Example #1
    def test_equality(self):
        """__eq__() tests."""
        other_deck = Deck('other deck')
        for c in self.cards:

        other_other_deck = Deck(self.deck_name)

        self.assertEqual(self.deck, self.deck)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.deck, other_deck)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.deck, other_other_deck)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.deck, 'not a deck')
Example #2
    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
        self.island = CardMock(name='Island', type='')
        self.mountain = CardMock(name='Mountain', type='')
        self.tireless = CardMock(name='Tireless Tracker', type='')

        self.test_deck = Deck()
        self.my_hand = Hand()

        deck_location = 'D:\\code\\delirium\\tests\\test_data\\delirium.txt'
        self.gb_delirium = Deck()

        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
Example #3
def simulate_all_hands(
        num_players: int = 4,
        iterations_per_hand: int = 10) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]:
    outcomes = {}
    target_iterations = 52 * 51 * iterations_per_hand
    cur_iterations = 0
    log_interval = 1000
    time_checkpoint_s = time.time()
    initial_t = time_checkpoint_s

    for c1 in Deck().cards:
        for c2 in Deck().cards:
            win = 0
            loss = 0
            tie = 0
            if c1 != c2:
                for it in range(0, iterations_per_hand):
                    outcome = simulate_round_with_override(
                        num_players, [c1, c2])
                    if outcome == SimpleRound.Outcome.WIN:
                        win += 1
                    elif outcome == SimpleRound.Outcome.TIE:
                        tie += 1
                        loss += 1
                    cur_iterations += 1
                    if cur_iterations % log_interval == 0:
                        new_t = time.time()
                        delta_t = new_t - time_checkpoint_s
                        time_checkpoint_s = new_t
                        speed = round(log_interval / delta_t, 2)
                            f"{round((float(cur_iterations) / float(target_iterations)) * 100, 2)}% Complete - "
                            f"{cur_iterations}/{target_iterations} - "
                            f"simulations/s: {speed} - "
                            f"time remaining: {round((target_iterations - cur_iterations) / speed / 3600, 2)}h"
                c1_str = f"{c1[0]}{c1[1]}"
                c2_str = f"{c2[0]}{c2[1]}"

                if c1_str not in outcomes:
                    outcomes[c1_str] = {}
                outcomes[c1_str][c2_str] = {'w': win, 'l': loss, 't': tie}

        f"Total simulation time: {round((time.time() - initial_t) / 3600.0, 2)}h "
        f"({round((time.time() - initial_t), 2)}s)")
    return outcomes
def main(deck_paths, blacklist, columns, sort_by):
    # build card "database"
    db = DB(blacklist)

    # turn all the deck files into decks
    decks = list(map(Deck.from_txt_deck, deck_paths))

    # map cards in deck to cards in db
    cards = Deck(
        {card: count
         for deck in decks for card, count in deck.cards.items()})

    # lookup for IDs of decks
    id_lookup = {card: deck.identity for deck in decks for card in deck.cards}

    # lookup identity if needed
    def get_identity(deck, db, card):
        identity = id_lookup[card]
        return {'display': identity, 'sort': (identity, )}

    all_columns = {
        'cycle': ('Cycle', Deck.card_cycle),
        'type': ('Type', Deck.card_type),
        'identity': ('Identity', get_identity),
        'faction': ('Faction', Deck.card_faction),

