Example #1
    def _drag_begin(self, iconview, context):
        """Create a cursor image for drag-n-drop from the library.

        This method relies on implementation details regarding PIL's
        drawing functions and default font to produce good looking results.
        If those are changed in a future release of PIL, this method might
        produce bad looking output (e.g. non-centered text).

        It's also used with connect_after() to overwrite the cursor
        automatically created when using enable_model_drag_source(), so in
        essence it's a hack, but at least it works.
        icon_path = iconview.get_cursor()[0]
        num_books = len(iconview.get_selected_items())
        book = self.get_book_at_path(icon_path)

        cover = self._library.backend.get_book_cover(book)
        if cover is None:
            cover = constants.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON

        cover = cover.scale_simple(max(0, cover.get_width() // 2),
            max(0, cover.get_height() // 2), prefs['scaling quality'])
        cover = image_tools.add_border(cover, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
        cover = image_tools.add_border(cover, 1)

        if num_books > 1:
            cover_width = cover.get_width()
            cover_height = cover.get_height()
            pointer = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8,
                max(30, cover_width + 15), max(30, cover_height + 10))
            cover.composite(pointer, 0, 0, cover_width, cover_height, 0, 0,
            1, 1, prefs['scaling quality'], 255)
            im = Image.new('RGBA', (30, 30), 0x00000000)
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                (8, 0, 20, 0, 28, 8, 28, 20, 20, 28, 8, 28, 0, 20, 0, 8),
                fill=(0, 0, 0), outline=(0, 0, 0))
                (8, 1, 20, 1, 27, 8, 27, 20, 20, 27, 8, 27, 1, 20, 1, 8),
                fill=(128, 0, 0), outline=(255, 255, 255))
            text = str(num_books)
            draw.text((15 - (6 * len(text) // 2), 9), text,
                fill=(255, 255, 255))
            circle = image_tools.pil_to_pixbuf(im)
            circle.composite(pointer, max(0, cover_width - 15),
                max(0, cover_height - 20), 30, 30, max(0, cover_width - 15),
                max(0, cover_height - 20), 1, 1, prefs['scaling quality'], 255)
            pointer = cover

        context.set_icon_pixbuf(pointer, -5, -5)
Example #2
    def _drag_begin(self, iconview, context):
        """Create a cursor image for drag-n-drop from the library.

        This method relies on implementation details regarding PIL's
        drawing functions and default font to produce good looking results.
        If those are changed in a future release of PIL, this method might
        produce bad looking output (e.g. non-centered text).

        It's also used with connect_after() to overwrite the cursor
        automatically created when using enable_model_drag_source(), so in
        essence it's a hack, but at least it works.
        icon_path = iconview.get_cursor()[0]
        num_books = len(iconview.get_selected_items())
        book = self.get_book_at_path(icon_path)

        cover = self._library.backend.get_book_cover(book)
        if cover is None:
            cover = image_tools.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON

        cover = cover.scale_simple(max(0, cover.get_width() // 2),
            max(0, cover.get_height() // 2), prefs['scaling quality'])
        cover = image_tools.add_border(cover, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
        cover = image_tools.add_border(cover, 1)

        if num_books > 1:
            cover_width = cover.get_width()
            cover_height = cover.get_height()
            pointer = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8,
                max(30, cover_width + 15), max(30, cover_height + 10))
            cover.composite(pointer, 0, 0, cover_width, cover_height, 0, 0,
            1, 1, prefs['scaling quality'], 255)
            im = Image.new('RGBA', (30, 30), 0x00000000)
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                (8, 0, 20, 0, 28, 8, 28, 20, 20, 28, 8, 28, 0, 20, 0, 8),
                fill=(0, 0, 0), outline=(0, 0, 0))
                (8, 1, 20, 1, 27, 8, 27, 20, 20, 27, 8, 27, 1, 20, 1, 8),
                fill=(128, 0, 0), outline=(255, 255, 255))
            text = str(num_books)
            draw.text((15 - (6 * len(text) // 2), 9), text,
                fill=(255, 255, 255))
            circle = image_tools.pil_to_pixbuf(im)
            circle.composite(pointer, max(0, cover_width - 15),
                max(0, cover_height - 20), 30, 30, max(0, cover_width - 15),
                max(0, cover_height - 20), 1, 1, prefs['scaling quality'], 255)
            pointer = cover

