def get_bases( ref_base, call_string, qual_string, min_qual ):
    bases = parse_call_string( ref_base, call_string )
    quals = np.fromstring( qual_string, dtype=np.byte ) - ascii_offset
    bases = np.array( bases )
    bases = bases[quals >= min_qual]
    return bases
def main( args ):
    if args.bzip2:
        mpileup_file = bz2.BZ2File( args.mpileup_file_name )
        mpileup_file = open( args.mpileup_file_name )
    reader = get_reader( mpileup_file )
    mcnt_file = MultinomialCountsFile( args.mcnt_file_name, 'w' )
    rows = {}
    i = 0
    for row in reader:
        chr_name = row['chr_name']
        if chr_name not in rows:
            rows[chr_name] = []
        chr_coord = int( row['chr_coord'] )
        normal_depth = int( row['normal_depth'] )
        tumour_depth = int( row['tumour_depth'] )
        ref_base = row['ref_base'].upper()
        # Skip lines below coverage threshold.
        if normal_depth < args.min_depth or tumour_depth < args.min_depth:
        normal_bases = parse_call_string( ref_base, row['normal_call_string'] )
        tumour_bases = parse_call_string( ref_base, row['tumour_call_string'] )
        normal_counter = Counter( normal_bases )
        tumour_counter = Counter( tumour_bases )
        normal_counts = []
        tumour_counts = []
        variant = True
        for nucleotide in nucleotides:
            nc = normal_counter[nucleotide]
            tc = tumour_counter[nucleotide]
            if nucleotide != ref_base:
                if nc > 0 or tc > 0:
                    variant = True
            normal_counts.append( nc )
            tumour_counts.append( tc )
        if sum( normal_counts ) < args.min_depth or sum( tumour_counts ) < args.min_depth:
        # Skip lines with no variants.
        if not variant:
        mcnt_entry = [ chr_coord, ref_base ]
        mcnt_entry.extend( normal_counts )
        mcnt_entry.extend( tumour_counts )
        rows[chr_name].append( mcnt_entry )
        i += 1
        if i >= 1e4:
            print chr_name, chr_coord, mcnt_entry
            write_rows( mcnt_file, rows )
            rows = {}
            i = 0
    # Last call to write remaining rows.
    write_rows( mcnt_file, rows )