                          columns=[(key, all_columns[key][0],
                                    all_columns[key][1]) for key in columns],
Example #5
 def setUp(self):
   card_one = Card("Heart", "5", 5)
   card_two = Card("Diamond", "Jack",11)
   card_three = Card("Spade", "7", 7)
   card_four = Card("Spade", "Ace", 14)
   cards = [card_one, card_two, card_three, card_four]
   self.deck = Deck(cards)
   self.player1 = Player("John", self.deck)
   card_five = Card("Heart", "8", 8)
   card_six = Card("Diamond", "Jack",11)
   card_seven = Card("Spade", "3", 3)
   card_eight = Card("Club", "Queen", 12)
   cards2 = [card_five, card_six, card_seven, card_eight]
   self.deck2 = Deck(cards2)
   self.player2 = Player("John", self.deck2)
   self.turn = Turn(self.player1, self.player2)
Example #6
 def setUp(self):
     self.card_one = Card("Heart", "5", 5)
     self.card_two = Card("Diamond", "Jack", 11)
     self.card_three = Card("Spade", "7", 7)
     self.card_four = Card("Spade", "Ace", 14)
     cards = [self.card_one, self.card_two, self.card_three, self.card_four]
     self.deck = Deck(cards)
Example #7
 def test_add_card(self):
     """add_card() interface tests."""
     deck_name = 'test deck'
     cards = ['card 0', 'card 1', 'card 2']
     deck = Deck(deck_name)
     for idx, c in enumerate(cards, 1):
         self.assertEqual(len(deck), idx)
Example #8
 def start(cls):
         "|                ****** Generating cards ******                |")
     cards = CardGenerator.generate_cards()
     deck = Deck(cards)
     interface = Interface(deck)
 def setUp(self):
     card_one = Card("Heart", "5", 5)
     card_two = Card("Diamond", "Jack", 11)
     card_three = Card("Spade", "7", 7)
     card_four = Card("Spade", "Ace", 14)
     cards = [card_one, card_two, card_three, card_four]
     self.deck = Deck(cards)
     self.player = Player("John", self.deck)
Example #10
def score_all_hands() -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Decimal]:
    scores = {}

    for c1 in Deck().cards:
        for c2 in Deck().cards:
            for c3
            if c1 != c2:

                outcome = simulate_round(num_players, [c1, c2])
                if outcome == SimpleRound.Outcome.WIN:
                    win += 1
                elif outcome == SimpleRound.Outcome.TIE:
                    tie += 1
                    loss += 1
                cur_iterations += 1
                if cur_iterations % log_interval == 0:
                    print(f"{round((float(cur_iterations)/float(target_iterations))*100, 2)}% Complete - {cur_iterations}/{target_iterations}")
Example #11
 def setUp(self):
     self.deck_name = 'test deck'
     self.deck = Deck(self.deck_name)
     self.cards = [
         Flashcard('q0', 'a0', 0, 0, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())),
         Flashcard('q1', 'a1', 0, 0, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())),
         Flashcard('q2', 'a2', 0, 0, str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()))
     for c in self.cards:
 def test_it_exists(self):
     card_1 = Card("What is the capital of Alaska?", "Juneau", "Geography")
     card_2 = Card(
         "The Viking spacecraft sent back to Earth photographs and reports about the surface of which planet?",
         "Mars", "STEM")
     card_3 = Card(
         "Describe in words the exact direction that is 697.5° clockwise from due north?",
         "North north west", "STEM")
     cards = [card_1, card_2, card_3]
     deck = Deck(cards)
     self.assertIsInstance(deck, Deck)
Example #13
    def __init__(self, num_players: int = 4, p1_override: Hand = None):
        if num_players < 1:
            raise Exception("Can't play a round with less than 1 player")

        self.deck = Deck(omit_cards=p1_override).shuffle()
        self.player_hands = {}
        for i in range(0, num_players):
            if p1_override and i == 0:
                self.player_hands[i] = p1_override
            self.player_hands[i] = Hand(self.deck.deal_cards(2))
        self.community_cards = Hand(self.deck.deal_cards(5))
 def setUp(self):
     self.card_1 = Card("Geography", "What is the capital of Alaska?",
     self.card_2 = Card(
         "The Viking spacecraft sent back to Earth photographs and reports about the surface of which planet?",
     self.card_3 = Card(
         "Describe in words the exact direction that is 697.5° clockwise from due north?",
         "North north west")
     self.deck = Deck([self.card_1, self.card_2, self.card_3])
Example #15
 def test_it_exists(self):
     category_1 = {"category": "Geography"}
     card_1 = Card("What is the capital of Alaska?", "Juneau", category_1)
     category_2 = {"category": "Art"}
     card_2 = Card("Who painted Starry Night?", "Vincent Van Gogh",
     category_3 = {"category": "STEM"}
     card_3 = Card(
         "The Viking spacecraft sent back to Earth photographs and reports about the surface of which planet?",
         "Mars", category_3)
     deck = Deck([card_1, card_2, card_3])
     assert isinstance(deck, Deck)
 def test_cards_in_category(self):
     card_1 = Card("What is the capital of Alaska?", "Juneau", "Geography")
     card_2 = Card(
         "The Viking spacecraft sent back to Earth photographs and reports about the surface of which planet?",
         "Mars", "STEM")
     card_3 = Card(
         "Describe in words the exact direction that is 697.5° clockwise from due north?",
         "North north west", "STEM")
     cards = [card_1, card_2, card_3]
     deck = Deck(cards)
     self.assertEqual(deck.cards_in_category("Geography"), [card_1])
     self.assertEqual(deck.cards_in_category("STEM"), [card_2, card_3])
     self.assertEqual(deck.cards_in_category("Pop Culture"), [])
    def test_round(self):
        card_1 = Card("What is the capital of Alaska?", "Juneau", 'Geography')
        card_2 = Card("What is the square root of 169?", "13", 'STEM')
        card_3 = Card("What is the power house of the freaking cell?",
                      "Mitochondria", 'STEM')

