Example #1
def lgb_compatible_f1_score(y_hat: np.ndarray,
                            data: lgb.Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    y_true = data.get_label().astype(int)
    y_hat = np.round(y_hat).astype(
        int)  # scikit's f1 doesn't work with probabilities

    return "f1_score", f1_score(y_true, y_hat), True
Example #2
def lgb_f1_loss_multiclass(preds: np.ndarray,
                           train_data: lgb.Dataset,
                           clip: float = 1e-5):
    """Custom loss for optimizing f1.

        preds: np.ndarray.
        train_data: lgb dataset.
        clip: clip values.

        lgb loss output.

    y_true = train_data.get_label().astype(np.int32)
    preds = preds.reshape((y_true.shape[0], -1), order='F')
    # softmax
    preds = np.clip(softmax_ax1(preds), clip, 1 - clip)
    # make ohe
    y_ohe = np.zeros_like(preds)
    np.add.at(y_ohe, (np.arange(y_true.shape[0]), y_true), 1)
    # grad
    grad = (preds - y_ohe) * preds
    # hess
    hess = (1 - preds) * preds * np.clip((2 * preds - y_ohe), 1e-3, np.inf)
    # reshape back preds
    return grad.reshape((-1, ), order='F'), hess.reshape((-1, ), order='F')
Example #3
def lgb_f1_loss_multiclass(
        preds: np.ndarray,
        train_data: lgb.Dataset,
        clip: float = 1e-5) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Custom loss for optimizing f1.

        preds: Predctions.
        train_data: Dataset in LightGBM format.
        clip: Clump constant.

        Gradient, hessian.

    y_true = train_data.get_label().astype(np.int32)
    preds = preds.reshape((y_true.shape[0], -1), order="F")
    # softmax
    preds = np.clip(softmax_ax1(preds), clip, 1 - clip)
    # make ohe
    y_ohe = np.zeros_like(preds)
    np.add.at(y_ohe, (np.arange(y_true.shape[0]), y_true), 1)
    # grad
    grad = (preds - y_ohe) * preds
    # hess
    hess = (1 - preds) * preds * np.clip((2 * preds - y_ohe), 1e-3, np.inf)
    # reshape back preds
    return grad.reshape((-1, ), order="F"), hess.reshape((-1, ), order="F")
Example #4
    def _evaluate(self, scores: np.ndarray, clases: lgb.Dataset) -> Tuple[str, int, bool]:
        labels = clases.get_label()
        weights = clases.get_weight()
        score_corte = self.prob_corte

        nombre, valor = self._evaluar_funcion_ganancia(scores, labels, weights, score_corte)

        return nombre, valor, True
Example #5
    def Dist_Objective(predt: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset):
        """A customized objective function to train each distributional parameter using custom gradient and hessian.


        target = torch.tensor(data.get_label())

        # When num_class!= 0, preds has shape (n_obs, n_dist_param).
        # Each element in a row represents a raw prediction (leaf weight, hasn't gone through response function yet).
        predt = predt.reshape(-1, Gaussian.n_dist_param(), order="F")
        preds_location = Gaussian.param_dict()["location"](predt[:, 0])
        preds_location = torch.tensor(preds_location, requires_grad=True)

        preds_scale = Gaussian.param_dict()["scale"](predt[:, 1])
        preds_scale = torch.tensor(preds_scale, requires_grad=True)

        # Weights
        if data.get_weight() == None:
            # Use 1 as weight if no weights are specified
            weights = np.ones_like(target, dtype=float)
            weights = data.get_weight()

        # Initialize Gradient and Hessian Matrices
        grad = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), Gaussian.n_dist_param()))
        hess = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), Gaussian.n_dist_param()))

        # Specify Metric for Auto Derivation
        dGaussian = Normal(preds_location, preds_scale)
        autograd_metric = -dGaussian.log_prob(target).nansum()

