def __init__(self):
        #Import Dazer_Files Class to import data from lines_logs
        self.Hydrogen_CollCoeff_TableAddress    = '/home/vital/git/Dazer/Dazer/dazer/libraries/Astro_Libraries/Neutral_Hydrogen_Collisional_Correction_coef.txt'
        self.Helium_CollCoeff_TableAddress      = '/home/vital/git/Dazer/Dazer/dazer/libraries/Astro_Libraries/Neutral_Helium_Collisional_Correction_coef.txt'
        self.Helium_OpticalDepth_TableAddress   = '/home/vital/git/Dazer/Dazer/dazer/libraries/Astro_Libraries/Helium_OpticalDepthFunction_Coefficients.txt'
        #Declare Hydrogen and Helium lines for the analysis
        self.posHydrogen_Lines      = ['H1_4102A',      'H1_4340A',     'H1_4861A',     'H1_6563A']
        self.Hydrogen_Wavelengths   = [4101.742,        4340.471,       4862.683,        6562.819]
        self.posHelium_Lines        = ['He1_3889A',  'He1_4026A',    'He1_4387A',    'He1_4471A',    'He1_4686A',    'He1_4714A',    'He1_4922A',   'He1_5876A',    'He1_6678A',   'He1_7065A',    'He1_7281A',      'He1_10830A']     
        self.Helium_Wavelengths     = [3889.0,         4026.0,         4387.0,         4471.0,         4686.0,         4714.0,         4922.0,         5876.0,         6678.0,         7065.0,         7281.0,         10830.0]
        self.Cand_Hydrogen_Lines    = []
        self.Cand_Helium_Lines      = []

        self.nHydrogen              = None
        self.nHelium                = None
        #Define indexes and labels to speed up the code
        self.H13889A_label          = 'H1_3889A'          
        self.HBeta_label            = 'H1_4861A'
        self.He3889_label           = 'He1_3889A'
        self.He3889_Check           = None
        #Set up the right emissivities
        #Declare pyneb Hydrogen and Helium atoms to calculate emissivities
        self.H1                     = pn.RecAtom('H', 1)
        self.He1                    = pn.RecAtom('He', 1) 
        #Import collisional coefficients table
        self.Coef_Kalpha_dict       = self.Import_Coll_Coeff_Table(self.posHydrogen_Lines, None)

        #Import Optical depth function
        self.Coef_ftau_dict         = self.Import_OpticalDepth_Coeff_Table(self.posHelium_Lines) 
        #Declare dictionaries to store the data
        self.Flux_dict              = OrderedDict()
        self.Error_dict             = OrderedDict()
        self.Wave_dict              = OrderedDict()
        self.PynebCode_dict         = OrderedDict()
        self.EqW_dict               = OrderedDict()
        self.EqWerror_dict          = OrderedDict()
        self.hlambda_dict           = OrderedDict()
        self.flambda_dict           = self.get_flambda_dict(self.posHydrogen_Lines + self.posHelium_Lines, self.Hydrogen_Wavelengths + self.Helium_Wavelengths) #flambda does not form part of the inference predictions
#!/usr/bin/env python

import pymc
import numpy as np
from dazer_methods import Dazer
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from libraries.Astro_Libraries.Nebular_Continuum import Nebular_Bayesian
from lmfit.models import LinearModel

#Declare code classes
dz = Dazer()
nb = Nebular_Bayesian()

#Declare data to treat
Catalogue_Dic       = dz.import_catalogue()
nebular_exten       = '_NebularContinuum.fits'
Stellar_ext         = '_StellarContinuum.fits'
emitting_ext        = '_Emission.fits'
cHbeta_type         = 'cHBeta_red'
AbundancesFileExtension = '_' + Catalogue_Dic['Datatype'] + '_emission_LinesLog_v3.txt'    #First data log for reduced spectra

#Find and organize files from terminal command or .py file
FilesList           = dz.Folder_Explorer(Stellar_ext,  Catalogue_Dic['Obj_Folder'], CheckComputer=False)
catalogue_frame     = dz.load_catalogue_frame(FilesList)
# print catalogue_frame
# #Define plot frame and colors
dz.FigConf(n_colors=5, fontsize=30)
# lineal_mod = LinearModel(prefix='lineal_')
Example #3
import pymc
import pyneb as pn
import numpy as np
from dazer_methods import Dazer
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from libraries.Astro_Libraries.Nebular_Continuum import Nebular_Bayesian
from lmfit.models import LinearModel

H1 = pn.RecAtom('H', 1)

print H1.getEmissivity(tem=10000, den=100, wave=6563) / H1.getEmissivity(tem=10000, den=100, wave=4861)

#Declare code classes
dz = Dazer()
nb = Nebular_Bayesian()
#Define plot frame and colors
nb.ObjectData_dict = {}
nb.ObjectData_dict['nHeII_HII']             = 0.075
nb.ObjectData_dict['TOIII']                 = 10000
nb.ObjectData_dict['TOIII_error']           = 500.0
nb.ObjectData_dict['Flux_Hbeta_Normalize']  = 2.86  * 1e-14  / 1e-14
nb.ObjectData_dict['Error_Hbeta_Normalize'] = 0.05   * 1e-14  / 1e-14
wave = np.linspace(3500, 7000, 7000 - 3500 - 1)
nebular_flux_n = nb.Calculate_Nebular_gamma(nb.ObjectData_dict['TOIII'], nb.ObjectData_dict['Flux_Hbeta_Normalize'], nb.ObjectData_dict['nHeII_HII'] , 0.00, wave)
dz.data_plot(wave, nebular_flux_n, 'Nebular flux normalized', dz.ColorVector[2][1])