Example #1
        def version_select(*args, **kwargs):
            """Select and call the matching version of the specified method.

            Look for the method which matches the name supplied and version
            constraints and calls it with the supplied arguments.

            :returns: Returns the result of the method called
            :raises: VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod if there is no method which
                 matches the name and version constraints

            # The first arg to all versioned methods is always the request
            # object. The version for the request is attached to the
            # request object
            if len(args) == 0:
                version_request = kwargs['req'].api_version_request
                version_request = args[0].api_version_request

            func_list = self.versioned_methods[key]
            for func in func_list:
                if version_request.matches_versioned_method(func):
                    # Update the version_select wrapper function so
                    # other decorator attributes like wsgi.response
                    # are still respected.
                    functools.update_wrapper(version_select, func.func)
                    return func.func(self, *args, **kwargs)

            # No version match
            raise exception.VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(
Example #2
 def extension2(req, resp_obj):
     raise exception.VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(version='fake_version')