Example #1
def drawN50data( axes, samples, options ):
    #key can be 'blockN50', 'sequenceN50', 'contigPathN50', or 'scaffolfPathN50'
    keys = options.keys
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    #markers = [".", "s", "^", "--"]

    c = -1
    lines = []
    for key in keys:
        ydata = []
        for sample in samples:
            y = int(sample.attrib[ key ])
            ydata.append( y )
        if options.logscale:
            ydata = log10( array(ydata) )
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( ydata, color=colors[c], marker=".", markersize=10.0, linestyle='none' )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    pyplot.xlabel( 'Samples' )
    if options.logscale:
        pyplot.ylabel( 'Log 10 of N50' )
        pyplot.ylabel( 'N50' )

    return lines
def drawData( axes, stats, options ):
    #halfsize = len(stats)/2 + len(stats)%2
    #colors = libplot.getColors2( halfsize )
    #colors = libplot.getColors2( len(stats) )
    #styles = { 0:'-', 1:'--' }

    colors = libplot.getColors1()
    if len(stats) < 1:
    if stats[0].reference == "reference":
    elif stats[0].reference == 'hg19':


    #dash = 0
    colorindex = -1
    lines = []
    sampleNames = []
    ymin = float('inf')
    ref = ''

    for sample in stats:
        if ref == '':
            ref = sample.reference
        xdata = []
        ydata = []
        for bucket in sample:
            xdata.append( bucket.mid )
            if options.includeCov:
                ydata.append( bucket.correctPerSample )
                ydata.append( bucket.correctPerAligned )
        #if not dash:
        #    colorindex += 1
        #if colorindex == 1:
        #    colorindex += 1
        colorindex +=1
        ymin = min([ymin, min(ydata)])

        l = axes.plot( xdata, ydata, color=colors[colorindex], linewidth=1 )
        #l = axes.plot( xdata, ydata, color=colors[colorindex], linestyle=styles[dash], linewidth=0.5 )
        #dash = not dash
    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    title = options.title
    if ref != '':
        title += ', %s' % libplot.properName(ref)
    pyplot.ylabel("Correct proportion")
    return lines, sampleNames, ymin
Example #3
def drawPlot(samplesList, sampleNames, options):
    options.out = os.path.join(options.outdir, "nonLinearBp")
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage(12.0, 8.0, options)
    axes = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.2, 0.9, 0.6])
    list1 = samplesList[0]
    list2 = samplesList[1]
    if len(list1) < 1 or len(list2) < 1:
    refname1 = list1[0].attrib['referenceName']
    refname2 = list2[0].attrib['referenceName']

    lines = []

    barwidth = 0.3
    y1data = []
    y2data = []
    for sample in sampleNames:
        for s in list1:
            if sample == s.attrib['sampleName']:
                y1data.append( int(s.attrib['totalIntraJoin']) )
        for s in list2:
            if sample == s.attrib['sampleName']:
                y2data.append( int(s.attrib['totalIntraJoin']) )
    x1data = range( len(y1data) )
    x2data = [ x+ barwidth for x in x1data]
    colors =["#1F78B4", "#E31A1C"]
    l1 = axes.bar( x1data, y1data, barwidth, color = colors[0], ec='w')
    l2 = axes.bar( x2data, y2data, barwidth, color = colors[1], ec='w')

    axes.set_title("Non-linear Breakpoints")
    #set ticks
    xlabels = [ libplot.properName(name) for name in sampleNames ]
    fontP = FontProperties()
    pyplot.xticks(x2data, xlabels, rotation=45, fontproperties=fontP)
    pyplot.yticks( fontproperties = fontP )
    pyplot.ylabel("Number of breakpoints")
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#A8A8A8", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.25)
    legend = axes.legend( lines, [libplot.properName(refname1), libplot.properName(refname2)], prop=fontP, loc="best" )
    legend._drawFrame = False

    libplot.writeImage(fig, pdf, options)
Example #4
def drawRef2(rexps, exps, options, outfile, numCats):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 8.0, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.14, 0.85, 0.8] )

    if len(rexps) < 1:
    sampleNotherRefmapped = []
    ref = ''
    for sample in rexps:
        if sample == 'average':
        e = rexps[sample]
        ref = e.ref
        sampleNotherRefmapped.append( (sample, e.total) )

    otherRefName = libplot.properName( ref )
    #Set title:
    #axes.set_title("Mapability of C. Ref. in Comparison to %s" % otherRefName)
    axes.set_title("Mapability of C. Ref. in Comparison to GRCh37 haplotypes")
    sampleNotherRefmapped = sorted( sampleNotherRefmapped, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )
    samples = [ item[0] for item in sampleNotherRefmapped]
    samples.append( 'average' )