        context.set_icon_pixbuf(pointer, -5, -5)
Example #3
    def _get_lens_pixbuf(self, x, y):
        """Get a pixbuf containing the appropiate image data for the lens
        where <x> and <y> are the positions of the cursor.
        canvas = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8,
            prefs['lens size'], prefs['lens size'])

        if self._window.displayed_double():

            l_source_pixbuf, r_source_pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs(2) # XXX implied by self._window.displayed_double() == True
            if self._window.is_manga_mode:
                l_source_pixbuf, r_source_pixbuf = r_source_pixbuf, l_source_pixbuf

            l_image_size = self._window.images[0].size_request() # XXX transitional(double page limitation)
            r_image_size = self._window.images[1].size_request() # XXX transitional(double page limitation)

            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, l_image_size, l_source_pixbuf,
                r_image_size[0], left=True)
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, r_image_size, r_source_pixbuf,
                l_image_size[0], left=False)

            source_pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs(1)[0] # XXX implied by self._window.displayed_double() == False

            image_size = self._window.images[0].size_request() # XXX transitional(double page limitation)
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, image_size, source_pixbuf)

        return image_tools.add_border(canvas, 1)
Example #4
    def _get_lens_pixbuf(self, x, y):
        """Get a pixbuf containing the appropiate image data for the lens
        where <x> and <y> are the positions of the cursor.
        canvas = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8,
            prefs['lens size'], prefs['lens size'])

        if self._window.displayed_double():

            l_source_pixbuf, r_source_pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs()
            if self._window.is_manga_mode:
                l_source_pixbuf, r_source_pixbuf = r_source_pixbuf, l_source_pixbuf

            l_image_size = self._window.left_image.size_request()
            r_image_size = self._window.right_image.size_request()

            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, l_image_size, l_source_pixbuf,
                r_image_size[0], left=True)
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, r_image_size, r_source_pixbuf,
                l_image_size[0], left=False)

            source_pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs()[0]

            image_size = self._window.left_image.size_request()
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, image_size, source_pixbuf)

        return image_tools.add_border(canvas, 1)
Example #5
File: lens.py Project: Gosha/mcomix
    def _get_lens_pixbuf(self, x, y):
        """Get a pixbuf containing the appropiate image data for the lens
        where <x> and <y> are the positions of the cursor.
        canvas = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, prefs["lens size"], prefs["lens size"])

        if self._window.displayed_double():

            l_source_pixbuf, r_source_pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs()
            if self._window.is_manga_mode:
                l_source_pixbuf, r_source_pixbuf = r_source_pixbuf, l_source_pixbuf

            l_image_size = self._window.left_image.size_request()
            r_image_size = self._window.right_image.size_request()

            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, l_image_size, l_source_pixbuf, r_image_size[0], left=True)
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, r_image_size, r_source_pixbuf, l_image_size[0], left=False)

            source_pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs()[0]

            image_size = self._window.left_image.size_request()
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x, y, image_size, source_pixbuf)

        return image_tools.add_border(canvas, 1)
Example #6
    def _get_pixbuf(self, uid):
        """ Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book <uid>. """
        assert isinstance(uid, int)
        book = self._library.backend.get_book_by_id(uid)
        if self._cache.exists(book.path):
            pixbuf = self._cache.get(book.path)
            width, height = self._pixbuf_size(border_size=0)
            pixbuf = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(book.path) or image_tools.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            pixbuf = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(pixbuf, width, height, scale_up=True)
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            self._cache.add(book.path, pixbuf)

        # Display indicator of having finished reading the book.
        # This information isn't cached in the pixbuf cache, as it changes frequently.