        cards = [card_1, card_2, card_3]

        deck = Deck(cards)

        round = Round(deck)

        assert round.deck == deck

        assert round.turns == []

        assert round.current_card() == card_1

        new_turn = round.take_turn('Juneau')

        assert isinstance(new_turn, Turn)

        assert new_turn.correct() == True

        assert round.turns == [new_turn]

        assert round.number_correct() == 1

        assert round.current_card() == card_2

        newer_turn = round.take_turn('12')

        assert len(round.turns) == 2
        assert (round.total_turns()) == 2

        assert newer_turn.correct() == False

        assert newer_turn.feedback() == 'Incorrect.'

        assert round.number_correct() == 1

        assert round.number_correct_by_category('Geography') == 1
        assert round.number_correct_by_category('STEM') == 0

        assert round.percent_correct() == 50.0

        assert round.percent_correct_by_category('Geography') == 100.0
        assert round.percent_correct_by_category('STEM') == 0.0

        assert round.current_card() == card_3
Example #18
 def test_percent_correct(self):
     card_1 = Card("What is the capital of Alaska?", "Juneau", "Geography")
     card_2 = Card(
         "The Viking spacecraft sent back to Earth photographs and reports about the surface of which planet?",
         "Mars", "STEM")
     card_3 = Card(
         "Describe in words the exact direction that is 697.5° clockwise from due north?",
         "North north west", "STEM")
     cards = [card_1, card_2, card_3]
     deck = Deck(cards)
     round = Round(deck)
     self.assertEqual(round.percent_correct(), 50.0)
Example #19
    def setUp(self):
        ''' set up a variety of hands and community cards manually for testing
        deck = Deck(SUITS, RANKS, shuffled=True)
        players = list()
        self.player_number = 2
        for i in range(self.player_number):
            players.append(Player(name=str(i), chips=1500))

        self.player_1 = players[0]
        self.player_2 = players[1]  # initially the button, aka players[-1]

        self.game = Game(deck, players)
        self.cards_left_in_deck = len(self.game.deck.deck)
Example #20
def swap(args):
    """Swap-create a new flashcard deck.

    Create a new flashcard deck by swapping questions and answers.

        args (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments.
    print('Swapping questions and answers from {} and saving to {}.'.format(
        args.deck, args.dest))
    src = Deck.load(args.deck)
    dest = Deck(src.name)
    for c in src:
        dest.add_card(Flashcard(c.answer, c.question))

  def test_deck(self):
    card_1 = Card("What is the capital of Alaska?", "Juneau", 'Geography')
    card_2 = Card("What is the square root of 169?", "13", 'STEM')
    card_3 = Card("What is the power house of the freaking cell?", "Mitochondria", 'STEM')

    cards = [card_1, card_2, card_3]

    deck = Deck(cards)

    assert deck.cards == [card_1, card_2, card_3]

    assert deck.count() == 3

    assert deck.cards_in_category('Geography') == [card_1]
    assert deck.cards_in_category('STEM') == [card_2, card_3]
    assert deck.cards_in_category('pop culture') == []
Example #22
    def setUp(self):
        ''' set up a variety of hands and community cards manually for testing
        self.deck = Deck(SUITS, RANKS)
        self.hand = Hand(self.deck.deal(), self.deck.deal())
        self.community_cards = CommunityCards(self.deck.deal(),
        self.hand_straight = Hand(Card('A', 'S'), Card('K', 'S'))
        self.cc_straight = CommunityCards(Card('Q', 'S'), Card('3', 'H'),
                                          Card('J', 'S'), Card('T', 'S'),
                                          Card('9', 'S'))
        self.hand_flush = Hand(Card('T', 'S'), Card('3', 'S'))
        self.cc_flush = CommunityCards(Card('4', 'S'), Card('7', 'H'),
                                       Card('9', 'S'), Card('J', 'S'),
                                       Card('K', 'S'))

        self.straight_hand_eval = HandConstructor(self.hand_straight,
        self.flush_hand_eval = HandConstructor(self.hand_flush, self.cc_flush)
Example #23
def create(args):
    """Create a new flashcard deck.