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors4()
    c = -1
    #c = 0
    lines = []
    #titleDict = {'mapped':'Mapped', 'uniquelyMapped':'Uniquely Mapped', 'properlyPaired':'Properly Paired', 'uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired':'Uniquely Mapped And Properly Paired', 'snps':'Snp'}
    titleDict = {'mapped':'Mapped', 'properlyPaired':'Properly Paired', 'uniquelyMapped':'Uniquely Mapped', 'uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired':'Uniquely Mapped And Properly Paired'}
    ydataList, miny, maxy = getData2(samples, rexps, exps, titleDict.keys())
    #ydataList, miny, maxy = getData2(samples, exps, titleDict.keys())
    #refs = sorted( ydataList.keys() )
    offset = 0.12
    scale = -1
    if miny > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(miny)) ) - 1

    linenames = []
    categories = ["mapped", "properlyPaired", "uniquelyMapped", "uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired"]
    cats = categories[:numCats]
    for i, key in enumerate( cats ):
        xdatai = [ x + offset*i for x in xdata ]
        ydata = ydataList[key]
        if scale > 0:
            ydata = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata ]
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=16.0, linestyle='none')
        linenames.append( titleDict[key] )

    if scale > 0:
        miny = float(miny)/10**scale
        maxy = float(maxy)/10**scale

    #Draw horizontal line at y = 0:
    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(linenames) + offset
    axes.plot( [xmin, xmax], [0,0], color="#6B6B6B", linewidth=0.005)

    fontP = FontProperties()
    yrange = maxy - miny
    miny = miny - yrange*0.05
    maxy = maxy + yrange*0.2
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
        d = (1 - offset*len(linenames))/2.0
        x = [i - d, i - d]
        y = [miny , maxy]
        axes.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax )
    axes.set_ylim( miny, maxy )
    #axes.set_ylim( -2, 0 )
    libplot.editSpine( axes )

    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(linenames)/2.0) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( samples )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    legend = pyplot.legend( lines, linenames, numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    axes.set_ylabel( 'Percentage of mapping difference between C. Ref. and %s' % otherRefName) #NEED TO DO
    #axes.set_ylabel( 'Percentage of mapping difference between C. Ref. and GRCh37 haplotypes')
    if scale > 0:
        axes.set_ylabel( 'Event counts (x%d)' %(10**scale) )
    #axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Example #5
def drawPlot(rexps, exps, options, outfile, type):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 8.0, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.14, 0.85, 0.8] )

    #Set title:
    titleDict = {'mapped':'Mapped reads', 'uniquelyMapped':'Uniquely Mapped Reads', 'properlyPaired':'Properly Paired Reads', 'uniquelyMappedAndProperlyPaired':'Uniquely Mapped And Properly Paired Reads', 'snps':'SNPs'}
    axes.set_title( titleDict[type] )
    if len(rexps) < 1:
    sampleNotherRefmapped = []
    ref = ''
    for sample in rexps:
        if sample == 'average':
        exp = rexps[sample]
        ref = exp.ref
        sampleNotherRefmapped.append( (sample, exp.total) )
    otherRefName = libplot.properName( ref )
    sampleNotherRefmapped = sorted( sampleNotherRefmapped, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )
    samples = [ item[0] for item in sampleNotherRefmapped]
    samples.append( 'average' )

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors4()
    #c = -1
    c = 0
    lines = []
    ydataList, miny, maxy = getData(samples, exps, rexps, type)
    #print ydataList
    refs = sorted( ydataList.keys() )
    #miny = float('inf')
    #maxy = 0
    #offset = 0.075
    offset = 0.12
    #if type != 'snps':
    #    offset = 0
    scale = -1
    if miny > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(miny)) ) - 1

    #Draw line connecting the data for each sample (each bin):
    binXdataList = [ [] for x in xdata ]
    binYdataList = [ [] for x in xdata ]
    for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
        xdatai = [ x + offset*i for x in xdata ]
        ydata = ydataList[ref]
        if scale > 0:
            ydata = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata ]
        for j, x in enumerate(xdatai):
            binYdataList[j].append( ydata[j] )
    for i in xrange( len(binXdataList) ):
        axes.plot( binXdataList[i], binYdataList[i], color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005 )
    #Draw main plots:
    for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
        xdatai = [ x + offset*i for x in xdata ]
        ydata = ydataList[ref]
        if scale > 0:
            ydata = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata ]
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=16.0, linestyle='none')
    if scale > 0:
        miny = float(miny)/10**scale
        maxy = float(maxy)/10**scale

    #Draw horizontal line at y = 0:
    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(refs) + offset
    axes.plot( [xmin, xmax], [0,0], color="#6B6B6B", linewidth=0.005)

    fontP = FontProperties()
    yrange = maxy - miny
    miny = miny - yrange*0.05
    maxy = maxy + yrange*0.2
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    #for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
    #    d = (1 - offset*len(refs))/2.0
    #    x = [i - d, i - d]
    #    y = [miny , maxy]
    #    axes.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax )
    axes.set_ylim( miny, maxy )
    libplot.editSpine( axes )

    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(refs)/2.0) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( samples )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    properRefs = []
    for r in refs:
        if re.search('cactusRef', r):
            r = r.lstrip('cactusRef')
            properRefs.append( "%s %s" %(libplot.properName('cactusRef'), r))
            properRefs.append( libplot.properName(r) )

    legend = pyplot.legend( lines,properRefs, numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    axes.set_ylabel( 'Percentage of mapping difference between C. Ref. and %s' % otherRefName)
    if scale > 0:
        axes.set_ylabel( 'Event counts (x%d)' %(10**scale) )
    #axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Example #6
def drawSamplePlot(rexps, exps, options, outfile, type):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 11.2, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.14, 0.12, 0.8, 0.8] )

