def load_cxi_phil(path, args=[]): import os from labelit.phil_preferences import iotbx_defs, libtbx_defs from iotbx import phil from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry exts = ["", ".params", ".phil"] foundIt = False for ext in exts: if os.path.exists(path + ext): foundIt = True path += ext break if not foundIt: raise Sorry("Target not found: " + path) master_phil = phil.parse(input_string=iotbx_defs + libtbx_defs, process_includes=True) horizons_phil = master_phil.fetch( sources=[phil.parse(file_name=path, process_includes=True)]) argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=master_phil) consume = [] for arg in args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) horizons_phil = horizons_phil.fetch(sources=[ command_line_params, ]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry, e: pass
def process_input(args, phil_args, input_file, mode='auto', now=None): """ Read and parse parameter file input: input_file_list - PHIL-format files w/ parameters output: params - PHIL-formatted parameters txt_output - plain text-formatted parameters """ from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry if mode == 'file': user_phil = [ip.parse(open(inp).read()) for inp in [input_file]] working_phil = master_phil.fetch(sources=user_phil) params = working_phil.extract() elif mode == 'auto': params = master_phil.extract() params.description = 'IOTA parameters auto-generated on {}'.format(now) params.input = [input_file] final_phil = master_phil.format(python_object=params) # Parse in-line params into phil argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=master_phil) consume = [] for arg in phil_args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) final_phil = final_phil.fetch(sources=[ command_line_params, ]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry, e: pass
def get_input_phil(paramfile=None, phil_args=None, ha14=False, gui=False): """Generate PHIL from file, master, and/or command arguments. :param args: command line arguments :param phil_args: PHIL settings as command line arguments :param paramfile: file with input settings in PHIL format :return: """ from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry # Depending on mode, either read input from file, or generate defaults if paramfile: with open(paramfile, "r") as inpf: user_phil = ip.parse( phil_fixer = PHILFixer() working_phil =, write_file=True) else: if ha14: from iota.etc.iota_cctbx_ha14 import ha14_str working_phil = ip.parse(master_phil_str + ha14_str, process_includes=True) else: working_phil = master_phil if gui: from libtbx.phil import find_scope if not find_scope(working_phil, "gui"): from iota.gui.base import gui_phil working_phil.adopt_scope(gui_phil) # Parse in-line params into phil bad_args = [] if phil_args: argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=working_phil) for arg in phil_args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) working_phil = working_phil.fetch( sources=[command_line_params]) except Sorry: bad_args.append(arg) # Self-fetch to resolve variables working_phil = working_phil.fetch(source=working_phil) return working_phil, bad_args
def merge_command_line(self,args): from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter( master_phil=phil_preferences.effective_param_generator.master(), ) consume = [] for arg in args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process( arg=arg ) self.phil_scope = self.phil_scope.fetch(sources=[command_line_params,]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry,e: pass
def process_input(args, phil_args, input_file, mode='auto', now=None): """ Read and parse parameter file input: input_file_list - PHIL-format files w/ parameters output: params - PHIL-formatted parameters txt_output - plain text-formatted parameters """ from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry if mode == 'file': user_phil = [ip.parse(open(inp).read()) for inp in [input_file]] working_phil = master_phil.fetch(sources=user_phil) params = working_phil.extract() elif mode == 'auto': params = master_phil.extract() params.description = 'IOTA parameters auto-generated on {}'.format(now) params.input = [input_file] if params.advanced.integrate_with == 'dials': = 'dials.phil' elif params.advanced.integrate_with == 'cctbx': = 'cctbx.phil' final_phil = master_phil.format(python_object=params) # Parse in-line params into phil argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=master_phil) consume = [] for arg in phil_args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) final_phil = final_phil.fetch(sources=[command_line_params,]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry,e: pass
def merge_command_line(self, args): from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter( master_phil=phil_preferences.effective_param_generator.master(), ) consume = [] for arg in args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) self.phil_scope = self.phil_scope.fetch(sources=[ command_line_params, ]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry as e: pass for item in consume: args.remove(item) self.new_scope_extract()
def load_cxi_phil(path, args=[]): import os from labelit.phil_preferences import iotbx_defs, libtbx_defs from iotbx import phil from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry exts = ["", ".params", ".phil"] foundIt = False for ext in exts: if os.path.exists(path + ext): foundIt = True path += ext break if not foundIt: raise Sorry("Target not found: " + path) master_phil = phil.parse(input_string=iotbx_defs + libtbx_defs, process_includes=True) horizons_phil = master_phil.fetch( sources=[phil.parse(file_name=path, process_includes=True)]) argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter( master_phil=master_phil ) consume = [] for arg in args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process( arg=arg ) horizons_phil = horizons_phil.fetch(sources=[command_line_params,]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry,e: pass
