Example #1
 def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
     names = ["masks", "meanings", "values"]
     attrs = [
         [("flag_masks", self.flag_masks), ("wibble", "wibble")],
             ("flag_meanings", self.flag_meanings),
             ("add_offset", "add_offset"),
         [("flag_values", self.flag_values)],
         [("valid_range", self.valid_range)],
         [("valid_min", self.valid_min)],
         [("valid_max", self.valid_max)],
     cf, cf_var = self._make(names, attrs)
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(len(cube.coords()), 3)
     self.assertEqual(set([c.name() for c in cube.coords()]), set(names))
     expected = [
     for name, expect in zip(names, expected):
         attributes = cube.coord(name).attributes
         self.assertEqual(set(attributes.items()), set(expect))
Example #2
 def test_flag_pass_thru(self):
     attrs = [('flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
              ('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
              ('flag_values', self.flag_values)]
     for key, value in attrs:
         cf_var = self._make([(key, value)])
         cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
         self.assertEqual(len(cube.attributes), 1)
         self.assertEqual(list(cube.attributes.keys()), [key])
         self.assertEqual(list(cube.attributes.values()), [value])
Example #3
 def test_flag_pass_thru(self):
     attrs = [('flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
              ('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
              ('flag_values', self.flag_values)]
     for key, value in attrs:
         cf_var = self._make([(key, value)])
         cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
         self.assertEqual(len(cube.attributes), 1)
         self.assertEqual(list(cube.attributes.keys()), [key])
         self.assertEqual(list(cube.attributes.values()), [value])
 def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
     attrs = [('flag_masks', self.flag_masks), ('wibble', 'wobble'),
              ('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
              ('add_offset', 'add_offset'),
              ('flag_values', self.flag_values),
              ('standard_name', 'air_temperature')]
     expected = set([attrs[0], attrs[1], attrs[2], attrs[4]])
     cf_var = self._make(attrs)
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(len(cube.attributes), len(expected))
     self.assertEqual(set(cube.attributes.items()), expected)
Example #5
 def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
     attrs = [('flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
              ('wibble', 'wobble'),
              ('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
              ('add_offset', 'add_offset'),
              ('flag_values', self.flag_values),
              ('standard_name', 'air_temperature')]
     expected = set([attrs[0], attrs[1], attrs[2], attrs[4]])
     cf_var = self._make(attrs)
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(len(cube.attributes), len(expected))
     self.assertEqual(set(cube.attributes.items()), expected)
Example #6
 def test_flag_pass_thru(self):
     items = [('masks', 'flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
              ('meanings', 'flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
              ('values', 'flag_values', self.flag_values)]
     for name, attr, value in items:
         names = [name]
         attrs = [[(attr, value)]]
         cf, cf_var = self._make(names, attrs)
         cube = _load_cube(self.engine, cf, cf_var, self.filename)
         self.assertEqual(len(cube.coords(name)), 1)
         coord = cube.coord(name)
         self.assertEqual(len(coord.attributes), 1)
         self.assertEqual(list(coord.attributes.keys()), [attr])
         self.assertEqual(list(coord.attributes.values()), [value])
Example #7
 def test_flag_pass_thru(self):
     items = [('masks', 'flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
              ('meanings', 'flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
              ('values', 'flag_values', self.flag_values)]
     for name, attr, value in items:
         names = [name]
         attrs = [[(attr, value)]]
         cf, cf_var = self._make(names, attrs)
         cube = _load_cube(self.engine, cf, cf_var, self.filename)
         self.assertEqual(len(cube.coords(name)), 1)
         coord = cube.coord(name)
         self.assertEqual(len(coord.attributes), 1)
         self.assertEqual(list(coord.attributes.keys()), [attr])
         self.assertEqual(list(coord.attributes.values()), [value])
 def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
     names = ['masks', 'meanings', 'values']
     attrs = [[('flag_masks', self.flag_masks), ('wibble', 'wibble')],
              [('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
               ('add_offset', 'add_offset')],
              [('flag_values', self.flag_values)]]
     cf, cf_var = self._make(names, attrs)
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(len(cube.coords()), 3)
     self.assertEqual(set([c.name() for c in cube.coords()]), set(names))
     expected = [attrs[0], [attrs[1][0]], attrs[2]]
     for name, expect in zip(names, expected):
         attributes = cube.coord(name).attributes
         self.assertEqual(set(attributes.items()), set(expect))
Example #9
    def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
        attrs = [('flag_masks', self.flag_masks), ('wibble', 'wobble'),
                 ('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
                 ('add_offset', 'add_offset'),
                 ('flag_values', self.flag_values),
                 ('standard_name', 'air_temperature'),
                 ('valid_range', self.valid_range),
                 ('valid_min', self.valid_min), ('valid_max', self.valid_max)]

