Example #1
def block_ip(ip, who, comment, duration, flag_traffic=False, extend_only=False):
    """Block an IP address
    :param ip: IP Address to block
    :param who: User or system adding the block
    :param comment: Arbitrary text comment about the block
    :param duration: duration of the block in seconds
    :param flag_traffic: Should any traffic to this IP be flagged for review?
    :param extend_only: When re-blocking an already blocked host, if extend_only=True the
                        block time will not be replaced by an earlier time.
                        The extend_only option is used by the automated blockers
                        to ensure that they do not decrease a block duration.
    :rtype: The Block record


    ex = get_dont_block_record(ip)
    if ex:
        raise DontBlockException(ex.ip, ex.who, ex.comment)

    duration = util.expand_time(duration)
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    diff = datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration)
    unblock_at = now + diff

    b = get_blocked_ip(ip)
    if b:
        if b.who != who:
            b.flag_traffic = flag_traffic
            if comment not in b.comment:
                b.comment += "\n" + comment
        if not ( extend_only and b.unblock_delta > diff ):
            b.unblock_at = unblock_at
        b.who = who
        b = Block(ip=ip, who=who, comment=comment, unblock_at=unblock_at, flag_traffic=flag_traffic)
    return b
Example #2
def expand_time_case(text, number):
    assert util.expand_time(text) == number 
Example #3
def expand_time_case(text, number):
    assert util.expand_time(text) == number