Example #1
    def _sort_items(self, model, itera, iterb, data):
        if not self._updating:
            return False

        a_index = model.get_value(itera, 0)
        a = format_artist_name(model.get_value(itera, 1))
        b = format_artist_name(model.get_value(iterb, 1))

        # Do not order static entries
        if a_index < 0:
            return False
            return a.lower() > b.lower()
Example #2
    def _sort_items(self, model, itera, iterb, data):
        if not self._updating:
            return False

        a_index = model.get_value(itera, 0)
        a = format_artist_name(model.get_value(itera, 1))
        b = format_artist_name(model.get_value(iterb, 1))

        # Do not order static entries
        if a_index < 0:
            return False
            return a.lower() > b.lower()
Example #3
 def add_artists(self, artists, album_artists, sortnames):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param album artists as [string]
         @param sortnames as [string]
         @commit needed
         @param return ([artist ids as int], [new artist ids as int])
     new_artist_ids = []
     artist_ids = []
     sortsplit = sortnames.split(';')
     sortlen = len(sortsplit)
     i = 0
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         # Get artist id, add it if missing
         artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
         if i >= sortlen or sortsplit[i] == "":
             sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
             sortname = sortsplit[i]
         if artist_id is None:
             artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist, sortname)
             if artist in album_artists:
             Lp().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
         i += 1
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #4
 def add_album_artists(self, artists, sortnames):
         Add album artist to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param sortnames as [string]
         @param artist ids as int
         @commit needed
     artist_ids = []
     sortsplit = sortnames.split(';')
     sortlen = len(sortsplit)
     i = 0
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         artist = artist.strip()
         if artist != '':
             # Get album artist id, add it if missing
             artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
             if i >= sortlen or sortsplit[i] == "":
                 sortname = None
                 sortname = sortsplit[i].strip()
             if artist_id is None:
                 if sortname is None:
                     sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
                 artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist, sortname)
             elif sortname is not None:
                 Lp().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
             i += 1
     return artist_ids
Example #5
 def add_artists(self, artists, album_artist, sortname):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param album artist as string
         @param sortname as string
         @commit needed
         @param return ([artist ids as int], [new artist ids as int])
     new_artist_ids = []
     # Get all artist ids
     artist_ids = []
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         # Get artist id, add it if missing
         artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
         if artist_id is None:
             if sortname == "":
                 sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
             artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist, sortname)
             if artist == album_artist:
         elif sortname != "":
             Lp().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #6
 def add_album_artists(self, artists, sortnames):
         Add album artist to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param sortnames as [string]
         @param artist ids as int
         @commit needed
     artist_ids = []
     sortsplit = sortnames.split(';')
     sortlen = len(sortsplit)
     i = 0
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         artist = artist.strip()
         if artist != '':
             # Get album artist id, add it if missing
             artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
             if i >= sortlen or sortsplit[i] == "":
                 sortname = None
                 sortname = sortsplit[i].strip()
             if artist_id is None:
                 if sortname is None:
                     sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
                 artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist, sortname)
             elif sortname is not None:
                 Lp().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
             i += 1
     return artist_ids
Example #7
 def add_artists(self, artists, album_artists, sortnames):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param album artists as [string]
         @param sortnames as [string]
         @commit needed
         @param return ([artist ids as int], [new artist ids as int])
     new_artist_ids = []
     artist_ids = []
     sortsplit = sortnames.split(';')
     sortlen = len(sortsplit)
     i = 0
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         artist = artist.strip()
         if artist != '':
             # Get artist id, add it if missing
             artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
             if i >= sortlen or sortsplit[i] == "":
                 sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
                 sortname = sortsplit[i].strip()
             if artist_id is None:
                 artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist, sortname)
                 if artist in album_artists:
                 Lp().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
             i += 1
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #8
    def _sort_items(self, model, itera, iterb, data):
        if not self._updating:
            return False

        a_index = model.get_value(itera, 0)
        b_index = model.get_value(iterb, 0)
        a = format_artist_name(model.get_value(itera, 1))
        b = format_artist_name(model.get_value(iterb, 1))

