Example #1
        def __init__(self, path, flags, *mode):
            log("open", path, hex(flags))
            self.direct_io = False
            self.keep_cache = False
            lindfd = lind.open_syscall(path, flags, lind.S_IRWXA)

            self.fd = lindfd
Example #2
def ls_cmd(dir_list):

	# we want to print the dirname if we are ls'ing multiple dirs
	print_dir = 0
	if len(dir_list) > 1:
		print_dir = 1
	for dir in dir_list:
			lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(dir, lind_test_server.O_RDONLY, lind_test_server.S_IRWXU) #first open the file
		except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
			print "Could not open the local file. Error: %s" % e
			return -1
		getdents_size = 20 #the number of nodes to check per getdents
		ls_list = [] #the list that will hold all the subfiles
		prev_ls_list_count = -1#keeps track of the list count during the previous iteration
		#while there are still files to look at, add them to the list. Once the list size is the same for 2 iterations in a row, we know there is nothing left to look at!
		while not len(ls_list) == prev_ls_list_count:
				prev_ls_list_count = len(ls_list)#update the count
				ls_list.extend(lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(lindfd, getdents_size))#add the current group of <getdents_size> files to the list of all files
			except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
				print "getdents failed. Error: %s" % e
Example #3
def cpout_cmd(source, dest):
        lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(source, lind_test_server.O_RDWR, 0)
    except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
        print "Couldnt open local file. Error: %s" %e
        return -1
Example #4
        def __init__(self, path, flags, *mode):
            log("open", path, hex(flags))
            self.direct_io = False
            self.keep_cache = False
            lindfd = lind.open_syscall(path, flags, lind.S_IRWXA)

            self.fd = lindfd
Example #5
    def readdir(self, path, offset):
        log("readdir", path, offset)
        lindfd = lind.open_syscall(path, lind.O_RDONLY, lind.S_IRWXU)
        dents = map(lambda x: x[1], lind.getdents_syscall(lindfd, 999))

        assert len(dents) < 998, "Readdir max was hit..."
        for e in dents:
            yield fuse.Direntry(e)
Example #6
    def readdir(self, path, offset):
        log("readdir", path, offset)
        lindfd = lind.open_syscall(path, lind.O_RDONLY, lind.S_IRWXU)
        dents = map(lambda x: x[1], lind.getdents_syscall(lindfd, 999))

        assert len(dents) < 998, "Readdir max was hit..."
        for e in dents:
            yield fuse.Direntry(e)
Example #7
def md5_cmd(input_list):
	"""print the md5 digest of all the files"""
	for filename in input_list:
		m = hashlib.md5()
		lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall( filename, lind_test_server.O_CREAT | lind_test_server.O_RDWR, 0)
			while True:
				s = lind_test_server.read_syscall(lindfd, BLOCK_SIZE)
				if len(s) == 0:
			print m.hexdigest() + "  " + filename
		except lind_test_server.SyscallError as e:
			print "Could not read file %(f)s. Error: %(err)s" % {'f': filename, 'err': e}
Example #8
def cat_cmd(input_list):
	"""print the contents of all the files"""
	for filename in input_list:
		if len(input_list) > 1:
			print filename + ":"
		lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall( filename, lind_test_server.O_CREAT | lind_test_server.O_RDWR, 0)
			while True:
				s = lind_test_server.read_syscall(lindfd, BLOCK_SIZE)
				print s
				if len(s) == 0:
		except lind_test_server.SyscallError as e:
			print "Could not read file %(f)s. Error: %(err)s" % {'f': filename, 'err': e}
def _find_all_paths_recursively(startingpath):
  # helper for list_all_lind_paths.   It recursively looks at all child dirs
  knownitems = []

  # I need to open the dir to use getdents...
  dirfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(startingpath,0,0)

  # build a list of all dents.   These have an odd format:
  #  [(inode, filename, d_type (DT_DIR, DR_REG, etc.), length of entry), ...]
  # We only care about the filename and d_type.
  mydentslist = []

  # Note: the length parameter is odd, it's related to data structure space, so
  # it doesn't map to python cleanly.   So long as it's > the largest possible
  # entry size, this code should work though.
  thesedents = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(dirfd,10000)
  while thesedents:
    mydentslist += thesedents
    thesedents = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(dirfd,10000)


  # to make the output correct, if the dir is '/', don't print it.
  if startingpath == '/':
    startingpath = ''

  for dent in mydentslist:
    # ignore '.' and '..' because they aren't interesting and we don't want
    # to loop forever.
    if dent[1]=='.' or dent[1]=='..':
    thisitem = (dent[0], startingpath+'/'+dent[1])

