Example #1
def _callMadx(pathToInputFile, attemptsLeft=5):
    result = madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_file(pathToInputFile, log_file=DEV_NULL)
    if result is not 0:  # then madx failed for whatever reasons, lets try it again (tbach)
        print "madx failed. result:", result, "pathToInputFile:", pathToInputFile, "attempts left:", attemptsLeft
        if attemptsLeft is 0:
            raise Exception("madx finally failed, can not continue")
        print "lets wait 0.5s and try again..."
        return _callMadx(pathToInputFile, attemptsLeft - 1)
    return result
Example #2
def _callMadx(pathToInputFile, attemptsLeft=5):
    result = madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_file(pathToInputFile, log_file=DEV_NULL)
    if result is not 0:  # then madx failed for whatever reasons, lets try it again (tbach)
        print "madx failed. result:", result, "pathToInputFile:", pathToInputFile, "attempts left:", attemptsLeft
        if attemptsLeft is 0:
            raise Exception("madx finally failed, can not continue")
        print "lets wait 0.5s and try again..."
        return _callMadx(pathToInputFile, attemptsLeft - 1)
    return result
Example #3
def _madcreator(dpps, files_dict):
    :param dpps: list of dp/p to create model for
    :param dict files_dict: dpp_value --> corresponding_filenames

    # creating the DPP
    dppstring = ''
    dppstring_ac = ''
    for dpp in dpps:
        if _InputData.accel == "ESRF":
            _InputData.accel = "STORAGE04_SS23_7m"
        path_to_twiss_dpp = _join_with_output_path("twiss_"+str(dpp)+".dat")
        if not os.path.exists(path_to_twiss_dpp):
            dppstring = dppstring+'twiss, chrom,sequence='+_InputData.accel+', deltap='+str(dpp)+', file="'+path_to_twiss_dpp+'";\n'
            # if the model has twiss_ac.dat:
            if os.path.exists(_InputData.twissfile.replace(".dat","_ac.dat")): # this is only correct as long as the filenames are <filename>_ac.dat and <filename>.dat!
                path_to_twiss_ac_dpp = _join_with_output_path("twiss_"+str(dpp)+"_ac.dat")
                dppstring_ac = dppstring_ac+'twiss, chrom,sequence='+_InputData.accel+', deltap='+str(dpp)+', file="'+path_to_twiss_ac_dpp+'";\n'
            else: # do not create ac file if we don't have ac in our original model..
                dppstring_ac = ''

    if not dppstring:
        print "No need to run madx"
        return 0

    dict_for_replacing = {}
    dict_for_replacing["DPP"] = dppstring
    (qx, qy, qdx, qdy, qmx, qmy) = _get_tunes(files_dict)
    if _InputData.accel.upper().startswith("LHCB"):
        dict_for_replacing["DP_AC_P"] = dppstring_ac
        if _InputData.lhc_run == "RUNI":
            dict_for_replacing["RUN"] = "I"
        elif _InputData.lhc_run == "RUNII":
            dict_for_replacing["RUN"] = "II"
        elif _InputData.lhc_run == "RUNII_2016":
            dict_for_replacing["RUN"] = "II_2016"
        if _InputData.accel == 'LHCB1':
            dict_for_replacing["NUM_BEAM"] = "1"
        elif _InputData.accel == 'LHCB2':
            dict_for_replacing["NUM_BEAM"] = "2"
            print "WARNING: Could not decide what BEAM should be"

        dict_for_replacing["QMX"] = int(qx * 1000000)
        dict_for_replacing["QMY"] = int(qy * 1000000)
        dict_for_replacing["QX"] = qx
        dict_for_replacing["QY"] = qy
        dict_for_replacing["QDX"] = qdx
        dict_for_replacing["QDY"] = qdy
        dict_for_replacing["STOP"] = "!"
        path_to_job_chrom_template = os.path.join(_InputData.path_to_beta_beat, "MODEL", "LHCB", "model", "job.twiss_chrom.madx.macro")
    elif _InputData.accel == "STORAGE04_SS23_7m":
        dict_for_replacing["QMX"] = qmx
        dict_for_replacing["QMY"] = qmy
        dict_for_replacing["ESRF_MODEL"] = os.path.join(_InputData.path_to_beta_beat, "MODEL", "ESRF")
        path_to_job_chrom_template = os.path.join(_InputData.path_to_beta_beat, "MODEL", "ESRF", "job.ESRF.twiss_chrom.madx")

