def test_creating_journal_entry_checks_for_date(self): date_faker = DateFaker() try: date_faker.fake_date(date(2015,3,15)) entry = JournalEntry() saved_journal_entries = JournalEntry.objects.all() self.assertEqual(saved_journal_entries.count(),1) entry = saved_journal_entries[0] self.assertEqual(,date(2015,3,15)) finally: date_faker.reset()
def setUp(self): self.browser = webdriver.Firefox() self.browser.implicitly_wait(3) self.date_faker = DateFaker()
class NewJournalEntryTest(LiveServerTestCase): def setUp(self): self.browser = webdriver.Firefox() self.browser.implicitly_wait(3) self.date_faker = DateFaker() def tearDown(self): self.browser.quit() self.date_faker.reset() def get_entry_elements(self, subclass): return self.browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('p.entry ' + subclass) def check_for_entry_text_in_entries(self, entry_text): entries = self.get_entry_elements('.entry-text') self.assertIn(entry_text, [entry.text for entry in entries]) def check_for_entry_date_in_entries(self, entry_date): entries = self.get_entry_elements('.entry-date') self.assertIn(entry_date, [entry.text for entry in entries]) def get_journal_entry_input(self): return self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_journal_entry') def get_journal_entry_send_button(self): return self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_submit_journal_entry') def write_journal_entry_for_date(self, entry_text, date): #It is the given date self.date_faker.fake_date(date) # Anne wants to write a journal entry. She goes to the homepage self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) # She enters the journal entry inputbox = self.get_journal_entry_input() inputbox.send_keys(entry_text) # There is a button to submit the entry send_button = self.get_journal_entry_send_button() # When she sends the entry, the page updates and her entry is shown as commited self.check_for_entry_text_in_entries(entry_text) def test_can_write_daily_entry_and_retrieve_it_later(self): # Anne wants to write her daily journal entry. She goes to the homepage self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) # She notices the page title and header mention the daily journal self.assertIn('Daily Journal', self.browser.title) header_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('h1').text self.assertIn('Daily Journal', header_text) # She has the option to enter her journal entry inputbox = self.get_journal_entry_input() self.assertEqual(inputbox.get_attribute('placeholder'), 'Enter a new journal entry') # She types her journal entry inputbox.send_keys('This is my brand new diary entry') # There is a button to submit the entry send_button = self.get_journal_entry_send_button() self.assertEqual(send_button.get_attribute('value'), 'Submit') # When she sends the entry, the page updates and her entry is shown as commited self.check_for_entry_text_in_entries( 'This is my brand new diary entry') #The entry displays the correct creation date correct_date = self.check_for_entry_date_in_entries(correct_date) # She is refreshing the page, her entry is still there self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) self.check_for_entry_text_in_entries( 'This is my brand new diary entry') def test_can_write_multiple_journal_entries(self): #Anne writes her first journal entry on the 15th of May 2015 self.write_journal_entry_for_date('This is my first journal entry', date(2015, 5, 15)) # She wants to add another entry, but she can't because she already wrote one for today with self.assertRaises(NoSuchElementException): self.get_journal_entry_input() with self.assertRaises(NoSuchElementException): self.get_journal_entry_send_button() # Anne is waiting another day to write a new journal entry. self.write_journal_entry_for_date('This is my second journal entry', date(2015, 5, 16)) # The page is refreshing and showing the entries. # The second entry is displayed on top, the first entry on bottom text_elements = self.get_entry_elements(".entry-text") date_elements = self.get_entry_elements(".entry-date") self.assertEqual('This is my second journal entry', text_elements[0].text) self.assertEqual('This is my first journal entry', text_elements[1].text) self.assertEqual('2015-05-16', date_elements[0].text) self.assertEqual('2015-05-15', date_elements[1].text) def test_can_write_weekly_journal_entries(self): #Anne writes her first journal entry on the 15th of May 2015 self.write_journal_entry_for_date('This is my first journal entry', date(2015, 5, 15)) #She also wrote an entry 3 days later self.write_journal_entry_for_date('This is my second journal entry', date(2015, 5, 18)) #A whole week has passed. It is time for a weekly journal entry. #When she visits the page, she is prompted to write a weekly journal entry self.date_faker.fake_date(date(2015, 5, 22)) self.browser.get(self.live_server_url) #She is prompted to write a weekly journal entry weekly_entry_prompt = self.get_weekly_entry_prompt() self.assertIn('New weekly journal entry due', weekly_entry_prompt.text) #She confirms the prompt #She is taken to a page where she can write her weekly journal entry self.assertIn('Weekly Entry', self.browser.title) header_text = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('h1').text self.assertIn('Weekly Entry', header_text) #There is an input element where she can enter her weekly journal entry. inputbox = self.get_weekly_entry_input() self.assertEqual(inputbox.get_attribute('placeholder'), 'Enter a new weekly entry') #All previous journal entries are displayed to help her write the entry'finish test')