        # Anything smaller than 50px means that the status icon will not fit
        if prefs['library cover size'] < 50:
            return pixbuf

        last_read_page = book.get_last_read_page()
        if last_read_page is None or last_read_page != book.pages:
            return pixbuf

        # Composite icon on the lower right corner of the book cover pixbuf.
        book_pixbuf = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_APPLY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR)
        translation_x = pixbuf.get_width() - book_pixbuf.get_width() - 1
        translation_y = pixbuf.get_height() - book_pixbuf.get_height() - 1
        book_pixbuf.composite(pixbuf, translation_x, translation_y,
                              book_pixbuf.get_width(), book_pixbuf.get_height(),
                              translation_x, translation_y,
                              1.0, 1.0, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST, 0xFF)

        return pixbuf
Example #7
    def _generate_thumbnail(self, uid):
        """ Generate the pixbuf for C{path} at demand. """
        assert isinstance(uid, int)
        page = uid
        pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_thumbnail(page,
                prefs['thumbnail size'], prefs['thumbnail size'], nowait=True)
        if pixbuf is not None:
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, self._BORDER_SIZE)

        return pixbuf
Example #8
    def _get_pixbuf(self, uid):
        ''' Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book <uid>. '''
        assert isinstance(uid, int)
        book = self._library.backend.get_book_by_id(uid)
        if self._cache.exists(book.path):
            pixbuf = self._cache.get(book.path)
            width, height = self._pixbuf_size(border_size=0)
            # cover thumbnail of book
            cover = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(book.path)
            if not cover:
                cover = image_tools.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            cover = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(cover,
                                                 width - 2,
                                                 height - 2,
            cover = image_tools.add_border(cover, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            src_width, src_height = cover.get_width(), cover.get_height()
            # icon background of book
            pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new(GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8,
                                          width, height)
            pixbuf.fill(0x00000000)  # full transparency
            offset_x = (width - src_width) // 2
            offset_y = (height - src_height) // 2
            cover.copy_area(0, 0, src_width, src_height, pixbuf, offset_x,
            self._cache.add(book.path, pixbuf)

        # Display indicator of having finished reading the book.
        # This information isn't cached in the pixbuf cache
        # as it changes frequently.

        # Anything smaller than 50px means that the status icon will not fit
        if prefs['library cover size'] < 50:
            return pixbuf

        last_read_page = book.get_last_read_page()
        if last_read_page is None or last_read_page != book.pages:
            return pixbuf

        # Composite icon on the lower right corner of the book cover pixbuf.
        book_pixbuf = self.render_icon(Gtk.STOCK_APPLY,
        translation_x = pixbuf.get_width() - book_pixbuf.get_width() - 1
        translation_y = pixbuf.get_height() - book_pixbuf.get_height() - 1
        book_pixbuf.composite(pixbuf, translation_x, translation_y,
                              book_pixbuf.get_height(), translation_x,
                              translation_y, 1.0, 1.0,
                              GdkPixbuf.InterpType.NEAREST, 0xFF)

        return pixbuf
Example #9
    def _get_pixbuf(self, path, model, model_path):
        """ Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book at <path>. """
        if self._cache.exists(path):
            return self._cache.get(path)
            pixbuf = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(path) or constants.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            # The ratio (0.67) is just above the normal aspect ratio for books.
            pixbuf = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(pixbuf,
                int(0.67 * prefs['library cover size']),
                prefs['library cover size'], True)
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            self._cache.add(path, pixbuf)

            return pixbuf
Example #10
    def _get_pixbuf(self, path):
        """ Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book at <path>. """
        if self._cache.exists(path):
            return self._cache.get(path)
            pixbuf = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(
                path) or constants.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            # The ratio (0.67) is just above the normal aspect ratio for books.
            pixbuf = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(
                pixbuf, int(0.67 * prefs['library cover size']),
                prefs['library cover size'], True)
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            self._cache.add(path, pixbuf)

            return pixbuf
Example #11
    def _get_lens_pixbuf(self, x, y):
        """Get a pixbuf containing the appropiate image data for the lens
        where <x> and <y> are the positions of the cursor.
        canvas = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8,
            prefs['lens size'], prefs['lens size'])
        cb = self._window.layout.get_content_boxes()
        source_pixbufs = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs(len(cb))
        for i in range(len(cb)):
            cpos = cb[i].get_position()
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x - cpos[0], y - cpos[1],
                cb[i].get_size(), source_pixbufs[i])

        return image_tools.add_border(canvas, 1)
Example #12
    def _generate_thumbnail(self, file_path, model, path):
        """ Generate the pixbuf for C{path} at demand. """
        if isinstance(path, tuple):
            page = path[0] + 1
        elif isinstance(path, int):
            page = path + 1
        elif path is None:
            return constants.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            assert False, "Expected int or tuple as tree path."

        pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_thumbnail(page,
                prefs['thumbnail size'], prefs['thumbnail size']) or \
        pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1)

        return pixbuf
Example #13
    def _get_lens_pixbuf(self, x, y):
        """Get a pixbuf containing the appropiate image data for the lens
        where <x> and <y> are the positions of the cursor.
        canvas = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8,
                                prefs['lens size'], prefs['lens size'])
        cb = self._window.layout.get_content_boxes()
        source_pixbufs = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs(len(cb))
        for i in range(len(cb)):
            cpos = cb[i].get_position()
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x - cpos[0], y - cpos[1],
                                cb[i].get_size(), source_pixbufs[i])

        return image_tools.add_border(canvas, 1)
    def _preview_thumbnail_finished(self, filepath, pixbuf):
        ''' Called when the thumbnailer has finished creating
        the thumbnail for <filepath>. '''

        if self._destroyed:

        current_path = self.filechooser.get_preview_filename()
        if current_path and current_path == filepath:

            if pixbuf is None:

                pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1)
Example #15
    def _get_lens_pixbuf(self, x, y):
        '''Get a pixbuf containing the appropiate image data for the lens
        where <x> and <y> are the positions of the cursor.
        canvas = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new(colorspace=GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB,
                                      width=prefs['lens size'],
                                      height=prefs['lens size'])
        r, g, b, a = [int(p * 255) for p in self._window.get_bg_color()]
        canvas.fill(image_tools.convert_rgb16list_to_rgba8int([r, g, b]))
        cb = self._window.layout.get_content_boxes()
        source_pixbufs = self._window.imagehandler.get_pixbufs(len(cb))
        for i in range(len(cb)):
            if image_tools.is_animation(source_pixbufs[i]):
            cpos = cb[i].get_position()
            self._add_subpixbuf(canvas, x - cpos[0], y - cpos[1],
                                cb[i].get_size(), source_pixbufs[i])

        return image_tools.add_border(canvas, 1)
Example #16
    def _preview_thumbnail_finished(self, filepath, pixbuf):
        """ Called when the thumbnailer has finished creating
        the thumbnail for <filepath>. """

        if self._destroyed:

        current_path = self.filechooser.get_preview_filename()
        if current_path and current_path.decode('utf-8') == filepath:

            if pixbuf is None:

                pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1)
                    '%.1f KiB' % (os.stat(filepath).st_size / 1024.0))
Example #17
    def _get_pixbuf(self, path, model, model_path):
        """ Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book at <path>. """
        if self._cache.exists(path):
            pixbuf = self._cache.get(path)
            pixbuf = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(
                path) or constants.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            # The ratio (0.67) is just above the normal aspect ratio for books.
            pixbuf = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(
                pixbuf, int(0.67 * prefs['library cover size']),
                prefs['library cover size'], True)
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            self._cache.add(path, pixbuf)

        # Display indicator of having finished reading the book.
        # This information isn't cached in the pixbuf cache, as it changes frequently.