    #Set title:
    axes.set_title( "SNP Rate Using BWA Mapping" )
    sampleNsize = []
    if len(rexps) < 1:
    ref = ''
    for sample in rexps:
        if sample == 'average':
        exp = rexps[sample]
        ref = exp.ref
        #sampleNsize.append( (sample, exp.snps) )
        sampleNsize.append( (sample, exp.snprate) )
    otherRefName = ref

    sampleNsize = sorted( sampleNsize, key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )
    samples = [ item[0] for item in sampleNsize]
    samples.append( 'average' )

    #Get ydata:
    ydata1 = [] #otherRef (hg19, apd, ...)
    ydata2 = [] #cactusRef2
    for sample in samples:
        explist = exps[sample]
        otherRef = rexps[sample]
        ydata1.append( otherRef.snprate )
        for e in explist:
            if e.ref == 'cactusRef' and e.weight == 2:
                ydata2.append( e.snprate )

    miny = min([min(ydata1), min(ydata2)])
    maxy = max([max(ydata1), max(ydata2)])

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    #colors = ["#E31A1C", "#1F78B4"] #red, blue
    colors = ["#1F78B4", "#E31A1C"] #red, blue
    scale = -1
    if miny > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(miny)) ) - 1
    if scale > 0:
        ydata1 = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata1 ]
        ydata2 = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydata2 ]
    lines = []
    lines.append( axes.plot(xdata, ydata1, color=colors[0], marker=".", markersize=16.0, linestyle='none') )
    lines.append( axes.plot(xdata, ydata2, color=colors[1], marker=".", markersize=16.0, linestyle='none') )
    if scale > 0:
        miny = float(miny)/10**scale
        maxy = float(maxy)/10**scale

    fontP = FontProperties()
    axes.set_xlim(-0.4, len(samples) - 0.6 )
    yrange = maxy - miny
    miny = miny - yrange*0.05
    maxy = maxy + yrange*0.1
    axes.set_ylim( miny, maxy )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )

    axes.set_xticks( xdata )
    axes.set_xticklabels( samples )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    legend = pyplot.legend( lines, [libplot.properName(otherRefName), libplot.properName("cactusRef")], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    axes.set_ylabel( 'SNPs Per Site' )
    if scale > 0:
        axes.set_ylabel( 'Snp counts (x%d)' %(10**scale) )
    axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Example #7
def drawData( axesList, samples, samplesPerPlot, options, proportion, culm ):
    largeIns = [] #List of proportion of total indel bases that indels >= 1000bp take up, each element is for each sample
    largeDels = []

    if len(axesList) %2 != 0:
        sys.stderr.write( 'Number of axes must be even. Got %d\n' %len(axesList) )
        sys.exit( 1 )

    colors = libplot.getColors1()
    if len(samples) < 1:
    if samples[0].attrib["referenceName"] == "reference":
    elif samples[0].attrib["referenceName"] == 'hg19':

    #styles = []

    c = -1
    textsize = 'x-small'
    linesDict = {}
    labelsDict = {}
    xmax = float('-inf')
    ymax = float('-inf')
    xmin = float('inf')
    ymin = float('inf')
    for i in range( len(axesList)/2 ):
        inslines = []
        dellines = []
        sampleNames = []
        insAxes = axesList[ i ]
        delAxes = axesList[ i  + len(axesList)/2 ]
        startIndex = i * samplesPerPlot
        endIndex = min( [startIndex + samplesPerPlot, len(samples)] )
        for j in range( startIndex, endIndex ):
            sample = samples[j]
            sampleNames.append( sample.attrib[ 'sampleName' ] )
            insDist = [int(val) for val in sample.attrib[ 'insertionSizeDistribution' ].split()]
            #insXdata, insYdata = getFreq( insDist, options.xlogscale, options.ylogscale )
            insXdata, insYdata = getFreq( insDist, proportion, culm )
            delDist = [int(val) for val in sample.attrib[ 'deletionSizeDistribution' ].split()]
            #delXdata, delYdata = getFreq( delDist, options.xlogscale, options.ylogscale )
            delXdata, delYdata = getFreq( delDist, proportion, culm )

            #LARGE INDELS, FOR paper STATS, not related to the plot:
            if proportion and culm:
                largeIns.append( getLargeIndelProp(insXdata, insYdata) )
                largeDels.append( getLargeIndelProp(delXdata, delYdata) )

            c += 1
            il = insAxes.plot( insXdata, insYdata, color=colors[c] )
            dl = delAxes.plot( delXdata, delYdata, color=colors[c] )

            inslines.append( il )
            dellines.append( dl )
            insXmax = xmax
            delXmax = xmax
            if len(insXdata) >0:
                insXmax = max(insXdata)
            if len(delXdata) > 0:
                delXmax = max(delXdata)
            xmax = max( [xmax, insXmax, delXmax] )

            insYmax = ymax
            delYmax = ymax
            if len(insYdata) >0:
                insYmax = max(insYdata)
            if len(delYdata) > 0:
                delYmax = max(delYdata)
            ymax = max( [ymax, insYmax, delYmax] )

            insXmin = xmin
            delXmin = xmin
            if len(insXdata) >0:
                insXmin = min(insXdata)
            if len(delXdata) > 0:
                delXmin = min(delXdata)
            xmin = min( [xmin, insXmin, delXmin] )

            insYmin = ymin
            delYmin = ymin
            if len(insYdata) >0:
                insYmin = min(insYdata)
            if len(delYdata) > 0:
                delYmin = min(delYdata)
            ymin = min( [ymin, insYmin, delYmin] )