        # Static vs static
        if a_index < 0 and b_index < 0:
            return a_index < b_index
        # Static entries always on top
        elif b_index < 0:
            return True
        # Static entries always on top
        if a_index < 0:
            return False
        # String comparaison for non static
            return a.lower() > b.lower()
Example #9
 def search(self, string):
         Search for artists looking like string
         @param string
         @return Array of id as int
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("SELECT rowid FROM artists\
                               WHERE name LIKE ?\
                               LIMIT 25", ('%' +
                                           format_artist_name(string) +
         return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Example #10
 def search(self, string, sql=None):
         Search for artists looking like string
         @param string
         @return Array of id as int
     if not sql:
         sql = Lp.sql
     result = sql.execute("SELECT rowid FROM artists\
                           WHERE name LIKE ?\
                           LIMIT 25", ('%' +
                                       format_artist_name(string) +
     return list(itertools.chain(*result))
Example #11
    def _find_tracks(self, cmd_args):
            find tracks
            @syntax find filter value
            @param args as str

        tracks = []
        args = self._get_args(cmd_args)
        # Search for filters
        i = 0
        track_position = None
        artist = artist_id = None
        album = None
        genre = genre_id = None
        date = ''
        while i < len(args) - 1:
            if args[i].lower() == 'album':
                album = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'artist' or\
                    args[i].lower() == 'albumartist':
                artist = format_artist_name(args[i+1])
            elif args[i].lower() == 'genre':
                genre = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'date':
                date = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'track':
                track_position = args[i+1]
            i += 2

            year = int(date)
            year = Type.NONE

        if genre is not None:
            genre_id = Lp().genres.get_id(genre)
        if artist is not None:
            artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)

        # We search for tracks and filter on position
        for track_id in self.server.mpddb.get_tracks_ids(album, artist_id,
                                                         genre_id, year):
            track_id_position = None
            if track_position is not None:
                track_id_position = Lp().tracks.get_position(track_id)
            if track_id_position == track_position:
        return tracks
Example #12
 def add_artists(self, artists, sortnames, mb_artist_id=""):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as str
         @param sortnames as str
         @param mb_artist_id as str
         @return ([int], [int]): (added artist ids, artist ids)
     artist_ids = []
     added_artist_ids = []
     artistsplit = artists.split(";")
     sortsplit = sortnames.split(";")
     sortlen = len(sortsplit)
     mbidsplit = mb_artist_id.split(";")
     mbidlen = len(mbidsplit)
     if len(artistsplit) != mbidlen:
         mbidsplit = []
         mbidlen = 0
     i = 0
     for artist in artistsplit:
         artist = artist.strip()
         if artist != "":
             if i >= mbidlen or mbidsplit[i] == "":
                 mbid = None
                 mbid = mbidsplit[i].strip()
             # Get artist id, add it if missing
             (artist_id, db_name) = App().artists.get_id(artist, mbid)
             if i >= sortlen or sortsplit[i] == "":
                 sortname = None
                 sortname = sortsplit[i].strip()
             if artist_id is None:
                 if sortname is None:
                     sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
                 artist_id = App().artists.add(artist, sortname, mbid)
                 # artists.get_id() is NOCASE, check if we need to update
                 # artist name
                 if db_name != artist:
                     App().artists.set_name(artist_id, artist)
                 if sortname is not None:
                     App().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
                 if mbid is not None:
                     App().artists.set_mb_artist_id(artist_id, mbid)
             i += 1
     return (added_artist_ids, artist_ids)
Example #13
    def _sort_items(self, model, itera, iterb, data):
            Sort model
        if not self._updating:
            return False

        a_index = model.get_value(itera, 0)
        b_index = model.get_value(iterb, 0)
        a = format_artist_name(model.get_value(itera, 1))
        b = format_artist_name(model.get_value(iterb, 1))