    # add it...
    print thisitem

    # if it's a directory, recurse...
    if dent[2]==DT_DIR:
      knownitems = knownitems + _find_all_paths_recursively(thisitem[1])

  return knownitems
def deltree_lind(dirname):
  # took part of the code from _find_all_paths_recursively method below.
  # It recursively looks at all child dirs

  # I need to open the dir to use getdents...
  dirfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(dirname,0,0)

  # build a list of all dents.   These have an odd format:
  #  [(inode, filename, d_type (DT_DIR, DR_REG, etc.), length of entry), ...]
  # We only care about the filename and d_type.
  mydentslist = []

  # Note: the length parameter is odd, it's related to data structure space, so
  # it doesn't map to python cleanly.   So long as it's > the largest possible
  # entry size, this code should work though.
  thesedents = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(dirfd,10000)
  while thesedents:
    mydentslist += thesedents
    thesedents = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(dirfd,10000)


  for dent in mydentslist:
    # ignore '.' and '..' because they aren't interesting and we don't want
    # to loop forever.
    if dent[1]=='.' or dent[1]=='..':
    thisitem = (dent[0], dirname+'/'+dent[1])
    print "deleting",thisitem[1]

    # if it's a directory, recurse...
    if dent[2]==DT_DIR:

Example #11
from lind_fs_constants import *
import lind_test_server


myfd = lind_test_server.creat_syscall('/hello', S_IRWXA)


# Read only file descriptor opened
rdfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/hello', O_RDONLY, S_IRWXA)

  # File written
  lind_test_server.write_syscall(rdfd, 'Hello everyone!')
except lind_test_server.SyscallError:
  # should be an error 
  print "Error!   Should have been blocked from writing with O_RDONLY"

lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(rdfd, 0, SEEK_SET)

# should work...
lind_test_server.read_syscall(rdfd, 100)


# Alternately
Example #12
      if not createmissingdirs:
        raise IOError("LIND FS path does not exist but should not be created: '" + currentdir + "'")

      # otherwise, make it ...  
      lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(currentdir, S_IRWXA)
      # and copy over the perms, etc.
      _mirror_stat_data(os.path.join(rootpath, currentdir), currentdir)

  # Okay, I have made the path now.   Only one thing remains, adding the file
  posixfo = open(posixfn)
  filecontents = posixfo.read()

  # make the new file, truncating any existing contents...
  lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(normalizedlindfn, 

  # should write all at once...
  datalen = lind_test_server.write_syscall(lindfd, filecontents)
  assert(datalen == len(filecontents))


   # fix stat, etc.
  _mirror_stat_data(posixfn, normalizedlindfn)

def _cp_dir_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath='.', createmissingdirs=True):
  # check for the file.
  posixfn = os.path.join(rootpath, fullfilename)
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Let's add a few files, etc. to the system and see if it works...

myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo',O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,S_IRWXA)

# write should succeed
assert(lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd,'hi') == 2)

stat_result = lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo')

# ensure the file has size 2
assert(stat_result[7] == 2)

# ensure the link count is 1
assert(stat_result[3] == 1)

# create a file with no perms...

stat_result = lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo')
stat_result2 = lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo2')

# ensure they are the same now...
assert(stat_result2 == stat_result)

# and that the link count is 2
Example #14
File: ut_lind_fs_mknod.py

Unit test for mknod_syscall(), which is used to create special files.

import lind_test_server
from lind_fs_constants import *


# let's create /dev/null...
lind_test_server.mknod_syscall('/null', S_IFCHR, (1, 3))
fd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/null', O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRWXA)

assert lind_test_server.fstat_syscall(fd)[2] & S_FILETYPEFLAGS == S_IFCHR,\
  "File should be a Character file."
assert lind_test_server.fstat_syscall(fd)[6] == (1, 3),\
  "File is not /dev/null."
assert lind_test_server.write_syscall(fd, "test") == 4,\
  "Write failed to /dev/null file."
assert lind_test_server.read_syscall(fd, 10) == '',\
  "Read failed from /dev/null file."


# let's create /dev/random...
lind_test_server.mknod_syscall('/random', S_IFCHR, (1, 8))
fd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/random', O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRWXA)
Example #15
                raise IOError(
                    "LIND FS path does not exist but should not be created: '"
                    + currentdir + "'")

            # otherwise, make it ...
            lind_test_server.mkdir_syscall(currentdir, S_IRWXA)
            # and copy over the perms, etc.
            _mirror_stat_data(os.path.join(rootpath, currentdir), currentdir)

    # Okay, I have made the path now.   Only one thing remains, adding the file
    posixfo = open(posixfn)
    filecontents = posixfo.read()

    # make the new file, truncating any existing contents...
    lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(
        normalizedlindfn, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, S_IRWXA)

    # should write all at once...
    datalen = lind_test_server.write_syscall(lindfd, filecontents)
    assert (datalen == len(filecontents))