    for testpath in [_InputData.output_path, os.path.dirname(_InputData.twissfile)]:
        _tmpmod = os.path.join(testpath, 'modifiers.madx')
        if os.path.isfile(_tmpmod):
            print "INFO: Using", _tmpmod
            dict_for_replacing["MODIFIERS"] = _tmpmod

    print "Creating madx"
    path_to_job_chrom_madx = _join_with_output_path("job.chrom.madx")
    path_to_job_chrom_madx_log = _join_with_output_path("log.job.chrom.madx")

    print "Running madx"
    errcode = madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_file(path_to_job_chrom_madx, log_file=path_to_job_chrom_madx_log)

    if 0 != errcode:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Mad-X failed. Check log file: " + str(path_to_job_chrom_madx_log)
        raise ValueError("Mad-X failed")
Example #4
def _madcreator(dpps, files_dict):
    :param dpps: list of dp/p to create model for
    :param dict files_dict: dpp_value --> corresponding_filenames

    # creating the DPP
    dppstring = ''
    dppstring_ac = ''
    for dpp in dpps:
        if _InputData.accel == "ESRF":
            _InputData.accel = "STORAGE04_SS23_7m"
        path_to_twiss_dpp = _join_with_output_path("twiss_" + str(dpp) +
        if not os.path.exists(path_to_twiss_dpp):
            dppstring = dppstring + 'twiss, chrom,sequence=' + _InputData.accel + ', deltap=' + str(
                dpp) + ', file="' + path_to_twiss_dpp + '";\n'
            # if the model has twiss_ac.dat:
            if os.path.exists(
                    _InputData.twissfile.replace(".dat", "_ac.dat")
            ):  # this is only correct as long as the filenames are <filename>_ac.dat and <filename>.dat!
                path_to_twiss_ac_dpp = _join_with_output_path("twiss_" +
                                                              str(dpp) +
                dppstring_ac = dppstring_ac + 'twiss, chrom,sequence=' + _InputData.accel + ', deltap=' + str(
                    dpp) + ', file="' + path_to_twiss_ac_dpp + '";\n'
            else:  # do not create ac file if we don't have ac in our original model..
                dppstring_ac = ''

    if not dppstring:
        print "No need to run madx"
        return 0

    dict_for_replacing = {}
    dict_for_replacing["DPP"] = dppstring
    (qx, qy, qdx, qdy, qmx, qmy) = _get_tunes(files_dict)
    if _InputData.accel.upper().startswith("LHCB"):
        dict_for_replacing["DP_AC_P"] = dppstring_ac
        if _InputData.lhc_run == "RUNI":
            dict_for_replacing["RUN"] = "I"
        elif _InputData.lhc_run == "RUNII":
            dict_for_replacing["RUN"] = "II"
        elif _InputData.lhc_run == "RUNII_2016":
            dict_for_replacing["RUN"] = "II_2016"
        if _InputData.accel == 'LHCB1':
            dict_for_replacing["NUM_BEAM"] = "1"
        elif _InputData.accel == 'LHCB2':
            dict_for_replacing["NUM_BEAM"] = "2"
            print "WARNING: Could not decide what BEAM should be"

        dict_for_replacing["QMX"] = int(qx * 1000000)
        dict_for_replacing["QMY"] = int(qy * 1000000)
        dict_for_replacing["QX"] = qx
        dict_for_replacing["QY"] = qy
        dict_for_replacing["QDX"] = qdx
        dict_for_replacing["QDY"] = qdy
        dict_for_replacing["STOP"] = "!"
        path_to_job_chrom_template = os.path.join(
            _InputData.path_to_beta_beat, "MODEL", "LHCB", "model",
    elif _InputData.accel == "STORAGE04_SS23_7m":
        dict_for_replacing["QMX"] = qmx
        dict_for_replacing["QMY"] = qmy
        dict_for_replacing["ESRF_MODEL"] = os.path.join(
            _InputData.path_to_beta_beat, "MODEL", "ESRF")
        path_to_job_chrom_template = os.path.join(_InputData.path_to_beta_beat,
                                                  "MODEL", "ESRF",