def process_input(args, phil_args, input_file, mode='auto', now=None): """ Read and parse parameter file and/or command-line args; if none found, create a default parameter object :param args: command-line arguments upon launch :param phil_args: command-line arguments pertaining to IOTA parameters :param input_file: text file with IOTA parameters :param mode: Mode of XtermIOTA run. See the InitAll base class :param now: date / time stamp :return: PHIL-formatted parameters """ from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry # Depending on mode, either read input from file, or generate defaults if mode == 'file': user_phil = [ip.parse(open(inp).read()) for inp in [input_file]] working_phil = master_phil.fetch(sources=user_phil) else: working_phil = master_phil # Parse in-line params into phil argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=master_phil) consume = [] for arg in phil_args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) working_phil = working_phil.fetch(sources=[command_line_params,]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry,e: pass
def process_input(args, phil_args, input_file, mode='auto', now=None): """ Read and parse parameter file input: input_file_list - PHIL-format files w/ parameters output: params - PHIL-formatted parameters txt_output - plain text-formatted parameters """ from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry if mode == 'file': user_phil = [ip.parse(open(inp).read()) for inp in [input_file]] working_phil = master_phil.fetch(sources=user_phil) params = working_phil.extract() elif mode == 'auto': params = master_phil.extract() params.description = 'IOTA parameters auto-generated on {}'.format(now) params.input = [input_file] final_phil = master_phil.format(python_object=params) # Parse in-line params into phil argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=master_phil) consume = [] for arg in phil_args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) final_phil = final_phil.fetch(sources=[command_line_params,]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry as e: pass for item in consume: phil_args.remove(item) if len(phil_args) > 0: raise Sorry("Not all arguments processed, remaining: {}".format(phil_args)) # Perform command line check and modify params accordingly params = final_phil.extract() if mode == 'auto': output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) if params.advanced.integrate_with == 'dials': = os.path.join(output_dir, 'dials.phil') elif params.advanced.integrate_with == 'cctbx': = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cctbx.phil') # Check for -r option and set random subset parameter if args.random > 0: params.advanced.random_sample.flag_on = True params.advanced.random_sample.number = args.random[0] # Check for -n option and set number of processors override # (for parallel map only, for now) if args.nproc > 0: params.n_processors = args.nproc[0] # Check for -c option and set flags to exit IOTA after raw image conversion if args.convert: params.image_conversion.convert_only = True # Check -p option to see if converted file prefix is supplied; will run # conversion automatically if prefix is supplied if str(args.prefix).lower() != "auto": params.image_conversion.convert_images = True params.image_conversion.rename_pickle_prefix = args.prefix #Check -s option to bypass grid search and run selection/integration only if params.cctbx.selection.select_only.flag_on = True # Check if grid search is turned off; if so, set everything to zero if str(params.cctbx.grid_search.type).lower() == 'none': params.cctbx.grid_search.area_range = 0 params.cctbx.grid_search.height_range = 0 params.cctbx.grid_search.sig_height_search = False final_phil = master_phil.format(python_object=params) temp_phil = [final_phil] #diff_phil = master_phil.fetch_diff(sources=temp_phil) diff_phil = master_phil.fetch(sources=temp_phil) with Capturing() as output: diff_out = '' for one_output in output: diff_out += one_output + '\n' if mode == 'auto': with Capturing() as diff_output: txt_out = '' for one_output in diff_output: txt_out += one_output + '\n' write_defaults(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), txt_out, params.advanced.integrate_with) return params, diff_out
def load_cxi_phil(path, args=[]): import os from labelit.phil_preferences import iotbx_defs, libtbx_defs from iotbx import phil from libtbx.phil.command_line import argument_interpreter from libtbx.utils import Sorry exts = ["", ".params", ".phil"] foundIt = False for ext in exts: if os.path.exists(path + ext): foundIt = True path += ext break if not foundIt: raise Sorry("Target not found: " + path) master_phil = phil.parse(input_string=iotbx_defs + libtbx_defs, process_includes=True) horizons_phil = master_phil.fetch( sources=[phil.parse(file_name=path, process_includes=True)]) argument_interpreter = argument_interpreter(master_phil=master_phil) consume = [] for arg in args: try: command_line_params = argument_interpreter.process(arg=arg) horizons_phil = horizons_phil.fetch(sources=[ command_line_params, ]) consume.append(arg) except Sorry as e: pass for item in consume: args.remove(item) if len(args) > 0: raise Sorry("Not all arguments processed") params = horizons_phil.extract() if params.distl.tile_translations is not None and params.distl.quad_translations is not None: return params from spotfinder.applications.xfel.cxi_phil import cxi_versioned_extract args = [ "distl.detector_format_version=%s" % params.distl.detector_format_version ] versioned_extract = cxi_versioned_extract(args).persist.commands if params.distl.quad_translations is None: params.distl.quad_translations = versioned_extract.distl.quad_translations if params.distl.tile_translations is None: params.distl.tile_translations = versioned_extract.distl.tile_translations return params