    # fix stat, etc.
    _mirror_stat_data(posixfn, normalizedlindfn)

def _cp_dir_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath='.', createmissingdirs=True):

    # check for the file.
    posixfn = os.path.join(rootpath, fullfilename)
Example #16
# copy a file into the lind fs
def copy_file(source, path, new_name):
    # try to open the native file, if unsuccessful print an error and return
        filedata = open(source, 'r')
    except IOError, e:
        print "Could not open the file. Error: %s" % e
        return -1
    # try to open/create the native file. if unsucessful, error and return
        mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(source).st_mode)
        #print "in copy " + source+ "..." + str(mode) + "..." + str(stat.S_IRWXU)
        lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(path + "/" + new_name, lind_test_server.O_CREAT | lind_test_server.O_RDWR, mode)
    except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
        print "Could not open the local file. Error: %s" % e
        return -1
    # try to write the file content to the newly file
        lind_test_server.write_syscall(lindfd, filedata.read())
    except lind_test_server.SyscallError, e:
        print "Could not write file. Error: %s" % e
        return -1

of a client. 
import lind_test_server
import emultimer
import emulmisc

from lind_net_constants import *
from lind_fs_constants import *

SyscallError = lind_test_server.SyscallError

#Try read/write of a file and see if it works.

#Create a file, to read/write using select.
filefd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo.txt', O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, S_IRWXA)

#Create 3 socket, one for server and two client sockets.
serversockfd = lind_test_server.socket_syscall(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
clientsockfd = lind_test_server.socket_syscall(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
client2sockfd = lind_test_server.socket_syscall(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)

#Bind and listen the socket to a particular address.
lind_test_server.bind_syscall(serversockfd, '', 50300)
lind_test_server.listen_syscall(serversockfd, 4)

#Register socket that needs to be polled, by default we provide server
#socket and file descriptor, new client sockets will be added/removed
#as and when server requires.
server_poll = {'fd': serversockfd,
                            'events': lind_test_server.POLLIN,
Example #18
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Try to do dup2

flags = O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR
mode = 438   # 0666
name = 'double_open_file'

myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(name, flags, mode)

# duplicate the file descriptor...
myfd2 = lind_test_server.dup2_syscall(myfd,myfd+1)

# this should actually be essentially a no-op.   It closes myfd+1 and sets it
# to be the same as the current fd (which was done by the prior call)
myfd2 = lind_test_server.dup2_syscall(myfd,myfd+1)

# should be at the same place...
assert(lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(myfd,0,SEEK_CUR) == 

# write some data to move the first position

# _still_ should be at the same place...
assert(lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(myfd,0,SEEK_CUR) == 
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Try read / write of a file and see if it works...
myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall("/foo", O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, S_IRWXA)

myfd2 = lind_test_server.open_syscall("/foo", O_RDWR, S_IRWXA)

assert myfd != myfd2

flags = O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR
mode = 438  # 0666
name = "double_open_file"

# print "CM: failing double open here:"
myfd3 = lind_test_server.open_syscall(name, flags, mode)
assert lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd3, "hi") == 2

myfd4 = lind_test_server.open_syscall(name, flags, mode)

# should still work
assert lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd3, "boo") == 3

# reading data should get \0\0boo
assert lind_test_server.read_syscall(myfd4, 10) == "\0\0boo"
Example #20
Test that a file system can be saved then re-opened.  This program
re-opens the filesystem and checks the file is there.

See ut_lind_fs_persistance_setup.py for filesystem init


import lind_test_server
import os
import sys
from lind_fs_constants import *
from ut_lind_fs_persistance_setup import TEST_FILENAME

SyscallError = lind_test_server.SyscallError

if not os.access(DEFAULT_METADATA_FILENAME, os.W_OK):
  print "Must run ut_lind_fs_persistance_setup.py first!!!"


# Everything is okay, so now make a file

    myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(TEST_FILENAME, \
                                     O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, S_IRWXA)
except SyscallError:
    assert False, "This file should exist!"
Example #21
import lind_test_server
from emultimer import sleep
from lind_net_constants import *
from lind_fs_constants import *


SyscallError = lind_test_server.SyscallError

#create a file and socket descriptor...
sockfd = lind_test_server.socket_syscall(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
filefd = lind_test_server.open_syscall("/tmp", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXA)

#Set FD_CLOEXEC flag...
assert lind_test_server.fcntl_syscall(sockfd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) == 0,\
  "F_SETFD failed..."

#Checking if the FD_CLOEXEC is set or not...
assert lind_test_server.fcntl_syscall(sockfd, F_GETFD) == 1, "F_GETFD failed."

#Reset FD_CLOEXEC flag...
#assert lind_test_server.fcntl_syscall(sockfd, F_SETFD, 0) == 0, "F_SETFD failed."

