def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Script that calls all season pages to refresh the cache on them if it has expired. Any time/date settings create postfixes on the caching key, for now the solution is to disable them. """ if settings.USE_I18N: raise CommandError('USE_I18N in settings must be disabled.') if settings.USE_L10N: raise CommandError('USE_L10N in settings must be disabled.') if settings.USE_TZ: raise CommandError('USE_TZ in settings must be disabled.') self.factory = RequestFactory() seasons = Season.objects.all() for season in seasons: path = '/' + season.end_date.year.__str__() + '/round/' + season.season_round.__str__() + '/' # use the request factory to generate the correct url for the cache hash request = self.factory.get(path) season_view(request, season.end_date.year, season.season_round) self.stdout.write('Successfully refreshed: %s' % path)
def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Script that calls all season pages to refresh the cache on them if it has expired. Any time/date settings create postfixes on the caching key, for now the solution is to disable them. """ if settings.USE_I18N: raise CommandError('USE_I18N in settings must be disabled.') if settings.USE_L10N: raise CommandError('USE_L10N in settings must be disabled.') if settings.USE_TZ: raise CommandError('USE_TZ in settings must be disabled.') self.factory = RequestFactory() seasons = Season.objects.all() for season in seasons: path = reverse('ladder:season', args=(unicode(season.end_date.year), unicode(season.season_round))) # use the request factory to generate the correct url for the cache hash request = self.factory.get(path) season_view(request, season.end_date.year, season.season_round)