        # Location
        grad[:, 0] = stabilize_derivative(
            auto_grad(metric=autograd_metric, parameter=preds_location, n=1) *
            weights, Gaussian.stabilize)

        hess[:, 0] = stabilize_derivative(
            auto_grad(metric=autograd_metric, parameter=preds_location, n=2) *
            weights, Gaussian.stabilize)

        # Scale
        grad[:, 1] = stabilize_derivative(
            auto_grad(metric=autograd_metric, parameter=preds_scale, n=1) *
            weights, Gaussian.stabilize)

        hess[:, 1] = stabilize_derivative(
            auto_grad(metric=autograd_metric, parameter=preds_scale, n=2) *
            weights, Gaussian.stabilize)

        # Reshaping
        grad = grad.ravel(order="F")
        hess = hess.ravel(order="F")

        return grad, hess
Example #6
def _make_validation_labels_purchase_only(valid_ds: lgb.Dataset):
    labels = np.array(valid_ds.get_label())
    non_purchase = (labels != _PURCHASE_LABEL)
    non_purchase_interaction = np.logical_and(non_purchase,
                                              labels != _NOTHING_LABEL)
        f"Number of non-purchase interactions in valid: {non_purchase_interaction.sum()}"
        f"Number of total non-purchases in valid: {non_purchase.sum()}")
    labels[non_purchase] = 0.0
Example #7
def lgb_mape(preds: np.ndarray, lgb_train: Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    Mean average precision error metric for evaluation in lightgbm.

        preds: Array of predictions
        lgb_train: LightGBM Dataset

        Tuple of error name (str) and error (float)
    labels = lgb_train.get_label()
    mask = labels != 0
    return "mape", (np.fabs(labels - preds) / labels)[mask].mean(), False
Example #8
    def Dist_Objective(predt: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset):
        """A customized objective function to train each distributional parameter using custom gradient and hessian.


        target = data.get_label()

        # When num_class!= 0, preds has shape (n_obs, n_dist_param).
        # Each element in a row represents a raw prediction (leaf weight, hasn't gone through response function yet).
        predt = predt.reshape(-1, Gaussian.n_dist_param(), order="F")
        preds_location = Gaussian.param_dict()["location"](predt[:, 0])
        preds_scale = Gaussian.param_dict()["scale"](predt[:, 1])

        # Weights
        if data.get_weight() == None:
            # Use 1 as weight if no weights are specified
            weights = np.ones_like(target, dtype=float)
            weights = data.get_weight()

        # Initialize Gradient and Hessian Matrices
        grad = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), Gaussian.n_dist_param()))
        hess = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), Gaussian.n_dist_param()))

        # Location
        grad[:, 0] = Gaussian.gradient_location(y=target,

        hess[:, 0] = Gaussian.hessian_location(scale=preds_scale,

        # Scale
        grad[:, 1] = Gaussian.gradient_scale(y=target,

        hess[:, 1] = Gaussian.hessian_scale(scale=preds_scale,

        # Reshaping
        grad = grad.ravel(order="F")
        hess = hess.ravel(order="F")

        return grad, hess
Example #9
def lgb_pr_auc(preds: np.ndarray,
               lgb_train: Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    Precision Recall AUC (Area under Curve) of our prediction in lightgbm

        preds: Array of predictions
        lgb_train: LightGBM Dataset

        Precision Recall AUC (Area under Curve)
    labels = lgb_train.get_label()
    precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(labels, preds)
    return "pr_auc", auc(recall, precision), True
Example #10
def top2_accuray_lgb(
    predt: np.ndarray,
    data: lgb.Dataset,
    threshold: float = 0.5,
) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    s_0 = 31
    s_1 = int(len(predt) / s_0)

    predt = predt.reshape(s_0, s_1)
    y = data.get_label()
    p = predt.argsort(axis=0)[::-1, :]
    accuracy = ((y == p[0, :]) | (y == p[1, :])).mean()

    # # eval_name, eval_result, is_higher_better
    return 'top2_accuray', float(accuracy), True
Example #11
    def Dist_Metric(predt: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset):
        """A customized evaluation metric that evaluates the predictions using the negative log-likelihood.