        # Expect everything from above to be returned except those
        # corresponding to exclude_ind.
        expected = set([attrs[ind] for ind in [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]])
        cf_var = self._make(attrs)
        cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
        self.assertEqual(len(cube.attributes), len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(set(cube.attributes.items()), expected)
Example #10
 def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
     names = ['masks', 'meanings', 'values']
     attrs = [[('flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
               ('wibble', 'wibble')],
              [('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
               ('add_offset', 'add_offset')],
              [('flag_values', self.flag_values)]]
     cf, cf_var = self._make(names, attrs)
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(len(cube.coords()), 3)
     self.assertEqual(set([c.name() for c in cube.coords()]), set(names))
     expected = [attrs[0],
     for name, expect in zip(names, expected):
         attributes = cube.coord(name).attributes
         self.assertEqual(set(attributes.items()), set(expect))
Example #11
    def test_flag_pass_thru_multi(self):
        attrs = [('flag_masks', self.flag_masks),
                 ('wibble', 'wobble'),
                 ('flag_meanings', self.flag_meanings),
                 ('add_offset', 'add_offset'),
                 ('flag_values', self.flag_values),
                 ('standard_name', 'air_temperature'),
                 ('valid_range', self.valid_range),
                 ('valid_min', self.valid_min),
                 ('valid_max', self.valid_max)]

        # Expect everything from above to be returned except those
        # corresponding to exclude_ind.
        expected = set([attrs[ind] for ind in [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]])
        cf_var = self._make(attrs)
        cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
        self.assertEqual(len(cube.attributes), len(expected))
        self.assertEqual(set(cube.attributes.items()), expected)
Example #12
    def load_cube_from_cdl(self, cdl_string, cdl_path, nc_path):
        Load the 'phenom' data variable in a CDL testcase, as a cube.

        Using ncgen, CFReader and the _load_cube call.

        # Write the CDL to a file.
        with open(cdl_path, "w") as f_out:

        # Create a netCDF file from the CDL file.
        command = "ncgen -o {} {}".format(nc_path, cdl_path)
        subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True)

        # Simulate the inner part of the file reading process.
        cf = CFReader(nc_path)
        # Grab a data variable : FOR NOW always grab the 'phenom' variable.
        cf_var = cf.cf_group.data_variables["phenom"]

        engine = iris.fileformats.netcdf._actions_engine()

        # If debug enabled, switch on the activation summary debug output.
        # Use 'patch' so it is restored after the test.
        self.patch("iris.fileformats.netcdf.DEBUG", self.debug)

        # Call the main translation function to load a single cube.
        # _load_cube establishes per-cube facts, activates rules and
        # produces an actual cube.
        cube = _load_cube(engine, cf, cf_var, nc_path)

        # Also Record, on the cubes, which hybrid coord elements were identified
        # by the rules operation.
        # Unlike the other translations, _load_cube does *not* convert this
        # information into actual cube elements.  That is instead done by
        # `iris.fileformats.netcdf._load_aux_factory`.
        # For rules testing, it is anyway more convenient to deal with the raw
        # data, as each factory type has different validity requirements to
        # build it, and none of that is relevant to the rules operation.
        cube._formula_type_name = engine.requires.get("formula_type")
        cube._formula_terms_byname = engine.requires.get("formula_terms")

        # Always returns a single cube.
        return cube
Example #13
 def _test(self, cf_var, expected_fill_value):
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(cube._my_data.fill_value, expected_fill_value)
Example #14
 def _test(self, cf_var, expected_fill_value):
     cube = _load_cube(self.engine, self.cf, cf_var, self.filename)
     self.assertEqual(cube.fill_value, expected_fill_value)