#Set some extra flags on file descriptor...
assert lind_test_server.fcntl_syscall(filefd, F_SETFL, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK) == 0,\
  "F_SETFL failed."

#check if the flags are updated or not...
assert lind_test_server.fcntl_syscall(filefd, F_GETFL) == 2048, "F_GETFL failed."

import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Try read / write of a file and see if it works...
myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo',O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR,S_IRWXA)

myfd2 = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo',O_RDWR,S_IRWXA)

assert(myfd!= myfd2)

flags = O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR
mode = 438   # 0666
name = 'double_open_file'

#print "CM: failing double open here:"
myfd3 = lind_test_server.open_syscall(name, flags, mode)

myfd4 = lind_test_server.open_syscall(name, flags, mode)

# should still work

# reading data should get \0\0boo

import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Let's add a few files, etc. to the system and see if it works...

myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo', O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,

stat_result = lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo')

# ensure the mode is a regular file with all bits on.
assert (stat_result[2] == S_IRWXA | S_IFREG)

# create a file with no perms...
myfd2 = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo2', O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0)

stat_result2 = lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo2')

# ensure the mode is a regular file with all bits off.
assert (stat_result2[2] == S_IFREG)

stat_result = lind_test_server.stat_syscall('.')
Example #24
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Try to do dup2

flags = O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR
mode = 438  # 0666
name = 'double_open_file'

myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(name, flags, mode)
assert (lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd, 'hi') == 2)

# duplicate the file descriptor...
myfd2 = lind_test_server.dup2_syscall(myfd, myfd + 1)

# this should actually be essentially a no-op.   It closes myfd+1 and sets it
# to be the same as the current fd (which was done by the prior call)
myfd2 = lind_test_server.dup2_syscall(myfd, myfd + 1)

# should be at the same place...
assert (lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(
    myfd, 0, SEEK_CUR) == lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(myfd2, 0, SEEK_CUR))

# write some data to move the first position
assert (lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd, 'yo') == 2)

# _still_ should be at the same place...
assert (lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(
    myfd, 0, SEEK_CUR) == lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(myfd2, 0, SEEK_CUR))
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Try read / write of a file and see if it works...

myfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo', O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR,

# write should succeed
assert (lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd, 'hello there!') == 12)

# seek to the beginning...
assert (lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(myfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0)

# read the first 5 bytes (hello)
assert (lind_test_server.read_syscall(myfd, 5) == 'hello')

# change it to hello world!
assert (lind_test_server.write_syscall(myfd, ' world') == 6)

# seek to the beginning again...
assert (lind_test_server.lseek_syscall(myfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0)

# and read it all...
assert (lind_test_server.read_syscall(myfd, 100) == 'hello world!')

 if host_time<=lind_time:
   print "lind file is newer than host file, skipping"
 if lind_exists and not lind_isfile:
   print fullfilename+" on lind file system is not a regular file, skipping"
 samefile = True
 if host_size == lind_size:
   fd = open(posixfn, "rb")
   host_content = fd.read()
   lindfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall(fullfilename, O_RDONLY, 0)
   lind_content = lind_test_server.read_syscall(lindfd, lind_size)
   samefile = (host_content == lind_content)
   samefile = False
 if not samefile:
   if lind_exists:
     print "removing "+fullfilename
   cp_into_lind(fullfilename, rootpath, True)
   print "same file, skipping"
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *


# Let's add a few directories to the system and see if it works...

# Create a new file...
fd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/bar/bam',O_CREAT,0)

# Read the root directory...
rootfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/',0,0)
val = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(rootfd, 100)
assert (val==[(3, 'bar', DT_DIR, 24), (1, '..', DT_DIR, 24),\
  (1, '.', DT_DIR, 24)]), "Found: %s"%(str(val))

# Read the /bar directory...
barfd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/bar',0,0)

# The buffer size is given small, only few entries are read. 
val = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(barfd, 80)
assert (val == [(6, 'bam', DT_REG, 24), (4, 'baz', DT_DIR, 24),\
  (5, 'bap', DT_DIR, 24)]), "Found: %s"%(str(val))

# Again call on the same FD, should continue parsing the /bar directory.
val = lind_test_server.getdents_syscall(barfd, 80)
Example #28
import lind_test_server

from lind_fs_constants import *

# Let's add a few files, etc. to the system and see if it works...

filefd = lind_test_server.open_syscall('/foo',O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,\

assert lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo')[2] == S_IRWXA | S_IFREG, \
  "Failed to have full access to all users."

lind_test_server.chmod_syscall('/foo', S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP)

assert lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo')[2] == S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IFREG\
  , "Failed to set Read access to user and group."

lind_test_server.chmod_syscall('/foo', S_IRWXA)

assert lind_test_server.stat_syscall('/foo')[2] == S_IRWXA | S_IFREG, \
  "Failed to set back full access to all users."