            #xmax = max([xmax, max(insXdata), max(delXdata)])
            #ymax = max([ymax, max(insYdata), max(delYdata)])
        linesDict[ i ] = inslines
        labelsDict[ i ] = sampleNames
        linesDict[ i + len(axesList)/2 ] = dellines
        labelsDict[ i + len(axesList)/2 ] = sampleNames
        #fontp = FontProperties()
        #fontp.set_size( 'x-small' )
        if i == 0:
            insAxes.set_title( 'Insertions' )    
            delAxes.set_title( 'Deletions' )
    for i in range( len(axesList) ):
        axes = axesList[ i ]
        if options.xlogscale == "true":

        #if options.ylogscale == "true" and not proportion:
        if options.ylogscale == "true":
        libplot.editSpine( axes )
        axes.set_xlabel('Length (bp)', size = textsize)
        if not proportion:
            axes.set_ylabel('Event number', size = textsize)
            axes.set_ylabel('Number of positions', size = textsize)
        axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
        axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
        #if options.xlogscale == "true":
        #    axes.set_xlabel('Log 2 of length (bp)', size = textsize)
        #    axes.set_xlabel('Length (bp)', size = textsize)
        #if options.ylogscale == "true":
        #    axes.set_ylabel('Log 2 of count', size = textsize)
        #    axes.set_ylabel('Count', size = textsize)

        legend = axes.legend( linesDict[ i ], [ libplot.properName(n) for n in labelsDict[ i ]], 'upper right', ncol=3 )
        for t in legend.get_texts():
        legend._drawFrame = False

        if options.xlogscale == "true":
            scale = len(str(xmax)) -1
            xticks = [ 10**x for x in range(scale + 1) ]
            axes.set_xticks( xticks )
        #if options.ylogscale == "true" and not proportion:
        if options.ylogscale == "true":
            scale = len(str(ymax)) -1
            yticks = [ 10**y for y in range(scale + 1) ]
            axes.set_yticks( yticks )

        for label in axes.get_xticklabels():
            label.set_fontsize( textsize )
        for label in axes.get_yticklabels():
            label.set_fontsize( textsize )
        #box = axes.get_position()
        #axes.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.8, box.height] )
        #legend = pyplot.legend( lines, options.keys, numpoints=1, prop=fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.9) )
        #legend._drawFrame = False

        #libplot.setTicks( axes )
        #axes.set_xticks( range( 0, len(samples) ) )
        #axes.set_xticklabels( sampleNames )
        #for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
        #    label.set_rotation( 90 )

        #axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
        #axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )

        axes.set_ylim( ymin, ymax )
        if proportion and not culm:
            axes.set_xlim( xmin, 100 )
            axes.set_xlim( xmin, xmax )

    if proportion and culm:
        sys.stderr.write("Large insertions: %f\n" %( sum(largeIns)/len(largeIns) ))
        sys.stderr.write("Large deletions: %f\n" %( sum(largeDels)/len(largeDels) ))
        largeIndels = [ (largeIns[i] + largeDels[i])/2.0 for i in range(len(largeIns)) ]
        sys.stderr.write("IndelsAverage: %f\n" %( sum(largeIndels)/len(largeIndels) ))

def drawPlot(exps, options, outfile, type):
    options.out = outfile
    fig, pdf = libplot.initImage( 11.2, 10.0, options )
    axes = fig.add_axes( [0.12, 0.18, 0.85, 0.75] )

    #Set title:
    titleDict = {'tpfn':'Indel Overlap with dbSNP', 'tp':'True Positives According to dbSNP', 'tp2':'Indel Overlap with dbSNP', 'fn':'False Negatives According to dbSNP', 'total':'Total Indels Called'}
    axes.set_title( titleDict[type] )
    if 'All' not in exps:
    samples = getSamplesOrder( exps['All'], type ) 
    if len( samples ) < 1:

    if type != 'fn':

    xdata = range( 0, len(samples) )
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    c = -1
    lines = []
    pointsize = 10.0
    offset = 0.15
    #exporder = ['All', 'No repeats', 'Wobble', 'Wobble, No repeats']
    exporder = ['Wobble', 'Wobble, No repeats', 'All', 'No repeats']
    if type == 'fn':
        exporder = ['Wobble', 'All']
    elif type == 'total':
        exporder = ['All', 'No repeats']
    elif type == 'tp2' or type == 'tpfn':
        exporder = ['Wobble', 'Wobble, No repeats']
        #pointsize = 16.0
        #offset = 0.3
    #Get ydata
    ydataList, ymin, ymax = getData(samples, exps, type, exporder)

    scale = -1
    if ymin > 1000:
        scale = len( str(int(ymin)) ) -1
    if scale > 0:
        for exp in ydataList:
            ydataList[exp] = [ float(y)/10**scale for y in ydataList[exp]]
    if type == 'tpfn':
        for j,t in enumerate(['tp', 'fn']):
            for i, exp in enumerate(exporder):
                if i > 0 and t == 'fn':
                if t == 'tp':
                    xdatai = [x + offset*(j*2+i) for x in xdata]
                        xdatai = [x + offset*(j*2+i) for x in xdata[: len(xdata) -3]]
                ydata = ydataList["%s.%s" %(exp,t)]
                c +=1
                lines.append(axes.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=pointsize, linestyle='none'))
        for i, exp in enumerate(exporder):
            xdatai = [x + offset*i for x in xdata]
            ydata = ydataList[exp]
            c += 1
            l = axes.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=pointsize, linestyle='none')
            if type == 'fn':
                c += 1

