Example #1
def test_match_operator_at_start_of_name():
    osm_tags = {
        'highway': 'services',
        'landuse': 'commercial',
        'name': 'Welcome Break Gordano Services',
        'operator': 'Welcome Break',

    wd_names = {'Gordano services': [('label', 'en')]}
    expect = {'name': [('good', 'Gordano services', [('label', 'en')])]}

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names) == expect

    osm_tags = {
        'name': 'Citizens Bank (Roslindale)',
        'operator': 'Citizens Bank',

    wd_names = {'Roslindale Theatre': [('label', 'en')]}

    assert not match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names, ['theatre'])
Example #2
def test_name_match_numbers():
    assert match.name_match('Manhattan Community Board 1',
                            'Manhattan Community Board 1')

    assert not match.name_match('Manhattan Community Board 11',
                                'Manhattan Community Board 1')

    assert not match.name_match('Manhattan Community Board 1',
                                'Manhattan Community Board 11')

    assert not match.name_containing_initials('Manhattan Community Board 1',
                                              'Manhattan Community Board 11')

    osm_tags = {
        'name': 'Manhattan Community Board 11',
    wikidata_names = {
        '1-й общественный совет': [('label', 'ru')],
        'Manhattan Community Board 1': [('label', 'en'),
                                        ('sitelink', 'enwiki'),
                                        ('extract', 'enwiki')],
    assert not match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wikidata_names)
Example #3
def test_check_for_match():
    assert match.check_for_match({}, []) == {}

    osm_tags = {'addr:city': 'Rome', 'name': 'test', 'alt_name': 'test'}
    wd_names = {'test': [('label', 'en')]}

    expect = {
        'alt_name': [('good', 'test', [('label', 'en')])],
        'name': [('good', 'test', [('label', 'en')])],

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names) == expect

    osm_tags = {'name': 'Burgers and Cupcakes'}
    wd_names = {
        'Baryshnikov Arts Center': [('label', 'en')],
        'BAC': [('extract', 'en')],
    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names) == {}

    del wd_names['Baryshnikov Arts Center']
    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names)

    osm_tags = {'name': 'National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath)'}
    wd_names = {
        'National Museum of Mathematics': [('label', 'en')],
        'Momath': [('alias', 'en')],
        'Museum of Mathematics': [('alias', 'en')],

    expect = {
        'name': [('prefix', 'National Museum of Mathematics', [('label', 'en')])],

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names) == expect

    osm_tags = {
        'building:levels': '6',
        'name': 'Lombard Buildings',
        'building': 'yes',

    wd_names = {'Lombard Building': [('label', 'en'),
                                     ('sitelink', 'enwiki'),
                                     ('extract', 'enwiki')]}

    expect = {'name': [('good', 'Lombard Building', [('label', 'en'),
                                                     ('sitelink', 'enwiki'),
                                                     ('extract', 'enwiki')])]}

    endings = ['building']
    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names, endings=endings) == expect

    osm_tags = {
        'name': 'Westland London',
        'shop': 'furniture',
        'building': 'yes',
        'addr:street': 'Leonard Street',
        'addr:postcode': 'EC2A 4QX',
        'addr:housename': "St. Michael's Church",
    wd_names = {'Church Of St Michael': [('label', 'en')]}

    expect = {'addr:housename': [('both_trimmed',
                                  'Church Of St Michael',
                                  [('label', 'en')])]}
    endings = ['church', 'church of']

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names, endings=endings) == expect

    osm_tags = {
        'denomination': 'roman_catholic',
        'name': 'Saint Vitus Catholic Church',
        'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
        'religion': 'christian',

    wd_names = {"St. Vitus's Church, Cleveland": [('label', 'en')]}
    endings = ['church', 'church of', 'catholic church', 'rc church']

    expect = {'name': [('both_trimmed',
                        "St. Vitus's Church, Cleveland",
                        [('label', 'en')])]}

    place_names = {'Cleveland', 'Cuyahoga County', 'Ohio'}

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags,
                                 endings=endings) == expect

    wd_names = {'Samson And Lion Public House': [('label', 'en')]}
    osm_tags = {
        'addr:city': 'Birmingham',
        'addr:housenumber': '42',
        'addr:postcode': 'B9 5QF',
        'addr:street': 'Yardley Green Road',
        'amenity': 'place_of_worship',
        'building': 'yes',
        'heritage': '2',
        'heritage:operator': 'Historic England',
        'listed_status': 'Grade II',
        'name': 'Masjid Noor-Us-Sunnah',
        'previous_name': 'Samson & Lion',
        'previous_use': 'pub',
        'religion': 'muslim',
    endings = ['public house']

    expect = {'previous_name': [('wikidata_trimmed',
                                 'Samson And Lion Public House',
                                 [('label', 'en')])]}

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names, endings=endings) == expect

    osm_tags = {
        'area': 'yes',
        'highway': 'services',
        'name': 'Stop24 Folkestone Services',
        'operator': 'Stop24'
    wd_names = {'Folkestone services': [('sitelink', 'enwiki')],
                'Stop 24 services': [('label', 'en'), ('extract', 'enwiki')]}
    expect = {'operator': [('wikidata_trimmed', 'Stop 24 services',
                           [('label', 'en'), ('extract', 'enwiki')])],
              'name': [('good', 'Folkestone services', [('sitelink', 'enwiki')]),
                       ('good', 'Stop 24 services',
                        [('label', 'en'), ('extract', 'enwiki')])]}

    endings = {'services'}
    place_names = {'Folkestone', 'Kent'}

    assert match.check_for_match(osm_tags, wd_names,
                                 endings=endings) == expect