        # Static vs static
        if a_index < 0 and b_index < 0:
            return a_index < b_index
        # Static entries always on top
        elif b_index < 0:
            return True
        # Static entries always on top
        if a_index < 0:
            return False
        # String comparaison for non static
            return a.lower() > b.lower()
Example #14
 def add(self, name, sortname):
         Add a new artist to database
         @param artist name as string
         @param sortname as string
         @return inserted rowid as int
         @warning: commit needed
     if sortname == "":
         sortname = format_artist_name(name)
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute("INSERT INTO artists (name, sortname)\
                               VALUES (?, ?)",
                              (name, sortname))
         return result.lastrowid
Example #15
 def add(self, name, sortname):
         Add a new artist to database
         @param artist name as string
         @param sortname as string
         @return inserted rowid as int
         @warning: commit needed
     if sortname == "":
         sortname = format_artist_name(name)
     with SqlCursor(Lp().db) as sql:
         result = sql.execute(
             "INSERT INTO artists (name, sortname)\
                               VALUES (?, ?)", (name, sortname))
         return result.lastrowid
Example #16
 def add_album_artist(self, album_artist):
         Add album artist to db
         @param album_artist as string
         @param return ([album artist ids as int], [new as bool])
         @commit needed
     album_artist_id = None
     new = False
     if album_artist:
         album_artist = format_artist_name(album_artist)
         # Get album artist id, add it if missing
         album_artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(album_artist)
         if album_artist_id is None:
             album_artist_id = Lp().artists.add(album_artist)
             new = True
     return (album_artist_id, new)
Example #17
 def add_album_artist(self, album_artist):
         Add album artist to db
         @param album_artist as string
         @param return ([album artist ids as int], [new as bool])
         @commit needed
     album_artist_id = None
     new = False
     if album_artist:
         # Get album artist id, add it if missing
         album_artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(album_artist)
         if album_artist_id is None:
             album_artist_id = Lp().artists.add(album_artist,
             new = True
     return (album_artist_id, new)
Example #18
 def add_artists(self, artists, sortnames, mb_artist_ids=""):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param sortnames as [string]
         @param mb_artist_ids as [string]
         @return [int]
         @commit needed
     artist_ids = []
     artistsplit = artists.split(";")
     sortsplit = sortnames.split(";")
     sortlen = len(sortsplit)
     mbidsplit = mb_artist_ids.split(";")
     mbidlen = len(mbidsplit)
     if len(artistsplit) != mbidlen:
         mbidsplit = []
         mbidlen = 0
     i = 0
     for artist in artistsplit:
         artist = artist.strip()
         if artist != "":
             if i >= mbidlen or mbidsplit[i] == "":
                 mbid = None
                 mbid = mbidsplit[i].strip()
             # Get artist id, add it if missing
             artist_id = App().artists.get_id(artist, mbid)
             if i >= sortlen or sortsplit[i] == "":
                 sortname = None
                 sortname = sortsplit[i].strip()
             if artist_id is None:
                 if sortname is None:
                     sortname = format_artist_name(artist)
                 artist_id = App().artists.add(artist, sortname, mbid)
                 if sortname is not None:
                     App().artists.set_sortname(artist_id, sortname)
                 if mbid is not None:
                     App().artists.set_mb_artist_id(artist_id, mbid)
             i += 1
     return artist_ids
Example #19
    def _on_scroll(self, adj):
            Show a popover with current letter
            @param adj as Gtk.Adjustement
        # Only show if scrolled window is huge
        if adj.get_upper() < adj.get_page_size() * 3:
        if self._last_motion_event is None:

        if self._timeout is not None:
            self._timeout = None

        dest_row = self._view.get_dest_row_at_pos(self._last_motion_event.x,
        if dest_row is None:

        row = dest_row[0]

        if row is None:

        row_iter = self._model.get_iter(row)
        if row_iter is None or self._model.get_value(row_iter, 0) < 0:

        text = self._model.get_value(row_iter, 1)
        if text:
            if self._is_artists:
                text = format_artist_name(text)
            self._popover.set_text("  %s  " % text[0].upper())
            r = Gdk.Rectangle()
            r.x = self.get_allocated_width()
            r.y = self._last_motion_event.y
            r.width = 1
            r.height = 1
Example #20
    def _on_scroll(self, adj):
            Show a popover with current letter
            @param adj as Gtk.Adjustement
        # Only show if scrolled window is huge
        if adj.get_upper() < adj.get_page_size() * 3:
        if self._last_motion_event is None:

        if self._timeout is not None:
            self._timeout = None

        dest_row = self._view.get_dest_row_at_pos(self._last_motion_event.x,
        if dest_row is None:

        row = dest_row[0]

        if row is None:

        row_iter = self._model.get_iter(row)
        if row_iter is None or self._model.get_value(row_iter, 0) < 0:

        text = self._model.get_value(row_iter, 1)
        if text:
            if self._is_artists:
                text = format_artist_name(text)
            self._popover.set_text("  %s  " % text[0].upper())
            r = Gdk.Rectangle()
            r.x = self.get_allocated_width()
            r.y = self._last_motion_event.y
            r.width = 1
            r.height = 1
Example #21
    def _search(self, cmd_args):
            Send stats about db
            @syntax search what value
            @param args as str
            @return msg as str
        msg = ""
        args = self._get_args(cmd_args)
        # Search for filters
        i = 0
        artist = artist_id = None
        album = None
        genre = genre_id = None
        date = ''
        while i < len(args) - 1:
            if args[i].lower() == 'album':
                album = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'artist' or\
                    args[i].lower() == 'albumartist':
                artist = format_artist_name(args[i+1])
            elif args[i].lower() == 'genre':
                genre = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'date':
                date = args[i+1]
            i += 2

