Example #1
def test_general(gm_client, login, msgs, patch):
    stdout = check_output('mlr -h', shell=True)
    assert b'Mailur CLI' in stdout

    stdout = check_output('mlr icons', shell=True)
    assert b'assets/font/icons.less updated\n' in stdout

    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {}], fetch=False, parse=False)
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == []
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs()] == []

    cli.main('gmail %s --parse' % login.user1)
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['1', '2']
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs()] == ['1', '2']
    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])

    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['1', '2', '3']
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs()] == ['1', '2', '3']
    cli.main('update-links %s' % login.user1)
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['1', '2', '4']
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs()] == ['1', '2', '4']

    with patch('mailur.cli.local') as m:
        cli.main('update-metadata %s' % login.user1)
        assert m.save_addrs.called
        assert m.save_msgids.called
        assert m.save_uid_pairs.called
Example #2
def test_link_threads_part3(gm_client, msgs):
        {'refs': '<none-two@mlr>'},
        {'refs': '<none@mlr>'},
        {'refs': '<none@mlr> <102@mlr>'}
    refs = [
        '<*****@*****.**> <none-two@mlr>',
        '<*****@*****.**> <none@mlr>',
        '<*****@*****.**> <none@mlr> <102@mlr>'
    assert local.search_thrs('all') == ['4', '3', '1']
    assert local.data_threads.get()[1] == {
        '1': ['1'], '3': ['3'], '4': ['2', '4']
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        '<none@mlr> <102@mlr>',
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == refs

    local.link_threads(['1', '3', '4'])
    assert local.search_thrs('all') == ['4']
    assert local.data_threads.get()[1] == {'4': ['1', '2', '3', '4']}
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == refs

    assert local.search_thrs('uid 1') == [i[0] for i in local.thrs_info(['1'])]
Example #3
def test_clean_flags(gm_client, msgs, login):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}] * 2)
    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])

    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '', '\\Seen #link']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '#latest', '\\Seen #link']

    con_src = local.client(local.SRC, readonly=False)
    con_all = local.client(local.ALL, readonly=False)

    con_src.store('3', '-FLAGS', '#link \\Seen')
    con_src.store('1', '+FLAGS', '#latest')
    con_src.store('2', '+FLAGS', '#dup')
    con_all.store('3', '-FLAGS', '#link \\Seen')
    con_all.store('2', '-FLAGS', '#latest')
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['#latest', '#dup', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '', '\\Seen #link']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '#latest', '\\Seen #link']

    con_src.store('3', '-FLAGS', '#link \\Seen')
    con_src.store('2', '+FLAGS', '#err')
    con_all.store('3', '-FLAGS', '#link \\Seen')
    con_all.store('2', '-FLAGS', '#latest')
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '#err', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '', '']
    cli.main('clean-flags %s' % login.user1)
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '', '\\Seen #link']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '#latest', '\\Seen #link']
Example #4
def test_link_threads_part3(gm_client, msgs):
        {'refs': '<none-two@mlr>'},
        {'refs': '<none@mlr>'},
        {'refs': '<none@mlr> <102@mlr>'}
    refs = [
        '<*****@*****.**> <none-two@mlr>',
        '<*****@*****.**> <none@mlr>',
        '<*****@*****.**> <none@mlr> <102@mlr>'
    assert local.search_thrs('all') == ['4', '3', '1']
    assert local.data_threads.get()[1] == {
        '1': ['1'], '3': ['3'], '4': ['2', '4']
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        '<none@mlr> <102@mlr>',
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == refs

    local.link_threads(['1', '3', '4'])
    assert local.search_thrs('all') == ['4']
    assert local.data_threads.get()[1] == {'4': ['1', '2', '3', '4']}
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == refs

    assert local.search_thrs('uid 1') == [i[0] for i in local.thrs_info(['1'])]
Example #5
def test_general(gm_client, login, msgs, patch, call):
    stdout = check_output('mlr -h', shell=True)
    assert b'Mailur CLI' in stdout

