def _buildCQLStr(self):
        '''Builds a cql_filter string as set by the user appending an 'id>...' partitioning string if needed. NB. Manual partitioning is accomplished using the parameters, 'maxFeatures' to set feature quantity, a page-by-page recorded 'id' value and a 'sortBy=id' argument'''
        cql = ()
        maxfeat = ""
#         #if implementing pagination in cql      
#         if self.pstart and self.psize:
#             cql += (self.pkey+">"+str(self.pstart),)
#             #sortBy used so last feature will have the new maximum key, saves a comparison
#             maxfeat = "&sortBy="+self.pkey+"&maxFeatures="+str(self.psize)            

        if self.cql:
            cql += (LU.checkCQL(self.cql),)

        return maxfeat+"&cql_filter="+';'.join(cql) if len(cql)>0 else ""