        target = data.get_label()
        is_higher_better = False

        # Using a custom objective function, the custom metric receives raw predictions which need to be transformed
        # with the corresponding response function.
        predt = predt.reshape(-1, Gaussian.n_dist_param(), order="F")
        preds_location = Gaussian.param_dict()["location"](predt[:, 0])
        preds_scale = Gaussian.param_dict()["scale"](predt[:, 1])

        nll = -np.nansum(norm.logpdf(x=target, loc=preds_location, scale=preds_scale))

        return "NegLogLikelihood", nll, is_higher_better
Example #12
def corr_sharpe_lgb(
    y_pred: np.array,
    dtrain: lgb.Dataset,
) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    Pearson correlation coefficient metric
    y_true = dtrain.get_label()

    pd_info = pd.DataFrame({
        'time_id': time_id_fold,
        'y_pred': y_pred,
        'y_true': y_true
    sharpe_corr = calculate_corr(pd_info, sharpe=True)[0]
    return 'pearson_corr_sharpe', sharpe_corr, True
Example #13
def lgb_mape_exp(preds: np.ndarray,
                 lgb_train: Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    Mean average precision error metric for evaluation in lightgbm.
    NOTE: This will exponentiate the predictions first, in the case where our actual is logged

        preds: Array of predictions
        lgb_train: LightGBM Dataset

        Tuple of error name (str) and error (float)
    labels = lgb_train.get_label()
    mask = labels != 0
    return "mape_exp", (np.fabs(labels - np.exp(preds)) /
                        labels)[mask].mean(), False
Example #14
    def Dist_Objective(predt: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset):
        """A customized objective function to train each distributional parameter using custom gradient and hessian.


        target = data.get_label()

        # When num_class!= 0, preds has shape (n_obs, n_dist_param).
        # Each element in a row represents a raw prediction (leaf weight, hasn't gone through response function yet).
        preds_expectile = predt.reshape(-1,

        # Weights
        if data.get_weight() == None:
            # Use 1 as weight if no weights are specified
            weights = np.ones_like(target, dtype=float)
            weights = data.get_weight()

        # Initialize Gradient and Hessian Matrices
        grad = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), len(Expectile.expectiles)))
        hess = np.zeros(shape=(len(target), len(Expectile.expectiles)))

        for i in range(len(Expectile.expectiles)):
            grad[:, i] = Expectile.gradient_expectile(
                expectile=preds_expectile[:, i],

                 i] = Expectile.hessian_expectile(y=target,

        # Reshaping
        grad = grad.ravel(order="F")
        hess = hess.ravel(order="F")

        return grad, hess
Example #15
    def Dist_Metric(predt: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset):
        """A customized evaluation metric that evaluates the predictions using the negative log-likelihood.

        target = torch.tensor(data.get_label())
        is_higher_better = False

        # Using a custom objective function, the custom metric receives raw predictions which need to be transformed
        # with the corresponding response function.
        predt = predt.reshape(-1, Gaussian.n_dist_param(), order="F")
        preds_location = Gaussian.param_dict()["location"](predt[:, 0])
        preds_location = torch.tensor(preds_location, requires_grad=True)

        preds_scale = Gaussian.param_dict()["scale"](predt[:, 1])
        preds_scale = torch.tensor(preds_scale, requires_grad=True)

        dGaussian = Normal(preds_location, preds_scale)
        nll = -dGaussian.log_prob(target).nansum()
        nll = nll.detach().numpy()
        nll = np.round(nll, 5)

        return "NegLogLikelihood", nll, is_higher_better
Example #16
    def __call__(self, pred: np.ndarray,
                 dtrain: lgb.Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:

        label = dtrain.get_label()

        weights = dtrain.get_weight()

        if label.shape[0] != pred.shape[0]:
            pred = pred.reshape((label.shape[0], -1), order='F')
            label = label.astype(np.int32)

        pred = self.bw_func(pred)