            year = int(date)
            year = Type.NONE

        if genre is not None:
            genre_id = Lp().genres.get_id(genre)
        if artist is not None:
            artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)

        for track_id in self.server.mpddb.get_tracks_ids(album, artist_id,
                                                         genre_id, year):
            msg += self._string_for_track_id(track_id)
        return msg
Example #22
    def _count(self, cmd_args):
            Send lollypop current song
            @syntax count tag
            @param args as str
            @return msg as str
        args = self._get_args(cmd_args)
        # Search for filters
        i = 0
        artist = artist_id = year = album = genre = genre_id = None
        while i < len(args) - 1:
            if args[i].lower() == 'album':
                album = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'artist':
                artist = format_artist_name(args[i+1])
            elif args[i].lower() == 'genre':
                genre = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'date':
                date = args[i+1]
            i += 2

        # Artist have albums with different dates so
        # we do not want None in year
        if artist_id is not None or album is not None:
                year = int(date)
                year = None
            year = Type.NONE

        if genre is not None:
            genre_id = Lp().genres.get_id(genre)
        if artist is not None:
            artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)

        (songs, playtime) = self.server.mpddb.count(album, artist_id,
                                                    genre_id, year)
        msg = "songs: %s\nplaytime: %s\n" % (songs, playtime)
        return msg
Example #23
 def add_album_artists(self, artists):
         Add album artist to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param return ([album artist ids as int], [new as bool])
         @commit needed
     artist_ids = []
     new_artist_ids = []
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         if artist != '':
             # Get album artist id, add it if missing
             artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
             if artist_id is None:
                 album_artist_id = Lp().artists.add(
                     artist, format_artist_name(artist))
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #24
 def add_artists(self, artists, album_artist):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param album artist as string
         @commit needed
         @param return ([artist ids as int], [new artist ids as int])
     new_artist_ids = []
     # Get all artist ids
     artist_ids = []
     for word in artists.split(';'):
         artist = format_artist_name(word)
         # Get artist id, add it if missing
         artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
         if artist_id is None:
             artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist)
             if artist == album_artist:
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #25
 def add_album_artists(self, artists):
         Add album artist to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param return ([album artist ids as int], [new as bool])
         @commit needed
     artist_ids = []
     new_artist_ids = []
     for artist in artists.split(';'):
         if artist != '':
             # Get album artist id, add it if missing
             artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)
             if artist_id is None:
                 album_artist_id = Lp().artists.add(artist,
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #26
 def add_artists(self, artists, album_artist, sql):
         Add artists to db
         @param artists as [string]
         @param album artist as string
         @param sql as sqlite cursor
         @commit needed
         @param return ([artist ids as int], [new artist ids as int])
     new_artist_ids = []
     # Get all artist ids
     artist_ids = []
     for word in artists.split(';'):
         artist = format_artist_name(word)
         # Get artist id, add it if missing
         artist_id = Lp.artists.get_id(artist, sql)
         if artist_id is None:
             Lp.artists.add(artist, sql)
             artist_id = Lp.artists.get_id(artist, sql)
             if artist == album_artist:
     return (artist_ids, new_artist_ids)
Example #27
    def _add2db(self, filepath, mtime, infos, sql):
        self._new_artist = False
        self._new_genre = False
        path = os.path.dirname(filepath)

        tags = infos.get_tags()

        (exist, title) = tags.get_string_index('title', 0)
        if not exist:
            title = os.path.basename(filepath)

        (exist, artists) = tags.get_string_index('artist', 0)
        if not exist:
            artists = _("Unknown")

        artists = ""
        size = tags.get_tag_size('artist')
        if size == 0:
            artists = _("Unknown")
            for i in range(0, size):
                (exist, artist) = tags.get_string_index('artist', i)
                artists += artist
                if i < size-1:
                    artists += ";"

        (exist, aartist) = tags.get_string_index('album-artist', 0)
        if not exist:
            aartist = None

