'

#store model on COS
We now have 12 hours of historical data. We can use it to do some calculations.
The calculations will be placed into a container called a pipeline. The 
pipeline is constructed from multiple stages. Each stage performs a transforms
the data. 

The execute() method retrieves entity data and carries out the transformations.
By specifying 'to_csv = True', we also csv output dumped at the end of 
each stage. This is useful for testing. 
'register=true' took care of function registration so the ForecastKerasModel 
function will be available in the ui.
You can use the outputs of one calculation in another. This function is receiving a dummy value as input,
and will generate four predictions as outputs. The output definitions are declared in the function class.
Example #2
You can serialize simple functions to Cloud Object Storage to avoid having to 
paste replicas of them in the UI or avoid the need to manage them in a
git repository
See offline simple functions sample to see how to create simple functions.
Here is a simple function:

def f(df, parameters=None):
    #  generate an 2-D array of random numbers
    output = np.random.normal(1, 0.1, len(df.index))
    return output

First save the function in cloud object storage

db.cos_save(persisted_object=f, filename='random_1', binary=True)
Test the function by adding it to an entity type

test_function = bif.PythonFunction(function_code='random_1',

test_function.execute_local_test(db=db, db_schema=db_schema)