Example #1
def make_substitutions(conf):
  Substitute occurences of ${foo} with conf[foo], recursively, in all the values
  of the conf dict.

  Note that the Java code may also substitute Java properties in, which
  this code does not have.
    r = re.compile(CONF_VARIABLE_REGEX)

    def sub(s, depth=0):
        # Malformed / malicious confs could make this loop infinitely
        if depth > 100:
                "Max recursion depth exceeded when substituting jobconf value: %s"
                % s)
            return s
        m = r.search(s)
        if m:
            for g in [g for g in m.groups() if g in conf]:
                substr = "${%s}" % g
                s = s.replace(substr, sub(conf[g], depth + 1))
        return s

    for k, v in conf.items():
        conf[k] = sub(v)
    return conf
Example #2
def make_substitutions(conf):
  Substitute occurences of ${foo} with conf[foo], recursively, in all the values
  of the conf dict.

  Note that the Java code may also substitute Java properties in, which 
  this code does not have.
    r = re.compile(CONF_VARIABLE_REGEX)

    def sub(s, depth=0):
        # Malformed / malicious confs could make this loop infinitely
        if depth > 100:
            logging.warn("Max recursion depth exceeded when substituting jobconf value: %s" % s)
            return s
        m = r.search(s)
        if m:
            for g in [g for g in m.groups() if g in conf]:
                substr = "${%s}" % g
                s = s.replace(substr, sub(conf[g], depth + 1))
        return s

    for k, v in conf.items():
        conf[k] = sub(v)
    return conf