        (exist, album) = tags.get_string_index('album', 0)
        if not exist:
            album = _("Unknown")

        genres = ""
        size = tags.get_tag_size('genre')
        if size == 0:
            genres = _("Unknown")
            for i in range(0, size):
                (exist, genre) = tags.get_string_index('genre', i)
                genres += genre
                if i < size-1:
                    genres += ";"

        (exist, discnumber) = tags.get_uint_index('disc-number', 0)
        if not exist:
            discnumber = 0

        (exist, tracknumber) = tags.get_uint_index('track-number', 0)
        if not exist:
            tracknumber = 0

        (exist, datetime) = tags.get_date_time('datetime')
        if exist:
            year = datetime.get_year()
            year = None

        length = infos.get_duration()/1000000000

        # Get all artist ids
        artist_ids = []
        for word in artists.split(';'):
            artist = format_artist_name(word)
            # Get artist id, add it if missing
            artist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(artist, sql)
            if artist_id is None:
                Objects.artists.add(artist, sql)
                artist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(artist, sql)
                if artist == aartist:
                    self._new_artist = True

        if aartist:
            aartist = format_artist_name(aartist)
            # Get aartist id, add it if missing
            aartist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(aartist, sql)
            if aartist_id is None:
                Objects.artists.add(aartist, sql)
                aartist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(aartist, sql)
                self._new_artist = True
            aartist_id = Navigation.COMPILATIONS

        # Get all genre ids
        genre_ids = []
        for genre in genres.split(';'):
            # Get genre id, add genre if missing
            genre_id = Objects.genres.get_id(genre, sql)
            if genre_id is None:
                Objects.genres.add(genre, sql)
                genre_id = Objects.genres.get_id(genre, sql)
                self._new_genre = True

        album_id = Objects.albums.get_id(album, aartist_id, sql)
        if album_id is None:
            Objects.albums.add(album, aartist_id,
                               path, 0, sql)
            album_id = Objects.albums.get_id(album, aartist_id, sql)

        for genre_id in genre_ids:
            Objects.albums.add_genre(album_id, genre_id, sql)

        # Now we have our album id, check if path doesn't change
        if Objects.albums.get_path(album_id, sql) != path:
            Objects.albums.set_path(album_id, path, sql)

        # Add track to db
        Objects.tracks.add(title, filepath, length,
                           tracknumber, discnumber,
                           album_id, year, mtime, sql)

        # Update year for album
        year = Objects.albums.get_year_from_tracks(album_id, sql)
        Objects.albums.set_year(album_id, year, sql)

        # Set artists/genres for track
        track_id = Objects.tracks.get_id_by_path(filepath, sql)
        for artist_id in artist_ids:
            Objects.tracks.add_artist(track_id, artist_id, sql)
        for genre_id in genre_ids:
            Objects.tracks.add_genre(track_id, genre_id, sql)
        if self._new_genre or self._new_artist:
            if self._new_genre:
                GLib.idle_add(self.emit, "genre-update", genre_id)
            if self._new_artist:
                GLib.idle_add(self.emit, "artist-update", aartist_id, album_id)
        return track_id
Example #28
	def _add2db(self, filepath, mtime, tag, sql):
		compilation = False
		path = os.path.dirname(filepath)
		keys = tag.keys()
		if "title" in keys:
			title = tag["title"][0]
			title = os.path.basename(filepath)

		if "artist" in keys:
			artist = format_artist_name(tag["artist"][0])
			artist = "Unknown"

		if "performer" in keys:
			performer = format_artist_name(tag["performer"][0])	
			performer = None

		if "album" in keys:
			album = tag["album"][0]
			album = "Unknown"

		if "genre" in keys:
			genre = tag["genre"][0]
			genre = "Unknown"

		length = int(tag.info.length)

		if "discnumber" in keys:
			string = tag["discnumber"][0]
			if "/" in string:
				index = string.find("/")
				discnumber = int(string[0:index])
					discnumber = int(string)
					discnumber = 0
			discnumber = 0
		if "tracknumber" in keys:
			string = tag["tracknumber"][0]
			if "/" in string:
				index = string.find("/")
				tracknumber = int(string[0:index])
					tracknumber = int(string)
					tracknumber = 0
			tracknumber = 0
		if "date" in keys:
				string = tag["date"][0]
				if "-" in string:
					index = string.find("-")
					year = int(string[0:index])
					year = int(string)
				year = 0
			year = 0