    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(samples) - 1 + offset*len(exps) + offset*3
    fontP = FontProperties()

    if scale > 0:
        ymin = float(ymin)/10**scale
        ymax = float(ymax)/10**scale
    datarange = ymax -ymin
    ymin = ymin - datarange*0.01
    ymax = ymax + datarange*0.01
    #Draw vertical lines to separate each sample:
    for i in xrange(1, len(samples)):
        d = (1 - offset*len(exporder))/2.0
        x = [i - d, i - d]
        y = [ymin , ymax]
        axes.plot(x,y, color="#CCCCCC", linewidth=0.005)
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(exps)/2-1) for i in range(0, len(samples))] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( [ libplot.properName(s) for s in samples] )
    for label in axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    if type == 'tp':
        legend = pyplot.legend(lines, ['All', 'No repeats', 'No wobble', 'No wobble, No repeats'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    elif type == 'fn':
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, ['All', 'No wobble'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    elif type == 'tpfn':
        legend = pyplot.legend(lines, ['All, TP', 'No repeats, TP', 'All, FN'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    elif type == 'tp2':
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, ['All', 'No repeats'], numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, exporder, numpoints=1, loc='best', prop=fontP)
    legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Samples' )
    ylabel = "Percentage"
    if type == 'total':
        ylabel = 'Number of indels'
    if scale > 0:
        ylabel += '(x%d)' %10**scale

    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    libplot.writeImage( fig, pdf, options )
Example #9
def drawCompareN50data( axes, xsamples, ysamples, options ):
    keys = options.keys
    lineNames = []
    colors = libplot.getColors6()
    c = -1
    lines = []
    xrefname = xsamples[0].attrib[ 'referenceName' ]
    yrefname = ysamples[0].attrib[ 'referenceName' ]

    minval = inf
    maxval = 0
    for key in keys:
        xdata = []
        ydata = []
        for xsample in xsamples:
            name = xsample.attrib[ 'sampleName' ]
            if name == yrefname:
            ysample = getSample( ysamples, name )
            if ysample == None:
                sys.stderr.write( "%s has %s sample, but %s doesn't\n" % (xrefname, name, yrefname) )
            xval = int(xsample.attrib[key])
            yval = int(ysample.attrib[key])
            if xval > 0 and yval > 0:
            #xdata.append( int(xsample.attrib[ key ]) )
            #ydata.append( int(ysample.attrib[ key ]) )
        if len(xdata) == 0:

        if options.logscale:
            xdata = log10( array(xdata) )
            ydata = log10( array(ydata) )
        c += 1
        l = axes.plot( xdata, ydata, color=colors[c], marker=".", markersize=10.0, linestyle='none' )
        lineNames.append( key )
        currmax = max( xdata.max(), ydata.max() )
        if maxval < currmax:
            maxval = currmax
        currmin = min( xdata.min(), ydata.min() )
        if minval > currmin:
            minval = currmin
    if minval == -inf:
        minval = 0
    #Draw y=x line
    span = maxval - minval
    #print "MaxVal: %f, MinVal: %f. Span: %f" % (maxval, minval, span)
    x = [ minval - span*0.1, maxval + span*0.1 ]
    y = [ minval - span*0.1, maxval + span*0.1 ]
    axes.plot( x, y, color="0.9" )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    if options.logscale:
        #pyplot.ylabel( 'Log 10 of N50' )
        pyplot.xlabel( "%s (Log 10)" % libplot.properName(xrefname) )
        pyplot.ylabel( "%s (Log 10)" %libplot.properName(yrefname) )

    return lines, lineNames, maxval, minval
Example #10
def drawCompareData( axesList, xstats, ystats, options ):
    #Only draw the overlapped samples:
    #colors = libplot.getColors2( len(xstats) )
    colors = libplot.getColors1()
    #colorindex = -1
    #colorindex = 0
    colorindex = 1
    lines = []
    sampleNames = []
    p0axes = axesList[0] #plot 0 axes (see def 'setCompareAxes')
    aggData = [] #data points (buckets) of all samples
    minval = float('inf')

    for xsample in xstats:
        ysample = getSample( ystats, xsample.name )
        if ysample is None:
        xsample, ysample = intersect(xsample, ysample)
        #if len(xsample) != len(ysample): 
        #    xsample, ysample = intersect(xsample, ysample)
        #    sys.stderr.write( "Error: Two xml files do not have the same number of buckets for sample %s\n" % xsample.name )
            #sys.exit( 1 )
        data = [] #list of (x,y) tuples
        colorindex += 1
        for i in range( len( xsample ) ): #each bucket
            if xsample[i].mid != ysample[i].mid:
                sys.stderr.write( "Two xml files have different buckets\n " )
                sys.exit( 1 )
            if options.includeCov:
                data.append( (xsample[i].correctPerSample, ysample[i].correctPerSample) )
                data.append( (xsample[i].correctPerAligned, ysample[i].correctPerAligned) )

        x2data = [ point[0] for point in data ]
        y2data = [ point[1] for point in data ]
        l = p0axes.plot( x2data, y2data, color=colors[colorindex], marker='.', markersize=4.0, linestyle='none' )
        lines.append( l )
        sampleNames.append( xsample.name )
        aggData.extend( data )
        minval = min( [min(x2data), min(y2data)] )