    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {}], fetch=False, parse=False)
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == []
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs()] == []

    cli.main('%s remote --parse' % login.user1)
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['1', '2']
    assert [i['uid'] for i in msgs()] == ['1', '2']

    with patch('mailur.cli.local') as m:
        cli.main('%s metadata' % login.user1)
        assert m.update_metadata.called

    cli.main('%s metadata' % login.user1)
    with local.client() as con:
        con.copy(['1', '2'], local.ALL)
        puids = con.search('ALL')
        ouids = con.search('ALL')
        assert len(puids) == (2 * len(ouids))

        cli.main('%s metadata' % login.user1)
        all_puids = con.search('ALL')
        assert len(all_puids) == 4
        cli.main('%s parse --fix-duplicates' % login.user1)
        cli.main('%s metadata' % login.user1)

        puids = con.search('ALL')
        ouids = con.search('ALL')
        assert len(puids) == len(ouids)
        puids_from_msgs = sorted(local.data_msgs.get())
        puids_from_pairs = sorted(local.data_uidpairs.get().values())
        assert puids_from_msgs == puids_from_pairs

    with patch('mailur.cli.remote.fetch_folder') as m:
        cli.main('%s remote' % login.user1)
        opts = {'batch': 1000, 'threads': 2}
        assert m.call_args_list == [
            call(tag='\\All', **opts),
            call(tag='\\Junk', **opts),
            call(tag='\\Trash', **opts),

        cli.main('%s remote --tag=\\All' % login.user1)
        assert m.call_args_list == [call(tag='\\All', **opts)]

        cli.main('%s remote --box=All' % login.user1)
        assert m.call_args_list == [call(box='All', **opts)]
Example #6
def test_link_threads_part3(gm_client, msgs):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {
        'refs': '<non-exist-two@mlr>'
    }, {
        'refs': '<non-exist@mlr>'
    }, {
        'refs': '<non-exist@mlr> <102@mlr>'
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert thread() == (
        ('1', ),
        ('3', ),
        ('2', '4'),
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        '<non-exist@mlr> <102@mlr>',
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['uid'] for i in res] == ['1', '2', '3', '4']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['#latest', '', '#latest', '#latest']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        '<*****@*****.**>', '<102@mlr>'

    local.link_threads(['1', '3', '4'])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '', '\\Seen #link']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, '<non-exist-two@mlr>', '<non-exist@mlr>',
        '<non-exist@mlr> <102@mlr>',
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <103@mlr> '
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['uid'] for i in res] == ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '#latest', '\\Seen #link']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        '<*****@*****.**>', '<102@mlr>',
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <103@mlr> '
    assert local.search_thrs('uid 1') == [i[0] for i in local.thrs_info(['1'])]
Example #7
def test_link_threads_part2(clean_users, gm_client, msgs):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {
        'refs': '<101@mlr>'
    }, {}, {
        'refs': '<103@mlr>'
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert thread() == (('1', '2'), ('3', '4'))
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '']
    assert [i['body']['references']
            for i in res] == [None, '<101@mlr>', None, '<103@mlr>']
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['uid'] for i in res] == ['1', '2', '3', '4']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '#latest', '', '#latest']
    assert [i['body']['references']
            for i in res] == [None, '<101@mlr>', None, '<103@mlr>']

    local.link_threads(['1', '3'])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert thread() == (('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'), )
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '', '#link']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, '<101@mlr>', None, '<103@mlr>',
        '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr> <104@mlr>'
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['uid'] for i in res] == ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '#latest', '#link']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, '<101@mlr>', None, '<103@mlr>',
        '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr> <104@mlr>'

    gm_client.add_emails([{'refs': '<non-exist@mlr> <102@mlr>'}])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert thread() == (('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'), )
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '', '#link', '']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, '<101@mlr>', None, '<103@mlr>',
        '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr> <104@mlr>', '<non-exist@mlr> <102@mlr>'
    res = msgs()
    assert [i['uid'] for i in res] == ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '', '#link', '#latest']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, '<101@mlr>', None, '<103@mlr>',
        '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr> <104@mlr>', '<102@mlr>'
Example #8
def test_update_metadata(gm_client, msgs, patch, call):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {}])
    assert ['1', '2'] == [i['uid'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)]
    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])
    thrids, thrs = local.data_threads.get()
    assert {'1': '2', '2': '2'} == thrids

    # emulate that metadata wasn't updated when messages were re-parsed
    with patch.object(local, 'update_metadata') as m:

    # refresh metadata
    thrids, thrs = local.data_threads.get()
    assert {'3': '4', '4': '4'} == thrids
Example #9
def test_clean_flags(gm_client, msgs, login):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}] * 2)
    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])