		# Get artist id, add it if missing
		artist_id = Objects["artists"].get_id(artist, sql)
		if artist_id == COMPILATIONS:
			Objects["artists"].add(artist, sql)
			artist_id = Objects["artists"].get_id(artist, sql)
		if performer:
			# Get performer id, add it if missing
			performer_id = Objects["artists"].get_id(performer, sql)
			if performer_id == COMPILATIONS:
				Objects["artists"].add(performer, sql)
				performer_id = Objects["artists"].get_id(performer, sql)
			performer_id = COMPILATIONS

		# Get genre id, add genre if missing
		genre_id = Objects["genres"].get_id(genre, sql)
		if genre_id == -1:
			Objects["genres"].add(genre, sql)
			genre_id = Objects["genres"].get_id(genre, sql)

		# Here we search an existing album for this track
		# Get albums with this name from this artist/performer
		if performer_id != COMPILATIONS:
			album_id = Objects["albums"].get_id(album, performer_id, genre_id, sql)
			album_id = Objects["albums"].get_id(album, artist_id, genre_id, sql)

		# Track can go in a compilation
		if performer_id == COMPILATIONS and album_id == -1:
			# Look if we find a compilation for this name:
			album_id = Objects["albums"].get_id(album, COMPILATIONS, genre_id, sql)
			if album_id == -1:
				# Search for others album with same name
				for album_id_ in Objects["albums"].get_id(album, None, genre_id, sql): 
					# there is no performer tag, so use it
					if len(Objects["albums"].get_performers_id(album_id_, sql)) == 0:
						album_id = album_id_
						# We need to check if it's an album without performers or 
						# a compilation ie different artists without performers
						for track_id_ in Objects["albums"].get_tracks(album_id, sql):
							artist_id_ = Objects["tracks"].get_artist_id(track_id_, sql)
							if artist_id_ != artist_id:
								# Mark it as a compilation
								Objects["albums"].set_artist_id(album_id, COMPILATIONS, sql)

		popularity = 0
		if path in self._popularities:
			popularity = self._popularities[path]
		# Get a new album if none found
		if album_id == -1:
			if performer_id != COMPILATIONS:
				Objects["albums"].add(album, performer_id, genre_id, year, path, popularity, sql)
				album_id = Objects["albums"].get_id(album, performer_id, genre_id, sql)
				Objects["albums"].add(album, artist_id, genre_id, year, path, popularity, sql)
				album_id = Objects["albums"].get_id(album, artist_id, genre_id, sql)

		# Now we have our album id, check if path doesn't change
		if Objects["albums"].get_path(album_id, sql) != path:
			Objects["albums"].set_path(album_id, path, sql)

		# Add track to db
		Objects["tracks"].add(title, filepath, length, tracknumber, discnumber, artist_id, performer_id, album_id, mtime, sql)
Example #29
    def _add2db(self, filepath, mtime, infos, outside, sql):
        self._new_artists = []
        self._new_genres = []
        path = os.path.dirname(filepath)

        tags = infos.get_tags()

        (exist, title) = tags.get_string_index('title', 0)
        if not exist:
            title = os.path.basename(filepath)

        (exist, artists) = tags.get_string_index('artist', 0)
        if not exist:
            artists = _("Unknown")

        artists = ""
        size = tags.get_tag_size('artist')
        if size == 0:
            artists = _("Unknown")
            for i in range(0, size):
                (exist, artist) = tags.get_string_index('artist', i)
                artists += artist
                if i < size-1:
                    artists += ";"

        (exist, aartist) = tags.get_string_index('album-artist', 0)
        if not exist:
            aartist = None

        (exist, album) = tags.get_string_index('album', 0)
        if not exist:
            album = _("Unknown")

        genres = ""
        size = tags.get_tag_size('genre')
        if size == 0:
            genres = _("Unknown")
            for i in range(0, size):
                (exist, genre) = tags.get_string_index('genre', i)
                genres += genre
                if i < size-1:
                    genres += ";"

        (exist, discnumber) = tags.get_uint_index('album-disc-number', 0)
        if not exist:
            discnumber = 0

        (exist, tracknumber) = tags.get_uint_index('track-number', 0)
        if not exist:
            tracknumber = 0