        # for weighted case
            val = self.metric_func(label, pred, sample_weight=weights)
        except TypeError:
            val = self.metric_func(label, pred)

        # TODO: what if grouped case

        return 'Opt metric', val, self.greater_is_better
Example #17
    def Dist_Metric(predt: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset):
        """A customized evaluation metric that evaluates the predictions using the negative log-likelihood.

        target = data.get_label()
        is_higher_better = False

        # Using a custom objective function, the custom metric receives raw predictions which need to be transformed
        # with the corresponding response function.
        preds_expectile = predt.reshape(-1,

        loss_expectile = []
        for i in range(len(Expectile.expectiles)):
                                         expectile=preds_expectile[:, i],

        nll = np.nanmean(loss_expectile)

        return "NegLogLikelihood", nll, is_higher_better
Example #18
def rmse(y_pred: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    score = mean_squared_error(data.get_label(), y_pred)**0.5
    return "rmsle", score, False  # name, result, is_higher_better
Example #19
def MacroF1MetricRegression(preds: np.ndarray, dtrain: Dataset):
    labels = dtrain.get_label()
    preds = np.round(np.clip(preds, 0, 10)).astype(np.int16)
    score = f1_score(labels, preds, average='macro')
    return ('MacroF1Metric', score, True)
Example #20
def macro_f1(pred: np.array, data: lgb.Dataset):
    y = data.get_label()
    pred = pred.reshape(-1, len(y)).T  # -> (N, num_class)

    f1 = calc_f1(y, pred)
    return 'macro_f1', f1, True  # True means "higher is better"
Example #21
def my_logistic_obj(predt: np.ndarray,
                    data: lgb.Dataset) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    grad : One-time differentiation
    hess : Two-time differentiation
    w_dict = {
        4.0: 0.7590094259401983,
        12.0: 0.8095400631514924,
        13.0: 0.8225826394000231,
        14.0: 0.8549528042689977,
        30.0: 0.8549528042689977,
        11.0: 0.8790811910945177,
        0.0: 0.8797399286456303,
        6.0: 0.8981458256286846,
        19.0: 0.91289269651962,
        8.0: 0.9193468859159446,
        23.0: 0.9257599332783142,
        9.0: 0.9466869195345441,
        28.0: 0.9616129930949363,
        5.0: 0.9636161932936556,
        22.0: 0.9670600916375024,
        27.0: 0.9896031798239419,
        20.0: 0.998140820116188,
        15.0: 1.0347287996927568,
        10.0: 1.0440428983274967,
        17.0: 1.0568262071050216,
        2.0: 1.060630426576832,
        24.0: 1.0737709894542427,
        7.0: 1.083904634845265,
        21.0: 1.0942847373031122,
        16.0: 1.0961254610380533,
        1.0: 1.098000827862746,
        26.0: 1.1133105616315027,
        3.0: 1.199290359855132,
        25.0: 1.2044053703071544,
        18.0: 1.227637388888927,
        29.0: 1.2703169414985653
    class_num = 31
    data_size = int(len(predt) / class_num)
    y = data.get_label().astype(int)
    idx = np.arange(0, data_size).reshape(-1, 1)

    predt = predt.reshape(class_num, data_size)
    predt = np.transpose(predt)
    predt = softmax(predt)

    dy_dx = predt.copy()
    dy_dx *= -predt[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)]
    dy_dx[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)] += predt[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)]
    df_dy = np.tile(-1 / predt[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)], (1, 31))
    grad = df_dy * dy_dx

    d2y_dx2 = predt.copy()
    d2y_dx2 = d2y_dx2 * (2 * d2y_dx2 - 1)
    d2y_dx2 *= predt[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)]
    d2y_dx2[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)] -= predt[idx, y.reshape(-1, 1)]
    d2f_dxdy = (df_dy**2) * dy_dx
    hess = df_dy * d2y_dx2 + d2f_dxdy * dy_dx

