Example #1
    def setUp(self):

        print "qa_crc_calculator_vbvb START"
        self.tb = gr.top_block()

        # Read in binary Matlab data from viterbi decoder output.
        vit = scipy.io.loadmat('/home/demel/exchange/matlab_vit.mat')
        mat_u = range(40)
        mat_u = tuple(vit['vit'].flatten())
        mat_vit = range(40)
        for i in mat_vit:
            mat_vit[i] = int(mat_u[i])
        mat_vit = tuple(mat_vit)
        self.in_data = mat_vit
        intu = mat_vit
        self.src = gr.vector_source_b(intu, False, 40)
        #self.conv = gr.float_to_char(24,1)
        print type(intu[8])
        print type(intu)
        print intu

        crc_poly = (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
        init_state = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        final_xor1 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        final_xor2 = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        final_xor4 = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
        block_len = 24

        self.crc = lte_swig.crc_calculator_vbvb(
        )  #crc_poly,init_state,final_xor1,block_len)

        self.snk = gr.vector_sink_b(24)
        self.snk2 = gr.vector_sink_b(1)
        self.tb.connect(self.src, (self.crc, 0), self.snk)
        self.tb.connect((self.crc, 1), self.snk2)
 def setUp (self):
     print "qa_crc_calculator_vbvb START"
     self.tb = gr.top_block ()
     # Read in binary Matlab data from viterbi decoder output.
     for i in mat_vit:
     self.src = gr.vector_source_b( intu, False, 40)
     #self.conv = gr.float_to_char(24,1)
     print type(intu[8])
     print type(intu)
     print intu
     crc_poly   = (1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
     init_state = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
     final_xor1 = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
     final_xor2 = (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
     final_xor4 = (0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1)
     block_len = 24
     self.crc = lte_swig.crc_calculator_vbvb()#crc_poly,init_state,final_xor1,block_len)
     self.snk = gr.vector_sink_b(24)
     self.snk2= gr.vector_sink_b(1)
Example #3
    def setUp (self):
        #print os.getpid()
        #raw_input("Press the ANY key to continue")
        setuptime = time.clock()
        self.tb = gr.top_block ()
        print "\nqa_multi_block_test START"

        offset =  1133
        fftl = 512
        cell_id = 124
        N_rb_dl = 6
        I = 768
        D = 1000

        # This first part is for syncing!
        #self.src  = gr.vector_source_c(intu,False,1)
        infile1 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:48:19.dat' # successful!
        infile2 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:48:07.dat' # failed!
        infile3 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:46:30.dat' # successful!
        infile4 = '/home/johannes/lte/data/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:47:32.dat' # successful!
        infile5 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:49:57.dat' # successful!
        samps = (fftl*7*2*10+10*fftl)*300 +offset
        input_file = infile3
        print input_file
        self.src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex,input_file, False)
        self.resample = blks2.rational_resampler_ccc(I, D)
        self.head1 = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, samps)
        #self.tag  = lte_swig.tag_symbol_cc(offset,fftl)
        self.sync = lte_swig.cp_time_freq_sync_cc(fftl)
        self.pss = lte.hier_pss_sync_cc(fftl)
        self.est = lte.hier_freq_estimate_cc(fftl)
        # This is the actual place to initialize self.sss
        # Nevertheless it it the last block to be initialized because it needs pointers to some others.
        # self.sss = lte.hier_sss_sync_cc(fftl)
        #This part does still process all data (more ore less)
        self.rcp  = lte_swig.remove_cp_cvc(fftl)        
        self.fft  = gr.fft_vcc(fftl,True,window.rectangular(fftl),False,1)
        self.ext  = lte_swig.extract_occupied_tones_vcvc(N_rb_dl,fftl)
        self.eq   = lte.linear_OFDM_estimator_hier_vcvc(N_rb_dl)#cell_id,
        #self.sh1  = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*12*N_rb_dl,7)
        #self.sh2  = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*12*N_rb_dl,7)
        #self.sh3  = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*12*N_rb_dl,7)
        # After the next block only the PBCH is processed!
        self.demux= lte_swig.pbch_demux_vcvc(N_rb_dl)#cell_id,
        self.pd1  = lte_swig.pre_decoder_vcvc(1,'tx_diversity')
        self.pd2  = lte_swig.pre_decoder_vcvc(2,'tx_diversity')
        self.ldm1 = lte_swig.layer_demapper_vcvc(1,'tx_diversity')
        self.ldm2 = lte_swig.layer_demapper_vcvc(2,'tx_diversity')
        self.int  = gr.interleave(240*8)
        self.dmd  = lte_swig.qpsk_soft_demod_vcvf()
       	self.ld   = lte_swig.descrambling_vfvf()
        self.lru  = lte_swig.rate_unmatch_vff()

        # After Viterbi decoding, only bits are processed!
        self.vit  = lte.viterbi_vfvb()
        self.crc  = lte_swig.crc_calculator_vbvb()
        self.mib  = lte_swig.mib_unpack_vb()
        # This last block is just a daemon to propagate the calculated cell id
        self.daemon = lte.cell_id_daemon(self.eq.get_eq(),self.demux, self.ld)
        self.sss = lte.hier_sss_sync_cc(self.daemon, fftl)
        # declaration of additional sink blocks for tests
        #self.snk1 = gr.vector_sink_f(120)
        #self.snk2 = gr.vector_sink_b(40)
        # Connect all blocks together!
        self.tb.connect( (self.eq,0), (self.demux,0) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.eq,1), (self.demux,1) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.eq,2), (self.demux,2) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.demux,0) ,(self.pd1,0) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.demux,1) ,(self.pd1,1) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.demux,0) ,(self.pd2,0) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.demux,1) ,(self.pd2,1) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.demux,2) ,(self.pd2,2) )
        self.tb.connect(self.pd1,self.ldm1,(self.int,0) )
        self.tb.connect(self.pd2,self.ldm2,(self.int,1) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.crc,0),(self.mib,0) )
        self.tb.connect( (self.crc,1),(self.mib,1) )
        # additional sink blocks for testing
        print "\n\nsetuptime = " + str(time.clock() - setuptime) + "\n\n"
Example #4
    def setUp(self):