        (exist, datetime) = tags.get_date_time('datetime')
        if exist:
            year = datetime.get_year()
            year = None

        length = infos.get_duration()/1000000000

        # Get all artist ids
        artist_ids = []
        for word in artists.split(';'):
            artist = format_artist_name(word)
            # Get artist id, add it if missing
            artist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(artist, sql)
            if artist_id is None:
                Objects.artists.add(artist, outside, sql)
                artist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(artist, sql)
                if artist == aartist:

        if aartist:
            aartist = format_artist_name(aartist)
            # Get aartist id, add it if missing
            aartist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(aartist, sql)
            if aartist_id is None:
                Objects.artists.add(aartist, outside, sql)
                aartist_id = Objects.artists.get_id(aartist, sql)
            aartist_id = Navigation.COMPILATIONS

        # Get all genre ids
        genre_ids = []
        for genre in genres.split(';'):
            # Get genre id, add genre if missing
            genre_id = Objects.genres.get_id(genre, sql)
            if genre_id is None:
                Objects.genres.add(genre, outside, sql)
                genre_id = Objects.genres.get_id(genre, sql)

        album_id = Objects.albums.get_id(album, aartist_id, sql)
        if album_id is None:
            # If db was empty on scan,
            # use file modification time to get recents
            if self._is_empty:
                mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(filepath))
            # Use current time
                mtime = int(time())
            Objects.albums.add(album, aartist_id,
                               path, 0, outside, mtime, sql)
            album_id = Objects.albums.get_id(album, aartist_id, sql)

        for genre_id in genre_ids:
            Objects.albums.add_genre(album_id, genre_id, outside, sql)

        # Now we have our album id, check if path doesn't change
        if Objects.albums.get_path(album_id, sql) != path and not outside:
            Objects.albums.set_path(album_id, path, sql)

        # Add track to db
        Objects.tracks.add(title, filepath, length,
                           tracknumber, discnumber,
                           album_id, year, mtime, outside, sql)

        # Update year for album
        year = Objects.albums.get_year_from_tracks(album_id, sql)
        Objects.albums.set_year(album_id, year, sql)

        # Set artists/genres for track
        track_id = Objects.tracks.get_id_by_path(filepath, sql)
        for artist_id in artist_ids:
            Objects.tracks.add_artist(track_id, artist_id, outside, sql)
        for genre_id in genre_ids:
            Objects.tracks.add_genre(track_id, genre_id, outside, sql)
        # Notify about new artists/genres
        if self._new_genres or self._new_artists:
            for genre_id in self._new_genres:
                GLib.idle_add(self.emit, "genre-update", genre_id)
            for artist_id in self._new_artists:
                GLib.idle_add(self.emit, "artist-update", artist_id, album_id)
        return track_id
Example #30
    def _list(self, cmd_args):
            List objects
            @syntax list what [filter value...] or list album artist_name
            @param args as str
            @return msg as str
        msg = ""
        args = self._get_args(cmd_args)
        # Search for filters
        if len(args) == 2:
            i = 0
            i = 1
        artist = artist_id = None
        album = None
        genre = genre_id = None
        date = ''
        while i < len(args) - 1:
            print(args[i], i)
            if args[i].lower() == 'album':
                if i % 2:
                    album = args[i+1]
                    artist = format_artist_name(args[i+1])
            elif args[i].lower() == 'artist' or\
                    args[i].lower() == 'albumartist':
                artist = format_artist_name(args[i+1])
            elif args[i].lower() == 'genre':
                genre = args[i+1]
            elif args[i].lower() == 'date':
                date = args[i+1]
            i += 2

            year = int(date)
            year = Type.NONE

        if genre is not None:
            genre_id = Lp().genres.get_id(genre)
        if artist is not None:
            artist_id = Lp().artists.get_id(artist)

        if args[0].lower() == 'file':
            for path in self.server.mpddb.get_tracks_paths(album, artist_id,
                                                           genre_id, year):
                msg += "File: "+path+"\n"
        if args[0].lower() == 'album':
            for album in self.server.mpddb.get_albums_names(artist_id,
                                                            genre_id, year):
                msg += "Album: "+album+"\n"
        elif args[0].lower() == 'artist':
            for artist in self.server.mpddb.get_artists_names(genre_id):
                msg += "Artist: "+translate_artist_name(artist)+"\n"
        elif args[0].lower() == 'genre':
            results = Lp().genres.get_names()
            for name in results:
                msg += "Genre: "+name+"\n"
        elif args[0].lower() == 'date':
            for year in self.server.mpddb.get_albums_years(album, artist_id,
                msg += "Date: "+str(year)+"\n"
        return msg