    for key, value in w_dict.items():
        grad[y == key] *= value
        hess[y == key] *= value

    hess = np.transpose(hess).flatten()
    grad = np.transpose(grad).flatten()

    return grad, hess
def f_relative_error(y_true: np.ndarray, dtrain: lgb.Dataset):
    y_hat = dtrain.get_label()
    return ('RelativeError', np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_hat) / y_true)), False)
Example #23
def lgb_rmsle_score(preds: np.ndarray, dval: lgb.Dataset):
    label = dval.get_label()
    y_true = np.exp(label)
    y_pred = np.exp(preds)

    return 'rmsle', np.sqrt(mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred)), False
Example #24
    def train(params: Dict[str, Any],
              dtrain: lgb.Dataset,
              num_boost_round: int = 100,
              valid_sets: Optional[List[lgb.Dataset]] = None,
              valid_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
              init_model: Optional[Union[str, Path, lgb.Booster]] = None,
              feature_name: Union[List[str], str] = 'auto',
              categorical_feature: Union[List[str], List[int], str] = 'auto',
              keep_training_booster: bool = False,
              callbacks: Optional[List[Callable]] = None) -> lgb.Booster:
        """Train a LightGBMLSS model with given parameters.

        params : dict
            Parameters for training.
        dtrain : Dataset
            Data to be trained on.
        dist: lightgbmlss.distributions class.
            Specifies distributional assumption.
        num_boost_round : int, optional (default=100)
            Number of boosting iterations.
        valid_sets : list of Dataset, or None, optional (default=None)
            List of data to be evaluated on during training.
        valid_names : list of str, or None, optional (default=None)
            Names of ``valid_sets``.
        init_model : str, pathlib.Path, Booster or None, optional (default=None)
            Filename of LightGBM model or Booster instance used for continue training.
        feature_name : list of str, or 'auto', optional (default="auto")
            Feature names.
            If 'auto' and data is pandas DataFrame, data columns names are used.
        categorical_feature : list of str or int, or 'auto', optional (default="auto")
            Categorical features.
            If list of int, interpreted as indices.
            If list of str, interpreted as feature names (need to specify ``feature_name`` as well).
            If 'auto' and data is pandas DataFrame, pandas unordered categorical columns are used.
            All values in categorical features should be less than int32 max value (2147483647).
            Large values could be memory consuming. Consider using consecutive integers starting from zero.
            All negative values in categorical features will be treated as missing values.
            The output cannot be monotonically constrained with respect to a categorical feature.
        keep_training_booster : bool, optional (default=False)
            Whether the returned Booster will be used to keep training.
            If False, the returned value will be converted into _InnerPredictor before returning.
            This means you won't be able to use ``eval``, ``eval_train`` or ``eval_valid`` methods of the returned Booster.
            When your model is very large and cause the memory error,
            you can try to set this param to ``True`` to avoid the model conversion performed during the internal call of ``model_to_string``.
            You can still use _InnerPredictor as ``init_model`` for future continue training.
        callbacks : list of callable, or None, optional (default=None)
            List of callback functions that are applied at each iteration.
            See Callbacks in Python API for more information.

        booster : Booster
            The trained Booster model.

        params_adj = {
            "num_class": dist.n_dist_param(),
            "metric": "None",
            "objective": "None",
            "random_seed": 123,
            "verbose": -1


        # Set init_score as starting point for each distributional parameter.
        dist.start_values = dist.initialize(dtrain.get_label())
        init_score = (np.ones(shape=(dtrain.get_label().shape[0],
                                     1))) * dist.start_values

        bstLSS_train = lgb.train(params,
        return bstLSS_train
Example #25
def rmsle(y_pred: np.ndarray, data: lgb.Dataset) -> Tuple[str, float, bool]:
    y_pred = np.expm1(y_pred)
    y_true = np.expm1(data.get_label())
    score = mean_squared_log_error(y_true, y_pred)**0.5
    return "rmsle", score, False  # name, result, is_higher_better