        # Anything smaller than 50px means that the status icon will not fit
        if prefs['library cover size'] < 50:
            return pixbuf

        book = self._library.backend.get_book_by_path(path)
        last_read_page = book.get_last_read_page()

        if last_read_page is None or last_read_page != book.pages:
            return pixbuf
        if last_read_page == book.pages:
            book_pixbuf = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_APPLY,

        # Composite icon on the lower right corner of the book cover pixbuf.
        translation_x = pixbuf.get_width() - book_pixbuf.get_width() - 1
        translation_y = pixbuf.get_height() - book_pixbuf.get_height() - 1
        book_pixbuf.composite(pixbuf, translation_x, translation_y,
                              book_pixbuf.get_height(), translation_x,
                              translation_y, 1.0, 1.0, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST,

        return pixbuf
Example #18
    def _get_pixbuf(self, uid):
        """ Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book <uid>. """
        assert isinstance(uid, int)
        book = self._library.backend.get_book_by_id(uid)
        if self._cache.exists(book.path):
            pixbuf = self._cache.get(book.path)
            width, height = self._pixbuf_size(border_size=0)
            pixbuf = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(
                book.path) or image_tools.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            pixbuf = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(pixbuf,
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            self._cache.add(book.path, pixbuf)

        # Display indicator of having finished reading the book.
        # This information isn't cached in the pixbuf cache, as it changes frequently.

        # Anything smaller than 50px means that the status icon will not fit
        if prefs['library cover size'] < 50:
            return pixbuf

        last_read_page = book.get_last_read_page()
        if last_read_page is None or last_read_page != book.pages:
            return pixbuf

        # Composite icon on the lower right corner of the book cover pixbuf.
        book_pixbuf = self.render_icon(Gtk.STOCK_APPLY,
        translation_x = pixbuf.get_width() - book_pixbuf.get_width() - 1
        translation_y = pixbuf.get_height() - book_pixbuf.get_height() - 1
        book_pixbuf.composite(pixbuf, translation_x, translation_y,
                              book_pixbuf.get_height(), translation_x,
                              translation_y, 1.0, 1.0,
                              GdkPixbuf.InterpType.NEAREST, 0xFF)

        return pixbuf
Example #19
    def cache_thumbnails(self, pages):
        """ Done by worker threads to create pixbufs for the
        pages passed into <pages>. """
        while not self._stop_cacheing and not pages.empty():
                page = pages.get_nowait()
            except Queue.Empty:
            pixbuf = self._window.imagehandler.get_thumbnail(page,
                prefs['thumbnail size'], prefs['thumbnail size']) or \
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1)

            if not self._stop_cacheing:
                self.thumbnail_loaded(page, pixbuf)

        if not self._stop_cacheing:
            self._loaded = True

        self._is_loading = False
Example #20
    def _get_pixbuf(self, path, model, model_path):
        """ Get or create the thumbnail for the selected book at <path>. """
        if self._cache.exists(path):
            pixbuf = self._cache.get(path)
            pixbuf = self._library.backend.get_book_thumbnail(path) or constants.MISSING_IMAGE_ICON
            # The ratio (0.67) is just above the normal aspect ratio for books.
            pixbuf = image_tools.fit_in_rectangle(pixbuf,
                int(0.67 * prefs['library cover size']),
                prefs['library cover size'], True)
            pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF)
            self._cache.add(path, pixbuf)

        # Display indicator of having finished reading the book.
        # This information isn't cached in the pixbuf cache, as it changes frequently.

        # Anything smaller than 50px means that the status icon will not fit
        if prefs['library cover size'] < 50:
            return pixbuf

        book = self._library.backend.get_book_by_path(path)
        last_read_page = book.get_last_read_page()

        if last_read_page is None or last_read_page != book.pages:
            return pixbuf
        if last_read_page == book.pages:
            book_pixbuf = self.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_APPLY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR)

        # Composite icon on the lower right corner of the book cover pixbuf.
        translation_x = pixbuf.get_width() - book_pixbuf.get_width() - 1
        translation_y = pixbuf.get_height() - book_pixbuf.get_height() - 1
        book_pixbuf.composite(pixbuf, translation_x, translation_y,
                              book_pixbuf.get_width(), book_pixbuf.get_height(),
                              translation_x, translation_y,
                              1.0, 1.0, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST, 0xFF)

        return pixbuf
Example #21
 def set_thumbnail(self, pixbuf):
     pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1)
Example #22
 def set_thumbnail(self, pixbuf):
     pixbuf = image_tools.add_border(pixbuf, 1)