    for testpath in [
        _tmpmod = os.path.join(testpath, 'modifiers.madx')
        if os.path.isfile(_tmpmod):
            print "INFO: Using", _tmpmod
            dict_for_replacing["MODIFIERS"] = _tmpmod

    print "Creating madx"
    path_to_job_chrom_madx = _join_with_output_path("job.chrom.madx")
    path_to_job_chrom_madx_log = _join_with_output_path("log.job.chrom.madx")

    print "Running madx"
    errcode = madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_file(
        path_to_job_chrom_madx, log_file=path_to_job_chrom_madx_log)

    if 0 != errcode:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Mad-X failed. Check log file: " + str(
        raise ValueError("Mad-X failed")
Example #5
def main(accel_cls, options):
        'options': Values
            Values instance with all options from OptionParser
    :Return: int
        0 if execution was successful otherwise !=0

    print("+++ Starting Segment by Segment +++")
    print("Using accelerator class: " + accel_cls.__name__)
    measurement_path = options.path
    w_path = options.wpath
    if w_path == "0":
        w_path = measurement_path
    input_data = _InputData(measurement_path, w_path)

    save_path = options.save + os.path.sep

    elements_data = options.segf.split(',')
    error_cut = float(options.cuts)

    twiss_file = options.twiss
    print("Input model twiss file", twiss_file)
    input_model = _try_to_load_twiss(twiss_file)
    if input_model is None:
        raise IOError("Cannot read input model, aborting.")

    twiss_directory = os.path.dirname(twiss_file)

    elements_names, start_bpms, end_bpms = structure_elements_info(

    summaries = _Summaries(save_path)

    for element_name in elements_names:

        print("Started processing", element_name)

        start_bpm_name, end_bpm_name, is_element = get_good_bpms(
            input_data, error_cut, input_model, start_bpms, end_bpms,

        (start_bpm_horizontal_data, start_bpm_vertical_data,
         end_bpm_vertical_data) = gather_data(input_data, start_bpm_name,

        element_has_dispersion, start_bpm_dispersion, end_bpm_dispersion = _get_dispersion_parameters(
            input_data, start_bpm_name, end_bpm_name)

        element_has_coupling, f_ini, f_end = _get_coupling_parameters(
            input_data, start_bpm_name, end_bpm_name)

        element_has_chrom, chrom_ini, chrom_end = _get_chrom_parameters(
            input_data, start_bpm_name, end_bpm_name)

        accel_instance = accel_cls.get_segment(
            element_name, start_bpm_name, end_bpm_name,
            os.path.join(save_path, "modifiers.madx"))

        if not options.madpass:
            _run4mad(save_path, accel_instance, start_bpm_horizontal_data,
                     start_bpm_vertical_data, end_bpm_horizontal_data,
                     end_bpm_vertical_data, start_bpm_dispersion,
                     end_bpm_dispersion, f_ini, f_end, chrom_ini, chrom_end,
                     options.path, twiss_directory, input_data.couple_method,
                     options.bb, options.mad)

            print("Just rerunning mad")
            mad_file_path, log_file_path = _get_files_for_mad(
                save_path, element_name)

        propagated_models = _PropagatedModels(save_path, element_name)

        kmod_data_file_x, kmod_data_file_y = _get_kmod_files()

        getAndWriteData(element_name, input_data, input_model,
                        propagated_models, save_path, is_element,
                        element_has_dispersion, element_has_coupling,
                        element_has_chrom, accel_instance, summaries,
                        kmod_data_file_x, kmod_data_file_y)
        print("Everything done for", element_name, "\n")


    print("+++  Ended Segment by Segment   +++")
Example #6
def _callMadx(pathToInputFile):
    return madx_wrapper.resolve_and_run_file(pathToInputFile, log_file=DEV_NULL)