    #Draw the y=x line
    x = [0, 1]
    y = [0, 1]
    p0axes.plot(x, y, color="#919191")

    fontP = FontProperties()
    libplot.editSpine( p0axes )
    p0axes.set_xlabel( libplot.properName(xstats.refname) )
    p0axes.set_ylabel( libplot.properName(ystats.refname) )
    libplot.setTicks( p0axes )
    for l in p0axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
    for l in p0axes.yaxis.get_ticklabels():

    legend = p0axes.legend( lines, [ libplot.properName(n) for n in sampleNames], 'lower right', numpoints = 1, prop=fontP, ncol = 2)
    legend._drawFrame = False
    #p0axes.set_xlim( -0.005, 1.005 )
    #p0axes.set_ylim( -0.005, 1.005 )
    ycutoff = minval
    if options.ycutoff:
        ycutoff = options.ycutoff
    p0axes.set_xlim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1 - ycutoff)*0.01 )
    p0axes.set_ylim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1 - ycutoff)*0.01 )
    #box = p0axes.get_position()
    #p0axes.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height * 0.8])
    #legend = pyplot.legend( lines, sampleNames, numpoints = 1, prop= fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.6))
    #DRAW AGGREGATE DATA (plot 1 and plot 2):
    nbins = 20
    p1axes = axesList[1]
    y1min, y1max = drawAggData( p1axes, aggData, 0, 0, 1, ycutoff, nbins )
    y1lim = max( abs(y1min), abs(y1max) )
    p1axes.set_ylim( -y1lim*1.1, y1lim*1.1 )
    p1axes.set_xlim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1-ycutoff)*0.01 )
    #p1axes.set_ylim( y1min*1.1, y1max*1.1 )
    for loc, spine in p1axes.spines.iteritems():
        if loc == 'left':
            spine.set_position( ( 'outward', 10 ) )
        spine.set_color( 'none' )
    p1axes.axhline( 0, color = '#000000' )
    p1axes.xaxis.set_major_locator( NullLocator() )
    p1axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
    p1axes.yaxis.set_ticks([-y1lim, 0, y1lim])
    for l in p1axes.yaxis.get_ticklabels():

    p2axes = axesList[2]
    x2min, x2max = drawAggData( p2axes, aggData, 1, 0, 1, ycutoff, nbins )
    x2lim = max( abs(x2min), abs(x2max) )
    p2axes.set_xlim( -x2lim*1.1, x2lim*1.1 )
    p2axes.set_ylim( ycutoff - (1-ycutoff)*0.02, 1 + (1- ycutoff)*0.01 )
    #p2axes.set_xlim( x2min*1.1, x2max*1.1 )
    for loc, spine in p2axes.spines.iteritems():
        if loc == 'bottom':
            spine.set_position( ( 'outward', 10 ) )
        spine.set_color( 'none' )
    p2axes.axvline( 0, color = '#000000' )
    p2axes.yaxis.set_major_locator( NullLocator() )
    p2axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter( NullFormatter() )
    p2axes.xaxis.set_ticks([-x2lim, 0, x2lim])
    for l in p2axes.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
        l.set_rotation( 45 )
Example #11
def drawData( axes, stats, isAbs, ycutoff ):
    #if isAbs, draw absolute values. If not, draw proportion (relative values)
    lines = []
    linenames = []
    ydataList = [] 
    #initialize ydataList:
    #for i in range( len(stats[0].baseCoverages) - len(stats), len(stats[0].baseCoverages) ):
    #for i in range( len(stats) -1 ): #each coverage level
    for i in range( len(stats) -1 - 2 ): #each coverage level (num samples - average, reference, minusOtherReference
        ydata = []
        for j in range( len(stats) ):#each sample
            if isAbs:
                #if stats[j].name == 'aggregate':
                #    ydata.append( stats[j].baseCoverages[i]/(len(stats) -1) )
                ydata.append( stats[j].baseCoverages[i] )
                ydata.append( stats[j].relativeBaseCoverages[i] )


    #colors = libplot.getColors2( len(stats) )
    colors = libplot.getColors3()
    colorindex = 0
    x = arange( len(stats) ) #x axis represents the samples
    barwidth = 0.6

    #add bottom-most bar (number of bases that are in all samples)
    l = axes.bar( x, ydataList[ len(ydataList) - 1 ], barwidth, color = colors[colorindex], ec="w" ) 
    lines.append( l[0] )
    linenames.append( "%d"  % len(ydataList) )
    culmulativeList = ydataList[ len(ydataList) - 1 ]

    for i in range( len(ydataList) - 2, -1, -1 ):
        colorindex += 1
        l = axes.bar( x, ydataList[i], barwidth, color = colors[colorindex], bottom=culmulativeList, ec="w" )
        lines.append( l[0] )
        linenames.append( "%d" % (i + 1) )
        #Update cumulative list:
        for j in range( len(culmulativeList) ):
            culmulativeList[j] += ydataList[i][j]
        #l = axes.fill_between( x=range(len(ydataList[i])), y1=ydataList[i], y2=[0] * len(ydataList[i]) , facecolor=colors[colorindex], linewidth = 0.0)
    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    axes.set_title("Sample Coverage") #TO BE NAMED!!!
    if isAbs:
        pyplot.ylabel("Number of positions")
        pyplot.ylabel("Proportion of total positions")