        #print os.getpid()
        #raw_input("Press the ANY key to continue")
        setuptime = time.clock()

        self.tb = gr.top_block()

        print "\nqa_multi_block_test START"

        offset = 1133
        fftl = 512
        cell_id = 124
        N_rb_dl = 6
        I = 768
        D = 1000

        # This first part is for syncing!
        #self.src  = gr.vector_source_c(intu,False,1)

        infile1 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:48:19.dat'  # successful!
        infile2 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:48:07.dat'  # failed!
        infile3 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:46:30.dat'  # successful!
        infile4 = '/home/johannes/lte/data/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:47:32.dat'  # successful!
        infile5 = '/home/demel/Dokumente/Messungen/Messung_LTE_2012-05-23_12:49:57.dat'  # successful!

        samps = (fftl * 7 * 2 * 10 + 10 * fftl) * 300 + offset
        input_file = infile3
        print input_file

        self.src = gr.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, input_file, False)
        self.resample = blks2.rational_resampler_ccc(I, D)

        self.head1 = gr.head(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, samps)
        #self.tag  = lte_swig.tag_symbol_cc(offset,fftl)
        self.sync = lte_swig.cp_time_freq_sync_cc(fftl)
        self.pss = lte.hier_pss_sync_cc(fftl)
        self.est = lte.hier_freq_estimate_cc(fftl)
        # This is the actual place to initialize self.sss
        # Nevertheless it it the last block to be initialized because it needs pointers to some others.
        # self.sss = lte.hier_sss_sync_cc(fftl)

        #This part does still process all data (more ore less)
        self.rcp = lte_swig.remove_cp_cvc(fftl)
        self.fft = gr.fft_vcc(fftl, True, window.rectangular(fftl), False, 1)
        self.ext = lte_swig.extract_occupied_tones_vcvc(N_rb_dl, fftl)

        self.eq = lte.linear_OFDM_estimator_hier_vcvc(N_rb_dl)  #cell_id,
        #self.sh1  = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*12*N_rb_dl,7)
        #self.sh2  = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*12*N_rb_dl,7)
        #self.sh3  = gr.skiphead(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*12*N_rb_dl,7)

        # After the next block only the PBCH is processed!
        self.demux = lte_swig.pbch_demux_vcvc(N_rb_dl)  #cell_id,
        self.pd1 = lte_swig.pre_decoder_vcvc(1, 'tx_diversity')
        self.pd2 = lte_swig.pre_decoder_vcvc(2, 'tx_diversity')
        self.ldm1 = lte_swig.layer_demapper_vcvc(1, 'tx_diversity')
        self.ldm2 = lte_swig.layer_demapper_vcvc(2, 'tx_diversity')
        self.int = gr.interleave(240 * 8)
        self.dmd = lte_swig.qpsk_soft_demod_vcvf()
        self.ld = lte_swig.descrambling_vfvf()
        self.lru = lte_swig.rate_unmatch_vff()

        # After Viterbi decoding, only bits are processed!
        self.vit = lte.viterbi_vfvb()
        self.crc = lte_swig.crc_calculator_vbvb()
        self.mib = lte_swig.mib_unpack_vb()

        # This last block is just a daemon to propagate the calculated cell id

        self.daemon = lte.cell_id_daemon(self.eq.get_eq(), self.demux, self.ld)
        self.sss = lte.hier_sss_sync_cc(self.daemon, fftl)

        # declaration of additional sink blocks for tests
        #self.snk1 = gr.vector_sink_f(120)
        #self.snk2 = gr.vector_sink_b(40)

        # Connect all blocks together!
        self.tb.connect(self.src, self.resample, self.head1, self.sync,
                        self.pss, self.est, self.sss, self.rcp, self.fft,
                        self.ext, self.eq)  #

        self.tb.connect((self.eq, 0), (self.demux, 0))
        self.tb.connect((self.eq, 1), (self.demux, 1))
        self.tb.connect((self.eq, 2), (self.demux, 2))

        self.tb.connect((self.demux, 0), (self.pd1, 0))
        self.tb.connect((self.demux, 1), (self.pd1, 1))
        self.tb.connect((self.demux, 0), (self.pd2, 0))
        self.tb.connect((self.demux, 1), (self.pd2, 1))
        self.tb.connect((self.demux, 2), (self.pd2, 2))
        self.tb.connect(self.pd1, self.ldm1, (self.int, 0))
        self.tb.connect(self.pd2, self.ldm2, (self.int, 1))
        self.tb.connect(self.int, self.dmd, self.ld, self.lru, self.vit,
        self.tb.connect((self.crc, 0), (self.mib, 0))
        self.tb.connect((self.crc, 1), (self.mib, 1))

        # additional sink blocks for testing

        print "\n\nsetuptime = " + str(time.clock() - setuptime) + "\n\n"