    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '']

    con_src = local.client(local.SRC, readonly=False)
    con_all = local.client(local.ALL, readonly=False)

    con_src.store('1', '+FLAGS', '#tag1')
    con_src.store('2', '+FLAGS', '#tag2 #tag3')
    con_all.store('1', '+FLAGS', '#tag1 #tag3')
    con_all.store('2', '+FLAGS', '#tag2')
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['#tag1', '#tag2 #tag3']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['#tag1 #tag3', '#tag2']

    cli.main('clean-flags %s #tag1' % login.user1)
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '#tag2 #tag3']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['#tag3', '#tag2']

    cli.main('clean-flags %s #tag2 #tag3' % login.user1)
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '']
Example #10
def test_clean_flags(gm_client, msgs, login):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}] * 2)
    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])

    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '']

    con_src = local.client(local.SRC, readonly=False)
    con_all = local.client(local.ALL, readonly=False)

    con_src.store('1', '+FLAGS', '#tag1')
    con_src.store('2', '+FLAGS', '#tag2 #tag3')
    con_all.store('1', '+FLAGS', '#tag1 #tag3')
    con_all.store('2', '+FLAGS', '#tag2')
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['#tag1', '#tag2 #tag3']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['#tag1 #tag3', '#tag2']

    cli.main('clean-flags %s #tag1' % login.user1)
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '#tag2 #tag3']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['#tag3', '#tag2']

    cli.main('clean-flags %s #tag2 #tag3' % login.user1)
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs(local.SRC)] == ['', '']
    assert [i['flags'] for i in msgs()] == ['', '']
Example #11
def test_link_threads_part1(clean_users, gm_client, msgs):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {}])
    res = msgs()
    assert ['1', '2'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['#latest', '#latest'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [None, None]

    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '3'), ) == thread()
    assert ['', '', '#link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references']
            for i in res] == [None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr>']

    res = msgs()
    assert ['1', '2', '3'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '#latest', '#link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references']
            for i in res] == [None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr>']

    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '3'), ) == thread()
    assert ['', '', '#link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '6'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '#latest', '#link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references']
            for i in res] == [None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr>']

    local.link_threads(['4', '7'])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '4', '5', '3'), ) == thread()
    assert ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags']
            for i in res] == ['', '', '\\Deleted #link', '', '#link']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr>', None,
        '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr>'
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '7', '8'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '', '#latest', '#link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res
            ] == [None, None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr>']

    gm_client.add_emails([{'refs': '<101@mlr>'}])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '4', '5', '3', '6'), ) == thread()
    assert ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags']
            for i in res] == ['', '', '\\Deleted #link', '', '#link', '']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr>', None,
        '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr>', '<101@mlr>'
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '7', '8', '9'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '', '', '#link', '#latest'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, None, None, '<101@mlr> <102@mlr> <103@mlr>', '<101@mlr>'
Example #12
def test_link_threads_part1(gm_client, msgs):
    gm_client.add_emails([{}, {}])
    res = msgs()
    assert ['1', '2'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['#latest', '#latest'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [

    local.link_threads(['1', '2'])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '3'), ) == thread()
    assert ['', '', '\\Seen #link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, None,
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr>')

    res = msgs()
    assert ['1', '2', '3'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '#latest', '\\Seen #link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr>')

    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '3'), ) == thread()
    assert ['', '', '\\Seen #link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '6'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '#latest', '\\Seen #link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr>')

    local.link_threads(['4', '7'])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '4', '5'), ) == thread()
    assert ['1', '2', '4', '5'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '\\Seen #link']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, None, None,
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <103@mlr>')
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '7', '8'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert ['', '', '#latest', '\\Seen #link'] == [i['flags'] for i in res]
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <103@mlr>')

    gm_client.add_emails([{'refs': '<101@mlr>'}])
    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '4', '5', '6'), ) == thread()
    assert ['1', '2', '4', '5', '6'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '\\Seen #link', '']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        None, None, None,
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <103@mlr>'),
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '7', '8', '9'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '\\Seen #link', '#latest']
    assert [i['body']['references'] for i in res] == [
        ('<*****@*****.**> <101@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <102@mlr> '
         '<*****@*****.**> <103@mlr>'),
    assert local.search_thrs('uid 4') == [i[0] for i in local.thrs_info(['4'])]

    res = msgs(local.SRC)
    assert (('1', '2', '4', '6', '7'), ) == thread()
    assert ['1', '2', '4', '6', '7'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '', '\\Seen #link']
    res = msgs()
    assert ['4', '5', '7', '9', '10'] == [i['uid'] for i in res]
    assert [i['flags'] for i in res] == ['', '', '', '#latest', '\\Seen #link']