    #set ticks:
    samples = []
    for sample in stats:
        samples.append( libplot.properName( sample.name ) )
    fontP = FontProperties()
    pyplot.xticks( x + barwidth/2., samples, rotation=90, fontproperties=fontP )
    pyplot.yticks( fontproperties=fontP )    
    #for label in axes.yaxis.get_ticklabels():
    #    label.fontproperties = fontP
    #    label.set_rotation( 45 )
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    miny = ycutoff
    if not isAbs:
        axes.set_ylim(ycutoff, 1)
        #axes.set_ylim(0, 1)
    axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(stats) )
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#A8A8A8", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.25)

    box = axes.get_position()
    axes.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.8, box.height] )

    legend = axes.legend( lines, [libplot.properName(n) for n in linenames], prop=fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(1,0.75) )
    return lines, linenames
Example #12
def drawScatter( axes, options, stats, type, cumulative ):
    if len(stats) < 4:
    title = "Distribution of Positions Shared Among Samples"
    if cumulative:
        title = "Cumulative Distribution of Positions Shared Among Samples"
    axes.set_title(title) #TO BE NAMED
    #samples = ["panTro3", "minusOtherReference", "average", "reference", "hg19"]
    samples = ["reference", "hg19", "panTro3", "average"]
    if type == 'noHg19':
        samples = ["minusOtherReference"]
    xdata = range( 0, len(stats) -4 )
    #print xdata
    ydataList = []
    miny = float('inf')
    maxy = float('-inf')
    for name in samples:
        for s in stats:
            if s.name == name:
                ydata = s.baseCoverages[: len(stats) -4]
                if cumulative:
                    ydata = [ sum(ydata[i:]) for i in xrange( len(ydata) ) ]

                ydataList.append( ydata )
                miny = min( [miny, min(ydata)] )
                maxy = max( [maxy, max(ydata)] )

    lines = []
    #colors = libplot.getColors0()
    colors =["#E31A1C", "#1F78B4", "#3D3D3D", "#4DAF4A"] #ConsensusRef, GRCh37, chimp, average
    c = -1
    offset = 0.12
    #if type == 'noHg19':
    #    axes.set_yscale('log')

    for i in xrange( len(samples) ):
        xdatai = [x + offset*i for x in xdata]
        ydata = ydataList[i]
        c += 1
        if i == 0:
            axes.plot(xdatai[1:], ydata[1:], color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.002)
            axes.plot(xdatai, ydata, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.002)
        l = axes.plot(xdatai, ydata, color=colors[c], marker='.', markersize=12.0, linestyle='none')
    fontP = FontProperties()

    yrange = maxy - miny
    miny = miny - 10
    maxy = maxy + yrange*0.1
    xmin = -0.4
    xmax = len(stats) - 4 -1 + offset*len(samples) + offset
    axes.set_xticks( [ i + offset*(len(samples)/2.0 ) for i in range(0, len(stats) -4)] )
    axes.set_xticklabels( range(1, len(stats) -2) )
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )
    scale = len(str( int(maxy) )) - 1
    ylabel = "Number of positions"
    if type == "noHg19": 
        yticks = [ 10**y for y in range(scale + 1) ]
        #yticks = [ 10**y for y in range(scale + 2) ]
        yticks = []
        for y in range(scale + 1):
            for y1 in range(1,10):
    axes.set_yticks( yticks )
    minorLocator = LogLocator( base=10, subs = range(1, 10) )
    axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator( minorLocator )
    #    yticks = range(0, int(maxy), 10**scale)
    #    yticklabels = [ y/(10**scale) for y in yticks ]
    #    axes.set_yticks( yticks )
    #    axes.set_yticklabels( yticklabels )
    #    ylabel += " (x%s)" %( libplot.prettyInt(10**scale) )
        #ylabel += " (in millions)"
    axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    if type == "noHg19":
        axes.set_ylim(miny, maxy)
        axes.set_ylim(10000, 1000000)#HACK

    if type != 'noHg19':
        legend = pyplot.legend( lines, [libplot.properName(s) for s in samples], numpoints=1, loc='lower right', prop=fontP )
        legend._drawFrame = False

    axes.set_xlabel( 'Number of samples' )
    #if type == "noHg19":
    #    ylabel += " (x %d)" %(10**(scale -1))
    axes.set_ylabel( ylabel )
    #axes.xaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#CCCCCC", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.005)
Example #13
def drawCompareData2( axes, options, stats, isAbs ):
    if len(stats) == 0:
    #if isAbs, draw absolute values. If not, draw proportion (relative values)
    lines = []
    linenames = [ stats[0].otherReferenceName, stats[0].referenceName, "total" ]