        args (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments.
    _logger.info('Creating deck {}.'.format(args.deck))

    if os.path.exists(args.deck):
        raise ValueError('{} already exists.'.format(args.deck))

    name = input('Deck Name: ')
    deck = Deck(name)
    print('Enter an empty question to finish.')
    for idx in itertools.count(1):
        q = input('Question #{}: '.format(idx))
        if not q:

        a = input('Answer #{}: '.format(idx))
        deck.add_card(Flashcard(q, a))

Example #24
This script will determine the likely hood that you draw a specific card that
you only have three copies of by a specific turn.  Assumption is that you draw

from lib.hand import Hand
from lib.mtgsdk_wrapper import CardMock
from lib.deck import Deck

surgical = CardMock(name='Surgical Extraction')

my_deck = Deck()

turn = 3  # Change this variable to change the turn number to find the card by

my_hand = Hand()
deck_size = len(my_deck.cards)
count = 0
draw_3_of = 0

while count < 10000:

    my_hand.draw(turn, my_deck)

    for card in my_hand.cards:
        if card.name == surgical.name:
            draw_3_of += 1
Example #25
    def test_put_in_deck(self):
        test_deck = Deck()


        self.assertIn('Island', test_deck.cards)
Example #26
    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
        deck_location = 'D:\\code\\delirium\\tests\\test_data\\delirium.txt'
        self.deck = Deck()

        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
Example #27
 def __init__(self):
     self.stack = Deck()
     self.book = list()
Example #28
 def __init__(self):
     self.played_cards = Deck()
     #self.fishing_pot = StandardDeck()
     self.cur_player_deq = deque()
Example #29
    def test_load_deck_list(self):
        # John wants to calculate how often he will hit delirium off of a
        # turn 1 Vessel of Nascency in his GB Delirium deck.  To do this
        # he needs to load his deck list.
        gb_delirium = Deck()

        # He knows the deck has sixty cards in it
        self.assertEqual(gb_delirium.size(), 60)

        # John then shuffles the deck

        # John then draws 7 cards to his hand
        my_hand = Hand()

        self.assertEqual(my_hand.size(), 7)

        # John realizes that he meant to get a a few specific cards in hand
        # first so he puts his hand back in the deck.

        count = 0
        while (my_hand.size() > 0) and (count < 400):
            my_hand.put_in_deck(my_hand.cards[0], gb_delirium)
            count += 1

        self.assertEqual(my_hand.size(), 0)

        # John gets a forest, swamp, and vessel in hand,
        # shuffles the deck, and then draws 4 more cards
        forest = CardMock(name='Forest', type='')
        swamp = CardMock(name='Swamp', type='')
        vessel = CardMock(name='Vessel of Nascency', type='')

        my_hand.get_card_from_deck(forest, gb_delirium)
        my_hand.get_card_from_deck(swamp, gb_delirium)
        my_hand.get_card_from_deck(vessel, gb_delirium)
        my_hand.draw(4, gb_delirium)

        test_list = []
        for item in my_hand.cards:
        self.assertEqual(my_hand.size(), 7)
        self.assertIn(forest.name, test_list)
        self.assertIn(swamp.name, test_list)
        self.assertIn(vessel.name, test_list)

        # John plays the forest and the vessel on turn 1
        battlefield = []
        my_hand.play(forest, battlefield)
        my_hand.play(vessel, battlefield)

        self.assertEqual(my_hand.size(), 5)

        # On his next turn John draws a card, plays a swamp, and cracks the
        # Vessel choosing to put all cards in graveyard
        my_hand.draw(1, gb_delirium)
        my_hand.play(swamp, battlefield)

        self.assertEqual(my_hand.size(), 5)

        my_graveyard = Graveyard()

        for item in battlefield:
            if item.name == vessel.name:

        gb_delirium.put_cards_in_graveyard(4, my_graveyard.cards)

        self.assertEqual(5, len(my_graveyard.cards))

        # check graveyard to see if delirium has been achieved
Example #30
 def __init__(self):
     self.stack = Deck()