Example #1
def main(args):    
    """Init the battle field and start the main loop."""
    usage = """usage: %prog [OPTIONS]
    Start a Language Wars battle field""" 
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option('-r', '--robot', dest='robot', action="append",
        default=[], help='Add a robot to the battlefield (name:pygame | name:commands:botpath)')
    parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', action="append",
        default=[], help='Active output module (pygame | dump:filename)')
    parser.add_option('-f', '--framerate', dest='frame_rate', type="int",
        default=None, help='Force framerate (for non-interactive)')
    parser.add_option('-p', '--play-battle', dest='play_battle', 
        default=None, help='Dump file to play')
    parser.add_option('-c', '--field-config-file', dest='config_file', 
        default=None, help='Path to YAML config file')
    options, args0 = parser.parse_args(args)
    config_file = options.config_file or "config/field.yml"
    config = yaml.load(open(config_file).read())

    if options.play_battle:
        dump = open(options.play_battle)
        field = battlefield.read_yaml_block(dump)
        field, input_callbacks = init_robots(config_file, config, options.robot)
    output_callbacks = get_output_callbacks(field, options.output)            
    if options.play_battle:
        battlefield.play(dump, output_callbacks)
    if not field.robots:
        return 2
    elif len(field.robots) < 2:
        lib.error("Need at least 2 robots to fight")
        return 1    
    delta = (1.0 / options.frame_rate if options.frame_rate else None)        
        start_time = time.time()
        lib.debug("Start battle (%d robots: %s)" % 
            (len(field.robots), ", ".join(field.robots))) 
        winner = battlefield.run(field, input_callbacks, output_callbacks, delta)
        battle_time = time.time() - start_time
        print "winner: %s (%s)" % (winner.name, battle_time)
    except battlefield.AbortBattle:
        lib.error("Battle aborted")
        return 1
def process_command(field, new_robot, command):
    """Return new field for robot for a string line command."""
    def _run_command(spline, new_robot, new_bullets):
        command, args = spline[0], spline[1:]
        new_bullet = None
        if command == "set-speed":
            new_robot.speed = float(args[0])
            consumed = 2
        elif command == "set-rotation-speed":
            new_robot.rotation = float(args[0])
            consumed = 2
        elif command == "set-turret-rotation-speed":
            new_robot.turret_rotation = float(args[0])
            consumed = 2
        elif command == "fire":
            new_bullet = battlefield.fire_bullet(new_robot, field)
            consumed = 1
        elif command == "rotate-turret-to-angle-and-fire":
            if new_robot.time_to_fire:
                if new_robot.turret_final_angle is None:
                    new_robot.turret_final_angle = float(args[0])
            elif new_robot.fire_angle is None:
                new_robot.fire_angle = float(args[0])
            consumed = 2
        elif command == "rotate-turret-to-angle":
            if new_robot.turret_final_angle is None:
                new_robot.turret_final_angle = float(args[0])
            consumed = 2
            raise ValueError, "unknown command: %s" % command
        return consumed, new_robot, new_bullets
    new_bullets = []
    while command:
            consumed, new_robot, new_bullets = _run_command(command, new_robot, new_bullets)
            del command[:consumed]
        except ValueError, exc:
            lib.debug("command error: %s" % exc)