    #X data:
    x1data = []

    currx = -1
    for i,s in enumerate( stats ):
        if s.name == 'all':
        if s.name == 'average' or s.name == 'panTro3':
            currx += 1.5
            currx += 1
        x1data.append( currx )

    y1data = []
    for sample in stats:
        if sample.name == 'all':
        if isAbs:
            y1data.append( sample.referenceBasesMapped )
            y1data.append( 100.0*sample.referenceBasesMapped/sample.totalBases )
    barwidth = 0.6
    #barwidth = 0.25
    l1 = axes.bar( x1data, y1data, barwidth, color = "#E31A1C", ec="w" ) 
    lines.append( l1[0] )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    axes.set_title("Sample Coverage") #TO BE NAMED

    #set ticks:
    samples = []
    for sample in stats:
        if sample.name == 'all':
        samples.append( libplot.properName(sample.name) )
    fontP = FontProperties()
    pyplot.xticks( [x + barwidth/2.0 for x in x1data], samples, rotation=45, fontproperties=fontP )
    pyplot.yticks( fontproperties=fontP )

    yticks = range(2000000, 6000000, 500000)
    yticklabels = [ float(y)/1000000 for y in yticks ]
    pyplot.ylabel("Number of positions (in millions)")
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )

    miny = min( y1data )
    miny = miny*0.9
    axes.set_ylim( miny, max(y1data) )
    axes.set_xlim(-0.5, max(x1data) + 0.5 )
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#A8A8A8", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.25)

    box = axes.get_position()
    axes.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.95, box.height*0.9] )

    #legend = axes.legend( lines, [libplot.properName(n) for n in linenames], prop=fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1) )
Example #14
def drawCompareData( axes, options, stats, isAbs ):
    if len(stats) == 0:
    #if isAbs, draw absolute values. If not, draw proportion (relative values)
    lines = []
    linenames = [ stats[0].otherReferenceName, stats[0].referenceName, "total" ]

    barwidth = 0.25
    #X data:
    x3data = []
    #avgIndex = -1

    currx = -1
    #xVer = [] #location (x) of vertical lines to separate between human samples | avr, all | chimp
    for i,s in enumerate( stats ):
        #if s.name == 'average':
        #    avgIndex = i
        if s.name == 'average' or s.name == 'panTro3':
            currx += 1 + 1.5*barwidth
            #xVer.append( currx - (1.0 + 1.5*barwidth - 3*barwidth)/2.0 )
            currx += 1
        x3data.append( currx )
    #print x1data
    x2data = [ x + barwidth for x in x3data ]
    x1data = [ x + barwidth for x in x2data ]

    if isAbs:
        y1data = [ sample.otherReferenceBasesMapped for sample in stats ]
        y2data = [ sample.referenceBasesMapped for sample in stats ]
        y3data = [ sample.totalBases for sample in stats ]
        y1data = [ 100.0*sample.otherReferenceBasesMapped/sample.totalBases for sample in stats ]
        y2data = [ 100.0*sample.referenceBasesMapped/sample.totalBases for sample in stats ]
        y3data = [ 100.0*sample.totalBases/sample.totalBases for sample in stats ]
    #Average aggregate data:
    #if avgIndex > 0:
    #    y1data[ avgIndex ] /= float(avgIndex)
    #    y2data[ avgIndex ] /= float(avgIndex)
    #    y3data[ avgIndex ] /= float(avgIndex)

    colors =["#1F78B4", "#E31A1C", "#4DAF4A"] 
    #colors =["#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3"] 
    #colors =["#EDF8B1", "#7FCDBB", "#2C7FB8"]
    #colors =["#A1DAB4", "#41B6C4", "#225EA8"]
    l1 = axes.bar( x1data, y1data, barwidth, color = colors[0], ec="w" ) 
    lines.append( l1[0] )
    l2 = axes.bar( x2data, y2data, barwidth, color = colors[1], ec="w" ) 
    lines.append( l2[0] )
    l3 = axes.bar( x3data, y3data, barwidth, color = colors[2], ec="w" )
    lines.append( l3[0] )

    libplot.editSpine( axes )
    axes.set_title("Sample Coverage") #TO BE NAMED

    #set ticks:
    samples = []
    for sample in stats:
        samples.append( libplot.properName(sample.name) )
    fontP = FontProperties()
    #pyplot.xticks( x + barwidth/2., samples, rotation=45, fontproperties=fontP )
    pyplot.xticks( x2data, samples, rotation=45, fontproperties=fontP )
    pyplot.yticks( fontproperties=fontP )

    yticks = range(2000000, 6000000, 500000)
    yticklabels = [ float(y)/1000000 for y in yticks ]
    pyplot.ylabel("Number of positions (in millions)")
    axes.xaxis.set_ticks_position( 'bottom' )
    axes.yaxis.set_ticks_position( 'left' )

    miny = min( [min(y1data), min(y2data), min(y3data)] )
    miny = miny*0.9
    maxy = max([max(y1data), max(y2data), max(y3data)])
    #Draw vertical lines:
    #for x in xVer:
    #    axes.plot([x, x], [miny, maxy], color="#A8A8A8")

    axes.set_ylim( miny, maxy )
    axes.set_xlim(-0.5, max(x1data) + 0.5 )
    axes.yaxis.grid(b=True, color="#A8A8A8", linestyle='-', linewidth=0.25)
    box = axes.get_position()
    axes.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.95, box.height*0.9] )

    legend = axes.legend( lines, [libplot.properName(n) for n in linenames], prop=fontP, loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=(0.2, 1) )